279 research outputs found

    Adaptive Prefetching and Cache Partitioning for Multicore Processors

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    El acceso a la memoria principal en los procesadores actuales supone un importante cuello de botella para las prestaciones, dado que los diferentes núcleos compiten por el limitado ancho de banda de memoria, agravando la brecha entre las prestaciones del procesador y las de la memoria principal. Distintas técnicas atacan este problema, siendo las más relevantes el uso de jerarquías de caché multinivel y la prebúsqueda. Las cachés jerárquicas aprovechan la localidad temporal y espacial que en general presentan los programas en el acceso a los datos, para mitigar las enormes latencias de acceso a memoria principal. Para limitar el número de accesos a la memoria DRAM, fuera del chip, los procesadores actuales cuentan con grandes cachés de último nivel (LLC). Para mejorar su utilización y reducir costes, estas cachés suelen compartirse entre todos los núcleos del procesador. Este enfoque mejora significativamente el rendimiento de la mayoría de las aplicaciones en comparación con el uso de cachés privados más pequeños. Compartir la caché, sin embargo, presenta una problema importante: la interferencia entre aplicaciones. La prebúsqueda, por otro lado, trae bloques de datos a las cachés antes de que el procesador los solicite, ocultando la latencia de memoria principal. Desafortunadamente, dado que la prebúsqueda es una técnica especulativa, si no tiene éxito puede contaminar la caché con bloques que no se usarán. Además, las prebúsquedas interfieren con los accesos a memoria normales, tanto los del núcleo que emite las prebúsquedas como los de los demás. Esta tesis se centra en reducir la interferencia entre aplicaciones, tanto en las caché compartidas como en el acceso a la memoria principal. Para reducir la interferencia entre aplicaciones en el acceso a la memoria principal, el mecanismo propuesto en esta disertación regula la agresividad de cada prebuscador, activando o desactivando selectivamente algunos de ellos, dependiendo de su rendimiento individual y de los requisitos de ancho de banda de memoria principal de los otros núcleos. Con respecto a la interferencia en cachés compartidos, esta tesis propone dos técnicas de particionado para la LLC, las cuales otorgan más espacio de caché a las aplicaciones que progresan más lentamente debido a la interferencia entre aplicaciones. La primera propuesta de particionado de caché requiere hardware específico no disponible en procesadores comerciales, por lo que se ha evaluado utilizando un entorno de simulación. La segunda propuesta de particionado de caché presenta una familia de políticas que superan las limitaciones en el número de particiones y en el número de vías de caché disponibles mediante la agrupación de aplicaciones en clústeres y la superposición de particiones de caché, por lo que varias aplicaciones comparten las mismas vías. Dado que se ha implementado utilizando los mecanismos para el particionado de la LLC que presentan algunos procesadores Intel modernos, esta propuesta ha sido evaluada en una máquina real. Los resultados experimentales muestran que el mecanismo de prebúsqueda selectiva propuesto en esta tesis reduce el número de solicitudes de memoria principal en un 20%, cosa que se traduce en mejoras en la equidad del sistema, el rendimiento y el consumo de energía. Por otro lado, con respecto a los esquemas de partición propuestos, en comparación con un sistema sin particiones, ambas propuestas reducen la iniquidad del sistema en un promedio de más del 25%, independientemente de la cantidad de aplicaciones en ejecución, y esta reducción en la injusticia no afecta negativamente al rendimiento.Accessing main memory represents a major performance bottleneck in current processors, since the different cores compete among them for the limited offchip bandwidth, aggravating even more the so called memory wall. Several techniques have been applied to deal with the core-memory performance gap, with the most preeminent ones being prefetching and hierarchical caching. Hierarchical caches leverage the temporal and spacial locality of the accessed data, mitigating the huge main memory access latencies. To limit the number of accesses to the off-chip DRAM memory, current processors feature large Last Level Caches. These caches are shared between all the cores to improve the utilization of the cache space and reduce cost. This approach significantly improves the performance of most applications compared to using smaller private caches. Cache sharing, however, presents an important shortcoming: the interference between applications. Prefetching, on the other hand, brings data blocks to the caches before they are requested, hiding the main memory latency. Unfortunately, since prefetching is a speculative technique, inaccurate prefetches may pollute the cache with blocks that will not be used. In addition, the prefetches interfere with the regular memory requests, both the ones from the application running on the core that issued the prefetches and the others. This thesis focuses on reducing the inter-application interference, both in the shared cache and in the access to the main memory. To reduce the interapplication interference in the