4,507 research outputs found

    Facilitating the design of multidimensional and local transfer functions for volume visualization

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    The importance of volume visualization is increasing since the sizes of the datasets that need to be inspected grow with every new version of medical scanners (e.g., CT and MR). Direct volume rendering is a 3D visualization technique that has, in many cases, clear benefits over 2D views. It is able to show 3D information, facilitating mental reconstruction of the 3D shape of objects and their spatial relation. The complexity of the settings required in order to generate a 3D rendering is, however, one of the main reasons for this technique not being used more widely in practice. Transfer functions play an important role in the appearance of volume rendered images by determining the optical properties of each piece of the data. The transfer function determines what will be seen and how. The goal of the project on which this PhD thesis reports was to develop and investigate new approaches that would facilitate the setting of transfer functions. As shown in the state of the art overview in Chapter 2, there are two main aspects that influence the effectiveness of a TF: the choice of the TF domain and the process of defining the shape of the TF. The choice of a TF domain, i.e., the choice of the data properties used, directly determines which aspects of the volume data can be visualized. In many approaches, special attention is given to TF domains that would enable an easier selection and visualization of boundaries between materials. The boundaries are an important aspect of the volume data since they reveal the shapes and sizes of objects. Our research in improving the TF definition focused on introducing new user interaction methods and automation techniques that shield the user from the complex process of manually defining the shape and color properties of TFs. Our research dealt with both the TF domain and the TF definition since they are closely related. A suitable TF domain cannot only greatly improve the manual definition, but also, more importantly, increases the possibilities of using automated techniques. Chapter 3 presents a new TF domain. We have used the LH space and the associated LH histogram for TFs based on material boundaries. We showed that the LH space reduces the ambiguity when selecting boundaries compared to the commonly used space of the data value and gradient magnitude. Fur- thermore, boundaries appear as blobs in the LH histogram that make them easier to select. Its compactness and easier selectivity of the boundaries makes the LH histogram suitable for the introduction of clustering-based automation. The mirrored extension of the LH space differentiates between both sides of the boundary. The mirrored LH histogram shows interesting properties of this space, allowing the selection of all boundaries belonging to one material in an easy way. We have also shown that segmentation techniques, such as region growing methods, can benefit from the properties of LH space. Standard cost functions based on the data value and/or the gradient magnitude may experience problems at the boundaries due to the partial volume effect. However, our cost function that is based on the LH space is, however, capable of handling the region growing of boundaries better. Chapter 4 presents an interaction framework for the TF definition based on hierarchical clustering of material boundaries. Our framework aims at an easy combination of various similarity measures that reflect requirements of the user. One of the main benefits of the framework is the absence of similarity-weighting coefficients that are usually hard to define. Further, the framework enables the user to visualize objects that may exist at different levels of the hierarchy. We also introduced two similarity measures that illustrate the functionality of the framework. The main contribution is the first similarity measure that takes advantage of properties of the LH histogram from Chapter 3. We assumed that the shapes of the peaks in the LH histogram can guide the grouping of clusters. The second similarity measure is based on the spatial relationships of clusters. In Chapter 5, we presented part of our research that focused on one of the main issues encountered in the TFs in general. Standard TFs, as they are applied everywhere in the volume in the same way, become difficult to use when the data properties (measurements) of the same material vary over the volume, for example, due to the acquisition inaccuracies. We address this problem by introducing the concept and framework of local transfer functions (LTFs). Local transfer functions are based on using locally applicable TFs in cases where it might be difficult or impossible to define a globally applicable TF. We discussed a number of reasons that hamper the global TF and illustrated how the LTFs may help to alleviate these problems. We have also discussed how multiple TFs can be combined and automatically adapted. One of our contributions is the use of the similarity of local histograms and their correlation for the combination and adaptation of LTFs

    Semi-automatic transfer function generation for volumetric data visualization using contour tree analyses

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    Feature-driven Volume Visualization of Medical Imaging Data

