77 research outputs found

    Spatial isolation implies zero knowledge even in a quantum world

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    Zero knowledge plays a central role in cryptography and complexity. The seminal work of Ben-Or et al. (STOC 1988) shows that zero knowledge can be achieved unconditionally for any language in NEXP, as long as one is willing to make a suitable physical assumption: if the provers are spatially isolated, then they can be assumed to be playing independent strategies. Quantum mechanics, however, tells us that this assumption is unrealistic, because spatially-isolated provers could share a quantum entangled state and realize a non-local correlated strategy. The MIP* model captures this setting. In this work we study the following question: does spatial isolation still suffice to unconditionally achieve zero knowledge even in the presence of quantum entanglement? We answer this question in the affirmative: we prove that every language in NEXP has a 2-prover zero knowledge interactive proof that is sound against entangled provers; that is, NEXP ⊆ ZK-MIP*. Our proof consists of constructing a zero knowledge interactive PCP with a strong algebraic structure, and then lifting it to the MIP* model. This lifting relies on a new framework that builds on recent advances in low-degree testing against entangled strategies, and clearly separates classical and quantum tools. Our main technical contribution is the development of new algebraic techniques for obtaining unconditional zero knowledge; this includes a zero knowledge variant of the celebrated sumcheck protocol, a key building block in many probabilistic proof systems. A core component of our sumcheck protocol is a new algebraic commitment scheme, whose analysis relies on algebraic complexity theory

    Interactive Oracle Proofs with Constant Rate and Query Complexity

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    We study interactive oracle proofs (IOPs) [BCS16,RRR16], which combine aspects of probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs) and interactive proofs (IPs). We present IOP constructions and techniques that enable us to obtain tradeoffs in proof length versus query complexity that are not known to be achievable via PCPs or IPs alone. Our main results are: 1. Circuit satisfiability has 3-round IOPs with linear proof length (counted in bits) and constant query complexity. 2. Reed-Solomon codes have 2-round IOPs of proximity with linear proof length and constant query complexity. 3. Tensor product codes have 1-round IOPs of proximity with sublinear proof length and constant query complexity. For all the above, known PCP constructions give quasilinear proof length and constant query complexity [BS08,Din07]. Also, for circuit satisfiability, [BKKMS13] obtain PCPs with linear proof length but sublinear (and super-constant) query complexity. As in [BKKMS13], we rely on algebraic-geometry codes to obtain our first result; but, unlike that work, our use of such codes is much "lighter" because we do not rely on any automorphisms of the code. We obtain our results by proving and combining "IOP-analogues" of tools underlying numerous IPs and PCPs: * Interactive proof composition. Proof composition [AS98] is used to reduce the query complexity of PCP verifiers, at the cost of increasing proof length by an additive factor that is exponential in the verifier\u27s randomness complexity. We prove a composition theorem for IOPs where this additive factor is linear. * Sublinear sumcheck. The sumcheck protocol [LFKN92] is an IP that enables the verifier to check the sum of values of a low-degree multi-variate polynomial on an exponentially-large hypercube, but the verifier\u27s running time depends linearly on the bound on individual degrees. We prove a sumcheck protocol for IOPs where this dependence is sublinear (e.g., polylogarithmic). Our work demonstrates that even constant-round IOPs are more efficient than known PCPs and IPs

    Zero-Knowledge Reductions and Confidential Arithmetic

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    The changes in computing paradigms to shift computations to third parties have resulted in the necessity of these computations to be provable. Zero-knowledge arguments are probabilistic arguments that are used to to verify computations without secret data being leaked to the verifying party. In this dissertation, we study zero-knowledge arguments with specific focus on reductions. Our main contributions are: Provide a thorough survey in a variety of zero-knowledge techniques and protocols. Prove various results of reductions that can be used to study interactive protocols in terms of subroutines. Additionally, we identify an issue in the analogous definition of zero-knowledge for reductions. We propose a potential solution to this issue. Design a novel matrix multiplication protocol based on reductions. Design protocols for arithmetic of fixed-point values of fixed-length

