1,089 research outputs found

    Compositional nonblocking verificationusing generalised nonblocking abstractions

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    This paper proposes a method for compositional verification of the standard and generalized nonblocking properties of large discrete event systems. The method is efficient as it avoids the explicit construction of the complete state space by considering and simplifying individual subsystems before they are composed further. Simplification is done using a set of abstraction rules preserving generalized nonblocking equivalence, which are shown to be correct and computationally feasible. Experimental results demonstrate the suitability of the method to verify several large-scale discrete event systems models both for standard and generalized nonblocking

    Hierarchical interface-based supervisory control using the conflict preorder

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    Hierarchical Interface-Based Supervisory Control decomposes a large discrete event system into subsystems linked to each other by interfaces, facilitating the design of complex systems and the re-use of components. By ensuring that each subsystem satisfies its interface consistency conditions locally, it can be ensured that the complete system is controllable and nonblocking. The interface consistency conditions proposed in this paper are based on the conflict preorder, providing increased flexibility over previous approaches. The framework requires only a small number of interface consistency conditions, and allows for the design of multi-level hierarchies that are provably controllable and nonblocking

    Generalised Nonblocking

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    This paper studies the nonblocking check used in supervisory control of discrete event systems and its limitations. Different examples with different liveness requirements are discussed. It is shown that the standard nonblocking check can be used to specify most requirements of interest, but that it lacks expressive power in a few cases. A generalised nonblocking check is proposed to overcome the weakness, and its relationship to standard nonblocking is explored. Results suggest that generalised nonblocking, while having the same useful properties with respect to synthesis and compositional verification, can provide for more concise problem representations in some cases

    A process-algebraic semantics for generalised nonblocking.

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    Generalised nonblocking is a weak liveness property to express the ability of a system to terminate under given preconditions. This paper studies the notions of equivalence and refinement that preserve generalised nonblocking and proposes a semantic model that characterises generalised nonblocking equivalence. The model can be constructed from the transition structure of an automaton, and has a finite representation for every finite-state automaton. It is used to construct a unique automaton representation for all generalised nonblocking equivalent automata. This gives rise to effective decision procedures to verify generalised nonblocking equivalence and refinement, and to a method to simplify automata while preserving generalised nonblocking equivalence. The results of this paper provide for better understanding of nonblocking in a compositional framework, with possible applications in compositional verification

    Seven abstraction rules preserving generalised nonblocking

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    This working paper proposes a compositional approach to verify the generalised nonblocking property of discrete-event systems. Generalised nonblocking is introduced in [15] to overcome weaknesses of the standard nonblocking check in discrete-event systems and increase the scope of liveness properties that can be handled. This paper addresses the question of how generalised nonblocking can be verified efficiently. The explicit construction of the complete state space is avoided by first composing and simplifying individual components in ways that preserve generalised nonblocking. The paper extends and generalises previous results about compositional verification of standard nonblocking and lists a new set of computationally feasible abstraction rules for standard and generalised nonblocking

    Compositional nonblocking verification with always enabled events and selfloop-only events

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    This paper proposes to improve compositional nonblocking verification through the use of always enabled and selfloop-only events. Compositional verification involves abstraction to simplify parts of a system during verification. Normally, this abstraction is based on the set of events not used in the remainder of the system, i.e., in the part of the system not being simplified. Here, it is proposed to exploit more knowledge about the system and abstract events even though they are used in the remainder of the system. Abstraction rules from previous work are generalised, and experimental results demonstrate the applicability of the resulting algorithm to verify several industrial-scale discrete event system models, while achieving better state-space reduction than before

    Linking Abstract Analysis to Concrete Design: A Hierarchical Approach to Verify Medical CPS Safety

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    Complex cyber-physical systems are typically hierarchically organized into multiple layers of abstraction in order to manage design complexity and provide verification tractability. Formal reasoning about such systems, therefore, necessarily involves the use of multiple modeling formalisms, verification paradigms, and concomitant tools, chosen as appropriate for the level of abstraction at which the analysis is performed. System properties verified using an abstract component specification in one paradigm must then be shown to logically follow from properties verified, possibly using a different paradigm, on a more concrete component description, if one is to claim that a particular component when deployed in the overall system context would still uphold the system properties. But, as component specifications at one layer get elaborated into more concrete component descriptions in the next, abstraction induced differences come to the fore, which have to be reconciled in some meaningful way. In this paper, we present our approach for providing a logical glue to tie distinct verification paradigms and reconcile the abstraction induced differences, to verify safety properties of a medical cyber-physical system. While the specifics are particular to the case example at hand - a high-level abstraction of a safety-interlock system to stop drug infusion along with a detailed design of a generic infusion pump - we believe the techniques are broadly applicable in similar situations for verifying complex cyber-physical system properties

    An implementation of a compositional approach for verifying generalised nonblocking

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    Generalised nonblocking is a property of discrete-event systems which verifies liveness. It was introduced to overcome the weaknesses of standard nonblocking. Verifying generalised nonblocking of real-world models often involves exploring state-spaces which will exceed available memory. A compositional verification approach has been developed to achieve verification for models of a much larger size. For this project, we have developed the first implementation for compositionally verifying generalised nonblocking. In addition, we have experimented with the techniques used in compositional verification, and analysed their performance. Our algorithm has successfully verified a large set of industrial-size models, including at least one large model which had not been verified before