358 research outputs found

    A coinductive approach to computing with compact sets

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    Exact representations of real numbers such as the signed digit representation or more generally linear fractional representations or the infinite Gray code represent real numbers as infinite streams of digits. In earlier work by the first author it was shown how to extract certified algorithms working with the signed digit representations from constructiveproofs. In this paper we lay the foundation for doing a similar thing with nonempty compact sets. It turns out that a representation by streams of finitely many digits is impossible and instead trees are needed

    Certified Impossibility Results for Byzantine-Tolerant Mobile Robots

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    We propose a framework to build formal developments for robot networks using the COQ proof assistant, to state and to prove formally various properties. We focus in this paper on impossibility proofs, as it is natural to take advantage of the COQ higher order calculus to reason about algorithms as abstract objects. We present in particular formal proofs of two impossibility results forconvergence of oblivious mobile robots if respectively more than one half and more than one third of the robots exhibit Byzantine failures, starting from the original theorems by Bouzid et al.. Thanks to our formalization, the corresponding COQ developments are quite compact. To our knowledge, these are the first certified (in the sense of formally proved) impossibility results for robot networks

    Coinductive Formal Reasoning in Exact Real Arithmetic

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    In this article we present a method for formally proving the correctness of the lazy algorithms for computing homographic and quadratic transformations -- of which field operations are special cases-- on a representation of real numbers by coinductive streams. The algorithms work on coinductive stream of M\"{o}bius maps and form the basis of the Edalat--Potts exact real arithmetic. We use the machinery of the Coq proof assistant for the coinductive types to present the formalisation. The formalised algorithms are only partially productive, i.e., they do not output provably infinite streams for all possible inputs. We show how to deal with this partiality in the presence of syntactic restrictions posed by the constructive type theory of Coq. Furthermore we show that the type theoretic techniques that we develop are compatible with the semantics of the algorithms as continuous maps on real numbers. The resulting Coq formalisation is available for public download.Comment: 40 page

    From coinductive proofs to exact real arithmetic: theory and applications

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    Based on a new coinductive characterization of continuous functions we extract certified programs for exact real number computation from constructive proofs. The extracted programs construct and combine exact real number algorithms with respect to the binary signed digit representation of real numbers. The data type corresponding to the coinductive definition of continuous functions consists of finitely branching non-wellfounded trees describing when the algorithm writes and reads digits. We discuss several examples including the extraction of programs for polynomials up to degree two and the definite integral of continuous maps

    FO(FD): Extending classical logic with rule-based fixpoint definitions

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    We introduce fixpoint definitions, a rule-based reformulation of fixpoint constructs. The logic FO(FD), an extension of classical logic with fixpoint definitions, is defined. We illustrate the relation between FO(FD) and FO(ID), which is developed as an integration of two knowledge representation paradigms. The satisfiability problem for FO(FD) is investigated by first reducing FO(FD) to difference logic and then using solvers for difference logic. These reductions are evaluated in the computation of models for FO(FD) theories representing fairness conditions and we provide potential applications of FO(FD).Comment: Presented at ICLP 2010. 16 pages, 1 figur

    Indexed induction and coinduction, fibrationally.

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    This paper extends the fibrational approach to induction and coinduction pioneered by Hermida and Jacobs, and developed by the current authors, in two key directions. First, we present a sound coinduction rule for any data type arising as the final coalgebra of a functor, thus relaxing Hermida and Jacobs’ restriction to polynomial data types. For this we introduce the notion of a quotient category with equality (QCE), which both abstracts the standard notion of a fibration of relations constructed from a given fibration, and plays a role in the theory of coinduction dual to that of a comprehension category with unit (CCU) in the theory of induction. Second, we show that indexed inductive and coinductive types also admit sound induction and coinduction rules. Indexed data types often arise as initial algebras and final coalgebras of functors on slice categories, so our key technical results give sufficent conditions under which we can construct, from a CCU (QCE) U : E -> B, a fibration with base B/I that models indexing by I and is also a CCU (QCE)

    Logic programming and bisimulation

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    The logic programming encoding of the set-theoretic graph property known as bisimulation is analyzed. This notion is of central importance in non-well-founded set theory, semantics of concurrency, model checking, and coinductive reasoning. From a modeling point of view, it is particularly interesting since it allows two alternative high-level characterizations. We analyze the encoding style of these modelings in various dialects of Logic Programming. Moreover, the notion also admits a polynomial-time maximum fixpoint procedure that we implemented in Prolog. Similar graph problems which are instead NP hard or not yet perfectly classified (e.g., graph isomorphism) can inherit most from the declarative encodings presented

    Retracing some paths in categorical semantics: From process-propositions-as-types to categorified reals and computers

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    The logical parallelism of propositional connectives and type constructors extends beyond the static realm of predicates, to the dynamic realm of processes. Understanding the logical parallelism of process propositions and dynamic types was one of the central problems of the semantics of computation, albeit not always clear or explicit. It sprung into clarity through the early work of Samson Abramsky, where the central ideas of denotational semantics and process calculus were brought together and analyzed by categorical tools, e.g. in the structure of interaction categories. While some logical structures borne of dynamics of computation immediately started to emerge, others had to wait, be it because the underlying logical principles (mainly those arising from coinduction) were not yet sufficiently well-understood, or simply because the research community was more interested in other semantical tasks. Looking back, it seems that the process logic uncovered by those early semantical efforts might still be starting to emerge and that the vast field of results that have been obtained in the meantime might be a valley on a tip of an iceberg. In the present paper, I try to provide a logical overview of the gamut of interaction categories and to distinguish those that model computation from those that capture processes in general. The main coinductive constructions turn out to be of this latter kind, as illustrated towards the end of the paper by a compact category of all real numbers as processes, computable and uncomputable, with polarized bisimulations as morphisms. The addition of the reals arises as the biproduct, real vector spaces are the enriched bicompletions, and linear algebra arises from the enriched kan extensions. At the final step, I sketch a structure that characterizes the computable fragment of categorical semantics.Comment: 63 pages, 40 figures; cut two words from the title, tried to improve (without lengthening) Sec.8; rewrote a proof in the Appendi
