720 research outputs found

    Common spatiotemporal processing of visual features shapes object representation

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    none10Biological vision relies on representations of the physical world at different levels of complexity. Relevant features span from simple low-level properties, as contrast and spatial frequencies, to object-based attributes, as shape and category. However, how these features are integrated into coherent percepts is still debated. Moreover, these dimensions often share common biases: for instance, stimuli from the same category (e.g., tools) may have similar shapes. Here, using magnetoencephalography, we revealed the temporal dynamics of feature processing in human subjects attending to objects from six semantic categories. By employing Relative Weights Analysis, we mitigated collinearity between model-based descriptions of stimuli and showed that low-level properties (contrast and spatial frequencies), shape (medial-axis) and category are represented within the same spatial locations early in time: 100-150 ms after stimulus onset. This fast and overlapping processing may result from independent parallel computations, with categorical representation emerging later than the onset of low-level feature processing, yet before shape coding. Categorical information is represented both before and after shape, suggesting a role for this feature in the refinement of categorical matching.nonePapale, Paolo; Betta, Monica; Handjaras, Giacomo; Malfatti, Giulia; Cecchetti, Luca; Rampinini, Alessandra; Pietrini, Pietro; Ricciardi, Emiliano; Turella, Luca; Leo, AndreaPapale, Paolo; Betta, Monica; Handjaras, Giacomo; Malfatti, Giulia; Cecchetti, Luca; Rampinini, Alessandra; Pietrini, Pietro; Ricciardi, Emiliano; Turella, Luca; Leo, Andre

    Regularisoitu riippuvuuksien mallintaminen geeniekpressio- ja metabolomiikkadatan välillä metabolian säätelyn tutkimuksessa

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    Fusing different high-throughput data sources is an effective way to reveal functions of unknown genes, as well as regulatory relationships between biological components such as genes and metabolites. Dependencies between biological components functioning in the different layers of biological regulation can be investigated using canonical correlation analysis (CCA). However, the properties of the high-throughput bioinformatics data induce many challenges to data analysis: the sample size is often insufficient compared to the dimensionality of the data, and the data pose multi-collinearity due to, for example, co-expressed and co-regulated genes. Therefore, a regularized version of classical CCA has been adopted. An alternative way of introducing regularization to statistical models is to perform Bayesian data analysis with suitable priors. In this thesis, the performance of a new variant of Bayesian CCA called gsCCA is compared to a classical ridge regression regularized CCA (rrCCA) in revealing relevant information shared between two high-throughput data sets. The gsCCA produces a partly similar regulatory effect as the classical CCA but, in addition, the gsCCA introduces a new type of regularization to the data covariance matrices. Both CCA methods are applied to gene expression and metabolic concentration measurements obtained from an oxidative-stress tolerant Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Col-0, and an oxidative stress sensitive mutant rcd1 as time series under ozone exposure and in a control condition. The aim of this work is to reveal new regulatory mechanisms in the oxidative stress signalling in plants. For the both methods, rrCCA and gsCCA, the thesis illustrates their potential to reveal both already known and new regulatory mechanisms in Arabidopsis thaliana oxidative stress signalling.Bioinformatiikassa erityyppisten mittausaineistojen yhdistäminen on tehokas tapa selvittää tuntemattomien geenien toiminnallisuutta sekä säätelyvuorovaikutuksia eri biologisten komponenttien, kuten geenien ja metaboliittien, välillä. Riippuvuuksia eri biologisilla säätelytasoilla toimivien komponenttien välillä voidaan tutkia kanonisella korrelaatioanalyysilla (canonical correlation analysis, CCA). Bioinformatiikan tietoaineistot aiheuttavat kuitenkin monia haasteita data-analyysille: näytteiden määrä on usein riittämätön verrattuna aineiston piirteiden määrään, ja aineisto on multikollineaarista johtuen esim. yhdessä säädellyistä ja ilmentyvistä geeneistä. Tästä syystä usein käytetään regularisoitua versiota kanonisesta korrelaatioanalyysistä aineiston tilastolliseen analysointiin. Vaihtoehto regularisoidulle analyysille on bayesilainen lähestymistapa yhdessä sopivien priorioletuksien kanssa. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan ja vertaillaan uuden bayesilaisen CCA:n sekä klassisen harjanneregressio-regularisoidun CCA:n kykyä löytää oleellinen jaettu informaatio kahden bioinformatiikka-tietoaineiston välillä. Uuden bayesilaisen menetelmän nimi on ryhmittäin harva kanoninen korrelaatioanalyysi. Ryhmittäin harva CCA tuottaa samanlaisen regularisointivaikutuksen kuin harjanneregressio-CCA, mutta lisäksi uusi menetelmä regularisoi tietoaineistojen kovarianssimatriiseja uudella tavalla. Molempia CCA-menetelmiä sovelletaan geenien ilmentymisaineistoon ja metaboliittien konsentraatioaineistoon, jotka on mitattu Arabidopsis thaliana:n hapetus-stressiä sietävästä ekotyypistä Col-0 ja hapetus-stressille herkästä rcd1 mutantista aika-sarjana, sekä otsoni-altistuksessa että kontrolliolosuhteissa. Diplomityö havainnollistaa harjanneregressio-CCA:n ja ryhmittäin harvan CCA:n kykyä paljastaa jo tunnettuja ja mahdollisesti uusia säätelymekanismeja geenien ja metabolittien välillä kasvisolujen viestinnässä hapettavan stressin aikana

    Systemic physiology augmented functional near-infrared spectroscopy: a powerful approach to study the embodied human brain.

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    In this Outlook paper, we explain why an accurate physiological interpretation of functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) neuroimaging signals is facilitated when systemic physiological activity (e.g., cardiorespiratory and autonomic activity) is measured simultaneously by employing systemic physiology augmented functional near-infrared spectroscopy (SPA-fNIRS). The rationale for SPA-fNIRS is twofold: (i) SPA-fNIRS enables a more complete interpretation and understanding of the fNIRS signals measured at the head since they contain components originating from neurovascular coupling and from systemic physiological sources. The systemic physiology signals measured with SPA-fNIRS can be used for regressing out physiological confounding components in fNIRS signals. Misinterpretations can thus be minimized. (ii) SPA-fNIRS enables to study the embodied brain by linking the brain with the physiological state of the entire body, allowing novel insights into their complex interplay. We envisage the SPA-fNIRS approach will become increasingly important in the future