40 research outputs found

    The excedances and descents of bi-increasing permutations

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    Starting from some considerations we make about the relations between certain difference statistics and the classical permutation statistics we study permutations whose inversion number and excedance difference coincide. It turns out that these (so-called bi-increasing) permutations are just the 321-avoiding ones. The paper investigates their excedance and descent structure. In particular, we find some nice combinatorial interpretations for the distribution coefficients of the number of excedances and descents, respectively, and their difference analogues over the bi-increasing permutations in terms of parallelogram polyominoes and 2-Motzkin paths. This yields a connection between restricted permutations, parallelogram polyominoes, and lattice paths that reveals the relations between several well-known bijections given for these objects (e.g. by Delest-Viennot, Billey-Jockusch-Stanley, Francon-Viennot, and Foata-Zeilberger). As an application, we enumerate skew diagrams according to their rank and give a simple combinatorial proof for a result concerning the symmetry of the joint distribution of the number of excedances and inversions, respectively, over the symmetric group.Comment: 36 page

    Parallelogram polyominoes, the sandpile model on a complete bipartite graph, and a q,t-Narayana polynomial

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    We classify recurrent configurations of the sandpile model on the complete bipartite graph K_{m,n} in which one designated vertex is a sink. We present a bijection from these recurrent configurations to decorated parallelogram polyominoes whose bounding box is a m*n rectangle. Several special types of recurrent configurations and their properties via this bijection are examined. For example, recurrent configurations whose sum of heights is minimal are shown to correspond to polyominoes of least area. Two other classes of recurrent configurations are shown to be related to bicomposition matrices, a matrix analogue of set partitions, and (2+2)-free partially ordered sets. A canonical toppling process for recurrent configurations gives rise to a path within the associated parallelogram polyominoes. This path bounces off the external edges of the polyomino, and is reminiscent of Haglund's well-known bounce statistic for Dyck paths. We define a collection of polynomials that we call q,t-Narayana polynomials, defined to be the generating function of the bistatistic (area,parabounce) on the set of parallelogram polyominoes, akin to the (area,hagbounce) bistatistic defined on Dyck paths in Haglund (2003). In doing so, we have extended a bistatistic of Egge, Haglund, Kremer and Killpatrick (2003) to the set of parallelogram polyominoes. This is one answer to their question concerning extensions to other combinatorial objects. We conjecture the q,t-Narayana polynomials to be symmetric and prove this conjecture for numerous special cases. We also show a relationship between Haglund's (area,hagbounce) statistic on Dyck paths, and our bistatistic (area,parabounce) on a sub-collection of those parallelogram polyominoes living in a (n+1)*n rectangle

    The number of directed k-convex polyominoes

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    We present a new method to obtain the generating functions for directed convex polyominoes according to several different statistics including: width, height, size of last column/row and number of corners. This method can be used to study different families of directed convex polyominoes: symmetric polyominoes, parallelogram polyominoes. In this paper, we apply our method to determine the generating function for directed k-convex polyominoes. We show it is a rational function and we study its asymptotic behavior

    Combinatorics of Labelled Parallelogram polyominoes

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    We obtain explicit formulas for the enumeration of labelled parallelogram polyominoes. These are the polyominoes that are bounded, above and below, by north-east lattice paths going from the origin to a point (k,n). The numbers from 1 and n (the labels) are bijectively attached to the nn north steps of the above-bounding path, with the condition that they appear in increasing values along consecutive north steps. We calculate the Frobenius characteristic of the action of the symmetric group S_n on these labels. All these enumeration results are refined to take into account the area of these polyominoes. We make a connection between our enumeration results and the theory of operators for which the intergral Macdonald polynomials are joint eigenfunctions. We also explain how these same polyominoes can be used to explicitly construct a linear basis of a ring of SL_2-invariants.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figure

    Statistics on parallelogram polyominoes and a q,t-analogue of the Narayana numbers

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    We study the statistics area, bounce and dinv on the set of parallelogram polyominoes having a rectangular m times n bounding box. We show that the bi-statistics (area, bounce) and (area, dinv) give rise to the same q,t-analogue of Narayana numbers which was introduced by two of the authors in [arXiv:1208.0024]. We prove the main conjectures of that paper: the q,t-Narayana polynomials are symmetric in both q and t, and m and n. This is accomplished by providing a symmetric functions interpretation of the q,t-Narayana polynomials which relates them to the famous diagonal harmonics

    Solving multivariate functional equations

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    This paper presents a new method to solve functional equations of multivariate generating functions, such as F(r,s)=e(r,s)+xf(r,s)F(1,1)+xg(r,s)F(qr,1)+xh(r,s)F(qr,qs),F(r,s)=e(r,s)+xf(r,s)F(1,1)+xg(r,s)F(qr,1)+xh(r,s)F(qr,qs), giving a formula for F(r,s)F(r,s) in terms of a sum over finite sequences. We use this method to show how one would calculate the coefficients of the generating function for parallelogram polyominoes, which is impractical using other methods. We also apply this method to answer a question from fully commutative affine permutations.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure. v3: Main theorems and writing style revised for greater clarity. Updated to final version, to appear in Discrete Mathematic

    Enumeration of polyominoes defined in terms of pattern avoidance or convexity constraints

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    In this thesis, we consider the problem of characterizing and enumerating sets of polyominoes described in terms of some constraints, defined either by convexity or by pattern containment. We are interested in a well known subclass of convex polyominoes, the k-convex polyominoes for which the enumeration according to the semi-perimeter is known only for k=1,2. We obtain, from a recursive decomposition, the generating function of the class of k-convex parallelogram polyominoes, which turns out to be rational. Noting that this generating function can be expressed in terms of the Fibonacci polynomials, we describe a bijection between the class of k-parallelogram polyominoes and the class of planted planar trees having height less than k+3. In the second part of the thesis we examine the notion of pattern avoidance, which has been extensively studied for permutations. We introduce the concept of pattern avoidance in the context of matrices, more precisely permutation matrices and polyomino matrices. We present definitions analogous to those given for permutations and in particular we define polyomino classes, i.e. sets downward closed with respect to the containment relation. So, the study of the old and new properties of the redefined sets of objects has not only become interesting, but it has also suggested the study of the associated poset. In both approaches our results can be used to treat open problems related to polyominoes as well as other combinatorial objects.Comment: PhD thesi

    Asymptotics of Bernoulli random walks, bridges, excursions and meanders with a given number of peaks

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    A Bernoulli random walk is a random trajectory starting from 0 and having i.i.d. increments, each of them being +1+1 or -1, equally likely. The other families cited in the title are Bernoulli random walks under various conditionings. A peak in a trajectory is a local maximum. In this paper, we condition the families of trajectories to have a given number of peaks. We show that, asymptotically, the main effect of setting the number of peaks is to change the order of magnitude of the trajectories. The counting process of the peaks, that encodes the repartition of the peaks in the trajectories, is also studied. It is shown that suitably normalized, it converges to a Brownian bridge which is independent of the limiting trajectory. Applications in terms of plane trees and parallelogram polyominoes are also provided