490 research outputs found

    Augmented reality system with application in physical rehabilitation

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    The aging phenomenon causes increased physiotherapy services requirements, with increased costs associated with long rehabilitation periods. Traditional rehabilitation methods rely on the subjective assessment of physiotherapists without supported training data. To overcome the shortcoming of traditional rehabilitation method and improve the efficiency of rehabilitation, AR (Augmented Reality) which represents a promissory technology that provides an immersive interaction with real and virtual objects is used. The AR devices may assure the capture body posture and scan the real environment that conducted to a growing number of AR applications focused on physical rehabilitation. In this MSc thesis, an AR platform used to materialize a physical rehabilitation plan for stroke patients is presented. Gait training is a significant part of physical rehabilitation for stroke patients. AR represents a promissory solution for training assessment providing information to the patients and physiotherapists about exercises to be done and the reached results. As part of MSc work an iOS application was developed in unity 3D platform. This application immersing patients in a mixed environment that combine real-world and virtual objects. The human computer interface is materialized by an iPhone as head-mounted 3D display and a set of wireless sensors for physiological and motion parameters measurement. The position and velocity of the patient are recorded by a smart carpet that includes capacitive sensors connected to a computation unit characterized by Wi-Fi communication capabilities. AR training scenario and the corresponding experimental results are part of the thesis.O envelhecimento causa um aumento das necessidades dos serviços de fisioterapia, com aumento dos custos associados a longos períodos de reabilitação. Os métodos tradicionais de reabilitação dependem da avaliação subjetiva de fisioterapeutas sem registo automatizado de dados de treino. Com o principal objetivo de superar os problemas do método tradicional e melhorar a eficiência da reabilitação, é utilizada a RA (Realidade Aumentada), que representa uma tecnologia promissora, que fornece uma interação imersiva com objetos reais e virtuais. Os dispositivos de RA são capazes de garantir uma postura correta do corpo de capturar e verificar o ambiente real, o que levou a um número crescente de aplicações de RA focados na reabilitação física. Neste projeto, é apresentada uma plataforma de RA, utilizada para materializar um plano de reabilitação física para pacientes que sofreram AVC. O treino de marcha é uma parte significativa da reabilitação física para pacientes com AVC. A RA apresenta-se como uma solução promissora para a avaliação do treino, fornecendo informações aos pacientes e aos profissionais de fisioterapia sobre os exercícios a serem realizados e os resultados alcançados. Como parte deste projeto, uma aplicação iOS foi desenvolvida na plataforma Unity 3D. Esta aplicação fornece aos pacientes um ambiente imersivo que combina objetos reais e virtuais. A interface de RA é materializada por um iPhone montado num suporte de cabeça do utilizador, assim como um conjunto de sensores sem fios para medição de parâmetros fisiológicos e de movimento. A posição e a velocidade do paciente são registadas por um tapete inteligente que inclui sensores capacitivos conectados a uma unidade de computação, caracterizada por comunicação via Wi-Fi. O cenário de treino em RA e os resultados experimentais correspondentes fazem parte desta dissertação

    Study and validation of data recorded in the vehicles’ EDR in order to perform a road accident’s dynamic reconstruction

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    Road accident reconstruction is an issue which involves multiple and differentiated subjects. A collision contours’ determination requires the investigation and the analysis of all the evidence provided from highly distinct sources and remaining from uncertain and, sometimes, chaotic scenarios. People are vastly involved in traffic accident situations, either being drivers, victims, injured or witnesses. Therefore, accident investigation is a sensitive matter which requires objectiveness, accuracy, efficiency, and effectiveness, to draw faithful and factual conclusions about the collisions’ contours. The accidents reconstruction science’s main objective is to determine and describe the involved vehicles dynamics, which is accomplished by collecting and interconnect all the available evidence extracted from the impacts’ scenarios, from the vehicles, and from the involved people. In the past, many authors developed mathematical models which describe, approximately, the vehicles’ dynamics involved in a road traffic collision. Over the years, with the technology evolution and the advances on the area, multiple solutions have been created and enhanced to provide to accident reconstructionists better and more reliable evidence, allowing them to perform crash reconstructions with higher accuracy. These solutions include numerical methods, simulation and evaluation software, and tools for evidence collection. However, the introduction of the Event Data Recorder (EDR) on the vehicles consists of a great progression concerning the availability of valid and meaningful clues which can be used as inputs for the scientific crash reconstruction, since the EDR stores data that was unavailable and was difficult to deduce from the accident’s remaining evidence, previously. On the scope of this project, a vehicle data logging device was developed and tested regarding the validation of the EDR’s recorded data. The device’s purpose is to acquire the most relevant variables for crash reconstruction, which are also stored by the EDR, and provide a source of information for comparison and validation. This device was integrated with the respective sensors, programmed with a developed software, and tested on a vehicle. The tests for dynamic data acquisition consisted of travelling a defined path around the school campus, since there was not the opportunity to perform a real crash test with an EDR equipped vehicle

