22 research outputs found

    Combining Dependency and Constituent-based Syntactic Information for Anaphoricity Determination in Coreference Resolution

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    A Twin-Candidate Model for Learning Based Coreference Resolution

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    Robustness in Coreference Resolution

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    Coreference resolution is the task of determining different expressions of a text that refer to the same entity. The resolution of coreferring expressions is an essential step for automatic interpretation of the text. While coreference information is beneficial for various NLP tasks like summarization, question answering, and information extraction, state-of-the-art coreference resolvers are barely used in any of these tasks. The problem is the lack of robustness in coreference resolution systems. A coreference resolver that gets higher scores on the standard evaluation set does not necessarily perform better than the others on a new test set. In this thesis, we introduce robustness in coreference resolution by (1) introducing a reliable evaluation framework for recognizing robust improvements, and (2) proposing a solution that results in robust coreference resolvers. As the first step of setting up the evaluation framework, we introduce a reliable evaluation metric, called LEA, that overcomes the drawbacks of the existing metrics. We analyze LEA based on various types of errors in coreference outputs and show that it results in reliable scores. In addition to an evaluation metric, we also introduce an evaluation setting in which we disentangle coreference evaluations from parsing complexities. Coreference resolution is affected by parsing complexities for detecting the boundaries of expressions that have complex syntactic structures. We reduce the effect of parsing errors in coreference evaluation by automatically extracting a minimum span for each expression. We then emphasize the importance of out-of-domain evaluations and generalization in coreference resolution and discuss the reasons behind the poor generalization of state-of-the-art coreference resolvers. Finally, we show that enhancing state-of-the-art coreference resolvers with linguistic features is a promising approach for making coreference resolvers robust across domains. The incorporation of linguistic features with all their values does not improve the performance. However, we introduce an efficient pattern mining approach, called EPM, that mines all feature-value combinations that are discriminative for coreference relations. We then only incorporate feature-values that are discriminative for coreference relations. By employing EPM feature-values, performance improves significantly across various domains

    Anaphora resolution for Arabic machine translation :a case study of nafs

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    PhD ThesisIn the age of the internet, email, and social media there is an increasing need for processing online information, for example, to support education and business. This has led to the rapid development of natural language processing technologies such as computational linguistics, information retrieval, and data mining. As a branch of computational linguistics, anaphora resolution has attracted much interest. This is reflected in the large number of papers on the topic published in journals such as Computational Linguistics. Mitkov (2002) and Ji et al. (2005) have argued that the overall quality of anaphora resolution systems remains low, despite practical advances in the area, and that major challenges include dealing with real-world knowledge and accurate parsing. This thesis investigates the following research question: can an algorithm be found for the resolution of the anaphor nafs in Arabic text which is accurate to at least 90%, scales linearly with text size, and requires a minimum of knowledge resources? A resolution algorithm intended to satisfy these criteria is proposed. Testing on a corpus of contemporary Arabic shows that it does indeed satisfy the criteria.Egyptian Government

    Incorporation of constraints to improve machine learning approaches on coreference resolution

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    Improved Coreference Resolution Using Cognitive Insights

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    Coreference resolution is the task of extracting referential expressions, or mentions, in text and clustering these by the entity or concept they refer to. The sustained research interest in the task reflects the richness of reference expression usage in natural language and the difficulty in encoding insights from linguistic and cognitive theories effectively. In this thesis, we design and implement LIMERIC, a state-of-the-art coreference resolution engine. LIMERIC naturally incorporates both non-local decoding and entity-level modelling to achieve the highly competitive benchmark performance of 64.22% and 59.99% on the CoNLL-2012 benchmark with a simple model and a baseline feature set. As well as strong performance, a key contribution of this work is a reconceptualisation of the coreference task. We draw an analogy between shift-reduce parsing and coreference resolution to develop an algorithm which naturally mimics cognitive models of human discourse processing. In our feature development work, we leverage insights from cognitive theories to improve our modelling. Each contribution achieves statistically significant improvements and sum to gains of 1.65% and 1.66% on the CoNLL-2012 benchmark, yielding performance values of 65.76% and 61.27%. For each novel feature we propose, we contribute an accompanying analysis so as to better understand how cognitive theories apply to real language data. LIMERIC is at once a platform for exploring cognitive insights into coreference and a viable alternative to current systems. We are excited by the promise of incorporating our and further cognitive insights into more complex frameworks since this has the potential to both improve the performance of computational models, as well as our understanding of the mechanisms underpinning human reference resolution

