14 research outputs found

    Efficient implicit spectral/hp element DG techniques for compressible flows

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    In the simulation of stiff problems, such as fluid flows at high Reynolds numbers, the efficiency of explicit time integration is significantly limited by the need to use very small time steps. To alleviate this limitation and to accelerate compressible flow simulations based on high-order spectral/hphp element methods, an implicit time integration method is developed using singly diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta temporal discretization schemes combined with a Jacobian-free Newton Krylov (JFNK) method. This thesis studies several topics influencing the efficiency, accuracy and robustness of the solver. Firstly, an efficient partially matrix-free block relaxed Jacobi (BRJ) preconditioner is proposed, in which the Jacobian matrix and preconditioning matrices are properly approximated based on studies of their influences on convergence. The preconditioner only forms and stores the diagonal part of the Jacobian matrix while the off-diagonal operators are calculated on the fly. Used together with techniques such as using single precision data, the BRJ can largely reduce the memory consumption when compared with matrix-based ones like incomplete LU factorization preconditioners (ILU). To further accelerate the solver, influences of different parts of the flux Jacobian on the preconditioning effects are studied and terms with minor influences are neglected. This reduces the computational cost of the BRJ preconditioner by about 3 times while maintaining similar preconditioning effects. Secondly, adaptive strategies for a suitable choice of some free parameters are designed to maintain temporal accuracy and relatively high efficiency. The several free parameters in the implicit solver have significant influences on the accuracy, efficiency and stability. Therefore, designing proper strategies in choosing them is essential for developing a robust general purpose solver. Based on the idea of constructing proper relations between the temporal, spatial and iterative errors, adaptive strategies are designed for determining the time step and Newton tolerance. These parameters maintain temporal accuracy of the solver in the sense that further decreasing temporal and iterative errors will not obviously improve the efficiency. Meanwhile, they maintain relatively efficient by avoiding excessively small time step and Newton tolerance. The strategies are tested in different types of cases to illustrate their performance and generality. Finally, the implicit solver is studied in high-fidelity simulations of turbulent flows based on a hierarchical implementation in the open-source spectral/hphp element framework Nektar++. The solver is applied to large-eddy simulations of Taylor-Green vortex flow, turbulent channel flow and flow over a circular cylinder cases. The efficiency of the solver and the prediction accuracy of these problems are studied. The results show that the solver yields good predictions in turbulence simulations whilst keeping good stability and high efficiency.Open Acces

    Implicit time integration for high-order compressible flow solvers

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    The application of high-order spectral/hp element discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods to unsteady compressible flow simulations has gained increasing popularity. However, the time step is seriously restricted when high-order methods are applied to an explicit solver. To eliminate this restriction, an implicit high-order compressible flow solver is developed using DG methods for spatial discretization, diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods for temporal discretization, and the Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov method as its nonlinear solver. To accelerate convergence, a block relaxed Jacobi preconditioner is partially matrix-free implementation with a hybrid calculation of analytical and numerical Jacobian.The problem of too many user-defined parameters within the implicit solver is then studied. A systematic framework of adaptive strategies is designed to relax the difficulty of parameter choices. The adaptive time-stepping strategy is based on the observation that in a fixed mesh simulation, when the total error is dominated by the spatial error, further decreasing of temporal error through decreasing the time step cannot help increase accuracy but only slow down the solver. Based on a similar error analysis, an adaptive Newton tolerance is proposed based on the idea that the iterative error should be smaller than the temporal error to guarantee temporal accuracy. An adaptive strategy to update the preconditioner based on the Krylov solver’s convergence state is also discussed. Finally, an adaptive implicit solver is developed that eliminates the need for repeated tests of tunning parameters, whose accuracy and efficiency are verified in various steady/unsteady simulations. An improved shock-capturing strategy is also proposed when the implicit solver is applied to high-speed simulations. Through comparisons among the forms of three popular artificial viscosities, we identify the importance of the density term and add density-related terms on the original bulk-stress based artificial viscosity. To stabilize the simulations involving strong shear layers, we design an extra shearstress based artificial viscosity. The new shock-capturing strategy helps dissipate oscillations at shocks but has negligible dissipation in smooth regions.Open Acces

    Development of a balanced adaptive time-stepping strategy based on an implicit JFNK-DG compressible flow solver

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    A balanced adaptive time-stepping strategy is implemented in an implicit discontinuous Galerkin solver to guarantee the temporal accuracy of unsteady simulations. A proper relation between the spatial, temporal and iterative errors generated within one time step is constructed. With an estimate of temporal and spatial error using an embedded Runge-Kutta scheme and a higher order spatial discretization, an adaptive time-stepping strategy is proposed based on the idea that the time step should be the maximum without obviously influencing the total error of the discretization. The designed adaptive time-stepping strategy is then tested in various types of problems including isentropic vortex convection, steady-state flow past a flat plate, Taylor-Green vortex and turbulent flow over a circular cylinder at Re=3900. The results indicate that the adaptive time-stepping strategy can maintain that the discretization error is dominated by the spatial error and relatively high efficiency is obtained for unsteady and steady, well-resolved and under-resolved simulations