    AMTV headway sensor and safety design

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    A headway sensing system for an automated mixed traffic vehicle (AMTV) employing an array of optical proximity sensor elements is described, and its performance is presented in terms of object detection profiles. The problem of sensing in turns is explored experimentally and requirements for future turn sensors are discussed. A recommended headway sensor configuration, employing multiple source elements in the focal plane of one lens operating together with a similar detector unit, is described. Alternative concepts including laser radar, ultrasonic sensing, imaging techniques, and radar are compared to the present proximity sensor approach. Design concepts for an AMTV body which will minimize the probability of injury to pedestrians or passengers in the event of a collision are presented

    Acoustic-based Smart Tactile Sensing in Social Robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorEl sentido del tacto es un componente crucial de la interacción social humana y es único entre los cinco sentidos. Como único sentido proximal, el tacto requiere un contacto físico cercano o directo para registrar la información. Este hecho convierte al tacto en una modalidad de interacción llena de posibilidades en cuanto a comunicación social. A través del tacto, podemos conocer la intención de la otra persona y comunicar emociones. De esta idea surge el concepto de social touch o tacto social como el acto de tocar a otra persona en un contexto social. Puede servir para diversos fines, como saludar, mostrar afecto, persuadir y regular el bienestar emocional y físico. Recientemente, el número de personas que interactúan con sistemas y agentes artificiales ha aumentado, principalmente debido al auge de los dispositivos tecnológicos, como los smartphones o los altavoces inteligentes. A pesar del auge de estos dispositivos, sus capacidades de interacción son limitadas. Para paliar este problema, los recientes avances en robótica social han mejorado las posibilidades de interacción para que los agentes funcionen de forma más fluida y sean más útiles. En este sentido, los robots sociales están diseñados para facilitar interacciones naturales entre humanos y agentes artificiales. El sentido del tacto en este contexto se revela como un vehículo natural que puede mejorar la Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) debido a su relevancia comunicativa en entornos sociales. Además de esto, para un robot social, la relación entre el tacto social y su aspecto es directa, al disponer de un cuerpo físico para aplicar o recibir toques. Desde un punto de vista técnico, los sistemas de detección táctil han sido objeto recientemente de nuevas investigaciones, sobre todo dedicado a comprender este sentido para crear sistemas inteligentes que puedan mejorar la vida de las personas. En este punto, los robots sociales se han convertido en dispositivos muy populares que incluyen tecnologías para la detección táctil. Esto está motivado por el hecho de que un robot puede esperada o inesperadamente tener contacto físico con una persona, lo que puede mejorar o interferir en la ejecución de sus comportamientos. Por tanto, el sentido del tacto se antoja necesario para el desarrollo de aplicaciones robóticas. Algunos métodos incluyen el reconocimiento de gestos táctiles, aunque a menudo exigen importantes despliegues de hardware que requieren de múltiples sensores. Además, la fiabilidad de estas tecnologías de detección es limitada, ya que la mayoría de ellas siguen teniendo problemas tales como falsos positivos o tasas de reconocimiento bajas. La detección acústica, en este sentido, puede proporcionar un conjunto de características capaces de paliar las deficiencias anteriores. A pesar de que se trata de una tecnología utilizada en diversos campos de investigación, aún no se ha integrado en la interacción táctil entre humanos y robots. Por ello, en este trabajo proponemos el sistema Acoustic Touch Recognition (ATR), un sistema inteligente de detección táctil (smart tactile sensing system) basado en la detección acústica y diseñado para mejorar la interacción social humano-robot. Nuestro sistema está desarrollado para clasificar gestos táctiles y localizar su origen. Además de esto, se ha integrado en plataformas robóticas sociales y se ha probado en aplicaciones reales con éxito. Nuestra propuesta se ha enfocado desde dos puntos de vista: uno técnico y otro relacionado con el tacto social. Por un lado, la propuesta tiene una motivación técnica centrada en conseguir un sistema táctil rentable, modular y portátil. Para ello, en este trabajo se ha explorado el campo de las tecnologías de detección táctil, los sistemas inteligentes de detección táctil y su aplicación en HRI. Por otro lado, parte de la investigación se centra en el impacto afectivo del tacto social durante la interacción humano-robot, lo que ha dado lugar a dos estudios que exploran esta idea.The sense of touch is a crucial component of human social interaction and is unique among the five senses. As the only proximal