13,237 research outputs found

    Introducing a Calculus of Effects and Handlers for Natural Language Semantics

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    In compositional model-theoretic semantics, researchers assemble truth-conditions or other kinds of denotations using the lambda calculus. It was previously observed that the lambda terms and/or the denotations studied tend to follow the same pattern: they are instances of a monad. In this paper, we present an extension of the simply-typed lambda calculus that exploits this uniformity using the recently discovered technique of effect handlers. We prove that our calculus exhibits some of the key formal properties of the lambda calculus and we use it to construct a modular semantics for a small fragment that involves multiple distinct semantic phenomena

    Elements of mathematics and logic for computer program analysis

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    1 Introduction 2 Induction and sequences 2.1 Induction on natural numbers 2.2 Words and sequences 2.3 A digression on set theory 2.4 Induction on words 2.5 Grammar rules and string rewriting 3 Terms 3.1 Definition of terms 3.2 Knaster-Tarski's fixpoint theorem (1927) 3.3 Kleene's fixpoint theorem (1952?) 3.4 Pattern matching and term rewriting 3.5 Models of a term algebra 4 Lambda-calculus 4.1 Definition of λ-calculus 4.2 Church-computable functions 4.3 Kleene-computable functions 4.4 Turing-computable functions 5 Simply-typed lambda-calculus 5.1 Curry-style simply-typed λ-calculus . 5.2 Unification 5.3 Type inference 5.4 Church-style simply-typed λ-calculus 6 First-order logic 6.1 Formulas and truth 6.2 Provability and deduction systems 6.3 Proof terms and Curry-Howard correspondence 7 To go further 8 Solutions to exercises 8.1 Section 2: Induction and sequences 8.2 Section 3: Terms 8.3 Section 4: Lambda-calculus 8.4 Section 5: Simply-typed lambda-calculus 8.5 Section 6: First-order logicMasterIn order to be able to rigorously prove the correctness of a program, one must have a formal definition of: what is a program, syntactically; how it is evaluated, that is, what is its semantics; how to formulate the properties we are interested in; and how to prove them. All this requires to understand some basic mathematical notions like induction, terms, formulas, deduction, etc. These notes are intended to give an introduction to some of these notions

    Inductive-data-type Systems

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    In a previous work ("Abstract Data Type Systems", TCS 173(2), 1997), the last two authors presented a combined language made of a (strongly normalizing) algebraic rewrite system and a typed lambda-calculus enriched by pattern-matching definitions following a certain format, called the "General Schema", which generalizes the usual recursor definitions for natural numbers and similar "basic inductive types". This combined language was shown to be strongly normalizing. The purpose of this paper is to reformulate and extend the General Schema in order to make it easily extensible, to capture a more general class of inductive types, called "strictly positive", and to ease the strong normalization proof of the resulting system. This result provides a computation model for the combination of an algebraic specification language based on abstract data types and of a strongly typed functional language with strictly positive inductive types.Comment: Theoretical Computer Science (2002

    A Calculus with Partially Dynamic Records for Typeful Manipulation of JSON Objects

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    This paper investigates language constructs for high-level and type-safe manipulation of JSON objects in a typed functional language. A major obstacle in representing JSON in a static type system is their heterogeneous nature: in most practical JSON APIs, a JSON array is a heterogeneous list consisting of, for example, objects having common fields and possibly some optional fields. This paper presents a typed calculus that reconciles static typing constraints and heterogeneous JSON arrays based on the idea of partially dynamic records originally proposed and sketched by Buneman and Ohori for complex database object manipulation. Partially dynamic records are dynamically typed records, but some parts of their structures are statically known. This feature enables us to represent JSON objects as typed data structures. The proposed calculus smoothly extends with ML-style pattern matching and record polymorphism. These results yield a typed functional language where the programmer can directly import JSON data as terms having static types, and can manipulate them with the full benefits of static polymorphic type-checking. The proposed calculus has been embodied in SML#, an extension of Standard ML with record polymorphism and other practically useful features. This paper also reports on the details of the implementation and demonstrates its feasibility through examples using actual Web APIs. The SML# version 3.1.0 compiler includes JSON support presented in this paper, and is available from Tohoku University as open-source software under a BSD-style license

