327 research outputs found

    Hierarchical Network Design

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    The bi-objective travelling salesman problem with profits and its connection to computer networks.

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    This is an interdisciplinary work in Computer Science and Operational Research. As it is well known, these two very important research fields are strictly connected. Among other aspects, one of the main areas where this interplay is strongly evident is Networking. As far as most recent decades have seen a constant growing of every kind of network computer connections, the need for advanced algorithms that help in optimizing the network performances became extremely relevant. Classical Optimization-based approaches have been deeply studied and applied since long time. However, the technology evolution asks for more flexible and advanced algorithmic approaches to model increasingly complex network configurations. In this thesis we study an extension of the well known Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP): the Traveling Salesman Problem with Profits (TSPP). In this generalization, a profit is associated with each vertex and it is not necessary to visit all vertices. The goal is to determine a route through a subset of nodes that simultaneously minimizes the travel cost and maximizes the collected profit. The TSPP models the problem of sending a piece of information through a network where, in addition to the sending costs, it is also important to consider what “profit” this information can get during its routing. Because of its formulation, the right way to tackled the TSPP is by Multiobjective Optimization algorithms. Within this context, the aim of this work is to study new ways to solve the problem in both the exact and the approximated settings, giving all feasible instruments that can help to solve it, and to provide experimental insights into feasible networking instances

    Integer Programming Formulations and Cutting Plane Algorithms for the Maximum Selective Tree Problem

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    This paper considers the Maximum Selective Tree Problem (MSelTP) as a generalization of the Maximum Induced Tree problem. Given an undirected graph with a partition of its vertex set into clusters, MSelTP aims to choose the maximum number of vertices such that at most one vertex per cluster is selected and the graph induced by the selected vertices is a tree. To the best of our knowledge, MSelTP has not been studied before although several related optimization problems have been investigated in the literature. We propose two mixed integer programming formulations for MSelTP; one based on connectivity constraints, the other based on cycle elimination constraints. In addition, we develop two exact cutting plane procedures to solve the problem to optimality. On graphs with up to 25 clusters, up to 250 vertices, and varying densities, we conduct computational experiments to compare the results of two solution procedures with solving a compact integer programming formulation of MSelTP. Our experiments indicate that the algorithm CPAXnY outperforms the other procedures overall except for graphs with low density and large cluster size, and that the algorithm CPAX yields better results in terms of the average time of instances optimally solved and the overall average time

    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Service Level Constraints

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    We consider a vehicle routing problem which seeks to minimize cost subject to service level constraints on several groups of deliveries. This problem captures some essential challenges faced by a logistics provider which operates transportation services for a limited number of partners and should respect contractual obligations on service levels. The problem also generalizes several important classes of vehicle routing problems with profits. To solve it, we propose a compact mathematical formulation, a branch-and-price algorithm, and a hybrid genetic algorithm with population management, which relies on problem-tailored solution representation, crossover and local search operators, as well as an adaptive penalization mechanism establishing a good balance between service levels and costs. Our computational experiments show that the proposed heuristic returns very high-quality solutions for this difficult problem, matches all optimal solutions found for small and medium-scale benchmark instances, and improves upon existing algorithms for two important special cases: the vehicle routing problem with private fleet and common carrier, and the capacitated profitable tour problem. The branch-and-price algorithm also produces new optimal solutions for all three problems

    A Branch-and-Cut based Pricer for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem

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    openIl Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, abbreviato come CVRP, è un problema di ottimizzazione combinatoria d'instradamento nel quale, un insieme geograficamente sparso di clienti con richieste note deve essere servito da una flotta di veicoli stazionati in una struttura centrale. Negli ultimi due decenni, tecniche di Column generation incorporate all'interno di frameworks branch-price-and-cut sono state infatti l'approccio stato dell'arte dominante per la costruzione di algoritmi esatti per il CVRP. Il pricer, un componente critico nella column generation, deve risolvere il Pricing Problem (PP) che richiede la risoluzione di un Elementary Shortest Path Problem with Resource Constraints (ESPPRC) in una rete di costo ridotto. Pochi sforzi scientifici sono stati dedicati allo studio di approcci branch-and-cut per affrontare il PP. L'ESPPRC è stato tradizionalmente rilassato e risolto attraverso algoritmi di programmazione dinamica. Questo approccio, tuttavia, ha due principali svantaggi. Per cominciare, peggiora i dual bounds ottenuti. Inoltre, il tempo di esecuzione diminuisce all'aumentare della lunghezza dei percorsi generati. Per valutare la performance dei loro contributi, la comunità di ricerca operativa ha tradizionalmente utilizzato una serie d'istanze di test storiche e artificiali. Tuttavia, queste istanze di benchmark non catturano le caratteristiche chiave dei moderni problemi di distribuzione del mondo reale, che sono tipicamente caratterizzati da lunghi percorsi. In questa tesi sviluppiamo uno schema basato su un approccio branch-and-cut per risolvere il pricing problem. Studiamo il comportamento e l'efficacia della nostra implementazione nel produrre percorsi più lunghi comparandola con soluzioni all'avanguardia basate su programmazione dinamica. I nostri risultati suggeriscono che gli approcci branch-and-cut possono supplementare il tradizionale algoritmo di etichettatura, indicando che ulteriore ricerca in quest'area possa portare benefici ai risolutori CVRP.The Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, CVRP for short, is a combinatorial optimization routing problem in which, a geographically dispersed set of customers with known demands must be served by a fleet of vehicles stationed at a central facility. Column generation techniques embedded within branch-price-and-cut frameworks have been the de facto state-of-the-art dominant approach for building exact algorithms for the CVRP over the last two decades. The pricer, a critical component in column generation, must solve the Pricing Problem (PP), which asks for an Elementary Shortest Path Problem with Resource Constraints (ESPPRC) in a reduced-cost network. Little scientific efforts have been dedicated to studying branch-and-cut based approaches for tackling the PP. The ESPPRC has been traditionally relaxed and solved through dynamic programming algorithms. This approach, however, has two major drawbacks. For starters, it worsens the obtained dual bounds. Furthermore, the running time degrades as the length of the generated routes increases. To evaluate the performance of their contributions, the operations research community has traditionally used a set of historical and artificial test instances. However, these benchmark instances do not capture the key characteristics of modern real-world distribution problems, which are usually characterized by longer routes. In this thesis, we develop a scheme based on a branch-and-cut approach for solving the pricing problem. We study the behavior and effectiveness of our implementation in producing longer routes by comparing it with state-of-the-art solutions based on dynamic programming. Our results suggest that branch-and-cut approaches may supplement the traditional labeling algorithm, indicating that further research in this area may bring benefits to CVRP solvers

    Generating partitions of a graph into a fixed number of minimum weight cuts

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    AbstractIn this paper, we present an algorithm for the generation of all partitions of a graph G with positive edge weights into k mincuts. The algorithm is an enumeration procedure based on the cactus representation of the mincuts of G. We report computational results demonstrating the efficiency of the algorithm in practice and describe in more detail a specific application for generating cuts in branch-and-cut algorithms for the traveling salesman problem

    Practical Route Planning Algorithm

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    Routing algorithms are traditionally considered to apply thesum of profits gathered at visited locations as an objectivefunction since the Traveling Salesman Problem. This heritagedisregards many practical considerations, hence the result ofthese models meet with user’s needs rarely.Thus considering the importance of this theoretical and modelingproblem, a novel objective function will be presented inthis paper as an extension of the one inherited from the TSPthat is more aligned with user preferences and aims to maximizethe tourist’s satisfaction. We also propose a heuristicalgorithm to solve the Team Orienteering Problem with relativelylow computation time in case of high number of verticeson the graph and multiple tour days. Based on the key performanceindicators and user feedback the algorithm is suitableto be implemented in a GIS application considering that even a3-day tour is designed less than 4 seconds

    Algorithms for Large Orienteering Problems

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    In this thesis, we have developed algorithms to solve large-scale Orienteering Problems. The Orienteering Problem is a combinatorial optimization problem were given a weighted complete graph with vertex profits and a maximum distance constraint, the goal is to find the simple cycle which maximizes the sum of the profits of the visited vertices. To solve the Orienteering Problem, we have developed an evolutionary algorithm and an Branch-and-Cut algorithm. One of the key characteristics of the evolutionary algorithm is to work with unfeasible solutions. From the point of view of genetic operators, the main contribution has been the development of the Edge Recombination Crossover for the Orienteering Problem, which in a wider context it is also valid for any cycle problem. Another contribution has been the developed local search to handle large problems. The Branch-and-Cut algorithm includes new contributions in the separation algorithms of inequalities stemming from the cycle problem, in the separation loop, in the variables pricing, and in the calculation of the lower and upper bounds of the problem. At the same time, we have generalized for cycle problems the support graph shrinking techniques and procedures to speed up the exact separation algorithms for subcycle elimination constraints. The experiments carried out in large-sized instances, up to 7393 nodes, show that both algorithms achieve outstanding results, both in terms of the quality of solutions and in terms of the execution time.BERC.2014-2017 SEV-2013-0323 PID2019-104933GB-I00 MTM2015-65317-