    Towards Efficient and Scalable Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Unsteady Flows

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    openNegli ultimi anni, la crescente disponibilit`a di risorse computazionali ha contribuito alla diffusione della fluidodinamica computazionale per la ricerca e per la progettazione industriale. Uno degli approcci pi promettenti si basa sul metodo agli elementi finiti discontinui di Galerkin (dG). Nell’ambito di queste metodologie, il contributo della tesi e' triplice. Innanzi- tutto, il lavoro introduce un algoritmo di parallelizzazione ibrida MPI/OpenMP per l’utilizzo efficiente di risorse di super calcolo. In secondo luogo, propone strategie di soluzione efficienti, scalabili e con limitata allocazione di memoria per la soluzione di problemi complessi. Infine, confronta le strategie di soluzione introdotte con nuove tecniche di discretizzazione dette “ibridizzabili”, su problemi riguardanti la soluzione delle equazioni di Navier–Stokes non stazionarie. L’efficienza computazionale e' stata valutata su casi di crescente complessita' riguardanti la simulazione della turbolenza. In primo luogo, e' stata considerata la convezione naturale di Rayleigh-Benard e il flusso turbolento in un canale a numeri di Reynolds moderatamente alti. Le strategie di soluzione proposte sono risultate fino a cinque volte piu` veloci rispetto ai metodi standard allocando solamente il 7% della memoria. In secondo luogo, e' stato analizzato il flusso attorno ad una piastra piana con bordo arrotondato sottoposta a diversi livelli di turbolenza in ingresso. Nonostante la maggiore complessità' dovuta all’uso di elementi curvi ed anisotropi, l’algoritmo proposto e' risultato oltre tre volte piu` veloce allocando il 15% della memoria rispetto ad un metodo standard. Concludendo, viene riportata la simulazione del “Boeing Rudimentary Landing Gear” a Re = 10^6. In tutti i casi i risultati ottenuti sono in ottimo accordo con i dati sperimentali e con precedenti simulazioni numeriche pubblicate in letteratura.In recent years the increasing availability of High Performance Computing (HPC) resources strongly promoted the widespread of high fidelity simulations, such as the Large Eddy Simulation (LES), for industrial research and design. One of the most promising approaches to those kind of simulations is based on the discontinuous Galerkin (dG) discretization method. The contribution of the thesis towards this research area is three-fold. First, the work introduces an efficient hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelisation paradigm to fruitfully exploit large HPC facilities. Second, it reports efficient, scalable and memory saving solution strategies for stiff dG discretisations. Third, it compares those solution strategies, for the first time using the same numerical framework, to hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods, including a novel implementation of a p-multigrid preconditioning approach, on unsteady flow problems involving the solution of the NavierStokes equations. The improvements in computational efficiency have been evaluated on cases of growing complexity involving large eddy simulations of turbulent flows. First, the Rayleigh-Benard convection problem and the turbulent channel flow at moderately high Reynolds numbers is presented. The solution strategies proposed resulted up to five times faster than standard matrix-based methods while al- locating the 7% of the memory. A second family of test cases involve the LES simulation of a rounded leading edge flat plate under different levels of free-stream turbulence. Although the increased stiffness of the iteration matrix due to the use of curved and stretched elements, the solver resulted more than three times faster while allocating the 15% of the memory if compared to standard methods. Finally, the large eddy simulation of the Boeing Rudimentary Landing Gear at Re = 10^6 is reported. In all the cases, a remarkable agreement with experimental data as well as previous numerical simulations is documented.INGEGNERIA INDUSTRIALEopenFranciolini, Matte

    Diagonally Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations. A Review

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    A review of diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) methods applied to rst-order ordinary di erential equations (ODEs) is undertaken. The goal of this review is to summarize the characteristics, assess the potential, and then design several nearly optimal, general purpose, DIRK-type methods. Over 20 important aspects of DIRKtype methods are reviewed. A design study is then conducted on DIRK-type methods having from two to seven implicit stages. From this, 15 schemes are selected for general purpose application. Testing of the 15 chosen methods is done on three singular perturbation problems. Based on the review of method characteristics, these methods focus on having a stage order of two, sti accuracy, L-stability, high quality embedded and dense-output methods, small magnitudes of the algebraic stability matrix eigenvalues, small values of aii, and small or vanishing values of the internal stability function for large eigenvalues of the Jacobian. Among the 15 new methods, ESDIRK4(3)6L[2]SA is recommended as a good default method for solving sti problems at moderate error tolerances

    Control Strategies for Homogeneous charge compression Ignition Engines: LDRD Final Report

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