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    Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a volume visualization technique that has been proved to be a very powerful tool in many scientific visualization domains. Diagnostic medical imaging is one such domain in which DVR provides new capabilities for the analysis of complex cases and improves the efficiency of image interpretation workflows. However, the full potential of DVR in the medical domain has not yet been realized. A major obstacle for a better integration of DVR in the medical domain is the time-consuming process to optimize the rendering parameters that are needed to generate diagnostically relevant visualizations in which the important features that are hidden in image volumes are clearly displayed, such as shape and spatial localization of tumors, its relationship with adjacent structures, and temporal changes in the tumors. In current workflows, clinicians must manually specify the transfer function (TF), view-point (camera), clipping planes, and other visual parameters. Another obstacle for the adoption of DVR to the medical domain is the ever increasing volume of imaging data. The advancement of imaging acquisition techniques has led to a rapid expansion in the size of the data, in the forms of higher resolutions, temporal imaging acquisition to track treatment responses over time, and an increase in the number of imaging modalities that are used for a single procedure. The manual specification of the rendering parameters under these circumstances is very challenging. This thesis proposes a set of innovative methods that visualize important features in multi-dimensional and multi-modality medical images by automatically or semi-automatically optimizing the rendering parameters. Our methods enable visualizations necessary for the diagnostic procedure in which 2D slice of interest (SOI) can be augmented with 3D anatomical contextual information to provide accurate spatial localization of 2D features in the SOI; the rendering parameters are automatically computed to guarantee the visibility of 3D features; and changes in 3D features can be tracked in temporal data under the constraint of consistent contextual information. We also present a method for the efficient computation of visibility histograms (VHs) using adaptive binning, which allows our optimal DVR to be automated and visualized in real-time. We evaluated our methods by producing visualizations for a variety of clinically relevant scenarios and imaging data sets. We also examined the computational performance of our methods for these scenarios

    Feature-driven Volume Visualization of Medical Imaging Data

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    Direct volume rendering (DVR) is a volume visualization technique that has been proved to be a very powerful tool in many scientific visualization domains. Diagnostic medical imaging is one such domain in which DVR provides new capabilities for the analysis of complex cases and improves the efficiency of image interpretation workflows. However, the full potential of DVR in the medical domain has not yet been realized. A major obstacle for a better integration of DVR in the medical domain is the time-consuming process to optimize the rendering parameters that are needed to generate diagnostically relevant visualizations in which the important features that are hidden in image volumes are clearly displayed, such as shape and spatial localization of tumors, its relationship with adjacent structures, and temporal changes in the tumors. In current workflows, clinicians must manually specify the transfer function (TF), view-point (camera), clipping planes, and other visual parameters. Another obstacle for the adoption of DVR to the medical domain is the ever increasing volume of imaging data. The advancement of imaging acquisition techniques has led to a rapid expansion in the size of the data, in the forms of higher resolutions, temporal imaging acquisition to track treatment responses over time, and an increase in the number of imaging modalities that are used for a single procedure. The manual specification of the rendering parameters under these circumstances is very challenging. This thesis proposes a set of innovative methods that visualize important features in multi-dimensional and multi-modality medical images by automatically or semi-automatically optimizing the rendering parameters. Our methods enable visualizations necessary for the diagnostic procedure in which 2D slice of interest (SOI) can be augmented with 3D anatomical contextual information to provide accurate spatial localization of 2D features in the SOI; the rendering parameters are automatically computed to guarantee the visibility of 3D features; and changes in 3D features can be tracked in temporal data under the constraint of consistent contextual information. We also present a method for the efficient computation of visibility histograms (VHs) using adaptive binning, which allows our optimal DVR to be automated and visualized in real-time. We evaluated our methods by producing visualizations for a variety of clinically relevant scenarios and imaging data sets. We also examined the computational performance of our methods for these scenarios