sense, touch requires close or direct physical contact to register information. This fact makes touch an interaction modality full of possibilities regarding social communication. Through touch, we are able to ascertain the other person’s intention and communicate emotions. From this idea emerges the concept of social touch as the act of touching another person in a social context. It can serve various purposes, such as greeting, showing affection, persuasion, and regulating emotional and physical well-being. Recently, the number of people interacting with artificial systems and agents has increased, mainly due to the rise of technological devices, such as smartphones or smart speakers. Still, these devices are limited in their interaction capabilities. To deal with this issue, recent developments in social robotics have improved the interaction possibilities to make agents more seamless and useful. In this sense, social robots are designed to facilitate natural interactions between humans and artificial agents. In this context, the sense of touch is revealed as a natural interaction vehicle that can improve HRI due to its communicative relevance. Moreover, for a social robot, the relationship between social touch and its embodiment is direct, having a physical body to apply or receive touches. From a technical standpoint, tactile sensing systems have recently been the subject of further research, mostly devoted to comprehending this sense to create intelligent systems that can improve people’s lives. Currently, social robots are popular devices that include technologies for touch sensing. This is motivated by the fact that robots may encounter expected or unexpected physical contact with humans, which can either enhance or interfere with the execution of their behaviours. There is, therefore, a need to detect human touch in robot applications. Some methods even include touch-gesture recognition, although they often require significant hardware deployments primarily that require multiple sensors. Additionally, the dependability of those sensing technologies is constrained because the majority of them still struggle with issues like false positives or poor recognition rates. Acoustic sensing, in this sense, can provide a set of features that can alleviate the aforementioned shortcomings. Even though it is a technology that has been utilised in various research fields, it has yet to be integrated into human-robot touch interaction. Therefore, in thiswork,we propose theATRsystem, a smart tactile sensing system based on acoustic sensing designed to improve human-robot social interaction. Our system is developed to classify touch gestures and locate their source. It is also integrated into real social robotic platforms and tested in real-world applications. Our proposal is approached from two standpoints, one technical and the other related to social touch. Firstly, the technical motivation of thiswork centred on achieving a cost-efficient, modular and portable tactile system. For that, we explore the fields of touch sensing technologies, smart tactile sensing systems and their application in HRI. On the other hand, part of the research is centred around the affective impact of touch during human-robot interaction, resulting in two studies exploring this idea.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Pedro Manuel Urbano de Almeida Lima.- Secretaria: María Dolores Blanco Rojas.- Vocal: Antonio Fernández Caballer

    The design of personal ambient displays

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Program in Media Arts & Sciences, 1999.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 58-59).The goal of this thesis is to investigate the design of personal ambient displays. These are small, physical devices worn to display information to a person in a subtle, persistent, and private manner. They can be small enough to be carried in a pocket, worn as a watch, or even adorned like jewelry. In my implementations, information is displayed solely through tactile modalities such as thermal change (heating and cooling), movement (shifting and vibration), and change of shape (expanding, contracting, and deformation). Using a tactile display allows information to be kept private and reduces the chance of overloading primary visual and auditory activities. The display can remain ambient, transmitting information in the background of a person's perception through simple, physical means. The specific focus of this thesis is to create a number of these tactile displays, to identify and implement applications they can serve, and to evaluate aspects of their effectiveness. I have created a group of small, wireless objects that can warm up and cool down or gently move or shift. Users can reconfigure each display so that information sources like stock data or the activity of people on the internet are mapped to these different tactile modalities. Furthermore, in this thesis I consider the implications that human perception have on the design of these displays and examine potential application areas for further implementations.Craig Alexander Wisneski.S.M

