101 research outputs found

    Formal Concept Analysis Applications in Bioinformatics

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    Bioinformatics is an important field that seeks to solve biological problems with the help of computation. One specific field in bioinformatics is that of genomics, the study of genes and their functions. Genomics can provide valuable analysis as to the interaction between how genes interact with their environment. One such way to measure the interaction is through gene expression data, which determines whether (and how much) a certain gene activates in a situation. Analyzing this data can be critical for predicting diseases or other biological reactions. One method used for analysis is Formal Concept Analysis (FCA), a computing technique based in partial orders that allows the user to examine the structural properties of binary data based on which subsets of the data set depend on each other. This thesis surveys, in breadth and depth, the current literature related to the use of FCA for bioinformatics, with particular focus on gene expression data. This includes descriptions of current data management techniques specific to FCA, such as lattice reduction, discretization, and variations of FCA to account for different data types. Advantages and shortcomings of using FCA for genomic investigations, as well as the feasibility of using FCA for this application are addressed. Finally, several areas for future doctoral research are proposed. Adviser: Jitender S. Deogu

    Semantic Biclustering

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    Tato disertační práce se zaměřuje na problém hledání interpretovatelných a prediktivních vzorů, které jsou vyjádřeny formou dvojshluků, se specializací na biologická data. Prezentované metody jsou souhrnně označovány jako sémantické dvojshlukování, jedná se o podobor dolování dat. Termín sémantické dvojshlukování je použit z toho důvodu, že zohledňuje proces hledání koherentních podmnožin řádků a sloupců, tedy dvojshluků, v 2-dimensionální binární matici a zárove ň bere také v potaz sémantický význam prvků v těchto dvojshlucích. Ačkoliv byla práce motivována biologicky orientovanými daty, vyvinuté algoritmy jsou obecně aplikovatelné v jakémkoli jiném výzkumném oboru. Je nutné pouze dodržet požadavek na formát vstupních dat. Disertační práce představuje dva originální a v tomto ohledu i základní přístupy pro hledání sémantických dvojshluků, jako je Bicluster enrichment analysis a Rule a tree learning. Jelikož tyto metody nevyužívají vlastní hierarchické uspořádání termů v daných ontologiích, obecně je běh těchto algoritmů dlouhý čin může docházet k indukci hypotéz s redundantními termy. Z toho důvodu byl vytvořen nový operátor zjemnění. Tento operátor byl včleněn do dobře známého algoritmu CN2, kde zavádí dvě redukční procedury: Redundant Generalization a Redundant Non-potential. Obě procedury pomáhají dramaticky prořezat prohledávaný prostor pravidel a tím umožňují urychlit proces indukce pravidel v porovnání s tradičním operátorem zjemnění tak, jak je původně prezentován v CN2. Celý algoritmus spolu s redukčními metodami je publikován ve formě R balííčku, který jsme nazvali sem1R. Abychom ukázali i možnost praktického užití metody sémantického dvojshlukování na reálných biologických problémech, v disertační práci dále popisujeme a specificky upravujeme algoritmus sem1R pro dv+ úlohy. Zaprvé, studujeme praktickou aplikaci algoritmu sem1R v analýze E-3 ubikvitin ligázy v trávicí soustavě s ohledem na potenciál regenerace tkáně. Zadruhé, kromě objevování dvojshluků v dat ech genové exprese, adaptujeme algoritmus sem1R pro hledání potenciálne patogenních genetických variant v kohortě pacientů.This thesis focuses on the problem of finding interpretable and predic tive patterns, which are expressed in the form of biclusters, with an orientation to biological data. The presented methods are collectively called semantic biclustering, as a subfield of data mining. The term semantic biclustering is used here because it reflects both a process of finding coherent subsets of rows and columns in a 2-dimensional binary matrix and simultaneously takes into account a mutual semantic meaning of elements in such biclusters. In spite of focusing on applications of algorithms in biological data, the developed algorithms are generally applicable to any other research field, there are only limitations on the format of the input data. The thesis introduces two novel, and in that context basic, approaches for finding semantic biclusters, as Bicluster enrichment analysis and Rule and tree learning. Since these methods do not exploit the native hierarchical order of terms of input ontologies, the run-time of algorithms is relatively long in general or an induced hypothesis might have terms that are redundant. For this reason, a new refinement operator has been invented. The refinement operator was incorporated into the well-known CN2 algorithm and uses two reduction procedures: Redundant Generalization and Redundant Non-potential, both of which help to dramatically prune the rule space and consequently, speed-up the entire process of rule induction in comparison with the traditional refinement operator as is presented in CN2. The reduction procedures were published as an R package that we called sem1R. To show a possible practical usage of semantic biclustering in real biological problems, the thesis also describes and specifically adapts the algorithm for two real biological problems. Firstly, we studied a practical application of sem1R algorithm in an analysis of E-3 ubiquitin ligase in the gastrointestinal tract with respect to tissue regeneration potential. Secondly, besides discovering biclusters in gene expression data, we adapted the sem1R algorithm for a different task, concretely for finding potentially pathogenic genetic variants in a cohort of patients