    A Typed Calculus for Querying Distributed XML Documents

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    We study the problems related to querying large, distributed XML documents. Our proposal takes the form of a new process calculus in which XML data are processes that can be queried by means of concurrent pattern-matching expressions. What we achieve is a functional, strongly-typed programming model based on three main ingredients: an asynchronous process calculus in the style of Milner's pi-calculus and existing semantics for concurrent-ML; a model where documents and expressions are both represented as processes, and where evaluation is represented as a parallel composition of the two; a static type system based on regular expression types

    Behavioural Types for Actor Systems

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    Recent mainstream programming languages such as Erlang or Scala have renewed the interest on the Actor model of concurrency. However, the literature on the static analysis of actor systems is still lacking of mature formal methods. In this paper we present a minimal actor calculus that takes as primitive the basic constructs of Scala's Actors API. More precisely, actors can send asynchronous messages, process received messages according to a pattern matching mechanism, and dynamically create new actors, whose scope can be extruded by passing actor names as message parameters. Drawing inspiration from the linear types and session type theories developed for process calculi, we put forward a behavioural type system that addresses the key issues of an actor calculus. We then study a safety property dealing with the determinism of finite actor com- munication. More precisely, we show that well typed and balanced actor systems are (i) deadlock-free and (ii) any message will eventually be handled by the target actor, and dually no actor will indefinitely wait for an expected messag

    Rewriting Modulo \beta in the \lambda\Pi-Calculus Modulo

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    The lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo is a variant of the lambda-calculus with dependent types where beta-conversion is extended with user-defined rewrite rules. It is an expressive logical framework and has been used to encode logics and type systems in a shallow way. Basic properties such as subject reduction or uniqueness of types do not hold in general in the lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo. However, they hold if the rewrite system generated by the rewrite rules together with beta-reduction is confluent. But this is too restrictive. To handle the case where non confluence comes from the interference between the beta-reduction and rewrite rules with lambda-abstraction on their left-hand side, we introduce a notion of rewriting modulo beta for the lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo. We prove that confluence of rewriting modulo beta is enough to ensure subject reduction and uniqueness of types. We achieve our goal by encoding the lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo into Higher-Order Rewrite System (HRS). As a consequence, we also make the confluence results for HRSs available for the lambda-Pi-calculus Modulo.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2015, arXiv:1507.0759

    A type system for components

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    In modern distributed systems, dynamic reconfiguration, i.e., changing at runtime the communication pattern of a program, is chal- lenging. Generally, it is difficult to guarantee that such modifications will not disrupt ongoing computations. In a previous paper, a solution to this problem was proposed by extending the object-oriented language ABS with a component model allowing the programmer to: i) perform up- dates on objects by means of communication ports and their rebinding; and ii) precisely specify when such updates can safely occur in an object by means of critical sections. However, improper rebind operations could still occur and lead to runtime errors. The present paper introduces a type system for this component model that extends the ABS type system with the notion of ports and a precise analysis that statically enforces that no object will attempt illegal rebinding

    A Calculus of Looping Sequences with Local Rules

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    In this paper we present a variant of the Calculus of Looping Sequences (CLS for short) with global and local rewrite rules. While global rules, as in CLS, are applied anywhere in a given term, local rules can only be applied in the compartment on which they are defined. Local rules are dynamic: they can be added, moved and erased. We enrich the new calculus with a parallel semantics where a reduction step is lead by any number of global and local rules that could be performed in parallel. A type system is developed to enforce the property that a compartment must contain only local rules with specific features. As a running example we model some interactions happening in a cell starting from its nucleus and moving towards its mitochondria.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2011, arXiv:1207.682
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