2,974 research outputs found

    A Study of the Sales Process of ERP Systems: Wasteful Management or Managing the Wasteful?

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    A description and analysis of the sales process of ERP systems is presented; also the consequences for the parties involved are discussed. The chosen methodological basis is an inductive research design consisting of a case study based on interviews. The analysis of the empirical data is done with a proposed analytical framework. Based on the agency theory, the analysis is tightly knitted together with opportunism. There are three controlling factors: relationships (relationship marketing), contracts (principal-agent theory), and competition. Three results are proposed: First, two factors forms opportunism-safeguarding and fringe selling. Second, two possibilities of minimizing opportunism exist, the contract and the relationship, the former largely being overlooked, and the latter not being what it is thought to be. Third, there is a need for a feedback loop to correctly address opportunism

    A methodology for maintaining trust in virtual environments

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    The increasing interest in carrying out business in virtual environments has resulted in much research and discussion of trust establishment between the entities involved. Researchers over the years have acknowledged that the success of any transaction or interaction via the virtual medium is determined by the trust level between trusting agent and trusted agent. Numerous publications have attempted to address the various challenges of assigning a trust level and building trust in an interacting party. However, the building and allocating a value of trust is neither easy nor quick. It involves high cost and effort. Hence, the ensuing research challenge is how to maintain the trust that has been established and assigned. Due to the dynamic nature of trust, the trust evolution, and the fragility of trust in virtual environments, one of the most pressing challenges facing the research community is how trust can be maintained over time. This thesis is an effort in that direction. Specifically, the objective of this thesis is to propose a methodology for trust maintenance in virtual environments which we term “Trust Maintenance Methodology” (TMM). The methodology comprises five frameworks that can be used to achieve the objective of trust maintenance.In order to achieve the aforesaid objective, this thesis proposes a: (a) Framework for third party agent selection, (b) Framework for Formalization and Negotiation of service requirements, (c) Framework for Proactive Continuous Performance Monitoring, (d) Framework for Incentive Mechanism, and (e) Framework for Trust Re-calibration.The framework for third party agent selection is used for choosing and selecting a neutral agent who will supervise the interaction between two parties. This is the first step of our methodology. The neutral agent is involved throughout the course of the interaction between two parties and takes a proactive-corrective role in continuous performance monitoring. Once both parties have chosen a neutral agent, they carry out a formalization and negotiation process of their service requirements using our proposed framework. This is in order to create an SLA which will guide the interaction between two parties. The framework for proactive continuous performance monitoring then can be used to evaluate the performance of both parties in delivering their service based on the SLA. If a performance gap occurs during the course of transaction, the third party agent will take action to help both parties close the performance gap in a timely manner. A key salient feature of our continuous performance monitoring is that it is proactive-corrective. Additionally, we design a framework for providing an incentive during the course of interaction to motivate both parties to perform as closely as possible to the terms of the mutual agreement or SLA. By the end of the interaction time space, both parties will be able to re-assess or re-calibrate their trust level using our proposed framework for trust re-calibration.Finally, in order to validate our proposed methodology, we engineered a multi-agent system to simulate the validity of the TMM. Numerous case studies are presented to elucidate the workings of our proposed methodology. Moreover, we run several experiments under various testing conditions including boundary conditions. The results of experiments show that our methodology is effective in assisting the parties to maintain their trust level in virtual environments

    Salesforce Automation: An Examination of Issues

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    The diffusion of sales force automation (SFA) systems has enabled a far more systematic approach to sales force management. This opens new avenues for the academic study of the industrial selling process as well: new arenas for investigation, new windows into salesperson behavior, and new methodological pitfalls. The purpose of this dissertation is to develop a better understanding of SFA from an academic perspective, and then apply these insights to resolve gaps in our understanding of how sales forces behave and how they might be better managed. To do this, three areas of analysis are explored: methodological, behavioral, and theoretical

