5,626 research outputs found

    A common algebraic description for probabilistic and quantum computations

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    AbstractThrough the study of gate arrays we develop a unified framework to deal with probabilistic and quantum computations, where the former is shown to be a natural special case of the latter. On this basis we show how to encode a probabilistic or quantum gate array into a sum-free tensor formula which satisfies the conditions of the partial trace problem, and vice-versa; that is, given a tensor formula F of order n×1 over a semiring S plus a positive integer k, deciding whether the kth partial trace of the matrix valSn,n(F·FT) fulfills a certain property. We use this to show that a certain promise version of the sum-free partial trace problem is complete for the class pr- BPP (promise BPP) for formulas over the semiring (Q+,+,·) of the positive rational numbers, for pr-BQP (promise BQP) in the case of formulas defined over the field (Q+,+,·), and if the promise is given up, then completeness for PP is shown, regardless whether tensor formulas over positive rationals or rationals in general are used. This suggests that the difference between probabilistic and quantum polytime computers may ultimately lie in the possibility, in the latter case, of having destructive interference between computations occurring in parallel. Moreover, by considering variants of this problem, classes like ⊕P, NP, C=P, its complement co-C=P, the promise version of Valiant's class UP, its generalization promise SPP, and unique polytime US can be characterized by carrying the problem properties and the underlying semiring

    Algebraic Geometry of Matrix Product States

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    We quantify the representational power of matrix product states (MPS) for entangled qubit systems by giving polynomial expressions in a pure quantum state's amplitudes which hold if and only if the state is a translation invariant matrix product state or a limit of such states. For systems with few qubits, we give these equations explicitly, considering both periodic and open boundary conditions. Using the classical theory of trace varieties and trace algebras, we explain the relationship between MPS and hidden Markov models and exploit this relationship to derive useful parameterizations of MPS. We make four conjectures on the identifiability of MPS parameters

    Exact and Efficient Simulation of Concordant Computation

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    Concordant computation is a circuit-based model of quantum computation for mixed states, that assumes that all correlations within the register are discord-free (i.e. the correlations are essentially classical) at every step of the computation. The question of whether concordant computation always admits efficient simulation by a classical computer was first considered by B. Eastin in quant-ph/1006.4402v1, where an answer in the affirmative was given for circuits consisting only of one- and two-qubit gates. Building on this work, we develop the theory of classical simulation of concordant computation. We present a new framework for understanding such computations, argue that a larger class of concordant computations admit efficient simulation, and provide alternative proofs for the main results of quant-ph/1006.4402v1 with an emphasis on the exactness of simulation which is crucial for this model. We include detailed analysis of the arithmetic complexity for solving equations in the simulation, as well as extensions to larger gates and qudits. We explore the limitations of our approach, and discuss the challenges faced in developing efficient classical simulation algorithms for all concordant computations.Comment: 16 page

    New Directions in Categorical Logic, for Classical, Probabilistic and Quantum Logic

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    Intuitionistic logic, in which the double negation law not-not-P = P fails, is dominant in categorical logic, notably in topos theory. This paper follows a different direction in which double negation does hold. The algebraic notions of effect algebra/module that emerged in theoretical physics form the cornerstone. It is shown that under mild conditions on a category, its maps of the form X -> 1+1 carry such effect module structure, and can be used as predicates. Predicates are identified in many different situations, and capture for instance ordinary subsets, fuzzy predicates in a probabilistic setting, idempotents in a ring, and effects (positive elements below the unit) in a C*-algebra or Hilbert space. In quantum foundations the duality between states and effects plays an important role. It appears here in the form of an adjunction, where we use maps 1 -> X as states. For such a state s and a predicate p, the validity probability s |= p is defined, as an abstract Born rule. It captures many forms of (Boolean or probabilistic) validity known from the literature. Measurement from quantum mechanics is formalised categorically in terms of `instruments', using L\"uders rule in the quantum case. These instruments are special maps associated with predicates (more generally, with tests), which perform the act of measurement and may have a side-effect that disturbs the system under observation. This abstract description of side-effects is one of the main achievements of the current approach. It is shown that in the special case of C*-algebras, side-effect appear exclusively in the non-commutative case. Also, these instruments are used for test operators in a dynamic logic that can be used for reasoning about quantum programs/protocols. The paper describes four successive assumptions, towards a categorical axiomatisation of quantitative logic for probabilistic and quantum systems

    QPCF: higher order languages and quantum circuits

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    qPCF is a paradigmatic quantum programming language that ex- tends PCF with quantum circuits and a quantum co-processor. Quantum circuits are treated as classical data that can be duplicated and manipulated in flexible ways by means of a dependent type system. The co-processor is essentially a standard QRAM device, albeit we avoid to store permanently quantum states in between two co-processor's calls. Despite its quantum features, qPCF retains the classic programming approach of PCF. We introduce qPCF syntax, typing rules, and its operational semantics. We prove fundamental properties of the system, such as Preservation and Progress Theorems. Moreover, we provide some higher-order examples of circuit encoding