212 research outputs found

    Asignación y resolución de identificadores para un repositorio de objetos de aprendizaje basado en LOM

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un análisis sobre la asignación de identificadores en un repositorio institucional de objetos de aprendizaje. Este repositorio está siendo diseñado en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, de acuerdo al estándar IEEE 1484.12.1 Learning Object Metadata. En el contexto de aplicación, en el cual los contenidos pueden ser generados de manera descentralizada, se requiere un mecanismo que garantice la unicidad y persistencia de los identificadores. Se explica porqué los URL no resultan adecuados, y porqué el espacio formal de nombres URN fdc se ajusta a los requerimientos. Además, se mencionan algunos protocolos que podrían implementarse a fin de resolver tales identificadores en el sistema.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Asignación y resolución de identificadores para un repositorio de objetos de aprendizaje basado en LOM

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolla un análisis sobre la asignación de identificadores en un repositorio institucional de objetos de aprendizaje. Este repositorio está siendo diseñado en la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, de acuerdo al estándar IEEE 1484.12.1 Learning Object Metadata. En el contexto de aplicación, en el cual los contenidos pueden ser generados de manera descentralizada, se requiere un mecanismo que garantice la unicidad y persistencia de los identificadores. Se explica porqué los URL no resultan adecuados, y porqué el espacio formal de nombres URN fdc se ajusta a los requerimientos. Además, se mencionan algunos protocolos que podrían implementarse a fin de resolver tales identificadores en el sistema.Eje: Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Lenguaje de dominio específico para generar facturas electrónicas de acuerdo a los requerimientos técnicos de la DIAN - invoiceQL

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    La DIAN (Dirección de impuestos y aduanas nacionales) está implementando el proceso de facturación electrónica en Colombia, esto implica que los sistemas de información de las organizaciones (como los ERP) que tienen que ver con la facturación deban implementar nuevos requerimientos. En este trabajo se presenta el lenguaje de dominio específico llamado InvoiceQL que permite generar facturas electrónicas tan solo con escribir algunas instrucciones. Para desarrollar InvoiceQL se utilizó una metodología basada en desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos o MDSD con una variante llamada MDDF(Desarrollo de funcionalidades dirigido por modelos) y con la ayuda de las herramientas de modelado de Eclipse (más específicamente el framework EMF) se creó un programa interprete que genera facturas electrónicas directamente desde sentencias InvoiceQ. InvoiceQL tambien puede generar código fuente en lenguaje Python que al ejecutarse genera facturas electrónicas.The DIAN (Dirección de impuestos y aduanas nacionales) is implementing the electronic invoicing process in Colombia, this implies that the information systems in the organizations (such as ERPs) they have to implement new requirements. In this work the specific domain language InvoiceQL is presented, this language allows generating electronic invoices just by typing some instructions. To develop InvoiceQL was used a methodology based on model-driven software development or MDSD with a variant that we have called MDDF(Model-driven development of functionality). With the help of Eclipse modeling tools (more specifically the EMF framework) an interpreter program was developed, this program can generates electronic invoices directly and can also generate source code in Python language that can be integrated into the ERP ODOO to generate electronic invoices.Línea de Investigación: Ingeniería de Software Dirigida por ModelosMaestrí

    WS-BPEL extension for compliance fragments (BPEL4CFrags), Version 1.0

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    The Web Services Business Process Execution Language, version 2.0 (WS-BPEL 2.0 or BPEL for brevity) introduces a model for business processes based on Web services. A BPEL process orchestrates interactions among different Web services. The language comprises features required to describe complex control flows, including error handling and compensation behaviour. BPEL for Compliance Fragments (BPEL4CFrags) enables the specification of compliance fragments providing a reusable solution for implementing and meeting compliance requirements. The compliance fragments are not necessarily executable. Providing process modeling support at design time requires the completion of not directly executable compliance fragments, because compliance fragments contain several degrees of freedom, into already existing executable BPEL processes. Moreover, assistance for creation of executable BPEL processes from scratch during IT refinement has to be provided

    Systems biology driven software design for the research enterprise

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In systems biology, and many other areas of research, there is a need for the interoperability of tools and data sources that were not originally designed to be integrated. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of systems biology, and its association with high throughput experimental platforms, there is an additional need to continually integrate new technologies. As scientists work in isolated groups, integration with other groups is rarely a consideration when building the required software tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We illustrate an approach, through the discussion of a purpose built software architecture, which allows disparate groups to reuse tools and access data sources in a common manner. The architecture allows for: the rapid development of distributed applications; interoperability, so it can be used by a wide variety of developers and computational biologists; development using standard tools, so that it is easy to maintain and does not require a large development effort; extensibility, so that new technologies and data types can be incorporated; and non intrusive development, insofar as researchers need not to adhere to a pre-existing object model.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By using a relatively simple integration strategy, based upon a common identity system and dynamically discovered interoperable services, a light-weight software architecture can become the focal point through which scientists can both get access to and analyse the plethora of experimentally derived data.</p

    Serviços de gestão de dados pessoais em arquitectura "user-centric"