    Coreference Resolution via Hypergraph Partitioning

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    Coreference resolution is one of the most fundamental Natural Language Processing tasks, aiming to identify the coreference relation in texts. The task is to group mentions (i.e. phrases of interest) into sets, so that all mentions in one set refer to the same entity (i.e. a real world object). Mentions are conventionally proper names, common nouns and pronouns. Lately, the coreference task has been extended to deal with verb phrases too. However, we only work with noun phrase mentions in this thesis. By linking mentions together in a document, not only entities are recovered but also different fragments of the context are connected. This therefore leads to a better text understanding. Coreference resolution is essentially important to many applications, such as text summarization and information extraction. In this thesis, we propose a novel coreference model based on hypergraph partitioning. Our system is named COPA, standing for Coreference Partitioner. Given a raw document, COPA represents it as a hypergraph, upon which the hypergraph partitioning algorithms are applied to derive coreference sets directly. The coreference relation is a high-dimensional relation, because it depends on multiple types of basic relations (e.g. string similarities and semantic relatedness). Most of the previous work on the coreference resolution task combines the basic relations between mentions into single ones and derives the coreference sets afterward. Since it is relatively expensive to learn the combination of the basic relations, we propose a novel hypergraph representation model for coreference resolution. In our model, the mentions are taken as vertices in the hypergraph and the relational features derived from the basic relations as hyperedges. The hypergraph allows for multiple edges between vertices, so that it suits the high-dimension property of the coreference relation. Moreover, in a hypergraph one hyperedge can connect more than two vertices. As a result the hypergraph directly represents the relations between sets of mentions as required for the coreference resolution task. Since the basic relations are incorporated in an overlapping manner, COPA only needs a few training documents to achieve competitive performance. The weakly supervised nature makes COPA a good candidate when applying to different domains or languages, or when only limited training data is available. The inference of the coreference resolution task deals with sets of mentions. It needs to capture the relations between multiple mentions in order to derive the final coreference sets. Therefore, we consider coreference resolution as a set problem. Most of the previous coreference models address the set problem by dividing the resolution into two steps --- a classification step and a clustering step. The classification step makes decisions for each pair of mentions on whether they are coreferent or not. Upon the pairwise decisions, the clustering step further groups mentions into the final sets. The two-step division makes the classification performance not necessarily positively correlated with the end evaluation numbers. It is difficult to track the error propagation and hard to optimize with respect to the final coreference sets. Moreover, since the coreference decisions are made between pairs of mentions independently, global context information is missing in those models. In this thesis, we propose a global coreference model via hypergraph partitioning. We design two algorithms based on the spectral clustering technique --- a hierarchical R2 partitioner and a flat k-way flatK partitioner. We also propose extensions to the clustering algorithms of COPA, aiming to include constraints to enforce the cluster-level consistency. The constrained COPA is the first attempt towards a better learning scheme for our system. It solves the cluster-level inconsistency problem and at the same time contributes to research in the constrained graph clustering field. Since COPA is an end-to-end coreference system, the important implementation issues encountered when applying clustering algorithms to practical uses are also addressed in this thesis. For instance, the existing evaluation metrics become problematic when the automatically identified mentions do not align with the ones in the ground truth. In this thesis, we propose variants of the coreference evaluation metrics to tackle this problem. COPA outperforms several baseline systems in fair settings, using the same features and the same mentions and only comparing the effectiveness of the models themselves. It also performs competitively compared to the state-of-the-art systems across different evaluation metrics, different data sets and different domains