    On Solving Selected Nonlinear Integer Programming Problems in Data Mining, Computational Biology, and Sustainability

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    This thesis consists of three essays concerning the use of optimization techniques to solve four problems in the fields of data mining, computational biology, and sustainable energy devices. To the best of our knowledge, the particular problems we discuss have not been previously addressed using optimization, which is a specific contribution of this dissertation. In particular, we analyze each of the problems to capture their underlying essence, subsequently demonstrating that each problem can be modeled as a nonlinear (mixed) integer program. We then discuss the design and implementation of solution techniques to locate optimal solutions to the aforementioned problems. Running throughout this dissertation is the theme of using mixed-integer programming techniques in conjunction with context-dependent algorithms to identify optimal and previously undiscovered underlying structure

    Correlation Clustering

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    Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the non-trivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data. The core step of the KDD process is the application of a Data Mining algorithm in order to produce a particular enumeration of patterns and relationships in large databases. Clustering is one of the major data mining techniques and aims at grouping the data objects into meaningful classes (clusters) such that the similarity of objects within clusters is maximized, and the similarity of objects from different clusters is minimized. This can serve to group customers with similar interests, or to group genes with related functionalities. Currently, a challenge for clustering-techniques are especially high dimensional feature-spaces. Due to modern facilities of data collection, real data sets usually contain many features. These features are often noisy or exhibit correlations among each other. However, since these effects in different parts of the data set are differently relevant, irrelevant features cannot be discarded in advance. The selection of relevant features must therefore be integrated into the data mining technique. Since about 10 years, specialized clustering approaches have been developed to cope with problems in high dimensional data better than classic clustering approaches. Often, however, the different problems of very different nature are not distinguished from one another. A main objective of this thesis is therefore a systematic classification of the diverse approaches developed in recent years according to their task definition, their basic strategy, and their algorithmic approach. We discern as main categories the search for clusters (i) w.r.t. closeness of objects in axis-parallel subspaces, (ii) w.r.t. common behavior (patterns) of objects in axis-parallel subspaces, and (iii) w.r.t. closeness of objects in arbitrarily oriented subspaces (so called correlation cluster). For the third category, the remaining parts of the thesis describe novel approaches. A first approach is the adaptation of density-based clustering to the problem of correlation clustering. The starting point here is the first density-based approach in this field, the algorithm 4C. Subsequently, enhancements and variations of this approach are discussed allowing for a more robust, more efficient, or more effective behavior or even find hierarchies of correlation clusters and the corresponding subspaces. The density-based approach to correlation clustering, however, is fundamentally unable to solve some issues since an analysis of local neighborhoods is required. This is a problem in high dimensional data. Therefore, a novel method is proposed tackling the correlation clustering problem in a global approach. Finally, a method is proposed to derive models for correlation clusters to allow for an interpretation of the clusters and facilitate more thorough analysis in the corresponding domain science. Finally, possible applications of these models are proposed and discussed.Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) ist der Prozess der automatischen Extraktion von Wissen aus großen Datenmengen, das gültig, bisher unbekannt und potentiell nützlich für eine gegebene Anwendung ist. Der zentrale Schritt des KDD-Prozesses ist das Anwenden von Data Mining-Techniken, um nützliche Beziehungen und Zusammenhänge in einer aufbereiteten Datenmenge aufzudecken. Eine der wichtigsten Techniken des Data Mining ist die Cluster-Analyse (Clustering). Dabei sollen die Objekte einer Datenbank in Gruppen (Cluster) partitioniert werden, so dass Objekte eines Clusters möglichst ähnlich und Objekte verschiedener Cluster möglichst unähnlich zu einander sind. Hier können beispielsweise Gruppen von Kunden identifiziert werden, die ähnliche Interessen haben, oder Gruppen von Genen, die ähnliche Funktionalitäten besitzen. Eine aktuelle Herausforderung für Clustering-Verfahren stellen hochdimensionale Feature-Räume dar. Reale Datensätze beinhalten dank moderner Verfahren zur Datenerhebung häufig sehr viele Merkmale (Features). Teile dieser Merkmale unterliegen oft Rauschen oder Abhängigkeiten und können meist nicht im Vorfeld ausgesiebt werden, da diese Effekte in Teilen der Datenbank jeweils unterschiedlich ausgeprägt sind. Daher muss die Wahl der Features mit dem Data-Mining-Verfahren verknüpft werden. Seit etwa 10 Jahren werden vermehrt spezialisierte Clustering-Verfahren entwickelt, die mit den in hochdimensionalen Feature-Räumen auftretenden Problemen besser umgehen können als klassische Clustering-Verfahren. Hierbei wird aber oftmals nicht zwischen den ihrer Natur nach im Einzelnen sehr unterschiedlichen Problemen unterschieden. Ein Hauptanliegen der Dissertation ist daher eine systematische Einordnung der in den letzten Jahren entwickelten sehr diversen Ansätze nach den Gesichtspunkten ihrer jeweiligen Problemauffassung, ihrer grundlegenden Lösungsstrategie und ihrer algorithmischen Vorgehensweise. Als Hauptkategorien unterscheiden wir hierbei die Suche nach Clustern (1.) hinsichtlich der Nähe von Cluster-Objekten in achsenparallelen Unterräumen, (2.) hinsichtlich gemeinsamer Verhaltensweisen (Mustern) von Cluster-Objekten in achsenparallelen Unterräumen und (3.) hinsichtlich der Nähe von Cluster-Objekten in beliebig orientierten Unterräumen (sogenannte Korrelations-Cluster). Für die dritte Kategorie sollen in den weiteren Teilen der Dissertation innovative Lösungsansätze entwickelt werden. Ein erster Lösungsansatz basiert auf einer Erweiterung des dichte-basierten Clustering auf die Problemstellung des Korrelations-Clustering. Den Ausgangspunkt bildet der erste dichtebasierte Ansatz in diesem Bereich, der Algorithmus 4C. Anschließend werden Erweiterungen und Variationen dieses Ansatzes diskutiert, die robusteres, effizienteres oder effektiveres Verhalten aufweisen oder sogar Hierarchien von Korrelations-Clustern und den entsprechenden Unterräumen finden. Die dichtebasierten Korrelations-Cluster-Verfahren können allerdings einige Probleme grundsätzlich nicht lösen, da sie auf der Analyse lokaler Nachbarschaften beruhen. Dies ist in hochdimensionalen Feature-Räumen problematisch. Daher wird eine weitere Neuentwicklung vorgestellt, die das Korrelations-Cluster-Problem mit einer globalen Methode angeht. Schließlich wird eine Methode vorgestellt, die Cluster-Modelle für Korrelationscluster ableitet, so dass die gefundenen Cluster interpretiert werden können und tiefergehende Untersuchungen in der jeweiligen Fachdisziplin zielgerichtet möglich sind. Mögliche Anwendungen dieser Modelle werden abschließend vorgestellt und untersucht

    Forestogram: Biclustering Visualization Framework with Applications in Public Transport and Bioinformatics