    Seleção de embriões pela análise de imagens: uma abordagem Deep Learning

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    Infertility affects about 186 million people worldwide and 9-10% of couples in Portugal, causing financial, social and medical problems. Evaluation of embryo quality based morphological features is the standard in vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics around the world. This process is subjective and time-consuming, and results in discrepant classifications among embryologists and clinics, leading to fail in predict accurately embryo implantation and live birth potential. Although assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as IVF coupled with time lapse elimination of periodic transfer to microscopy assessment and stable embryo culture conditions for embryos development, has alleviated the infertility problem, there are significant limitations even considering morphokinetic analysis. Likewise, many patients require multiple IVF cycles to achieve pregnancy, making the selection of single embryo for transfer a critical challenge. Here, we demonstrate the reliability of machine learning, especially deep learning based on TensorFlow open source and Keras libraries for embryo raw TLI images features extraction and classification in clinical practice. Equally, we present a follow up pipeline for clinicians and researchers, with no expertise in machine learning, to easily, rapid and accurately utilize deep learning as a clinical decision support tool in embryos viability studies, as well in other medical field where the analysis of images is preeminentA infertilidade afeta cerca de 186 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo e 9-10% dos casais em Portugal, causando problemas financeiros, sociais e de saúde. Constitui procedimento padrão a avaliação da qualidade dos embriões baseadas em características morfológicas. No entanto, tais avaliações são subjetivas e demoradas e resultam em classificações discrepantes entre embriologistas e clínicas causando problemas na avaliação do potencial do embrião. Embora as tecnologias de reprodução medicamente assistida, como a fertilização in vitro, acoplada à tecnologia time-lapse, tenham diminuído o problema da infertilidade, existem limitações significativas, mesmo considerando a análise morfocinética. Outrossim, muitas pacientes necessitam de múltiplos ciclos de fertilização para alcançar a gravidez, tornando a seleção do embrião com maior potencial de implantação e geração de nados vivos um desafio crítico. No presente projeto demonstramos a prova do conceito da confiabilidade de Machine Learning (aprendizagem automática), especialmente Deep Learning baseado em TensorFlow e Keras, para extrair e discriminar caraterísticas associadas ao potencial embrionário, em imagens time-lapse. Igualmente, apresentamos um pipeline para que clínicos e investigadores, sem experiência em Machine Learning, possam utilizar com facilidade, rapidez e precisão Deep Learning como ferramenta de apoio à decisão clínica em estudos de viabilidade de embriões, bem como noutras áreas médicas onde a análise de imagens seja proeminenteMestrado em Biologia Molecular e Celula

    Automatic analysis of transperineal ultrasound images

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    This thesis focuses on the automatic image analysis of transperineal ultrasound (TPUS) data, which is used to investigate female pelvic floor problems. These problems have a high prevalence, but the understanding of pelvic floor (dys-)function is limited. TPUS analysis of the pelvic floor is done manually, which is time-consuming and observer dependent. This hinders both the research into interpretation of TPUS data and its clinical use. To overcome these problems we use automatic image analysis. Currently, one of the main methods used, to analyse the TPUS is manually selecting and segmenting the slice of minimal hiatal dimensions (SMHD). In the first chapter of this thesis we show that reliable automatic segmentation of the urogenital hiatus and the puborectalis muscle in the SMHD can be successfully implemented, using deep learning. Furthermore, we show that this can also be used to successfully automate the process of selecting and segmenting the SMHD. 4D TPUS is available in the clinical practice but by the aforementioned method only provides 1D and 2D parameters. Therefore, information stored within TPUS about the volume appearance of the pelvic floor muscles and muscle functionality is not analyzed. In the third chapter of this thesis we propose a reproducible manual 3D segmentation protocol of the puborectalis muscle. The resulting manual segmentations can be used to train active appearance models and convolutional neural networks, these algorithms can be used for reliable automatic 3D segmentation. In the fifth chapter of we show that on this data it is possible to identify all subdivisions of the main pelvic floor muscle group, the levator ani muscles, on new TPUS data. In the last chapter we apply unsupervised deep learning to our data and show that this can be used for classification of the TPUS data. The segmentation results presented in this thesis are an important step to reduce the TPUS analysis time and will therefore ease the study of large populations and clinical TPUS analysis. The 3D identification and segmentation of the levator ani muscle subdivisions helps to identify if they are still intact. This is an important step to better informed clinical decision-making