access to main memory, the proposed approach regulates the aggressiveness of each core prefetcher, and selectively activates or deactivates some of them, depending on their individual performance and the main memory bandwidth requirements of the other cores. With respect to interference in shared caches, this thesis proposes two LLC partitioning techniques that give more cache space to the applications that have their progress diminished due inter-application interferences. The first cache partitioning proposal requires dedicated hardware not available in commercial processors, so it has been evaluated using a simulation framework. The second proposal dealing with cache partitioning presents a family of partitioning policies that overcome the limitations in the number of partitions and the number of available ways by grouping applications and overlapping cache partitions, so multiple applications share the same ways. Since it has been implemented using the cache partitioning features of modern Intel processors it has been evaluated in a real machine. Experimental results show that the proposed selective prefetching mechanism reduces the number of main memory requests by 20%, which translates to improvements in unfairness, performance, and energy consumption. On the other hand, regarding the proposed partitioning schemes, compared to a system with no partitioning, both reduce unfairness more than 25% on average, regardless of the number of applications running in the multicore, and this reduction in unfairness does not negatively affect the performance.L'accés a la memòria principal en els processadors actuals suposa un important coll d'ampolla per a les prestacions, ja que els diferents nuclis competeixen pel limitat ample de banda de memòria, agreujant la bretxa entre les prestacions del processador i les de la memòria principal. Diferents tècniques ataquen aquest problema, sent les més rellevants l'ús de jerarquies de memòria cau multinivell i la prebusca. Les memòries cau jeràrquiques aprofiten la localitat temporal i espacial que en general presenten els programes en l'accés a les dades per mitigar les enormes latències d'accés a memòria principal. Per limitar el nombre d'accessos a la memòria DRAM, fora del xip, els processadors actuals compten amb grans caus d'últim nivell (LLC). Per millorar la seva utilització i reduir costos, aquestes memòries cau solen compartir-se entre tots els nuclis del processador. Aquest enfocament millora significativament el rendiment de la majoria de les aplicacions en comparació amb l'ús de caus privades més menudes. Compartir la memòria cau, no obstant, presenta una problema important: la interferencia entre aplicacions. La prebusca, per altra banda, porta blocs de dades a les memòries cau abans que el processador els sol·licite, ocultant la latència de memòria principal. Desafortunadament, donat que la prebusca és una técnica especulativa, si no té èxit pot contaminar la memòria cau amb blocs que no fan falta. A més, les prebusques interfereixen amb els accessos normals a memòria, tant els del nucli que emet les prebusques com els dels altres. Aquesta tesi es centra en reduir la interferència entre aplicacions, tant en les cau compartides com en l'accés a la memòria principal. Per reduir la interferència entre aplicacions en l'accés a la memòria principal, el mecanismo proposat en aquesta dissertació regula l'agressivitat de cada prebuscador, activant o desactivant selectivament alguns d'ells, en funció del seu rendiment individual i dels requisits d'ample de banda de memòria principal dels altres nuclis. Pel que fa a la interferència en caus compartides, aquesta tesi proposa dues tècniques de particionat per a la LLC, les quals atorguen més espai de memòria cau a les aplicacions que progressen més lentament a causa de la interferència entre aplicacions. La primera proposta per al particionat de memòria cau requereix hardware específic no disponible en processadors comercials, per la qual cosa s'ha avaluat utilitzant un entorn de simulació. La segona proposta de particionat per a memòries cau presenta una família de polítiques que superen les limitacions en el nombre de particions i en el nombre de vies de memòria cau disponibles mitjan¿ cant l'agrupació d'aplicacions en clústers i la superposició de particions de memòria cau, de manera que diverses aplicacions comparteixen les mateixes vies. Atès que s'ha implementat utilitzant els mecanismes per al particionat de la LLC que ofereixen alguns processadors Intel moderns, aquesta proposta s'ha avaluat en una màquina real. Els resultats experimentals mostren que el mecanisme de prebusca selectiva proposat en aquesta tesi redueix el nombre de sol·licituds a la memòria principal en un 20%, cosa que es tradueix en millores en l'equitat del sistema, el rendiment i el consum d'energia. Per altra banda, pel que fa als esquemes de particiónat proposats, en comparació amb un sistema sense particions, ambdues propostes redueixen la iniquitat del sistema en més d'un 25% de mitjana, independentment de la quantitat d'aplicacions en execució, i aquesta reducció en la iniquitat no afecta negativament el rendiment.Selfa Oliver, V. (2018). Adaptive Prefetching and Cache Partitioning for Multicore Processors [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/112423TESI

