39 research outputs found

    Smart Technology for Early Crack Detection of Concrete Wall

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    Due to the ever growing human needs, many multi storied buildings, large sky scrapers and very large bridges are being developed. Due to some extreme environmental conditions there occur minute cracks inside the wall. These cracks, with time, protrude towards the end of pillar or wall, finally causing the buildings or bridges to collapse. Identifying these cracks in the very early stage (just after formation inside the pillar) can help us to get rid of disaster and as well as necessary measures

    Development of a Wall Climbing Robot and Ground Penetrating Radar System for NonDestructive Testing of Vertical Safety Critical Concrete Structures

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    This research aims to develop a unique adhesion mechanism for wall climbing robot to automate the technology of non-destructive testing (NDT) of large safety critical reinforced concrete structures such as nuclear power plants, bridge columns, dams etc. This research work investigates the effect of key design parameters involved in optimizing the adhesion force achieved from rare earth neodymium magnets. In order to penetrate a nominal concrete cover to achieve magnetic coupling with buried rebar and generate high enough adhesion force by using minimum number of permanent magnets, criteria such as distance between multiple magnets, thickness of flux concentrator are evaluated by implementing finite element analysis (FEA). The proposed adhesion module consists of three N42 grade neodymium magnets arranged in a unique arrangement on a flux concentrator called yoke. The preliminary FEA results suggest that, using two yoke modules with minimum distance between them generate 82 N higher adhesion force compared to a single module system with higher forceto-weight ratio of 4.36. Presence of multiple rebars in a dense mesh setting can assist the adhesion module to concentrate the magnetic flux along separate rebars. This extended concentration area has led to higher adhesion force of 135.73 N as well as enabling the robot to take turns. Results suggest that, having a 50×50 mm rebar meshing can sustain steep robot rotational movement along it’s centre of gravity where the adhesion force can fall as low as 150 N. A small, mobile prototype robot with on-board force sensor is built that exhibited 3600 of manoeuvrability on a 50×50 mm meshed rebars test rig with maximum adhesion force of 108 N at 35 mm air gap. Both experiment and simulationresults prove that the magnetic adhesion mechanism can generate efficient adhesion force for the climbing robot to operate on vertical reinforced concrete structures. In terms of the NDT sensor, an in-depth analysis of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) is carried out to develop a low cost operational laboratory prototype. A one-dimensional numerical framework based on finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is developed to model response behaviour of a GPR. The effects of electrical properties such as dielectric constant, conductivity of the media are evaluated. A Gaussian shaped pulse is used as source which propagates through the 1D array grid, and the pulse interactions at different media interfaces are investigated. A real life application of GPR to detect a buried steel bar in 1 m thick concrete block is modelled, and the results present 100% accurate detection of the steel bar along with measured depth of the concrete cover. The developed framework could be implemented to model multi-layer dielectric blocks with detection capability of various buried objects. Experimental models are built by utilizing a proposed antenna miniaturization technique of dipole antenna with additional radiating arms. The resultant reflection coefficient values indicate a reduction of 55% and 44% in length reduction compared to a conventional 100 MHz and 200 MHz dipole antenna respectively. The GPR transmitting pulse generator features an enhanced tuneable feature to make the GPR system more adaptable to various environmental conditions. The prototype pulse generator circuit can produce pulses with variable width from 750 ps to 10 ns. The final assembled robotic GPR system’s performance is validated by its capability of detecting and localizing an aluminium sheet and a rebar of 12 mm diameter buried under a test rig built of wood to mimic the concrete structure environment. The final calculations reveal a depth error of +0.1 m. However, the key focus of this work is to prove the design concept and the error in measurement can be addressed by utilizing narrower bandwidth pulse that the proposed pulse generator is capable of generating. In general, the proposed robotic GPR system developed in this research proves the concept of feasibility of undertaking inspection procedure on large concrete structures in hazardous environments that may not be accessible to human inspector

