10 research outputs found

    Reconnaissance en ligne de croquis de schémas électriques

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    Cette recherche s'inscrit dans le cadre des nouvelles approches pour le développement de systèmes d'édition graphique. Notre objectif est de permettre à un utilisateur de réaliser des dessins d'ingénierie précis à l'aide d'un outil interactif qui permette la saisie d'informations sous la forme de croquis faits à la main. Ceci implique une approche qui s'appuie majoritairement sur les techniques en reconnaissance de graphiques, mais qui tient aussi compte des recherches récentes dans le domaine des interfaces basées sur le crayon numérique. Nous décrirons dans ce travail la nature du défi posé par la reconnaissance en ligne de croquis de dessins d'ingénierie et, à la lumière des ouvrages réalisés dans des domaines de recherche connexes, nous montrerons comment une technique de reconnaissance hiérarchique basée sur une description structurelle et sur les relations topologiques des formes à reconnaître apporte une solution à notre problématique. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous avons développé un système afin de mettre en oeuvre notre méthode de reconnaissance, lequel fut validé auprès d'un groupe d'usagers témoin. Dans ce travail, nous présentons les résultats obtenus lors de ces tests ainsi qu'une discussion sur le sujet. Enfin, nous montrerons comment ce système est à notre avis un bon premier pas dans la direction des outils d'édition graphique intelligents et nous présenterons quelques-unes des avenues de recherche à envisager pour l'approfondissement de la technique. Mots clés: reconnaissance de graphiques et de croquis, ordinateurs à stylo, crayon numérique, formes à tracés multiples, édition interactive, informations contextuelles, reconnaissance en ligne, embellissement, reconnaissance de symboles et de gestes, reconnaissance de schémas et de diagrammes, reconnaissance incrémentale

    Microscopy Conference 2017 (MC 2017) - Proceedings

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    Das Dokument enthält die Kurzfassungen der Beiträge aller Teilnehmer an der Mikroskopiekonferenz "MC 2017", die vom 21. bis 25.08.2017, in Lausanne stattfand

    Microscopy Conference 2017 (MC 2017) - Proceedings

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    Das Dokument enthält die Kurzfassungen der Beiträge aller Teilnehmer an der Mikroskopiekonferenz "MC 2017", die vom 21. bis 25.08.2017, in Lausanne stattfand

    Sonic interactions in virtual environments

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    This book tackles the design of 3D spatial interactions in an audio-centered and audio-first perspective, providing the fundamental notions related to the creation and evaluation of immersive sonic experiences. The key elements that enhance the sensation of place in a virtual environment (VE) are: Immersive audio: the computational aspects of the acoustical-space properties of Virutal Reality (VR) technologies Sonic interaction: the human-computer interplay through auditory feedback in VE VR systems: naturally support multimodal integration, impacting different application domains Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments will feature state-of-the-art research on real-time auralization, sonic interaction design in VR, quality of the experience in multimodal scenarios, and applications. Contributors and editors include interdisciplinary experts from the fields of computer science, engineering, acoustics, psychology, design, humanities, and beyond. Their mission is to shape an emerging new field of study at the intersection of sonic interaction design and immersive media, embracing an archipelago of existing research spread in different audio communities and to increase among the VR communities, researchers, and practitioners, the awareness of the importance of sonic elements when designing immersive environments

    Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments

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    Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments

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    This open access book tackles the design of 3D spatial interactions in an audio-centered and audio-first perspective, providing the fundamental notions related to the creation and evaluation of immersive sonic experiences. The key elements that enhance the sensation of place in a virtual environment (VE) are: Immersive audio: the computational aspects of the acoustical-space properties of Virutal Reality (VR) technologies Sonic interaction: the human-computer interplay through auditory feedback in VE VR systems: naturally support multimodal integration, impacting different application domains Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments will feature state-of-the-art research on real-time auralization, sonic interaction design in VR, quality of the experience in multimodal scenarios, and applications. Contributors and editors include interdisciplinary experts from the fields of computer science, engineering, acoustics, psychology, design, humanities, and beyond. Their mission is to shape an emerging new field of study at the intersection of sonic interaction design and immersive media, embracing an archipelago of existing research spread in different audio communities and to increase among the VR communities, researchers, and practitioners, the awareness of the importance of sonic elements when designing immersive environments

    Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments

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    This open access book tackles the design of 3D spatial interactions in an audio-centered and audio-first perspective, providing the fundamental notions related to the creation and evaluation of immersive sonic experiences. The key elements that enhance the sensation of place in a virtual environment (VE) are: Immersive audio: the computational aspects of the acoustical-space properties of Virutal Reality (VR) technologies Sonic interaction: the human-computer interplay through auditory feedback in VE VR systems: naturally support multimodal integration, impacting different application domains Sonic Interactions in Virtual Environments will feature state-of-the-art research on real-time auralization, sonic interaction design in VR, quality of the experience in multimodal scenarios, and applications. Contributors and editors include interdisciplinary experts from the fields of computer science, engineering, acoustics, psychology, design, humanities, and beyond. Their mission is to shape an emerging new field of study at the intersection of sonic interaction design and immersive media, embracing an archipelago of existing research spread in different audio communities and to increase among the VR communities, researchers, and practitioners, the awareness of the importance of sonic elements when designing immersive environments

    Gaze-Based Human-Robot Interaction by the Brunswick Model

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    We present a new paradigm for human-robot interaction based on social signal processing, and in particular on the Brunswick model. Originally, the Brunswick model copes with face-to-face dyadic interaction, assuming that the interactants are communicating through a continuous exchange of non verbal social signals, in addition to the spoken messages. Social signals have to be interpreted, thanks to a proper recognition phase that considers visual and audio information. The Brunswick model allows to quantitatively evaluate the quality of the interaction using statistical tools which measure how effective is the recognition phase. In this paper we cast this theory when one of the interactants is a robot; in this case, the recognition phase performed by the robot and the human have to be revised w.r.t. the original model. The model is applied to Berrick, a recent open-source low-cost robotic head platform, where the gazing is the social signal to be considered

    Therapeutic Potential of Plant Secondary Metabolites in the Treatment of Diseases and Drug Development

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    The importance of natural products, and especially plant secondary metabolites, for the treatment of diseases and drug development has already been obvious in medicine for several thousand years. Thus, this Special Issue of MDPI Biomedicines collects eight top articles from the field as regular full papers in addition to five reviews. All of the published papers are a vibrant source of information on the therapeutic potential of plant secondary metabolites in the treatment of diseases and drug development