    Negotiation for the middle east: a comparative study of cultures and the construction of a negotiation framework for portuguese in Kuwait

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    The amount of ambiguity present in real life negotiations is intolerable towards the possibility of perceiving the negotiation scenario as a competitive and castrating process for one of the party's. The temptation to find one-size-fits-all prescription of unerring steps towards the negotiation success, offers this process no more than a romantic character or maybe, one relieving mirage of the required multiple factors that the negotiation scenario demands. This dissertation’s objective is based on the identification and analysis of the cultural dimensions that impact specifically, business negotiations that take place between a Kuwaiti and a Portuguese party in the attempt to build a negotiation framework for Portuguese professionals negotiating in Kuwait. We used a multiple case design and analyzed 17 bilateral negotiation situations. The main source of evidence was in-depth and semi-structured interviews and the results are shown in cognitive mapping format. We adapted the interview script and mind map from Falcão (2008) to collect and interpret the data and we used the Dimensions of Culture Questionnaire from House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman and Gupta (2004) and grouped the impacting data collection into five blocks: Preparation, People, Partie, Process, Cultural Perception. We believe that we have made contributions to the study of the negotiation process and it's cross-cultural influence in Kuwait, that has one of the world’s fast-growing economies and most powerful currency. There are not many specific studies available for Kuwait negotiation reality. The size of the sample reflects the number of Portuguese negotiating in Kuwait but at the same time, limits the study. There are areas of study to be developed in the future namely, communication (verbal and non-verbal), leadership (individual and teams) and feedback.A ambiguidade que encontramos presente em negociações na vida real não é compatível com a possibilidade de entender a negociação como um cenário único de competição entre duas partes. A tentação de procurar um receituário infalível de passos a dar em direcção ao sucesso negocial não oferece mais do que um carácter romântico ou uma breve miragem do que o processo negocial exige. O objectivo da presente dissertação prende-se com a identificação e análise das dimensões culturais que influenciam o processo negocial entre uma parte Kuwaitiana e uma parte Portuguesa e a construção de um framework negocial para Portugueses no Kuwait. Utilizámos múltiplos casos de estudo e analisámos 17 situações negociais. Adaptámos o guião de entrevista de Falcão (2008), usámos o questionário de dimensões culturais de House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman and Gupta (2004) e conduzimos entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Concretizámos os resultados em mapas mentais dentro de cinco blocos: Preparação, Pessoas, Partes, Processo e Percepção Cultural. Procurámos contribuir para o processo informativo bilateral da negociação no Kuwait, um país que tem uma das mais fortes economias mundiais. Existe pouca investigação específica para a realidade negocial no Kuwait. O tamanho da amostra reflecte o número de Portugueses a realizar negociações no Kuwait mas limita o estudo realizado. Existem áreas de estudo com interesse a desenvolver no futuro nomeadamente, comunicação (verbal e não verbal), liderança (individual e de equipas) e feedback

    Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments

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    This book presents the collection of fifty two papers which were presented on the First International Conference on BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY ’08 - Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments, held in Ofir, Portugal, from 25th to 27th of June, 2008. The main motive of the meeting was the growing awareness of the importance of the sustainability issue. This importance had emerged from the growing uncertainty of the market behaviour that leads to the characterization of the market, i.e. environment, as turbulent. Actually, the characterization of the environment as uncertain and turbulent reflects the fact that the traditional technocratic and/or socio-technical approaches cannot effectively and efficiently lead with the present situation. In other words, the rise of the sustainability issue means the quest for new instruments to deal with uncertainty and/or turbulence. The sustainability issue has a complex nature and solutions are sought in a wide range of domains and instruments to achieve and manage it. The domains range from environmental sustainability (referring to natural environment) through organisational and business sustainability towards social sustainability. Concerning the instruments for sustainability, they range from traditional engineering and management methodologies towards “soft” instruments such as knowledge, learning, creativity. The papers in this book address virtually whole sustainability problems space in a greater or lesser extent. However, although the uncertainty and/or turbulence, or in other words the dynamic properties, come from coupling of management, technology, learning, individuals, organisations and society, meaning that everything is at the same time effect and cause, we wanted to put the emphasis on business with the intention to address primarily the companies and their businesses. From this reason, the main title of the book is “Business Sustainability” but with the approach of coupling Management, Technology and Learning for individuals, organisations and society in Turbulent Environments. Concerning the First International Conference on BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY, its particularity was that it had served primarily as a learning environment in which the papers published in this book were the ground for further individual and collective growth in understanding and perception of sustainability and capacity for building new instruments for business sustainability. In that respect, the methodology of the conference work was basically dialogical, meaning promoting dialog on the papers, but also including formal paper presentations. In this way, the conference presented a rich space for satisfying different authors’ and participants’ needs. Additionally, promoting the widest and global learning environment and participativeness, the Conference Organisation provided the broadcasting over Internet of the Conference sessions, dialogical and formal presentations, for all authors’ and participants’ institutions, as an innovative Conference feature. In these terms, this book could also be understood as a complementary instrument to the Conference authors’ and participants’, but also to the wider readerships’ interested in the sustainability issues. The book brought together 97 authors from 10 countries, namely from Australia, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Sweden and United Kingdom. The authors “ranged” from senior and renowned scientists to young researchers providing a rich and learning environment. At the end, the editors hope and would like that this book will be useful, meeting the expectation of the authors and wider readership and serving for enhancing the individual and collective learning, and to incentive further scientific development and creation of new papers. Also, the editors would use this opportunity to announce the intention to continue with new editions of the conference and subsequent editions of accompanying books on the subject of BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY, the second of which is planned for year 2011.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ICT-driven interactions: on the dynamics of mediated control

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    Interactions driven by Information Communications Technologies (ICT) have gained significant acceptance and momentum in contemporary organisational settings, this is illustrated by their massive adoption and varied deployment across the various levels of an organisation’s hierarchy. ICTs such as mobile telephones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), videoconferencing, BlackBerries and other forms of portable and immovable computing technologies provide enduring bases for mediated interactions in human activities. This thesis looks into the dynamics of ICT-driven interactions and, distinctively, focuses on the manifestations and implications of mediated control in a collaborative environment. The study draws on the concept of administrative behaviour which leads to the observation that the nature of mediated control is not static, but evolutionarily dynamic that springs from highly unpredictable contexts of work. Thus, interactions driven by ICTs influence and change the dynamics of mediated control against the background of the rhythm, structure and direction of an organisation’s purposeful undertakings. Findings indicate, quite paradoxically, that networks set up through the instrumentality of technology mediated interaction discourage domination and inspire individual discretion in spite of their promise of electronic chains. The analysis reflects the notion that mediated control is not only about the predetermination of targets that are attained at the subordinate level. Indeed, the study advocates a fundamental conceptualisation of mediated control as double-sided concept, integrating the use of discretion that, occasionally, makes subordinates drive and initiate key control techniques that steer organisational life. Therefore, through the application of philosophical hermeneutics for a rigorous data interpretation, this study develops an innovative and holistic understanding of mediated control which not only adds to, but also extends, the current organisational perception of control by the incorporation of discretion and, in the process, makes a distinctive contribution to scholarship

    Customer loyalty in non-life insurance: antecedents, determinants and future directions