    Effective data parallel computing on multicore processors

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    The rise of chip multiprocessing or the integration of multiple general purpose processing cores on a single chip (multicores), has impacted all computing platforms including high performance, servers, desktops, mobile, and embedded processors. Programmers can no longer expect continued increases in software performance without developing parallel, memory hierarchy friendly software that can effectively exploit the chip level multiprocessing paradigm of multicores. The goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate a design process for data parallel problems that starts with a sequential algorithm and ends with a high performance implementation on a multicore platform. Our design process combines theoretical algorithm analysis with practical optimization techniques. Our target multicores are quad-core processors from Intel and the eight-SPE IBM Cell B.E. Target applications include Matrix Multiplications (MM), Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), LU Decomposition (LUD), and Power Flow Solver based on Gauss-Seidel (PFS-GS) algorithms. These applications are popular computation methods in science and engineering problems and are characterized by unit-stride (MM, LUD, and PFS-GS) or 2-point stencil (FDTD) memory access pattern. The main contributions of this dissertation include a cache- and space-efficient algorithm model, integrated data pre-fetching and caching strategies, and in-core optimization techniques. Our multicore efficient implementations of the above described applications outperform nai¨ve parallel implementations by at least 2x and scales well with problem size and with the number of processing cores

    Bandwidth-Aware Dynamic Prefetch Configuration for IBM POWER8

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    © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Advanced hardware prefetch engines are being integrated in current high-performance processors. Prefetching can boost the performance of most applications, however, the induced bandwidth consumption can lead the system to a high contention for main memory bandwidth, which is a scarce resource in current multicores. In such a case, the system performance can be severely damaged. This article characterizes the applications' behavior in an IBM POWER8 machine, which presents many prefetch settings, varying the bandwidth contention. The study reveals that the best prefetch setting for each application depends on the main memory bandwidth availability, that is, it depends on the co-running applications. Based on this study, we propose Bandwidth-Aware Prefetch Configuration (BAPC) a scalable adaptive prefetching algorithm that improves the performance of multi-program workloads. BAPC increases the performance of the applications in a 12, 15, and 16 percent of 6-, 8-, and 10-application workloads over the IBM POWER8 default configuration. In addition, BAPC reduces bandwidth consumption in 39, 42, and 45 percent, respectively.This work was supported in part by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades and the European ERDF under Grant RTI2018-098156-B-C51, Generalitat Valenciana under Grant AICO/2019/317, and Universitat Politenica de Valencia (PAID-06-18) under Grant SP20180140.Navarro, C.; Feliu-Pérez, J.; Petit Martí, SV.; Gómez Requena, ME.; Sahuquillo Borrás, J. (2020). Bandwidth-Aware Dynamic Prefetch Configuration for IBM POWER8. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems. 31(8):1970-1982. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPDS.2020.2982392S1970198231

    How to Stop Under-Utilization and Love Multicores

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    Designing scalable transaction processing systems on modern hardware has been a challenge for almost a decade. Hardware trends oblige software to overcome three major challenges against systems scalability: (1) Exploiting the abundant thread-level parallelism provided by multicores, (2) Achieving predictively efficient execution despite the variability in communication latencies among cores on multisocket multicores, and (3) Taking advantage of the aggressive micro-architectural features. In this tutorial, we shed light on the above three challenges and survey recent proposals to alleviate them. First, we present a systematic way of eliminating scalability bottlenecks based on minimizing unbounded communication and show several techniques that apply the presented methodology to minimize bottlenecks in major components of transaction processing systems. Then, we analyze the problems that arise from the non-uniform nature of communication latencies on modern multisockets and ways to address them for systems that already scale well on multicores. Finally, we examine the sources of under-utilization within a modern processor and present insights and techniques to better exploit the micro-architectural resources of a processor by improving cache locality at the right level