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    RÉSUMÉ : Dans de nombreux problèmes d’analyse de données, les données sont exprimées dans une matrice avec les sujets en ligne et les attributs en colonne. Les méthodes de segmentations traditionnelles visent à regrouper les sujets (lignes), selon des critères de similitude entre ces sujets. Le but est de constituer des groupes de sujets (lignes) qui partagent un certain degré de ressemblance. Les groupes obtenus permettent de garantir que les sujets partagent des similitudes dans leurs attributs (colonnes), il n’y a cependant aucune garantie sur ce qui se passe au niveau des attributs (les colonnes). Dans certaines applications, un regroupement simultané des lignes et des colonnes appelé biclustering de la matrice de données peut être souhaité. Pour cela, nous concevons et développons un nouveau cadre appelé Forestogram, qui permet le calcul de ce regroupement simultané des lignes et des colonnes (biclusters)dans un mode hiérarchique. Le regroupement simultané des lignes et des colonnes de manière hiérarchique peut aider les praticiens à mieux comprendre comment les groupes évoluent avec des propriétés théoriques intéressantes. Forestogram, le nouvel outil de calcul et de visualisation proposé, pourrait être considéré comme une extension 3D du dendrogramme, avec une fusion orthogonale étendue. Chaque bicluster est constitué d’un groupe de lignes (ou de sujets) qui déplie un schéma fortement corrélé avec le groupe de colonnes (ou attributs) correspondantes. Cependant, au lieu d’effectuer un clustering bidirectionnel indépendamment de chaque côté, nous proposons un algorithme de biclustering hiérarchique qui prend les lignes et les colonnes en même temps pour déterminer les biclusters. De plus, nous développons un critère d’information basé sur un modèle qui fournit un nombre estimé de biclusters à travers un ensemble de configurations hiérarchiques au sein du forestogramme sous des hypothèses légères. Nous étudions le cadre suggéré dans deux perspectives appliquées différentes, l’une dans le domaine du transport en commun, l’autre dans le domaine de la bioinformatique. En premier lieu, nous étudions le comportement des usagers dans le transport en commun à partir de deux informations distinctes, les données temporelles et les coordonnées spatiales recueillies à partir des données de transaction de la carte à puce des usagers. Dans de nombreuses villes, les sociétés de transport en commun du monde entier utilisent un système de carte à puce pour gérer la perception des tarifs. L’analyse de cette information fournit un aperçu complet de l’influence de l’utilisateur dans le réseau de transport en commun interactif. À cet égard, l’analyse des données temporelles, décrivant l’heure d’entrée dans le réseau de transport en commun est considérée comme la composante la plus importante des données recueillies à partir des cartes à puce. Les techniques classiques de segmentation, basées sur la distance, ne sont pas appropriées pour analyser les données temporelles. Une nouvelle projection intuitive est suggérée pour conserver le modèle de données horodatées. Ceci est introduit dans la méthode suggérée pour découvrir le modèle temporel comportemental des utilisateurs. Cette projection conserve la distance temporelle entre toute paire arbitraire de données horodatées avec une visualisation significative. Par conséquent, cette information est introduite dans un algorithme de classification hiérarchique en tant que méthode de segmentation de données pour découvrir le modèle des utilisateurs. Ensuite, l’heure d’utilisation est prise en compte comme une variable latente pour rendre la métrique euclidienne appropriée dans l’extraction du motif spatial à travers notre forestogramme. Comme deuxième application, le forestogramme est testé sur un ensemble de données multiomiques combinées à partir de différentes mesures biologiques pour étudier comment l’état de santé des patientes et les modalités biologiques correspondantes évoluent hiérarchiquement au cours du terme de la grossesse, dans chaque bicluster. Le maintien de la grossesse repose sur un équilibre finement équilibré entre la tolérance à l’allogreffe foetale et la protection mécanismes contre les agents pathogènes envahissants. Malgré l’impact bien établi du développement pendant les premiers mois de la grossesse sur les résultats à long terme, les interactions entre les divers mécanismes biologiques qui régissent la progression de la grossesse n’ont pas été étudiées en détail. Démontrer la chronologie de ces adaptations à la grossesse à terme fournit le cadre pour de futures études examinant les déviations impliquées dans les pathologies liées à la grossesse, y compris la naissance prématurée et la prééclampsie. Nous effectuons une analyse multi-physique de 51 échantillons de 17 femmes enceintes, livrant à terme. Les ensembles de données comprennent des mesures de l’immunome, du transcriptome, du microbiome, du protéome et du métabolome d’échantillons obtenus simultanément chez les mêmes patients. La modélisation prédictive multivariée utilisant l’algorithme Elastic Net est utilisée pour mesurer la capacité de chaque ensemble de données à prédire l’âge gestationnel. En utilisant la généralisation empilée, ces ensembles de données sont combinés en un seul modèle. Ce modèle augmente non seulement significativement le pouvoir prédictif en combinant tous les ensembles de données, mais révèle également de nouvelles interactions entre différentes modalités biologiques. En outre, notre forestogramme suggéré est une autre ligne directrice avec l’âge gestationnel au moment de l’échantillonnage qui fournit un modèle non supervisé pour montrer combien d’informations supervisées sont nécessaires pour chaque trimestre pour caractériser les changements induits par la grossesse dans Microbiome, Transcriptome, Génome, Exposome et Immunome réponses efficacement.