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    Os seguros desempenham uma função fundamental no progresso das sociedades contemporâneas pelo seu papel catalisador no desenvolvimento de todas as restantes atividades económicas. Existe uma relação entre o desenvolvimento do setor segurador e o crescimento económico de um país que resulta, entre outros fatores, da sua intervenção enquanto gestor de riscos, investidor institucional, protetor de capital, impulsionador da inovação e facilitador da atividade creditícia. Para além disso, os seguros também são fundamentais para o bem-estar e desenvolvimento das pessoas e das famílias, por conferirem segurança e previsibilidade às suas vidas e atividades. No entanto, existe um paradoxo que carateriza a indústria seguradora, que é a consistente incapacidade para estabelecer relações sólidas e duradouras com os seus stakeholders. A indústria seguradora regista níveis de anulação de contratos que são significativamente superiores aos verificados em outras atividades económicas com as quais normalmente se compara. A questão é tanto mais relevante quanto a confiança constitui um fator crítico de sucesso neste negócio, na medida em que o seu objeto principal consiste na promessa de pagamento de uma compensação económica no caso de um determinado evento aleatório, devidamente tipificado, se verificar. Esta circunstância conduziu a que se considerasse, na literatura científica relativa ao estudo desta indústria, que as elevadas taxas de anulação de apólices constituem uma característica intrínseca que, a par de outros fatores, a carateriza. No entanto, apesar da enorme relevância desta indústria e da significativa magnitude do fenómeno do abandono dos clientes e da anulação de apólices, o tema tem sido pouco investigado, existindo muito pouca produção científica neste domínio do conhecimento. Esta tese pretende melhorar a compreensão das dinâmicas associadas à lealdade dos clientes com as suas seguradoras, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento científico nesta matéria através da resposta a três questões: em primeiro lugar, quais são os padrões de investigação científica predominantes no estudo do cancelamento de apólices de seguro não vida; em segundo lugar, quais os principais fatores explicativos da anulação de seguros automóvel por clientes individuais, e de que forma as companhias de seguro podem antecipar e mitigar a sua ocorrência; em terceiro lugar, como se caraterizam as principais correntes de investigação que estão a surgir no domínio da lealdade dos clientes de seguros, e quais são, atualmente, os fatores críticos de sucesso na realização de planos para aumentar e fortalecer as relações das seguradoras com os seus clientes. O trabalho de investigação está organizado em três artigos científicos, que estão relacionados sequencialmente. O primeiro artigo procura caracterizar e sintetizar o conhecimento científico atual sobre o cancelamento de apólices de seguro não vida, relevando a influência dos intermediários nas decisões dos clientes. Trata-se de um tema que não tem constituído uma prioridade na investigação científica aplicada, atendendo à reduzida produção científica que lhe está associado. A metodologia de análise foi a revisão sistemática quantitativa da literatura. Este artigo demonstra que a investigação científica neste domínio está concentrada no estudo dos clientes individuais e nos seguros do ramo automóvel. Verifica-se igualmente que o método mais frequente, e adequado, para o estudo do cancelamento de produtos no setor dos seguros é a regressão logística. No que respeita às variáveis mais frequentemente utilizadas para investigar a anulação de apólices de seguro, são identificados três tipos: o perfil dos clientes, as caraterísticas das apólices e o tipo de intermediário. Relativamente ao perfil dos clientes, as variáveis mais frequentemente utilizadas são a idade, o sexo, a duração temporal da ligação à seguradora e o volume de prémios pagos. No que respeita às características das apólices, o montante do prémio e a existência e valor de sinistros são variáveis consistentemente consideradas. O segundo artigo científico procura identificar medidas que as companhias de seguro podem adotar para reduzir a anulação de apólices e, dessa forma, aumentar os índices de retenção dos clientes. Tendo em atenção o resultado da revisão da literatura realizada no primeiro artigo, esta investigação concentrou-se nos clientes individuais e no ramo automóvel. Através da aplicação da regressão logística, estabeleceu-se uma associação entre as variáveis independentes, relacionadas com o perfil dos clientes, as caraterísticas das apólices e os canais de distribuição, e a variável dependente, as apólices anuladas. A amostra baseou-se num conjunto de clientes de uma das maiores seguradoras generalistas de Portugal que anularam as suas apólices de seguro durante um determinado período estabelecido para análise. Deste estudo concluiu-se que a anulação de apólices é fortemente induzida pelas táticas