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesO paradigma da gestão de informa ção pessoal est a a mudar. At é agora sempre esteve associado a uma gestão centrada nas organizações em que o utilizador cede os seus dados pessoais a uma entidade e delega, segundo os termos da organização, a sua gestão. Com o aparecimento de novos servi cos online e a apetência cada vez maior dos indiv duos para a sua utiliza ção surgem algumas preocupa ções como fragmenta ção, privacidade, interoperabilidade, para nomear alguns. Tecnologias web emergentes procuram trazer avan ços em questões como \semantic web", \trust computing", \data portability", \identity management" com o intuito de mudar para um paradigma centrado no indiv íduo em controlo da informa ção que lhe diz respeito mas mantendo a interoperabilidade para que estes objectivos se mantenham entre os m ultiplos intervenientes naquilo que designa como a identidade digital. Esta Disserta c~ao de mestrado aborda esta tem atica segundo dois aspectos: (i) a identi ca ção e descoberta dos v arios servi cos associados a identidade digital atrav es de um identi cador abstracto (ii) a representa ção de dados, num formato machine-readable, agrega ção e partilha de dados de uma forma consistente e governada pelo utilizador. Como prova de conceito foi desenvolvido um prot otipo baseado no framework XRI/XDI com o prop osito de servir como adaptador para servi cos de redes sociais permitindo a descoberta, agrega ção e partilha de dados. O prot otipo consiste em três m odulos, aplica ção cliente, m odulo servidor e endpoint XDI. A aplica ção cliente permite, atrav es de uma interface web, associar contas de servi cos e gerir relações/acessos sobre os dados do utilizador. O m odulo de servidor cont em a l ogica necess aria para processar os pedidos recebidos pelo cliente ou endpoint nos dados do utilizador. O endpoint XDI permite que qualquer aplicação com capacidades XDI aceda, se autorizado, aos dados do utilizador incluindo aqueles, atrav es de mapeamento XDI, que se encontram guardados remotamente num dos servi ços associados. A implementação realizada evidencia algumas das vantagens do framework XRI/XDI mesmo em coexistência com os sistemas actuais.The personal information management paradigm is shifting. Until now, it's was always associated with organizations. Individuals hand over their personal data and delegate the management, under organizational policies, to an external entity. With the spread of new online services and the increasing acceptance of their value by individuals, some concerns come along: fragmentation, privacy, interoperability, to name few. Emergent web technologies seek progress on concepts like \Sematic Web", \Trust Computing", and \Data Portability" and \Identity Management" to a paradigm centered in the individual. This paradigm allows total control over the information individual shares online without compromising interoperability between services, i.e., building a uni ed digital identity. This thesis addresses these concerns in two goals. The identi cation and discovery of all the online services associated with the individual digital identity through a digital identi er and abstract representation of data, a machine-readable format, aggregating and sharing data in a consistent way and governed by the user. As a proof-of-concept was developed a prototype based on the framework XRI/XDI to serve as an interface to social network services allowing discovery, aggregation and data sharing. The prototype consists of three modules, client, server module and XDI endpoint. The client application allows, through a web interface, associate social web accounts and manage granular relationships/accesses to user data. The server module contains logic needed to process requests from the web interface or XDI endpoint and synchronize data with social network services. The XDI endpoint allows that any application with XDI capabilities to access, if authorized, to user data represented in XDI, including remote data located on social network. The work developed on the proof-of-concepts show some of the framework XRI/XDI advantages even in coexistence with current \walled garden" systems

    An XRI naming system for dynamic and federated clouds: a performance analysis

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    Abstract Cloud platforms are dynamic, self-optimizing, continuously changing environments where resources can be composed with other ones in order to provide many types of services to their users, e.g., companies, governments, organizations, and desktop/mobile clients. In order to enable cloud platforms to manage and control their assets, they need to name, identify, and resolve their virtual resources in different operating contexts. In such a scenario, naming, resource location, and information retrieval raise several issues regarding name space management. This paper aims to propose a standard practice for the implementation of a cloud naming system based on the eXtensible Resource Identifier (XRI) technology. More specifically, by means of the development of a Cloud Name Space Management (CNSM) front-end interacting with the OpenXRI architecture, we investigate its performance simulating typical cloud name space management tasks

    Service level agreements in spatial data infrastructures

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt ein Konzept für die Integration von Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in Geodateninfrastrukturen (GDIs). Der ausgewählten mehrstufigen Ansatz beinhaltet die Entwicklung eines abstrakten SLA-Modells und einer web-basierten SLA-Management-Architektur. Das Ziel des abstrakten SLA-Modells ist die konzeptionelle Beschreibung der Struktur und des Inhaltes von SLAs speziell für die ausgewählten Anwendungsbereiche. Der Zweck der web-basierten SLA-Management-Architektur ist es, die (Online-) Aushandlung von SLAs in bereits existierenden GDIs zu ermöglichen, ohne dass eine vorherige (Offline-) Kommunikation zwischen Dienstanbieter und Dienstnutzer vonnöten ist. Der gewählte Policy-basierte Ansatz deckt nicht nur die Aushandlung von SLAs und die eigentliche Dienstnutzung ab, es wird der vollständige Lebenszyklus von SLAs unterstützt. Dazu gehört sowohl die permanente Überwachung der angebotenen Dienste als auch die permanente Evaluierung aller aktiven SLAs.This thesis develops a concept for the integration of Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDIs). The selected multi-step approach involves the development of an abstract SLA model and a web-based SLA management architecture. The aim of the abstract SLA model is to describe the domain-specific structure and content of SLAs that can be applied in SDIs from a conceptual point of view. The purpose of the web-based SLA management architecture is to enable the on-demand and online negotiation of SLAs in established SDIs without the need of prior offline communication between service providers and service consumers. The selected policy-based approach covers not only agreement negotiation and service consumption, but also the complete agreement life cycle including service monitoring and agreement evaluation.<br/