    Plasmonic Nanoplatforms for Biochemical Sensing and Medical Applications

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    Plasmonics, the science of the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) at the metal-dielectric interface under intense beam radiation, has been studied for its immense potential for developing numerous nanophotonic devices, optical circuits and lab-on-a-chip devices. The key feature, which makes the plasmonic structures promising is the ability to support strong resonances with different behaviors and tunable localized hotspots, excitable in a wide spectral range. Therefore, the fundamental understanding of light-matter interactions at subwavelength nanostructures and use of this understanding to tailor plasmonic nanostructures with the ability to sustain high-quality tunable resonant modes are essential toward the realization of highly functional devices with a wide range of applications from sensing to switching. We investigated the excitation of various plasmonic resonance modes (i.e. Fano resonances, and toroidal moments) using both optical and terahertz (THz) plasmonic metamolecules. By designing and fabricating various nanostructures, we successfully predicted, demonstrated and analyzed the excitation of plasmonic resonances, numerically and experimentally. A simple comparison between the sensitivity and lineshape quality of various optically driven resonances reveals that nonradiative toroidal moments are exotic plasmonic modes with strong sensitivity to environmental perturbations. Employing toroidal plasmonic metasurfaces, we demonstrated ultrafast plasmonic switches and highly sensitive sensors. Focusing on the biomedical applications of toroidal moments, we developed plasmonic metamaterials for fast and cost-effective infection diagnosis using the THz range of the spectrum. We used the exotic behavior of toroidal moments for the identification of Zika-virus (ZIKV) envelope proteins as the infectious nano-agents through two protocols: 1) direct biding of targeted biomarkers to the plasmonic metasurfaces, and 2) attaching gold nanoparticles to the plasmonic metasurfaces and binding the proteins to the particles to enhance the sensitivity. This led to developing ultrasensitive THz plasmonic metasensors for detection of nanoscale and low-molecular-weight biomarkers at the picomolar range of concentration. In summary, by using high-quality and pronounced toroidal moments as sensitive resonances, we have successfully designed, fabricated and characterized novel plasmonic toroidal metamaterials for the detection of infectious biomarkers using different methods. The proposed approach allowed us to compare and analyze the binding properties, sensitivity, repeatability, and limit of detection of the metasensing device

    Advanced Air Bag Technology Assessment

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    As a result of the concern for the growing number of air-bag-induced injuries and fatalities, the administrators of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) agreed to a cooperative effort that "leverages NHTSA's expertise in motor vehicle safety restraint systems and biomechanics with NASAs position as one of the leaders in advanced technology development... to enable the state of air bag safety technology to advance at a faster pace..." They signed a NASA/NHTSA memorandum of understanding for NASA to "evaluate air bag to assess advanced air bag performance, establish the technological potential for improved technology (smart) air bag systems, and identify key expertise and technology within the agency (i.e., NASA) that can potentially contribute significantly to the improved effectiveness of air bags." NASA is committed to contributing to NHTSAs effort to: (1) understand and define critical parameters affecting air bag performance; (2) systematically assess air bag technology state of the art and its future potential; and (3) identify new concepts for air bag systems. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) was selected by NASA to respond to the memorandum of understanding by conducting an advanced air bag technology assessment. JPL analyzed the nature of the need for occupant restraint, how air bags operate alone and with safety belts to provide restraint, and the potential hazards introduced by the technology. This analysis yielded a set of critical parameters for restraint systems. The researchers examined data on the performance of current air bag technology, and searched for and assessed how new technologies could reduce the hazards introduced by air bags while providing the restraint protection that is their primary purpose. The critical parameters which were derived are: (1) the crash severity; (2) the use of seat belts; (3) the physical characteristics of the occupants; (4) the proximity of the occupants to the airbag module; (5) the deployment time, which includes the time to sense the need for deployment, the inflator response parameters, the air bag response, and the reliability of the air bag. The requirements for an advanced air bag technology is discussed. These requirements includes that the system use information related to: (1) the crash severity; (2) the status of belt usage; (3) the occupant category; and (4) the proximity to the air bag to adjust air bag deployment. The parameters for the response of the air bag are: (1) deployment time; (2) inflator parameters; and (3) air bag response and reliability. The state of occupant protection advanced technology is reviewed. This review includes: the current safety restraint systems, and advanced technology characteristics. These characteristics are summarized in a table, which has information regarding the technology item, the potential, and an date of expected utilization. The use of technology and expertise at NASA centers is discussed. NASA expertise relating to sensors, computing, simulation, propellants, propulsion, inflatable systems, systems analysis and engineering is considered most useful. Specific NASA technology developments, which were included in the study are: (1) a capacitive detector; (2) stereoscopic vision system; (3) improved crash sensors; (4) the use of the acoustic signature of the crash to determine crash severity; and (5) the use of radar antenna for pre-crash sensing. Information relating to injury risk assessment is included, as is a summary of the areas of the technology which requires further development

