75 research outputs found

    Advances in Logic Locking: Past, Present, and Prospects

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    Logic locking is a design concealment mechanism for protecting the IPs integrated into modern System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures from a wide range of hardware security threats at the IC manufacturing supply chain. Logic locking primarily helps the designer to protect the IPs against reverse engineering, IP piracy, overproduction, and unauthorized activation. For more than a decade, the research studies that carried out on this paradigm has been immense, in which the applicability, feasibility, and efficacy of the logic locking have been investigated, including metrics to assess the efficacy, impact of locking in different levels of abstraction, threat model definition, resiliency against physical attacks, tampering, and the application of machine learning. However, the security and strength of existing logic locking techniques have been constantly questioned by sophisticated logical and physical attacks that evolve in sophistication at the same rate as logic locking countermeasure approaches. By providing a comprehensive definition regarding the metrics, assumptions, and principles of logic locking, in this survey paper, we categorize the existing defenses and attacks to capture the most benefit from the logic locking techniques for IP protection, and illuminating the need for and giving direction to future research studies in this topic. This survey paper serves as a guide to quickly navigate and identify the state-of-the-art that should be considered and investigated for further studies on logic locking techniques, helping IP vendors, SoC designers, and researchers to be informed of the principles, fundamentals, and properties of logic locking

    Security and trust in cloud computing and IoT through applying obfuscation, diversification, and trusted computing technologies

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    Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are very widely spread and commonly used technologies nowadays. The advanced services offered by cloud computing have made it a highly demanded technology. Enterprises and businesses are more and more relying on the cloud to deliver services to their customers. The prevalent use of cloud means that more data is stored outside the organization’s premises, which raises concerns about the security and privacy of the stored and processed data. This highlights the significance of effective security practices to secure the cloud infrastructure. The number of IoT devices is growing rapidly and the technology is being employed in a wide range of sectors including smart healthcare, industry automation, and smart environments. These devices collect and exchange a great deal of information, some of which may contain critical and personal data of the users of the device. Hence, it is highly significant to protect the collected and shared data over the network; notwithstanding, the studies signify that attacks on these devices are increasing, while a high percentage of IoT devices lack proper security measures to protect the devices, the data, and the privacy of the users. In this dissertation, we study the security of cloud computing and IoT and propose software-based security approaches supported by the hardware-based technologies to provide robust measures for enhancing the security of these environments. To achieve this goal, we use obfuscation and diversification as the potential software security techniques. Code obfuscation protects the software from malicious reverse engineering and diversification mitigates the risk of large-scale exploits. We study trusted computing and Trusted Execution Environments (TEE) as the hardware-based security solutions. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) provides security and trust through a hardware root of trust, and assures the integrity of a platform. We also study Intel SGX which is a TEE solution that guarantees the integrity and confidentiality of the code and data loaded onto its protected container, enclave. More precisely, through obfuscation and diversification of the operating systems and APIs of the IoT devices, we secure them at the application level, and by obfuscation and diversification of the communication protocols, we protect the communication of data between them at the network level. For securing the cloud computing, we employ obfuscation and diversification techniques for securing the cloud computing software at the client-side. For an enhanced level of security, we employ hardware-based security solutions, TPM and SGX. These solutions, in addition to security, ensure layered trust in various layers from hardware to the application. As the result of this PhD research, this dissertation addresses a number of security risks targeting IoT and cloud computing through the delivered publications and presents a brief outlook on the future research directions.Pilvilaskenta ja esineiden internet ovat nykyään hyvin tavallisia ja laajasti sovellettuja tekniikkoja. Pilvilaskennan pitkälle kehittyneet palvelut ovat tehneet siitä hyvin kysytyn teknologian. Yritykset enenevässä määrin nojaavat pilviteknologiaan toteuttaessaan palveluita asiakkailleen. Vallitsevassa pilviteknologian soveltamistilanteessa yritykset ulkoistavat tietojensa käsittelyä yrityksen ulkopuolelle, minkä voidaan nähdä nostavan esiin huolia taltioitavan ja käsiteltävän tiedon turvallisuudesta ja yksityisyydestä. Tämä korostaa tehokkaiden turvallisuusratkaisujen merkitystä osana pilvi-infrastruktuurin turvaamista. Esineiden internet -laitteiden lukumäärä on nopeasti kasvanut. Teknologiana sitä sovelletaan laajasti monilla sektoreilla, kuten älykkäässä terveydenhuollossa, teollisuusautomaatiossa ja älytiloissa. Sellaiset laitteet keräävät ja välittävät suuria määriä informaatiota, joka voi sisältää laitteiden käyttäjien kannalta kriittistä ja yksityistä tietoa. Tästä syystä johtuen on erittäin merkityksellistä suojata verkon yli kerättävää ja jaettavaa tietoa. Monet tutkimukset osoittavat esineiden internet -laitteisiin kohdistuvien tietoturvahyökkäysten määrän olevan nousussa, ja samaan aikaan suuri osuus näistä laitteista ei omaa kunnollisia teknisiä ominaisuuksia itse laitteiden tai niiden käyttäjien yksityisen tiedon suojaamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan pilvilaskennan sekä esineiden internetin tietoturvaa ja esitetään ohjelmistopohjaisia tietoturvalähestymistapoja turvautumalla osittain laitteistopohjaisiin teknologioihin. Esitetyt lähestymistavat tarjoavat vankkoja keinoja tietoturvallisuuden kohentamiseksi näissä konteksteissa. Tämän saavuttamiseksi työssä sovelletaan obfuskaatiota ja diversifiointia potentiaalisiana ohjelmistopohjaisina tietoturvatekniikkoina. Suoritettavan koodin obfuskointi suojaa pahantahtoiselta ohjelmiston takaisinmallinnukselta ja diversifiointi torjuu tietoturva-aukkojen laaja-alaisen hyödyntämisen riskiä. Väitöskirjatyössä tutkitaan luotettua laskentaa ja luotettavan laskennan suoritusalustoja laitteistopohjaisina tietoturvaratkaisuina. TPM (Trusted Platform Module) tarjoaa turvallisuutta ja luottamuksellisuutta rakentuen laitteistopohjaiseen luottamukseen. Pyrkimyksenä on taata suoritusalustan eheys. Työssä tutkitaan myös Intel SGX:ää yhtenä luotettavan suorituksen suoritusalustana, joka takaa suoritettavan koodin ja datan eheyden sekä luottamuksellisuuden pohjautuen suojatun säiliön, saarekkeen, tekniseen toteutukseen. Tarkemmin ilmaistuna työssä turvataan käyttöjärjestelmä- ja sovellusrajapintatasojen obfuskaation ja diversifioinnin kautta esineiden internet -laitteiden ohjelmistokerrosta. Soveltamalla samoja tekniikoita protokollakerrokseen, työssä suojataan laitteiden välistä tiedonvaihtoa verkkotasolla. Pilvilaskennan turvaamiseksi työssä sovelletaan obfuskaatio ja diversifiointitekniikoita asiakaspuolen ohjelmistoratkaisuihin. Vankemman tietoturvallisuuden saavuttamiseksi työssä hyödynnetään laitteistopohjaisia TPM- ja SGX-ratkaisuja. Tietoturvallisuuden lisäksi nämä ratkaisut tarjoavat monikerroksisen luottamuksen rakentuen laitteistotasolta ohjelmistokerrokseen asti. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimustyön tuloksena, osajulkaisuiden kautta, vastataan moniin esineiden internet -laitteisiin ja pilvilaskentaan kohdistuviin tietoturvauhkiin. Työssä esitetään myös näkemyksiä jatkotutkimusaiheista