    Adaptive Resource Management Techniques for High Performance Multi-Core Architectures

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    Reducing the average memory access time is crucial for improving the performance of applications executing on multi-core architectures. With workload consolidation this becomes increasingly challenging due to shared resource contention. Previous works has proposed techniques for partitioning of shared resources (e.g. cache and bandwidth) and prefetch throttling with the goal of mitigating contention and reducing or hiding average memory access time.Cache partitioning in multi-core architectures is challenging due to the need to determine cache allocations with low computational overhead and the need to place the partitions in a locality-aware manner. The requirement for low computational overhead is important in order to have the capability to scale to large core counts. Previous work within multi-resource management has proposed coordinately managing a subset of the techniques: cache partitioning, bandwidth partitioning and prefetch throttling. However, coordinated management of all three techniques opens up new possible trade-offs and interactions which can be leveraged to gain better performance. This thesis contributes with two different resource management techniques: One resource manger for scalable cache partitioning and a multi-resource management technique for coordinated management of cache partitioning, bandwidth partitioning and prefetching. The scalable resource management technique for cache partitioning uses a distributed and asynchronous cache partitioning algorithm that works together with a flexible NUCA enforcement mechanism in order to give locality-aware placement of data and support fine-grained partitions. The algorithm adapts quickly to application phase changes. The distributed nature of the algorithm together with the low computational complexity, enables the solution to be implemented in hardware and scale to large core counts. The multi-resource management technique for coordinated management of cache partitioning bandwidth partitioning and prefetching is designed using the results from our in-depth characterisation from the entire SPEC CPU2006 suite. The solution consists of three local resource management techniques that together with a coordination mechanism provides allocations which takes the inter-resource interactions and trade-offs into account.Our evaluation shows that the distributed cache partitioning solution performs within 1% from the best known centralized solution, which cannot scale to large core counts. The solution improves performance by 9% and 16%, on average, on a 16 and 64-core multi-core architecture, respectively, compared to a shared last-level cache. The multi-resource management technique gives a performance increase of 11%, on average, over state-of-the-art and improves performance by 50% compared to the baseline 16-core multi-core without cache partitioning, bandwidth partitioning and prefetch throttling

    Enhancing Productivity and Performance Portability of General-Purpose Parallel Programming