    Algorithms for large orienteering problems

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    185 p.Tesi lan honetan, tamaina handiko Orientazio Problemak ebazteko algoritmoak garatu ditugu. Orientazio Problema optimizazio konbinatorioko problema bat da: herri multzo bat eta hauen arteko distantzia emanik, herri bakoitzak bere saria duelarik, eta ibilbidearen distantzia osoaren murrizketa bat ezarririk, problemaren helburua sarien batura maximizatzen duen ibilbidea aurkitzean datza. Orientazio Problema ebazteko, algoritmo ebolutibo bat eta Branch-and-Cut algoritmo bat garatu ditugu. Algoritmo ebolutiboaren ezaugarri nagusienetako bat, soluzio ez bideragarriekin lan egitea da. Eragile genetikoen ikuspuntutik algoritmo honen ekarpen nagusia Orientazio Problemarentzako proposatutako Ertzen Birkonbinazio Gurutzaketa da. Beste ekarpen bat problema handiak ebazteko aproposa den bilaketa lokala da. Branch-and-Cut algoritmoak berriz, ziklo problementzako banantze algoritmoetan, banantze begiztan, aldagaien baloratzean, eta problemaren goi eta behe-mugen kalkuluan ditu ekarpen nagusiak. Aldi berean, ziklo problementzako algoritmo zehatzaren parte diren euskarri grafoen sinplifikazio teknika eta azpizikloak identifikatzeko separazio algoritmoak aztertu ditugu. Tamaina handiko problemekin, 7393 herrirainokoak, egindako esperimentuek erakusten dute bi algoritmoek primerako emaitzak lortzen dituztela, bai soluzioen kalitatearen aldetik eta bai algoritmoen azkartasunaren aldetik ere.En esta tesis, hemos desarrollado algoritmos para resolver instancias de gran tamaño para el Problema de Orientación. El Problema de Orientación es un problema de optimización combinatoria en el cual, dado un grafo, con distancias asociadas en las aristas y premios en los vértices, y la restricción de longitud máxima de la ruta, el objetivo es maximizar la suma de recompensas de las ciudades visitadas.Para resolver el Problema de Orientación, hemos desarrollado un algoritmo evolutivo y un algoritmo Branch-and-Cut. La principal característica del algoritmo evolutivo es el uso de soluciones infactibles durante de la búsqueda. Desde el punto de vista de los operadores genéticos, la contribución más notable es el desarrollo del Cruce de Recombinación de Aristas para el Problema de Orientación. Otra contribución ha sido el desarrollo de una búsqueda local que permite abarcar problemas de gran tamaño. El algoritmo Branch-and-Cut incluye contribuciones en los algoritmos de separación para problemas de ciclos, en el bucle de separación, en la estimación de precios de las variables, y en el cálculo de las cotas inferiores y superiores del problema. Al mismo tiempo, generalizamos para problemas de ciclos, la contracción de grafos soporte y procedimientos para acelerar la separación exacta de las restricciones de eliminación de subciclos. Los experimentos llevados a cabo en problemas de gran tamaño, problemas de hasta 7393 nodos, muestran que ambos algoritmos obtienen resultados excelentes, en términos de la calidad de la solución y en términos del tiempo de ejecución.-In this thesis, we have developed algorithms to solve large-scale Orienteering Problems. The Orienteering Problem is a combinatorial optimization problem were given a weighted complete graph with vertex profits and a maximum distance constraint, the goal is to find the simple cycle which maximizes the sum of the profits of the visited vertices. To solve the Orienteering Problem, we have developed an evolutionary algorithm and a Branch-and-Cut algorithm. One of the key characteristics of the evolutionary algorithm is to work with unfeasible solutions. From the point of view of genetic operators, the main contribution has been the development of the Edge Recombination Crossover for the Orienteering Problem, which in a wider context it is also valid for any cycle problem. Another contribution has been the developed local search to handle large problems. The Branch-and-Cut algorithm includes new contributions in the separation algorithms of inequalities stemming from the cycle problem, in the separation loop, in the variables pricing, and in the calculation of the lower and upper bounds of the problem. At the same time, we have generalized for cycle problems the support graph shrinking techniques and procedures to speed up the exact separation algorithms for subcycle elimination constraints. The experiments carried out in large-sized instances, up to 7393 nodes, show that both algorithms achieve outstanding results, both in terms of the quality of solutions and in terms of the execution time.bcam:basque center for applied mathematic