    Algorithmic Obfuscation for LDPC Decoders

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    In order to protect intellectual property against untrusted foundry, many logic-locking schemes have been developed. The main idea of logic locking is to insert a key-controlled block into a circuit to make the circuit function incorrectly without right keys. However, in the case that the algorithm implemented by the circuit is naturally fault-tolerant or self-correcting, existing logic-locking schemes do not affect the system performance much even if wrong keys are used. One example is low-density parity-check (LDPC) error-correcting decoder, which has broad applications in digital communications and storage. This paper proposes two algorithmic-level obfuscation methods for LDPC decoders. By modifying the decoding process and locking the stopping criterion, our new designs substantially degrade the decoder throughput and/or error-correcting performance when the wrong key is used. Besides, our designs are also resistant to the SAT, AppSAT and removal attacks. For an example LDPC decoder, our proposed methods reduce the throughput to less than 1/3 and/or increase the decoder error rate by at least two orders of magnitude with only 0.33% area overhead

    Development of a multi-layered botmaster based analysis framework

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    Botnets are networks of compromised machines called bots that come together to form the tool of choice for hackers in the exploitation and destruction of computer networks. Most malicious botnets have the ability to be rented out to a broad range of potential customers, with each customer having an attack agenda different from the other. The result is a botnet that is under the control of multiple botmasters, each of which implement their own attacks and transactions at different times in the botnet. In order to fight botnets, details about their structure, users, and their users motives need to be discovered. Since current botnets require the information about the initial bootstrapping of a bot to a botnet, the monitoring of botnets are possible. Botnet monitoring is used to discover the details of a botnet, but current botnet monitoring projects mainly identify the magnitude of the botnet problem and tend to overt some fundamental problems, such as the diversified sources of the attacks. To understand the use of botnets in more detail, the botmasters that command the botnets need to be studied. In this thesis we focus on identifying the threat of botnets based on each individual botmaster. We present a multi-layered analysis framework which identifies the transactions of each botmaster and then we correlate the transactions with the physical evolution of the botnet. With these characteristics we discover what role each botmaster plays in the overall botnet operation. We demonstrate our results in our system: MasterBlaster, which discovers the level of interaction between each botmaster and the botnet. Our system has been evaluated in real network traces. Our results show that investigating the roles of each botmaster in a botnet should be essential and demonstrates its potential benefit for identifying and conducting additional research on analyzing botmaster interactions. We believe our work will pave the way for more fine-grained analysis of botnets which will lead to better protection capabilities and more rapid attribution of cyber crimes committed using botnets

    Designing Effective Logic Obfuscation: Exploring Beyond Gate-Level Boundaries

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    The need for high-end performance and cost savings has driven hardware design houses to outsource integrated circuit (IC) fabrication to untrusted manufacturing facilities. During fabrication, the entire chip design is exposed to these potentially malicious facilities, raising concerns of intellectual property (IP) piracy, reverse engineering, and counterfeiting. This is a major concern of both government and private organizations, especially in the context of military hardware. Logic obfuscation techniques have been proposed to prevent these supply-chain attacks. These techniques lock a chip by inserting additional key logic into combinational blocks of a circuit. The resulting design only exhibits correct functionality when a correct key is applied after fabrication. To date, the majority of obfuscation research centers on evaluating combinational constructions with gate-level criteria. However, this approach ignores critical high-level context, such as the interaction between modules and application error resilience. For this dissertation, we move beyond the traditional gate-level view of logic obfuscation, developing criteria and methodologies to design and evaluate obfuscated circuits for hardware-oriented security guarantees that transcend gate-level boundaries. To begin our work, we characterize the security of obfuscation when viewed in the context of a larger IC and consider how to effectively apply logic obfuscation for security beyond gate-level boundaries. We derive a fundamental trade-off underlying all logic obfuscation that is between security and attack resilience. We then develop an open-source, GEM5-based simulator called ObfusGEM, which evaluates logic obfuscation at the architecture/application-level in processor ICs. Using ObfusGEM, we perform an architectural design space exploration of logic obfuscation in processor ICs. This exploration indicates that current obfuscation schemes cannot simultaneously achieve security and attack resilience goals. Based on the lessons learned from this design space exploration, we explore 2 orthogonal approaches to design ICs with strong security guarantees beyond gate-level boundaries. For the first approach, we consider how logic obfuscation constructions can be modified to overcome the limitations identified in our design space exploration. This approach results in the development of 3 novel obfuscation techniques targeted towards securing 3 distinct applications. The first technique is Trace Logic Locking which enhances existing obfuscation techniques to provably expand the derived trade-off between security and attack resilience. The second technique is Memory Locking which defines an automatable approach to processor design obfuscation through locking the analog timing effects that govern the function of on-chip SRAM arrays. The third technique is High Error Rate Keys which protect probabilistic circuits against a SAT-based attacker by hiding the correct secret key value under stochastic noise. We demonstrate that all 3 techniques are capable of overcoming the limitations of obfuscation when viewed beyond gate-level boundaries in their respective applications. For the second approach, we consider how architectural design decisions can influence hardware security. We begin by exploring security-aware architecture design, an approach where minor architectural modifications are identified and applied to improve security in processor ICs. We then develop resource binding algorithms for high-level synthesis that optimally bind operations onto obfuscated functional units to amplify security guarantees. In both cases, we show that by designing logic obfuscation using architectural context a designer can secure ICs beyond gate-level boundaries despite the presence of the rigid trade-off that rendered prior obfuscation techniques insecure

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    This volume has been created as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of focus areas and actions that the Italian Nation research community considers essential. The book touches many aspects of cyber security, ranging from the definition of the infrastructure and controls needed to organize cyberdefence to the actions and technologies to be developed to be better protected, from the identification of the main technologies to be defended to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for training, awareness raising, and risk management

    Nature-inspired survivability: Prey-inspired survivability countermeasures for cloud computing security challenges

