141 research outputs found

    Apparel Production Optimization Model with Branch and Bound Method (Case Study: Sawargi Jersey Confectionery, West Java)

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    The production optimization model can find optimal results and maximum profits from a production activity by considering certain limitations. In this research, a production optimization model was created based on data on apparel production in UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah) Konfeksi Sawargi Jersey in West Java by applying the Integer Linear Programming model and solving it using the Branch and Bound Method with the help of Software Python. This research was conducted because there are many business actors engaged in the same field, especially in the apparel and sports sectors, considering the problems that are often faced by UMKM owners, such as raw material supplies, production time, production costs, selling prices, production profits, and production limits, minimum and maximum production. Based on this study's results, the Branch and Bound Method application to optimize apparel production obtains more optimal results and maximum profits than the actual production carried out by UMKM Konfeksi Sawargi Jersey

    Systems Analysis in Forestry and Forest Industries

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    The purpose of this book is to present a variety of articles revealing the state of the art of applications of systems analysis techniques to problems of the forest sector. Such applications cover a vast range of issues in forestry and the forest industry. They include the dynamics of the forest ecosystem, optimal forest management, the roundwood market, forest industrial strategy, regional and national forest sector policy as well as international trade in forest products. Forest industrial applications at mill level, such as optimal paper trimming, cutting, and production scheduling, are however, excluded


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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver uma estratégia para gerar alternativas de corte para a indústria de serraria de toras de madeira, utilizando Programação Linear Inteira (PLI). Para isso, foi proposto um modelo matemático que tem como função objetivo maximizar a receita da serraria em estudo, levando em consideração o estoque de matéria-prima (toras), padrões de corte do tipo Live Swaing e Cant Swaing e a demanda pelos produtos de madeira serrada. Os dados para a realização do estudo foram coletados na Serraria Santa Rita, localizada no município de Dores do Rio Preto, Estado Espírito Santo, em que foram separados em dados de estoque e dados de demanda. Os dados de estoque foram 95 toras de comprimento fixo de 2,5 m que foram divididos em seis classes de diâmetro (28, 30, 32, 34, 36 e 38), e os dados de demanda foram os produtos que a serraria precisava serrar para atender o pedido feito por um cliente: P1 15x5 cm, P2 10x4 cm, P3 12,5x2,5 cm e P4 7x3 cm. Foi desenvolvido um sistema para simulação e otimização do desdobro de toras, denominado OptiSawn. O sistema é composto por dois módulos. No primeiro são gerados todos os planos de corte possíveis por meio de um algoritmo recursivo. Na sequência, o sistema escreve o modelo baseado em Programação Linear Inteira tendo como método de resolução o algoritmo exato branch-and-cut. O sistema Optisawn gerou um total de 84.668 diagramas de corte para as seis classes diamétricas, sendo 84.160 para o padrão de corte Live Sawing e 508 para o padrão Cant Sawing. O modelo de Programação Linear Inteira resultou em uma receita de R$4.193,43, indicando sete alternativas no padrão de corte Live Sawing e três alternativas no padrão de corte Cant Sawing. Palavras chave: Diagramas de corte; Modelo Matemático; Rendimento em serrarias

    The Global Forest Sector: An Analytical Perspective

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    This book is the final report of the Forest Sector Project at The International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). The primary goal of the Project was to study long-term developments in the production, consumption, and world trade of forests products. The aim was to aid in the formulations of investment strategy in forest industrial companies and of forestry and forest industrial policies in different world regions by governmental agencies and international authorities. For this purpose, a global model of the forest sector was built and, employing this model, a number of scenarios were developed. Based on conservative assumptions, the base scenario served as a reference for making judgements about the relative impacts of alternative assumptions. The scenario variations were chosen to study the impact of alternative rates of economic growth, changes in currency exchange rates, impact of trade liberalization, impact of environmental changes, etc. The scenarios should not be regarded as unbiased forecasts, but rather as conditional forecasts aiming to answer what-if questions. For the practitioner to fully use the Project results, it is necessary to develop additional scenarios that are particularly relevant to the policy issues concerned

    Proceedings of the Forest Industry Workshop -- 7-11 January 1980

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    The original proposal that IIASA should undertake a study in the Forest Industries was first proposed by Finnish representatives in 1978 and it was incorporated into the Research Plan for the Institute for 1979. Preparatory work was carried out during 1979 and on 8-11 January, 1980 an inaugural Workshop on these topics was held at IIASA with 40 participants from 12 countries. The countries represented in the meeting contribute about 70% of the world's total trade of Forestry products. This really was an indication of the interest in the proposed study . This publication includes most of the material presented at this Workshop. One paper (by L. Hultkranz) was not actually presented but the text was distributed to the participants. The Appendix includes a short summary of the Workshop with the agenda, list of participants and some background material for IIASA's Forest Industry project. The workshop supported the proposed project giving useful feedback for the continued planning and work of the project. It was also decided to publish the material of the workshop as an IIASA Collaborative Paper so as to document the work of this international meeting

    Process assessment for the extended enterprise during early product development using novel computational techniques

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    Manufacturing practices have evolved over the last quarter of a century in the light of changes to manufacturing technology and demand. To sustain this growth companies are increasingly focused on better design and quicker time to market, to stay one step ahead of the competition. Expanding technology capabilities have included microcomputers and telecommunications. In particular the Internet has allowed businesses to trade with an extended customer base, resulting in a greater demand and perpetuating the cycle. To mirror this statement, businesses are looking increasingly far and wide for suitable suppliers. This work identifies a need in the market for an Internet based supplier selection function, during early product development. The development of this work differs significantly from other process selection methods by the use of the Internet to link companies. It has advantages for product development relating to the scope of the opportunities, diversity of possible manufacturing operations and rapid assessment of processes. In particular the system can be broken down into two main functions. Process Selection (PS) and Factory Selection (FS). The PS method presented enables many processes to be modelled, in multiple organisations for a single product. The Internet is used to gain access to supplier facilities by adopting the same principles as on-line banking, or shopping, for data input and access. The results of these assessments are retained by the system for later analysis. The FS method utilises this data to model and compare supplier attributes, allowing the user to manipulate the data to fit their requirements. Testing of the system has proved encouraging for many operations, including Injection Moulding and CNC Machining. It can be concluded that the identification of manufacturing operations outside the remit of companies' normal scope will create further opportunities for supplier integration

    Engineered Wood Products for Construction

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    Wood is a gift from nature. It is a sustainable and renewable bio-composite material that possesses a natural ability to mitigate carbon dioxide. However, due to deforestation and climate change, it has become necessary to develop alternative building and construction materials. Engineered wood products (EWPs) such as parallel strand lumber, laminated veneer lumber, and cross-laminated timber are promising substitutions for conventional lumber products. This book presents a comprehensive overview of EWPs, including information on their classification, design, synthesis, properties, and more. It is divided into two sections: “General Overviews and Applications of EWPs” and “Recent Research and Development of EWPs”. The book is a valuable reference for manufacturers, engineers, architects, builders, researchers, and students in the field of construction

    Proceedings of the 1991 Symposium on Systems Analysis in Forest Resources

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