    New Approach of Indoor and Outdoor Localization Systems

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    Accurate determination of the mobile position constitutes the basis of many new applications. This book provides a detailed account of wireless systems for positioning, signal processing, radio localization techniques (Time Difference Of Arrival), performances evaluation, and localization applications. The first section is dedicated to Satellite systems for positioning like GPS, GNSS. The second section addresses the localization applications using the wireless sensor networks. Some techniques are introduced for localization systems, especially for indoor positioning, such as Ultra Wide Band (UWB), WIFI. The last section is dedicated to Coupled GPS and other sensors. Some results of simulations, implementation and tests are given to help readers grasp the presented techniques. This is an ideal book for students, PhD students, academics and engineers in the field of Communication, localization & Signal Processing, especially in indoor and outdoor localization domains

    Earables: Wearable Computing on the Ears

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    Kopfhörer haben sich bei Verbrauchern durchgesetzt, da sie private Audiokanäle anbieten, zum Beispiel zum Hören von Musik, zum Anschauen der neuesten Filme während dem Pendeln oder zum freihändigen Telefonieren. Dank diesem eindeutigen primären Einsatzzweck haben sich Kopfhörer im Vergleich zu anderen Wearables, wie zum Beispiel Smartglasses, bereits stärker durchgesetzt. In den letzten Jahren hat sich eine neue Klasse von Wearables herausgebildet, die als "Earables" bezeichnet werden. Diese Geräte sind so konzipiert, dass sie in oder um die Ohren getragen werden können. Sie enthalten verschiedene Sensoren, um die Funktionalität von Kopfhörern zu erweitern. Die räumliche Nähe von Earables zu wichtigen anatomischen Strukturen des menschlichen Körpers bietet eine ausgezeichnete Plattform für die Erfassung einer Vielzahl von Eigenschaften, Prozessen und Aktivitäten. Auch wenn im Bereich der Earables-Forschung bereits einige Fortschritte erzielt wurden, wird deren Potenzial aktuell nicht vollständig abgeschöpft. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es daher, neue Einblicke in die Möglichkeiten von Earables zu geben, indem fortschrittliche Sensorikansätze erforscht werden, welche die Erkennung von bisher unzugänglichen Phänomenen ermöglichen. Durch die Einführung von neuartiger Hardware und Algorithmik zielt diese Dissertation darauf ab, die Grenzen des Erreichbaren im Bereich Earables zu verschieben und diese letztlich als vielseitige Sensorplattform zur Erweiterung menschlicher Fähigkeiten zu etablieren. Um eine fundierte Grundlage für die Dissertation zu schaffen, synthetisiert die vorliegende Arbeit den Stand der Technik im Bereich der ohr-basierten Sensorik und stellt eine einzigartig umfassende Taxonomie auf der Basis von 271 relevanten Publikationen vor. Durch die Verbindung von Low-Level-Sensor-Prinzipien mit Higher-Level-Phänomenen werden in der Dissertation anschließ-end Arbeiten aus verschiedenen Bereichen zusammengefasst, darunter (i) physiologische Überwachung und Gesundheit, (ii) Bewegung und Aktivität, (iii) Interaktion und (iv) Authentifizierung und Identifizierung. Diese Dissertation baut auf der bestehenden Forschung im Bereich der physiologischen Überwachung und Gesundheit mit Hilfe von Earables auf und stellt fortschrittliche Algorithmen, statistische Auswertungen und empirische Studien vor, um die Machbarkeit der Messung der Atemfrequenz und der Erkennung von Episoden erhöhter Hustenfrequenz durch den Einsatz von In-Ear-Beschleunigungsmessern und Gyroskopen zu demonstrieren. Diese