174 research outputs found

    RESTful Discovery and Eventing for Service Provisioning in Assisted Living Environments

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    Service provisioning in assisted living environments faces distinct challenges due to the heterogeneity of networks, access technology, and sensing/actuation devices in such an environment. Existing solutions, such as SOAP-based web services, can interconnect heterogeneous devices and services, and can be published, discovered and invoked dynamically. However, it is considered heavier than what is required in the smart environment-like context and hence suffers from performance degradation. Alternatively, REpresentational State Transfer (REST) has gained much attention from the community and is considered as a lighter and cleaner technology compared to the SOAP-based web services. Since it is simple to publish and use a RESTful web service, more and more service providers are moving toward REST-based solutions, which promote a resource-centric conceptualization as opposed to a service-centric conceptualization. Despite such benefits of REST, the dynamic discovery and eventing of RESTful services are yet considered a major hurdle to utilization of the full potential of REST-based approaches. In this paper, we address this issue, by providing a RESTful discovery and eventing specification and demonstrate it in an assisted living healthcare scenario. We envisage that through this approach, the service provisioning in ambient assisted living or other smart environment settings will be more efficient, timely, and less resource-intensive.The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this work through the research group project No. RGP-VPP-049

    Bindings and RESTlets: a novel set of CoAP-based application enablers to build IoT applications

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    Sensors and actuators are becoming important components of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Today, several approaches exist to facilitate communication of sensors and actuators in IoT applications. Most communications go through often proprietary gateways requiring availability of the gateway for each and every interaction between sensors and actuators. Sometimes, the gateway does some processing of the sensor data before triggering actuators. Other approaches put this processing logic further in the cloud. These approaches introduce significant latencies and increased number of packets. In this paper, we introduce a CoAP-based mechanism for direct binding of sensors and actuators. This flexible binding solution is utilized further to build IoT applications through RESTlets. RESTlets are defined to accept inputs and produce outputs after performing some processing tasks. Sensors and actuators could be associated with RESTlets (which can be hosted on any device) through the flexible binding mechanism we introduced. This approach facilitates decentralized IoT application development by placing all or part of the processing logic in Low power and Lossy Networks (LLNs). We run several tests to compare the performance of our solution with existing solutions and found out that our solution reduces communication delay and number of packets in the LLN

    Application Interaction Model for Opportunistic Networking

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    In Opportunistic Networks, autonomous nodes discover, assess and potentially seize opportunities for communication and distributed processing whenever these emerge. In this paper, we consider prerequisites for a successful implementation of such a way of processing in networks that consist mainly of heterogeneous devices. Devices are heterogeneous in size, in abilities, in movement, and in the role they play in the application. The focus here is on the interaction at different levels and among various nodes, in view of our current scenario, where mobile nodes connect clusters of wireless sensors. The combined networks form an infrastructure-less sensor and actuation network. We propose a RESTful interaction model, which we demonstrate with an example implementation


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    Web Services are common means to exchange data and information over the network. Web Services make themselves available over the Internet, where technology and platform are independent. These web services can be developed on the basis of two interaction styles such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representational State Transfer Protocol (REST). In this study, a comparison of REST and SOAP web services is presented in terms of their applicability in diverse areas. It is concluded that in the past both technologies were equally popular, but during the rapid Internet development the REST technology has become the leading one in the area of access to Internet services.Usługi sieciowe są powszechnie stosowane do wymiany danych i informacji w Internecie. Usługi sieciowe nie zależą od użytej platformy sprzętowej oraz od oprogramowania. W niniejszym artykule zostały omówione dwie najpopularniejsze technologie tworzenia usług sieciowych: REST (ang. Representational State Transfer) i SOAP (ang. Simple Object Access Protocol). W trakcie realizacji badań przeprowadzono analizę stosowalności  tych usług w różnych obszarach zastosowań. Stwierdzono że w przeszłości obie technologie cieszyły się porównywalną  popularnością, lecz w momencie gwałtownego rozwoju Internetu technologia REST stała się technologią dominującą w zakresie dostępu do usług sieciowych

    RESTful framework for collaborative internet of things based on IEC 61850

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    El contenido de los capítulos 2 y 3 está sujeto a confidencialidad 161 p.En 1991, Mark Weiser formuló el paradigma de Computación Ubicua definiendo el concepto de Entorno Inteligente como un espacio físico repleto de dispositivos, muy integrados en el entorno, y con capacidades de identificación, sensorización y actuación. Internet de las Cosas (IoT) expande el ámbito de localización de estos dispositivos y servicios ubicuos, representados como cosas, de un entorno local a internet como red global. Para la implementación de estos escenarios de aplicación, la colaboración entre las cosas es uno de los principales retos de investigación. El objetivo de esta colaboración es ser capaces de satisfacer necesidades globales mediante la combinación de servicios individuales. Esta Tesis propone una arquitectura colaborativa entre las cosas desplegadas en internet.Las tecnologías alrededor de los Servicios Web SOAP/XML, adecuadas para IoT, soportan aspectos claves para un sistema colaborativo como la publicación, descubrimiento, control y gestión de eventos de los dispositivos. Como alternativa, REST ha ganado terreno en este ámbito por ser considerada una opción más ligera, sencilla y natural para la comunicación en internet. Sin embargo, no existen protocolos para descubrimiento y gestión de eventos para recursos REST. Esta Tesis aborda dicha carencia proponiendo una especificación de estos protocolos para arquitecturas REST. Otro aspecto importante es la representación, a nivel de aplicación, de las cosas distribuidas. Entre las propuestas para la estandarización de los modelos de información y comunicación en este dominio que podrían aplicarse, de manera similar, a IoT, destaca el estándar IEC 61850. Sin embargo, los protocolos de comunicación definidos por el estándar no son adecuados para IoT. Esta Tesis analiza la idoneidad del IEC 61850 para escenarios IoT y propone un protocolo de comunicación REST para sus servicios.Por último, se trata la problemática asociada a la confiabilidad que debe proporcionar una arquitectura IoT para dominios de aplicación relacionados con la salud o sistemas de seguridad funcional (Safety)

    RESTful Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Sensor networks have diverse structures and generally employ proprietary protocols to gather useful information about the physical world. This diversity generates problems to interact with these sensors since custom APIs are needed which are tedious, error prone and have steep learning curve. In this thesis, I present RESThing, a lightweight REST framework for wireless sensor networks to ease the process of interacting with these sensors by making them accessible over the Web. I evaluate the system and show that it is feasible to support widely used and standard Web protocols in wireless sensor networks. Being able to integrate these tiny devices seamlessly into the global information medium, we can achieve the Web of Things