    Knowledge acquisition for coreference resolution

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    Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Problem der statistischen Koreferenzauflösung. Theoretische Studien bezeichnen Koreferenz als ein vielseitiges linguistisches Phänomen, das von verschiedenen Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Moderne statistiche Algorithmen dagegen basieren sich typischerweise auf einfache wissensarme Modelle. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist das Schließen der Lücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Ausgehend von den Erkentnissen der theoretischen Studien erfolgt die Bestimmung der linguistischen Faktoren die fuer die Koreferenz besonders relevant erscheinen. Unterschiedliche Informationsquellen werden betrachtet: von der Oberflächenübereinstimmung bis zu den tieferen syntaktischen, semantischen und pragmatischen Merkmalen. Die Präzision der untersuchten Faktoren wird mit korpus-basierten Methoden evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse beweisen, dass die Koreferenz mit den linguistischen, in den theoretischen Studien eingebrachten Merkmalen interagiert. Die Arbeit zeigt aber auch, dass die Abdeckung der untersuchten theoretischen Aussagen verbessert werden kann. Die Merkmale stellen die Grundlage für den Aufbau eines einerseits linguistisch gesehen reichen andererseits auf dem Machinellen Lerner basierten, d.h. eines flexiblen und robusten Systems zur Koreferenzauflösung. Die aufgestellten Untersuchungen weisen darauf hin dass das wissensreiche Model erfolgversprechende Leistung zeigt und im Vergleich mit den Algorithmen, die sich auf eine einzelne Informationsquelle verlassen, sowie mit anderen existierenden Anwendungen herausragt. Das System erreicht einen F-wert von 65.4% auf dem MUC-7 Korpus. In den bereits veröffentlichen Studien ist kein besseres Ergebnis verzeichnet. Die Lernkurven zeigen keine Konvergenzzeichen. Somit kann der Ansatz eine gute Basis fuer weitere Experimente bilden: eine noch bessere Leistung kann dadurch erreicht werden, dass man entweder mehr Texte annotiert oder die bereits existierende Daten effizienter einsetzt. Diese Arbeit beweist, dass statistiche Algorithmen fuer Koreferenzauflösung stark von den theoretischen linguistischen Studien profitiern können und sollen: auch unvollständige Informationen, die automatische fehleranfällige Sprachmodule liefern, können die Leistung der Anwendung signifikant verbessern.This thesis addresses the problem of statistical coreference resolution. Theoretical studies describe coreference as a complex linguistic phenomenon, affected by various different factors. State-of-the-art statistical approaches, on the contrary, rely on rather simple knowledge-poor modeling. This thesis aims at bridging the gap between the theory and the practice. We use insights from linguistic theory to identify relevant linguistic parameters of co-referring descriptions. We consider different types of information, from the most shallow name-matching measures to deeper syntactic, semantic, and discourse knowledge. We empirically assess the validity of the investigated theoretic predictions for the corpus data. Our data-driven evaluation experiments confirm that various linguistic parameters, suggested by theoretical studies, interact with coreference and may therefore provide valuable information for resolution systems. At the same time, our study raises several issues concerning the coverage of theoretic claims. It thus brings feedback to linguistic theory. We use the investigated knowledge sources to build a linguistically informed statistical coreference resolution engine. This framework allows us to combine the flexibility and robustness of a machine learning-based approach with wide variety of data from different levels of linguistic description. Our evaluation experiments with different machine learners show that our linguistically informed model, on the one side, outperforms algorithms, based on a single knowledge source and, on the other side, yields the best result on the MUC-7 data, reported in the literature (F-score of 65.4% with the SVM-light learning algorithm). The learning curves for our classifiers show no signs of convergence. This suggests that our approach makes a good basis for further experimentation: one can obtain even better results by annotating more material or by using the existing data more intelligently. Our study proves that statistical approaches to the coreference resolution task may and should benefit from linguistic theories: even imperfect knowledge, extracted from raw text data with off-the-shelf error-prone NLP modules, helps achieve significant improvements