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    This work focuses on compiler and run-time techniques for improving the productivity and the performance portability of general-purpose parallel programming. More specifically, we focus on shared-memory task-parallel languages, where the programmer explicitly exposes parallelism in the form of short tasks that may outnumber the cores by orders of magnitude. The compiler, the run-time, and the platform (henceforth the system) are responsible for harnessing this unpredictable amount of parallelism, which can vary from none to excessive, towards efficient execution. The challenge arises from the aspiration to support fine-grained irregular computations and nested parallelism. This work is even more ambitious by also aspiring to lay the foundations to efficiently support declarative code, where the programmer exposes all available parallelism, using high-level language constructs such as parallel loops, reducers or futures. The appeal of declarative code is twofold for general-purpose programming: it is often easier for the programmer who does not have to worry about the granularity of the exposed parallelism, and it achieves better performance portability by avoiding overfitting to a small range of platforms and inputs for which the programmer is coarsening. Furthermore, PRAM algorithms, an important class of parallel algorithms, naturally lend themselves to declarative programming, so supporting it is a necessary condition for capitalizing on the wealth of the PRAM theory. Unfortunately, declarative codes often expose such an overwhelming number of fine-grained tasks that existing systems fail to deliver performance. Our contributions can be partitioned into three components. First, we tackle the issue of coarsening, which declarative code leaves to the system. We identify two goals of coarsening and advocate tackling them separately, using static compiler transformations for one and dynamic run-time approaches for the other. Additionally, we present evidence that the current practice of burdening the programmer with coarsening either leads to codes with poor performance-portability, or to a significantly increased programming effort. This is a ``show-stopper'' for general-purpose programming. To compare the performance portability among approaches, we define an experimental framework and two metrics, and we demonstrate that our approaches are preferable. We close the chapter on coarsening by presenting compiler transformations that automatically coarsen some types of very fine-grained codes. Second, we propose Lazy Scheduling, an innovative run-time scheduling technique that infers the platform load at run-time, using information already maintained. Based on the inferred load, Lazy Scheduling adapts the amount of available parallelism it exposes for parallel execution and, thus, saves parallelism overheads that existing approaches pay. We implement Lazy Scheduling and present experimental results on four different platforms. The results show that Lazy Scheduling is vastly superior for declarative codes and competitive, if not better, for coarsened codes. Moreover, Lazy Scheduling is also superior in terms of performance-portability, supporting our thesis that it is possible to achieve reasonable efficiency and performance portability with declarative codes. Finally, we also implement Lazy Scheduling on XMT, an experimental manycore platform developed at the University of Maryland, which was designed to support codes derived from PRAM algorithms. On XMT, we manage to harness the existing hardware support for scheduling flat parallelism to compose it with Lazy Scheduling, which supports nested parallelism. In the resulting hybrid scheduler, the hardware and software work in synergy to overcome each other's weaknesses. We show the performance composability of the hardware and software schedulers, both in an abstract cost model and experimentally, as the hybrid always performs better than the software scheduler alone. Furthermore, the cost model is validated by using it to predict if it is preferable to execute a code sequentially, with outer parallelism, or with nested parallelism, depending on the input, the available hardware parallelism and the calling context of the parallel code

    Adaptive prefetch for multicores

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    [EN] Current multicore systems implement various hardware prefetchers since prefetching can significantly hide the huge main memory latencies. However, memory bandwidth is a scarce resource which becomes critical with the increasing core count.Therefore, prefetchers must smartly regulate their aggressiveness to make an efficient use of this shared resource. Recent research has proposed to throttle up/down the prefetcher aggressiveness level, considering local and global system information gathered at the memory controller. However, in memory-hungry mixes, keeping active the prefetchers even with the lowest aggressiveness can, in some cases, damage the system performance and increase the energy consumption. This Master's Thesis proposes the ADP prefetcher, which, unlike previous proposals, turns off the prefetcher in specific cores when no local benefits are expected or it is adversely interfering with other cores. The key component of ADP is the activation policy which must foresee when prefetching will be beneficial without the prefetcher being active. The proposed policies are orthogonal to the prefetcher mechanism implemented in the microprocessor. The proposed prefetcher improves both performance and energy with respect to a state-of-the-art adaptive prefetcher in both memory-bandwidth hungry workloads and in workloads combining memory hungry with CPU intensive applications. Compared to a state-of-the-art prefetcher, the proposal almost halves the increase in main memory requests caused by prefetching while improving the performance by 4.46% on average, and with significantly less DRAM energy consumption[ES] Los sistemas multinúcleo actuales implementan diversos mecanismos hardware de prebúsqueda ya que contribuyen a ocultar significativamente las enormes latencias de los accesos a memoria principal. No obstante, el ancho de banda de memoria es un recurso escaso, y se convierte en un importante cuello de botella al incrementarse el número de núcleos. Por lo tanto, los mecanismos de prebúsqueda deben regular inteligentemente su agresividad para hacer un uso eficiente de este recurso compartido. Otro trabajos recientes proponen mecanismos para ajustar el nivel de agresividad del mecanismo de prebúsqueda, teniendo en cuenta tanto información local al núcleo como información global obtenida del controlador de memoria. Sin embargo, en cargas con un gran número de accesos a memoria, mantener activa la prebúsqueda, incluso con los niveles de agresividad más bajos puede, en algunos casos, perjudicar el rendimiento del sistema y aumentar el consumo de energía. Esta Tesina de Master propone ADP, un novedoso mecanismo de prebúsqueda adaptativa que, a diferencia de propuestas anteriores, se desactiva en los núcleos en los que no se espera que mejore las prestaciones o en los que está interfiriendo negativamente con otros núcleos. El componente clave de ADP es la política de activación, ya que debe de ser capaz de prever cuando la prebúsqueda va a aportar beneficios sin que esta esté activa. Además, las políticas propuestas son ortogonales al mecanismo de prebúsqueda implementado en el microprocesador. El mecanismo de prebúsqueda propuesto mejora tanto el rendimiento como el consumo de energía con respecto al estado del arte en prebúsqueda adaptativa, tanto en cargas con un alto consumo de ancho de banda como en cargas que combinan este tipo de cargas con otras que hacen un uso intensivo de la CPU. En comparación, nuestra propuesta reduce prácticamente a la mitad el aumento en los accesos a memoria principal causados por la prebúsqueda. Esta mejora en el rendimiento, de media un 4,46 \%, se consigue con una significativa reducción en el consumo de energía. (español) Current multicore systems implement various hardware prefetchers since prefetching can significantly hide the huge main memory latencies. However, memory bandwidth is a scarce resource which becomes critical with the increasing core count.Therefore, prefetchers must smartly regulate their aggressiveness to make an efficient use of this shared resource.Selfa Oliver, V. (2014). Adaptive prefetch for multicores. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/59527Archivo delegad

