746 research outputs found

    Reorganization in Multi-Agent Architectures: An Active Graph Grammar Approach

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    Background: Organizational architecture is a holistic approach to design of humane organizations and studies an organization from five perspectives: structure, culture, processes, strategy and individuals. In this paper the concept of organizational architecture is firstly formalized using the fractal principle and then applied to multi-agent systems’ (MAS) organizations. Objectives: Providing a holistic framework for modelling all aspects of MASreorganization. Methods/Approach: MAS organizations are formalized using graph theory and a new active graph rewriting formalism inspired by the active database theory is introduced. Results: The newly developed framework is graphical, event-driven and applied in a distributed MAS environment. Conclusions: By defining organizational units, processes, strategies and cultural artefacts in a recursive way, it is shown that labelled graphs and hypergraphs can be used to model various levels of organizational architecture while active graph grammars allow one to model reorganization of each of the architectural perspectives

    A Graph Rewriting Visual Language for Database Programming

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    Textual database programming languages are computationally complete, but have the disadvantage of giving the user a non-intuitive view of the database information that is being manipulated. Visual languages developed in recent years have allowed naive users access to a direct representation of data, often in a graph form, but have concentrated on user interface rather than complex programming tasks. There is a need for a system which combines the advantages of both these programming methods. We describe an implementation of Spider, an experimental visual database programming language aimed at programmers. It uses a graph rewriting paradigm as a basis for a fully visual, computationally complete language. The graphs it rewrites represent the schema and instances of a database. The unique graph rewriting method used by Spider has syntactic and semantic simplicity. Its form of algorithmic expression allows complex computation to be easily represented in short programs. Furthermore, Spider has greater power than normally provided in textual systems, and we show that queries on the schema and associative queries can be performed easily and without requiring any additions to the language

    Моделе-орієнтовані методи побудови та оцінювaння програмних архітектур на основі нечітких графів

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    Розглядається підхід до створення програмних систем згідно моделе-орієнтованої парадигми, який відкриває шлях до здійснення трансформаційної еволюції програмних систем. Основна увага приділена формалізації нечітких графів, нечітких графових граматик та правил їх трансформації. Розроблено теоретико-категорне представлення нечітких програмних архітектур, яке надає можливість управляти процесом їх еволюційної зміни на основі прийняття рішень в нечіткому просторі моделювання стосовно характеристик функціонування цільової платформно-залежної системи.Approach is examined to creation of the software architectures in accordance with the model-oriented paradigm, which opens a way to implementation of transformation evolution of software systems. Basic attention is spared to formalization of fuzzy graphs, fuzzy graph grammars and rules of their transformation. Theoretical categorical representation of fuzzy software architectures is developed, which gives possibility to manage the process of their evolutional change on the basis of decision-making in fuzzy space of design in relation to descriptions of functionality of target platform-specific system

    Towards Robotic Manipulator Grammatical Control

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    Розглядається підхід до створення програмних систем згідно моделе-орієнтованої парадигми, який відкриває шлях до здійснення трансформаційної еволюції програмних систем. Основна увага приділена формалізації нечітких графів, нечітких графових граматик та правил їх трансформації. Розроблено теоретико-категорне представлення нечітких програмних архітектур, яке надає можливість управляти процесом їх еволюційної зміни на основі прийняття рішень в нечіткому просторі моделювання стосовно характеристик функціонування цільової платформно-залежної системи.\ud \ud Approach is examined to creation of the software architectures in accordance with the model-oriented paradigm, which opens a way to implementation of transformation evolution of software systems. Basic attention is spared to formalization of fuzzy graphs, fuzzy graph grammars and rules of their transformation. Theoretical categorical representation of fuzzy software architectures is developed, which gives possibility to manage the process of their evolutional change on the basis of decision-making in fuzzy space of design in relation to descriptions of functionality of target platform-specific system.\u

    3D terrain generation using neural networks

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    With the increase in computation power, coupled with the advancements in the field in the form of GANs and cGANs, Neural Networks have become an attractive proposition for content generation. This opened opportunities for Procedural Content Generation algorithms (PCG) to tap Neural Networks generative power to create tools that allow developers to remove part of creative and developmental burden imposed throughout the gaming industry, be it from investors looking for a return on their investment and from consumers that want more and better content, fast. This dissertation sets out to develop a PCG mixed-initiative tool, leveraging cGANs, to create authored 3D terrains, allowing users to directly influence the resulting generated content without the need for formal training on terrain generation or complex interactions with the tool to influence the generative output, as opposed to state of the art generative algorithms that only allow for random content generation or are needlessly complex. Testing done to 113 people online, as well as in-person testing done to 30 people, revealed that it is indeed possible to develop a tool that allows users from any level of terrain creation knowledge, and minimal tool training, to easily create a 3D terrain that is more realistic looking than those generated by state-of-the-art solutions such as Perlin Noise.Com o aumento do poder de computação, juntamente com os avanços neste campo na forma de GANs e cGANs, as Redes Neurais tornaram-se numa proposta atrativa para a geração de conteúdos. Graças a estes avanços, abriram-se oportunidades para os algoritmos de Geração de Conteúdos Procedimentais(PCG) explorarem o poder generativo das Redes Neurais para a criação de ferramentas que permitam aos programadores remover parte da carga criativa e de desenvolvimento imposta em toda a indústria dos jogos, seja por parte dos investidores que procuram um retorno do seu investimento ou por parte dos consumidores que querem mais e melhor conteúdo, o mais rápido possível. Esta dissertação pretende desenvolver uma ferramenta de iniciativa mista PCG, alavancando cGANs, para criar terrenos 3D cocriados, permitindo aos utilizadores influenciarem diretamente o conteúdo gerado sem necessidade de terem formação formal sobre a criação de terrenos 3D ou interações complexas com a ferramenta para influenciar a produção generativa, opondo-se assim a algoritmos generativos comummente utilizados, que apenas permitem a geração de conteúdo aleatório ou que são desnecessariamente complexos. Um conjunto de testes feitos a 113 pessoas online e a 30 pessoas presencialmente, revelaram que é de facto possível desenvolver uma ferramenta que permita aos utilizadores, de qualquer nível de conhecimento sobre criação de terrenos, e com uma formação mínima na ferramenta, criar um terreno 3D mais realista do que os terrenos gerados a partir da solução de estado da arte, como o Perlin Noise, e de uma forma fácil

    Reduction of visual complexity in dynamic graphs

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    Towards the Use of Dialog Systems to Facilitate Inclusive Education

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    Continuous advances in the development of information technologies have currently led to the possibility of accessing learning contents from anywhere, at anytime, and almost instantaneously. However, accessibility is not always the main objective in the design of educative applications, specifically to facilitate their adoption by disabled people. Different technologies have recently emerged to foster the accessibility of computers and new mobile devices, favoring a more natural communication between the student and the developed educative systems. This chapter describes innovative uses of multimodal dialog systems in education, with special emphasis in the advantages that they provide for creating inclusive applications and learning activities

    Decision problems for node label controlled graph grammars

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    AbstractTwo basic techniques are presented to show the decidability status of a number of problems concerning node label controlled graph grammars. Most of the problems are of graph-theoretic nature and concern topics like planarity, connectedness and bounded degreeness of graph languages