    Zero-knowledge Proof Meets Machine Learning in Verifiability: A Survey

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    With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technology, the usage of machine learning models is gradually becoming part of our daily lives. High-quality models rely not only on efficient optimization algorithms but also on the training and learning processes built upon vast amounts of data and computational power. However, in practice, due to various challenges such as limited computational resources and data privacy concerns, users in need of models often cannot train machine learning models locally. This has led them to explore alternative approaches such as outsourced learning and federated learning. While these methods address the feasibility of model training effectively, they introduce concerns about the trustworthiness of the training process since computations are not performed locally. Similarly, there are trustworthiness issues associated with outsourced model inference. These two problems can be summarized as the trustworthiness problem of model computations: How can one verify that the results computed by other participants are derived according to the specified algorithm, model, and input data? To address this challenge, verifiable machine learning (VML) has emerged. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of zero-knowledge proof-based verifiable machine learning (ZKP-VML) technology. We first analyze the potential verifiability issues that may exist in different machine learning scenarios. Subsequently, we provide a formal definition of ZKP-VML. We then conduct a detailed analysis and classification of existing works based on their technical approaches. Finally, we discuss the key challenges and future directions in the field of ZKP-based VML

    Libra: Succinct Zero-Knowledge Proofs with Optimal Prover Computation

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    We present Libra, the first zero-knowledge proof system that has both optimal prover time and succinct proof size/verification time. In particular, if C is the size of the circuit being proved (i) the prover time is O(C) irrespective of the circuit type; (ii) the proof size and verification time are both O(d log C) for d-depth log-space uniform circuits (such as RAM programs). In addition Libra features an one-time trusted setup that depends only on the size of the input to the circuit and not on the circuit logic. Underlying Libra is a new linear-time algorithm for the prover of the interactive proof protocol by Goldwasser, Kalai and Rothblum (also known as GKR protocol), as well as an efficient approach to turn the GKR protocol to zero-knowledge using small masking polynomials. Not only does Libra have excellent asymptotics, but it is also efficient in practice. For example, our implementation shows that it takes 200 seconds to generate a proof for constructing a SHA2-based Merkle tree root on 256 leaves, outperforming all existing zero-knowledge proof systems. Proof size and verification time of Libra are also competitive

    Aurora: Transparent Succinct Arguments for R1CS

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    We design, implement, and evaluate a zkSNARK for Rank-1 Constraint Satisfaction (R1CS), a widely-deployed NP-complete language that is undergoing standardization. Our construction uses a transparent setup, is plausibly post-quantum secure, and uses lightweight cryptography. A proof attesting to the satisfiability of n constraints has size O(log2n)O(\log^2 n); it can be produced with O(nlogn)O(n \log n) field operations and verified with O(n)O(n). At 128 bits of security, proofs are less than 130kB even for several million constraints, more than 20x shorter than prior zkSNARK with similar features. A key ingredient of our construction is a new Interactive Oracle Proof (IOP) for solving a *univariate* analogue of the classical sumcheck problem [LFKN92], originally studied for *multivariate* polynomials. Our protocol verifies the sum of entries of a Reed--Solomon codeword over any subgroup of a field. We also provide libiop, an open-source library for writing IOP-based arguments, in which a toolchain of transformations enables programmers to write new arguments by writing simple IOP sub-components. We have used this library to specify our construction and prior ones

    Lossy Correlation Intractability and PPAD Hardness from Sub-exponential LWE

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    We introduce a new cryptographic primitive, a lossy correlation-intractable hash function, and use it to soundly instantiate the Fiat-Shamir transform for the general interactive sumcheck protocol, assuming sub-exponential hardness of the Learning with Errors (LWE) problem. By combining this with the result of Choudhuri et al. (STOC 2019), we show that #SAT\#\mathsf{SAT} reduces to end-of-line, which is a PPAD\mathsf{PPAD}-complete problem, assuming the sub-exponential hardness of LWE