----------ABSTRACT : In many statistical modeling problems data are expressed in a matrix with subjects in row and attributes in column. In this regard, simultaneous grouping of rows and columns known as biclustering of the data matrix is desired. We design and develop a new framework called Forestogram, with the aim of fast computational and hierarchical illustration of biclusters. Often in practical data analysis, we deal with a two-dimensional object known as the data matrix, where observations are expressed as samples (or subjects) in rows, and attributes (or features) in columns. Thus, simultaneous grouping of rows and columns in a hierarchical manner helps practitioners better understanding how clusters evolve. Forestogram, a novel computational and visualization tool, could be thought of as a 3D expansion of dendrogram, with extended orthogonal merge. Each bicluster consists of group of rows (or samples) that unfolds a highly-correlated schema with their corresponding group of columns (or attributes). However, instead of performing two-way clustering independently on each side, we propose a hierarchical biclustering algorithm which takes rows and columns at the same time to determine the biclusters. Furthermore, we develop a model-based information criterion which provides an estimated number of biclusters through a set of hierarchical configurations within the forestogram under mild assumptions. We study the suggested framework in two different applied perspectives, one in public transit domain, another one in bioinformatics field. First, we investigate the users’ behavior in public transit based on two distinct information, temporal data and spatial coordinates gathered from smart card. In many cities, worldwide public transit companies use smart card system to manage fare collection. Analysis of this information provides a comprehensive insight of user’s influence in the interactive public transit network. In this regard, analysis of temporal data, describing the time of entering to the public transit network is considered as the most substantial component of the data gathered from the smart cards. Classical distance-based techniques are not always suitable to analyze this time series data. A novel projection with intuitive visual map from higher dimension into a three-dimensional clock-like space is suggested to reveal the underlying temporal pattern of public transit users. This projection retains the temporal distance between any arbitrary pair of time-stamped data with meaningful visualization. Consequently, this information is fed into a hierarchical clustering algorithm as a method of data segmentation to discover the pattern of users. Then, the time of the usage is taken as a latent variable into account to make the Euclidean metric appropriate for extracting the spatial pattern through our forestogram. As a second application, forestogram is tested on a multiomics dataset combined from different biological measurements to study how patients and corresponding biological modalities evolve hierarchically in each bicluster over the term of pregnancy. The maintenance of pregnancy relies on a finely-tuned balance between tolerance to the fetal allograft and protective mechanisms against invading pathogens. Despite the well-established impact of development during the early months of pregnancy on long-term outcomes, the interactions between various biological mechanisms that govern the progression of pregnancy have not been studied in details. Demonstrating the chronology of these adaptations to term pregnancy provides the framework for future studies examining deviations implicated in pregnancy-related pathologies including preterm birth and preeclampsia. We perform a multiomics analysis of 51 samples from 17 pregnant women, delivering at term. The datasets include measurements from the immunome, transcriptome, microbiome, proteome, and metabolome of samples obtained simultaneously from the same patients. Multivariate predictive modeling using the Elastic Net algorithm is used to measure the ability of each dataset to predict gestational age. Using stacked generalization, these datasets are combined into a single model. This model not only significantly increases the predictive power by combining all datasets, but also reveals novel interactions between different biological modalities. Furthermore, our suggested forestogram is another guideline along with the gestational age at time of sampling that provides an unsupervised model to show how much supervised information is necessary for each trimester to characterize the pregnancy-induced changes in Microbiome, Transcriptome, Genome, Exposome, and Immunome responses effectively