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    As cloud computing environments become complex, adversaries have become highly sophisticated and unpredictable. Moreover, they can easily increase attack power and persist longer before detection. Uncertain malicious actions, latent risks, Unobserved or Unobservable risks (UUURs) characterise this new threat domain. This thesis proposes prey-inspired survivability to address unpredictable security challenges borne out of UUURs. While survivability is a well-addressed phenomenon in non-extinct prey animals, applying prey survivability to cloud computing directly is challenging due to contradicting end goals. How to manage evolving survivability goals and requirements under contradicting environmental conditions adds to the challenges. To address these challenges, this thesis proposes a holistic taxonomy which integrate multiple and disparate perspectives of cloud security challenges. In addition, it proposes the TRIZ (Teorija Rezbenija Izobretatelskib Zadach) to derive prey-inspired solutions through resolving contradiction. First, it develops a 3-step process to facilitate interdomain transfer of concepts from nature to cloud. Moreover, TRIZ’s generic approach suggests specific solutions for cloud computing survivability. Then, the thesis presents the conceptual prey-inspired cloud computing survivability framework (Pi-CCSF), built upon TRIZ derived solutions. The framework run-time is pushed to the user-space to support evolving survivability design goals. Furthermore, a target-based decision-making technique (TBDM) is proposed to manage survivability decisions. To evaluate the prey-inspired survivability concept, Pi-CCSF simulator is developed and implemented. Evaluation results shows that escalating survivability actions improve the vitality of vulnerable and compromised virtual machines (VMs) by 5% and dramatically improve their overall survivability. Hypothesis testing conclusively supports the hypothesis that the escalation mechanisms can be applied to enhance the survivability of cloud computing systems. Numeric analysis of TBDM shows that by considering survivability preferences and attitudes (these directly impacts survivability actions), the TBDM method brings unpredictable survivability information closer to decision processes. This enables efficient execution of variable escalating survivability actions, which enables the Pi-CCSF’s decision system (DS) to focus upon decisions that achieve survivability outcomes under unpredictability imposed by UUUR

    Critical Programming: Toward a Philosophy of Computing

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    Beliefs about the relationship between human beings and computing machines and their destinies have alternated from heroic counterparts to conspirators of automated genocide, from apocalyptic extinction events to evolutionary cyborg convergences. Many fear that people are losing key intellectual and social abilities as tasks are offloaded to the everywhere of the built environment, which is developing a mind of its own. If digital technologies have contributed to forming a dumbest generation and ushering in a robotic moment, we all have a stake in addressing this collective intelligence problem. While digital humanities continue to flourish and introduce new uses for computer technologies, the basic modes of philosophical inquiry remain in the grip of print media, and default philosophies of computing prevail, or experimental ones propagate false hopes. I cast this as-is situation as the post-postmodern network dividual cyborg, recognizing that the rational enlightenment of modernism and regressive subjectivity of postmodernism now operate in an empire of extended mind cybernetics combined with techno-capitalist networks forming societies of control. Recent critical theorists identify a justificatory scheme foregrounding participation in projects, valorizing social network linkages over heroic individualism, and commending flexibility and adaptability through life long learning over stable career paths. It seems to reify one possible, contingent configuration of global capitalism as if it was the reflection of a deterministic evolution of commingled technogenesis and synaptogenesis. To counter this trend I offer a theoretical framework to focus on the phenomenology of software and code, joining social critiques with textuality and media studies, the former proposing that theory be done through practice, and the latter seeking to understand their schematism of perceptibility by taking into account engineering techniques like time axis manipulation. The social construction of technology makes additional theoretical contributions dispelling closed world, deterministic historical narratives and requiring voices be given to the engineers and technologists that best know their subject area. This theoretical slate has been recently deployed to produce rich histories of computing, networking, and software, inform the nascent disciplines of software studies and code studies, as well as guide ethnographers of software development communities. I call my syncretism of these approaches the procedural rhetoric of diachrony in synchrony, recognizing that multiple explanatory layers operating in their individual temporal and physical orders of magnitude simultaneously undergird post-postmodern network phenomena. Its touchstone is that the human-machine situation is best contemplated by doing, which as a methodology for digital humanities research I call critical programming. Philosophers of computing explore working code places by designing, coding, and executing complex software projects as an integral part of their intellectual activity, reflecting on how developing theoretical understanding necessitates iterative development of code as it does other texts, and how resolving coding dilemmas may clarify or modify provisional theories as our minds struggle to intuit the alien temporalities of machine processes

    Animating Unpredictable Effects

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    Uncanny computer-generated animations of splashing waves, billowing smoke clouds, and characters’ flowing hair have become a ubiquitous presence on screens of all types since the 1980s. This Open Access book charts the history of these digital moving images and the software tools that make them. Unpredictable Visual Effects uncovers an institutional and industrial history that saw media industries conducting more private R&D as Cold War federal funding began to wane in the late 1980s. In this context studios and media software companies took concepts used for studying and managing unpredictable systems like markets, weather, and fluids and turned them into tools for animation. Unpredictable Visual Effects theorizes how these animations are part of a paradigm of control evident across society, while at the same time exploring what they can teach us about the relationship between making and knowing