    Architectural techniques to extend multi-core performance scaling

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    Multi-cores have successfully delivered performance improvements over the past decade; however, they now face problems on two fronts: power and off-chip memory bandwidth. Dennard\u27s scaling is effectively coming to an end which has lead to a gradual increase in chip power dissipation. In addition, sustaining off-chip memory bandwidth has become harder due to the limited space for pins on the die and greater current needed to drive the increasing load . My thesis focuses on techniques to address the power and off-chip memory bandwidth challenges in order to avoid the premature end of the multi-core era. ^ In the first part of my thesis, I focus on techniques to address the power problem. One option to cope with the power limit, as suggested by some recent papers, is to ensure that an increasing number of cores are kept powered down (i.e., dark silicon) due to lack of power; but this option imposes a low upper bound on performance. The alternative option of customizing the cores to improve power efficiency may incur increased effort for hardware design, verification and test, and degraded programmability. I propose a gentler evolutionary path for multi-cores, called successive frequency unscaling ( SFU), to cope with the slowing of Dennard\u27s scaling. SFU keeps powered significantly more cores (compared to the option of keeping them \u27dark\u27) running at clock frequencies on the extended Pareto frontier that are successively lowered every generation to stay within the power budget. ^ In the second part of my thesis, I focus on techniques to avert the limited off-chip memory bandwidth problem. Die-stacking of DRAM on a processor die promises to continue scaling the pin bandwidth to off-chip memory. While the die-stacked DRAM is expected to be used as a cache, storing any part of the tag in the DRAM itself erodes the bandwidth advantage of die-stacking. As such, the on-die space overhead of the large DRAM cache\u27s tag is a concern. A well-known compromise is to employ a small on-die tag cache (T)forthetagmetadatawhilethefulltagstaysintheDRAM.However,tagcachingfundamentallyrequiresexploitingpage−levelmetadatalocalitytoensureefficientuseofthe3−DDRAMbandwidth.Plainsub−blockingexploitsthislocalitybutincursholesinthecache(i.e.,diminishedDRAMcachecapacity),whereasdecoupledorganizationsavoidholesbutdestroythislocality.IproposeBandwidth−EfficientTagAccess(BETA)DRAMcache(β ) for the tag metadata while the full tag stays in the DRAM. However, tag caching fundamentally requires exploiting page-level metadata locality to ensure efficient use of the 3-D DRAM bandwidth. Plain sub-blocking exploits this locality but incurs holes in the cache (i.e., diminished DRAM cache capacity), whereas decoupled organizations avoid holes but destroy this locality. I propose Bandwidth-Efficient Tag Access (BETA) DRAM cache (β ) which avoids holes while exploiting the locality through various metadata organizational techniques. Using simulations, I conclusively show that the primary concern in DRAM caches is bandwidth and not latency, and that due to β2˘7stagbandwidthefficiency,β\u27s tag bandwidth efficiency, β with a Tperforms15 performs 15% better than the best previous scheme with a similarly-sized T
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