    FCAIR 2012 Formal Concept Analysis Meets Information Retrieval Workshop co-located with the 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2013) March 24, 2013, Moscow, Russia

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    International audienceFormal Concept Analysis (FCA) is a mathematically well-founded theory aimed at data analysis and classifiation. The area came into being in the early 1980s and has since then spawned over 10000 scientific publications and a variety of practically deployed tools. FCA allows one to build from a data table with objects in rows and attributes in columns a taxonomic data structure called concept lattice, which can be used for many purposes, especially for Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval. The Formal Concept Analysis Meets Information Retrieval (FCAIR) workshop collocated with the 35th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2013) was intended, on the one hand, to attract researchers from FCA community to a broad discussion of FCA-based research on information retrieval, and, on the other hand, to promote ideas, models, and methods of FCA in the community of Information Retrieval

    Graphical Model approaches for Biclustering

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    In many scientific areas, it is crucial to group (cluster) a set of objects, based on a set of observed features. Such operation is widely known as Clustering and it has been exploited in the most different scenarios ranging from Economics to Biology passing through Psychology. Making a step forward, there exist contexts where it is crucial to group objects and simultaneously identify the features that allow to recognize such objects from the others. In gene expression analysis, for instance, the identification of subsets of genes showing a coherent pattern of expression in subsets of objects/samples can provide crucial information about active biological processes. Such information, which cannot be retrieved by classical clustering approaches, can be extracted with the so called Biclustering, a class of approaches which aim at simultaneously clustering both rows and columns of a given data matrix (where each row corresponds to a different object/sample and each column to a different feature). The problem of biclustering, also known as co-clustering, has been recently exploited in a wide range of scenarios such as Bioinformatics, market segmentation, data mining, text analysis and recommender systems. Many approaches have been proposed to address the biclustering problem, each one characterized by different properties such as interpretability, effectiveness or computational complexity. A recent trend involves the exploitation of sophisticated computational models (Graphical Models) to face the intrinsic complexity of biclustering, and to retrieve very accurate solutions. Graphical Models represent the decomposition of a global objective function to analyse in a set of smaller/local functions defined over a subset of variables. The advantages in using Graphical Models relies in the fact that the graphical representation can highlight useful hidden properties of the considered objective function, plus, the analysis of smaller local problems can be dealt with less computational effort. Due to the difficulties in obtaining a representative and solvable model, and since biclustering is a complex and challenging problem, there exist few promising approaches in literature based on Graphical models facing biclustering. 3 This thesis is inserted in the above mentioned scenario and it investigates the exploitation of Graphical Models to face the biclustering problem. We explored different type of Graphical Models, in particular: Factor Graphs and Bayesian Networks. We present three novel algorithms (with extensions) and evaluate such techniques using available benchmark datasets. All the models have been compared with the state-of-the-art competitors and the results show that Factor Graph approaches lead to solid and efficient solutions for dataset of contained dimensions, whereas Bayesian Networks can manage huge datasets, with the overcome that setting the parameters can be not trivial. As another contribution of the thesis, we widen the range of biclustering applications by studying the suitability of these approaches in some Computer Vision problems where biclustering has been never adopted before. Summarizing, with this thesis we provide evidence that Graphical Model techniques can have a significant impact in the biclustering scenario. Moreover, we demonstrate that biclustering techniques are ductile and can produce effective solutions in the most different fields of applications