57,686 research outputs found

    Review of research in feature-based design

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    Research in feature-based design is reviewed. Feature-based design is regarded as a key factor towards CAD/CAPP integration from a process planning point of view. From a design point of view, feature-based design offers possibilities for supporting the design process better than current CAD systems do. The evolution of feature definitions is briefly discussed. Features and their role in the design process and as representatives of design-objects and design-object knowledge are discussed. The main research issues related to feature-based design are outlined. These are: feature representation, features and tolerances, feature validation, multiple viewpoints towards features, features and standardization, and features and languages. An overview of some academic feature-based design systems is provided. Future research issues in feature-based design are outlined. The conclusion is that feature-based design is still in its infancy, and that more research is needed for a better support of the design process and better integration with manufacturing, although major advances have already been made

    Integration of magnetic amplifier switch model into computer aided design for power converters

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    Зазвичай у джерелах вторинного електроживлення (ДВЕЖ) комутаційну та регулюючу функції виконують напівпровідникові компоненти. Однак вони не можуть забезпечити високу якість вихідних характеристик у багатоканальних джерелах живлення та в ДВЕЖ із високим рівнем струму навантаження. В таких випадках як силові ключі використовують високочастотні магнітні підсилювачі (ВМП) на основі аморфних магнітом’яких сплавів з прямокутною петлею гістерезису. Розроблення перетворювачів електроенергії на основі ВМП не є повністю автоматизованим. ВМП є магнітним компонентом з нелінійними властивостями. Системи автоматизованого проектування (САПР) для комп’ютерного імітаційного моделювання електричних кіл не призначені для розрахунків магнітних полів та працюють з дискретними електричними компонентами. Існує проблема інтеграції моделі компонента з магнітним гістерезисом у бібліотеку моделей САПР. Крім того, досить складно оцінити оптимальні параметри такого компонента. У статті запропоновано нову математичну модель силового ключа на основі ВМП, що ґрунтується на функції, яку можна генерувати з допомогою цифрових технологій. Досліджено цифровий генератор синуса, що складається з цифрових дискретних компнентів для моделювання силового ключа на основі ВМП. Запропоновану математичну модель силового ключа на основі ВМП інтегровано у САПР. Проведено комп’ютерне імітаційне моделювання електричного кола, що містить ВМП. Розраховано абсолютну похибку та середньоквадратичне відхилення моделі процесів перемагнічення ВМП у порівнянні з експериментально отриманими даними. Така часткова автоматизація процесу розроблення високочастотних перетворювачів електроенергії на основі ВМП суттєво зменшить його складність, тривалість і вартість, а також сприятиме розвиткові нових схемотехнічних рішень.The designing of electrical power converters based on Magnetic Amplifier (MagAmp) switches is not fully automated. MagAmp is a magnetic component with nonlinear properties. Computer aided design (CAD) programmes are built to simulate electric circuits without electromagnetic field with distributed components. There is a problem of integration of a model of a component with magnetic hysteresis into the set of CAD models. In addition, estimation of the optimal parameters of such a component is rather complicated. The article proposes a new model of MagAmp switch which is based on a function that can be generated using digital technology. The digital generator of sinusoidal signals, consisting of discrete digital components for modeling the MagAmp switch, is investigated. Integration of the model into CAD programme and simulation of the electric circuit, which includes MagAmp switch, are obtained. Partial automation will reduce complexity, duration and cost of the design procedure, and will enhance the development of power converters

    Development of a dynamic virtual reality model of the inner ear sensory system as a learning and demonstrating tool

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    In order to keep track of the position and motion of our body in space, nature has given us a fascinating and very ingenious organ, the inner ear. Each inner ear includes five biological sensors - three angular and two linear accelerometers - which provide the body with the ability to sense angular and linear motion of the head with respect to inertial space. The aim of this paper is to present a dynamic virtual reality model of these sensors. This model, implemented in Matlab/Simulink, simulates the rotary chair testing which is one of the tests carried out during a diagnosis of the vestibular system. High-quality 3D-animations linked to the Simulink model are created using the export of CAD models into Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) files. This virtual environment shows not only the test but also the state of each sensor (excited or inhibited) in real time. Virtual reality is used as a tool of integrated learning of the dynamic behavior of the inner ear using ergonomic paradigm of user interactivity (zoom, rotation, mouse interaction,…). It can be used as a learning and demonstrating tool either in the medicine field - to understand the behavior of the sensors during any kind of motion - or in the aeronautical field to relate the inner ear functioning to some sensory illusions

    A dynamic model for the optimization of oscillatory low grade heat engines

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    The efficiency of a thermodynamic system is a key quantity on which its usefulness and wider application relies. This is especially true for a device that operates with marginal energy sources and close to ambient temperatures. Various definitions of efficiency are available, each of which reveals a certain performance characteristic of a device. Of these, some consider only the thermodynamic cycle undergone by the working fluid, whereas others contain additional information, including relevant internal components of the device that are not part of the thermodynamic cycle. Yet others attempt to factor out the conditions of the surroundings with which the device is interfacing thermally during operation. In this paper we present a simple approach for the modeling of complex oscillatory thermal-fluid systems capable of converting low grade heat into useful work. We apply the approach to the NIFTE, a novel low temperature difference heat utilization technology currently under development. We use the results from the model to calculate various efficiencies and comment on the usefulness of the different definitions in revealing performance characteristics. We show that the approach can be applied to make design optimization decisions, and suggest features for optimal efficiency of the NIFTE

    Model-based groupware solution for distributed real-time collaborative 4D planning via teamwork

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    Construction planning plays a fundamental role in construction project management that requires team working among planners from a diverse range of disciplines and in geographically dispersed working situations. Model-based four-dimensional (4D) computer-aided design (CAD) groupware, though considered a possible approach to supporting collaborative planning, is still short of effective collaborative mechanisms for teamwork due to methodological, technological and social challenges. Targeting this problem, this paper proposes a model-based groupware solution to enable a group of multidisciplinary planners to perform real-time collaborative 4D planning across the Internet. In the light of the interactive definition method, and its computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) design analysis, the paper discusses the realization of interactive collaborative mechanisms from software architecture, application mode, and data exchange protocol. These mechanisms have been integrated into a groupware solution, which was validated by a planning team in a truly geographically dispersed condition. Analysis of the validation results revealed that the proposed solution is feasible for real-time collaborative 4D planning to gain a robust construction plan through collaborative teamwork. The realization of this solution triggers further considerations about its enhancement for wider groupware applications

    Computational fluid dynamics model of a quad-rotor helicopter for dynamic analysis

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    The control and performance of a quad-rotor helicopter UAV is greatly influenced by its aerodynamics, which in turn is affected by the interactions with features in its remote environment. This paper presents details of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation and analysis of a quadrotor helicopter. It starts by presenting how SolidWorks software is used to develop a 3-D Computer Aided Design (CAD) model of the quad-rotor helicopter, then describes how CFD is used as a computer based mathematical modelling tool to simulate and analyze the effects of wind flow patterns on the performance and control of the quadrotor helicopter. For the purpose of developing a robust adaptive controller for the quad-rotor helicopter to withstand any environmental constraints, which is not within the scope of this paper; this work accurately models the quad-rotor static and dynamic characteristics from a limited number of time-accurate CFD simulations