253 research outputs found

    Embedded system for networked real-time RFID reader

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    Erilaisia tuotantoprosessiin liitettäviä jäljitettävyysketjuja on käytössä useilla eri teollisuudenaloilla. Jäljitettävyydellä pyritään sekä parantamaan tuotantoprosessia että liittämään enemmän prosessitietoa itse lopputuotteeseen. Huomattavista säästömahdollisuuksista huolimatta koko puunjalostusprosessin kattavaa jäljitettävyyttä ei metsäteollisuuteen ole kuitenkaan toteutettu. Tämä diplomityö on toteutettu osana suurta kansainvälistä Indisputable Key -projektia, jossa tähdätään puutavaran jäljitettävyyden parantamiseen ja jäljitettävyystiedon hyödyntämiseen käytännössä. Tässä työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan RFID lukijan sulautettu järjestelmä. RFID-lukija suunnitellaan VTT:llä, ja sitä käytetään metsäkoneen harvesteripäässä osana puutavaran jäljitettävyysketjua. Käyttöympäristö ja -tarkoitus asettavat RFID-lukijalle ja sulautetulle järjestelmälle vaatimuksia sekä kommunikointiin ja käytettyihin rajapintoihin että myös radiotaajuisen elektroniikan hallintaan. Toteutettu sulautettu järjestelmä hoitaa RFID-lukijan kommunikoinnin isäntäjärjestelmän kanssa käyttäen metsäkoneen CAN-väylää. Lisäksi myös sarjamuotoinen kommunikointi toteutetaan lukijan testaamista ja esittelyä varten. Sekä isäntä-lukija-rajapinnassa että ilmarajapinnassa kommunikoinnissa sulautetun järjestelmän ja muun jäljitettävyysketjun välillä hyödynnetään yleisesti laajassa käytössä olevia RFID-standardeja. Lisäksi sulautettu järjestelmä hoitaa RFID-lukijan sisäistä toimintaa ja elektroniikan hallinnan. Työn tuloksena saadaan sulautettu järjestelmä, joka on testaamalla ja mittaamalla todettu sopivaksi käytettäväksi Indisputable Key -projektissa ja metsäkoneessa. RFID-lukijaa, johon sulautettu järjestelmä toteutetaan, hyödynnetään Indisputable Key -projektin laajan mittakaavan testeissä, jotka on suunniteltu suoritettaviksi talvella 2009-2010.Traceability chains are used in multiple industrial fields to gather more knowledge about the manufacturing processes and, also, to link gathered data to the final product. Although, significant savings would be possible also in Forestry, no complete traceability chain yet exists. This thesis is written as a part of a large international Indisputable Key project that aims to improve the traceability in Forestry leading to economical and environmental improvements in the wood processing. In this thesis an embedded system for an RFID reader is designed and implemented. The RFID reader is designed at VTT to be used in a forest harvester head as a part of the wood material traceability chain. Using environment and purpose set requirements for the reader and the embedded software in terms of networking possibilities and used communication interface standards as well as electronics control. The designed embedded system handles the host communication to the rest of the traceability system via the forest harvester CAN network, but, also, additional serial line interface for host communication is implemented and used for testing and demonstration purposes. Embedded system of the reader handles both host and air interface communication through widely used EPCglobal RFID protocols. In addition to the networking and host and tag communication interfaces, the embedded system controls the inner operation of the RFID reader and RF electronics. Harvester head, where the RFID reader is utilized, limits the use of normal RF designs and sets requirements also for the RF electronics control. The result of the thesis is an embedded system that is tested and measured to be suitable for the use in the Indisputable Key and the forest harvester. RFID reader is utilized in the Indisputable Key final demonstrations and large-scale testing that are scheduled to be conducted in Winter 2009-2010

    Prevention And Detection Mechanism For Security In Passive Rfid System

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    Low-cost radio frequency identification (RFID) tags conforming to the EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2 standard are inherently insecure due to computational constraints. This thesis proposed the use of both prevention and detection mechanisms to solve the security and privacy issues. A lightweight cryptographic mutual authentication protocol which is resistant to tracking, denial of service (DoS) and replay attacks is proposed as a prevention mechanism. The proposed protocol is designed with lightweight cryptographic algorithm, including XOR, Hamming distance, rotation and a modified linear congruential generator (MLCG). The proposed protocol using 64 bits index is proved having the lowest non-unequivocally identification probability. In addition, the randomness of the session key generated from the MLCG is verified using NIST test suite. Besides that, the security of the proposed protocol is validated using the formal analysis tool, AVISPA. The correctness of the proposed protocol is demonstrated in a simulation model developed in JAVA TCP/IP socket. Next, the proposed protocol is implemented in RFID system including IAIK UHF Demo tag, TagSense Nano-UHF reader and back-end database. A GUI is created in a form of JAVA application to display data detected from tag. The proposed protocol implemented in real RFID system outperforms other related protocols because of 13.46 % shorter read time and write time consumed. The system is proved to be able to prevent tracking, DoS, and replay attacks from adversaries with moderate computation requirement compared to other related protocols

    Enforcing RFID data visibility restrictions using XACML security policies

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology allows automatic data capture from tagged objects moving in a supply chain. This data can be very useful if it is used to answer traceability queries, however it is distributed across many different repositories, owned by different companies. Discovery Services (DS) are designed to assist in retrieving the RFID data relevant for traceability queries while enforcing sharing policies that are defined and required by participating companies to prevent sensitive data from being exposed. In this paper we define an interface for Supply Chain Authorization (SC-Az) and describe the implementation of two visibility restriction mechanisms based on Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Capabilities. Both approaches were converted to the standard eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) and their correctness and performance was evaluated for supply chains with increasing size

    RFID Product Authentication in EPCglobal Network

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    RFID Data Management

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    Internet of things for medication control: e-health architecture and service implementation

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    The use of Radio Frequency Identification technology (RFID) in medical context enables drug identification but also a rapid and, of course, precise identification of patients, physicians, nurses or any other health caregiver. Combining RFID tag identification with structured and secure Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, one can establish a ubiquitous and quick access to any type of medical related records, as long as one can control and adequately secure all the Internet mediated interactions. This paper presents an e-Health service architecture, along with the corresponding Internet of Things prototype implementation, that makes use of RFID tags and Electronic Product Codes (EPC) standards, in order to easily establish in a ubiquitous manner a medication control system. The system, presented and tested, has a web interface and allowed for a first evaluation of the e-health proposed service. As the service is mainly focused on elderly Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) solutions, all these technologies - RFID, EPC, Object Naming Service (ONS) and IoT – have been integrated into a suitable system, able to promote better patient/physician, patient/nurse and, generally, any patient/health caregiver, interactions. The whole prototype service, entitled "RFID-based IoT for Medication Control", and its web interface are presented and evaluated.FEDER Funds through the Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade – COMPETE and by National Funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-02267