agressivas de aquisição de clientes que as próprias empresas de seguros adotam. Adicionalmente, identificaram-se fatores associados à anulação de apólices, como o valor total de prémios pagos pelo cliente, as apólices com prémios superiores e com sinistros recentes, a intermediação através de intermediários que são agentes, especialmente os que têm um volume de negócios inferior, ou de distribuidores de tipo acessório, para quem a intermediação de seguros não constitui a atividade principal. Por outro lado, fatores como o pagamento das apólices através de débito direto na conta bancária do cliente e o pagamento do prémio de seguro sem fracionamento parecem contrariar a ocorrência de anulação de apólices. Este artigo também apresenta uma fórmula para determinar a probabilidade de cancelamento de uma apólice automóvel. O terceiro artigo procura identificar as principais tendências que caraterizam a evolução da investigação sobre a lealdade dos clientes nos seguros e determinar as principais prioridades no desenvolvimento das relações com os seus clientes. O método utilizado é a investigação bibliométrica, recorrendo aos programas Vosviewer e Scimat. Esta análise demonstra a importância crescente da gestão da informação, da data science e da utilização de algoritmos para antecipar as decisões dos clientes. Este trabalho de investigação é muito importante para a academia e para a indústria seguradora. Ao nível académico por permitir aprofundar o conhecimento científico numa matéria que tem sido pouco investigada e relativamente à qual existe uma premente necessidade de estabelecer uma base sólida de conhecimentos fundamentais. No que respeita à indústria seguradora, o tema assume uma enorme centralidade, tanto pelos seus impactos diretos nos resultados das empresas, como pela importância estratégica do estabelecimento de relações sólidas e duradouras com os clientes, de forma a assegurar as condições para um crescimento sustentado da atividade e orientar os recursos que têm sido aplicados em táticas agressivas de aquisição de novos clientes, para a investigação, o desenvolvimento e a inovação aplicada nesta industria.Insurance is a very important industry for the development of contemporary economies and societies, characterized by a historically high level of product cancellation which generates very significant annual losses for insurance companies. Nevertheless, it has received little attention from academia, considering the scarcity of scientific publications. The aim of this thesis is to develop scientific knowledge concerning product cancellation and customer loyalty in insurance throughout three scientific articles. The first article characterizes the current state of research on cancellation of non-life insurance, identifying the most important lines of research. The second article applies the previous conclusions to a real case, demonstrating the main factors associated with product cancellation. From the analysis of the results of this study, it is observed that the profile of customers, the characteristics of policies, and the typology of intermediaries are central factors to understand the cancellation of insurance. This article also highlights the responsibility of insurance companies themselves for product cancellation, given their strategic focus on attracting new customers, relegating retention efforts to a lower priority. In the third article, the main avenues for researching customer loyalty in insurance, and the industry challenges associated with its current and future management, are presented with an innovative application of Vosviewer and Scimat bibliometric techniques. This research highlights the strategic role of data management in companies’ effective management of customers. Globally, this thesis details the importance of reformulating processes in insurance to improve customer experiences, and the centrality of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and the deployment of analytical models, fuelled by big data, to improve customer loyalty in insurance and, consequently, to reduce insurance cancellation

    Semantic discovery and reuse of business process patterns

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    Patterns currently play an important role in modern information systems (IS) development and their use has mainly been restricted to the design and implementation phases of the development lifecycle. Given the increasing significance of business modelling in IS development, patterns have the potential of providing a viable solution for promoting reusability of recurrent generalized models in the very early stages of development. As a statement of research-in-progress this paper focuses on business process patterns and proposes an initial methodological framework for the discovery and reuse of business process patterns within the IS development lifecycle. The framework borrows ideas from the domain engineering literature and proposes the use of semantics to drive both the discovery of patterns as well as their reuse