neuartigen Sensorfunktionen unterstreichen das Potenzial von Earables, einen gesünderen Lebensstil zu fördern und eine proaktive Gesundheitsversorgung zu ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus wird in dieser Dissertation ein innovativer Eye-Tracking-Ansatz namens "earEOG" vorgestellt, welcher Aktivitätserkennung erleichtern soll. Durch die systematische Auswertung von Elektrodenpotentialen, die um die Ohren herum mittels eines modifizierten Kopfhörers gemessen werden, eröffnet diese Dissertation einen neuen Weg zur Messung der Blickrichtung. Dabei ist das Verfahren weniger aufdringlich und komfortabler als bisherige Ansätze. Darüber hinaus wird ein Regressionsmodell eingeführt, um absolute Änderungen des Blickwinkels auf der Grundlage von earEOG vorherzusagen. Diese Entwicklung eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für Forschung, welche sich nahtlos in das tägliche Leben integrieren lässt und tiefere Einblicke in das menschliche Verhalten ermöglicht. Weiterhin zeigt diese Arbeit, wie sich die einzigarte Bauform von Earables mit Sensorik kombinieren lässt, um neuartige Phänomene zu erkennen. Um die Interaktionsmöglichkeiten von Earables zu verbessern, wird in dieser Dissertation eine diskrete Eingabetechnik namens "EarRumble" vorgestellt, die auf der freiwilligen Kontrolle des Tensor Tympani Muskels im Mittelohr beruht. Die Dissertation bietet Einblicke in die Verbreitung, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und den Komfort von EarRumble, zusammen mit praktischen Anwendungen in zwei realen Szenarien. Der EarRumble-Ansatz erweitert das Ohr von einem rein rezeptiven Organ zu einem Organ, das nicht nur Signale empfangen, sondern auch Ausgangssignale erzeugen kann. Im Wesentlichen wird das Ohr als zusätzliches interaktives Medium eingesetzt, welches eine freihändige und augenfreie Kommunikation zwischen Mensch und Maschine ermöglicht. EarRumble stellt eine Interaktionstechnik vor, die von den Nutzern als "magisch und fast telepathisch" beschrieben wird, und zeigt ein erhebliches ungenutztes Potenzial im Bereich der Earables auf. Aufbauend auf den vorhergehenden Ergebnissen der verschiedenen Anwendungsbereiche und Forschungserkenntnisse mündet die Dissertation in einer offenen Hard- und Software-Plattform für Earables namens "OpenEarable". OpenEarable umfasst eine Reihe fortschrittlicher Sensorfunktionen, die für verschiedene ohrbasierte Forschungsanwendungen geeignet sind, und ist gleichzeitig einfach herzustellen. Hierdurch werden die Einstiegshürden in die ohrbasierte Sensorforschung gesenkt und OpenEarable trägt somit dazu bei, das gesamte Potenzial von Earables auszuschöpfen. Darüber hinaus trägt die Dissertation grundlegenden Designrichtlinien und Referenzarchitekturen für Earables bei. Durch diese Forschung schließt die Dissertation die Lücke zwischen der Grundlagenforschung zu ohrbasierten Sensoren und deren praktischem Einsatz in realen Szenarien. Zusammenfassend liefert die Dissertation neue Nutzungsszenarien, Algorithmen, Hardware-Prototypen, statistische Auswertungen, empirische Studien und Designrichtlinien, um das Feld des Earable Computing voranzutreiben. Darüber hinaus erweitert diese Dissertation den traditionellen Anwendungsbereich von Kopfhörern, indem sie die auf Audio fokussierten Geräte zu einer Plattform erweitert, welche eine Vielzahl fortschrittlicher Sensorfähigkeiten bietet, um Eigenschaften, Prozesse und Aktivitäten zu erfassen. Diese Neuausrichtung ermöglicht es Earables sich als bedeutende Wearable Kategorie zu etablieren, und die Vision von Earables als eine vielseitige Sensorenplattform zur Erweiterung der menschlichen Fähigkeiten wird somit zunehmend realer
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