    Design and Implementation of a UWB Radar Sensor for Non-Destructive Application

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    [ES] Debido a la importancia de los campos de aplicación del sensor de radar de banda ultraancha, y también a los requisitos de cada aplicación específica, existe una demanda creciente de diseño compacto, de bajo coste y alta precisión del sensor de radar de banda ultraancha. Para responder a estas exigencias, esta tesis pretende proponer un sensor de radar UWB avanzado. Este trabajo de investigación se centra en el diseño del sensor de radar de banda ultraancha (UWB) para aplicaciones no destructivas (END). Los detalles de diseño incluyen el diseño de un generador de pulsos ultracorto, de alta potencia con un timbre mínimo. El radar desarrollado fue construido con una configuración biestática. El objetivo de este trabajo es medir el rango de distancia y las propiedades eléctricas de un objetivo, por ejemplo, metales y materiales dieléctricos, como el cloruro de polivinilo (PV C). Para lograr este objetivo, se ha desarrollado un novedoso generador de pulsos de alta potencia ultra-corto (pulsador de radar). El nuevo generador de pulsos consiste en un transistor que funciona en modo de avalancha y un circuito de afilado de pulsos que utiliza un nuevo modelo de diodo de recuperación de paso (SRD). Para convertir el pulso gaussiano en un monociclo, se ha añadido una red de formación de monociclo (MFN). El generador de impulsos desarrollado produce un impulso eléctrico con una amplitud de 12 V, un tiempo de subida de 112 ps y un ancho de impulso (FWHM) de 155 ps. Con el fin de aumentar la amplitud de los pulsos, se han propuesto dos técnicas útiles en este trabajo. El primero consiste en agregar dos generadores en paralelo, en este diseño propuesto se tuvo en cuenta alguna especificación para hacer que este circuito funcione. Sin embargo, la segunda técnica adoptada en este trabajo consiste en dos etapas de generadores, ambas técnicas dan lugar a un buen rendimiento; en lugar de un solo módulo de un generador de impulsos, las técnicas propuestas en este trabajo aumentan la amplitud en torno al doble. Ambas técnicas han sido investigadas en detalle. Para transmitir y recibir los impulsos ultracortos generados, se utilizaron dos tipos diferentes de antenas UWB. En primer lugar, una antena Vivaldi con un ancho de banda de unos 5,5 GHz de 600 MHz a 6 GHz. La segunda es una antena Vivaldi con un ancho de banda de 6 GHz de 400 Mhz a 6,2 GHz. Utilizando el sensor de radar de banda ultraancha desarrollado, se realizaron mediciones de prueba. Esto incluye las propiedades eléctricas, así como la medición de la distancia a las placas de metal, madera y PVC. La incertidumbre del sensor de radar es de 14 mm (datos medidos asustados a + 14 mm para un blanco fijo). El diseño y la implementación real que conduce a lograr un excelente prototipo de rendimiento para una aplicación no destructiva.[CA] A causa de la rellevància dels camps d'aplicació del sensor de radar d'ultra banda ampla, i també l'exigència de cada aplicació específica, hi ha una demanda creixent de disseny compacte, de baix cost i alta precisió del sensor de radar d'ultra banda ampla. Amb la intenció d'atendre aquestes demandes, aquesta tesi pretén proposar un sensor avançat de radar UWB. Aquest treball de recerca tracta del disseny del sensor de radar d'ultra-banda ampla (UWB) per a aplicacions no destructives (NDT). Els detalls del disseny inclouen el disseny d'un pols de monocicle amb pols de potència d'alta potència i amb un mínim de timbre. El radar desenvolupat va ser construït en configuració bi-estàtica. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és mesurar el rang de distància i les propietats elèctriques d'un objectiu, per exemple, materials metàl·lics i dielèctrics, com el clorur de polivinil (PV C). Per assolir aquest objectiu, s'ha desenvolupat un nou ultrasò, generador de pols d'alta potència (polsador de radar). El nou generador de pols està format per un transistor que funciona en mode d'allaus i un circuit d'afilat de pols mitjançant un nou model de díode de recuperació de pas (SRD). Per a convertir el pols gaussiano en un monocicle, s'ha afegit una xarxa de formació de monocicles (MFN). El generador de polsos desenvolupat produeix un pols elèctric amb una amplitud de 12 V, un temps d'augment de 112 ps i un ample de pols (FWHM) de 155 ps. Amb l'objectiu d'augmentar l'amplitud dels polsos, s'han proposat dues tècniques útils en aquest treball. El primer consisteix a afegir dos generadors de forma paral·lela, en aquest disseny proposat, cal tenir en compte algunes especificacions per a fer la viabilitat d'aquest circuit. No obstant això, la segona tècnica adoptada en aquest treball consisteix en una doble etapa de generadors, ambdues tècniques donen lloc a una bona actuació; en lloc d'un únic mòdul d'un generador de pols, les tècniques proposades en aquest treball augmenten l'amplitud al voltant del doble. Per transmetre i rebre polsos ultra-curts generats, s'han utilitzat dos tipus diferents d'antenes UWB. En primer lloc, una antena de Vivaldi amb un ample de banda d'uns 5,5 GHz de 600 MHz a 6 GHz. Mentre que la segona és una antena Vivaldi amb un ample de banda de 6 GHz de 400 MHz a 6.2 GHz. Mitjançant el sensor de radar ultra-ampla desenvolupat, es va realitzar la mesura de la prova. Incloïen propietats elèctriques i mesures de distància a les plaques metàl·liques, fusta i PVC. S'ha trobat que la incertesa del sensor de radar és de 14 mm (dades mesurades espantades entre + 14 mm per a un objectiu fix). El disseny i la implementació real condueixen a aconseguir un excel·lent prototip de rendiment per a una aplicació no destructiva.[EN] Due to the relevance of application fields of ultra-wideband radar sensor, and also the requirement of each specific application, there is an increasing demand of compact, low cost and high accuracy design of ultra-wideband radar sensor. With a view to addressing these demands, this thesis aims to propose an advanced UWB radar sensor. This research work deals with the design of the ultra-wideband (UWB) radar sensor for non-destructive (NDT) application. The design details include the design of ultra-short, high power pulse generator monocycle pulse with a minimum of ringing. The developed radar was build in bi-static configuration. The goal of this work is to measure the distance range and electrical properties of a target e.g, metal and dielectric materials, such as Polyvinyl chloride (PV C). To achieve this goal, a novel ultrashort, high power pulse generator (radar pulser) has been developed. The new pulse generator consists of a transistor operating in avalanche mode and a pulse sharpening circuit using a new model of step recovery diode (SRD). In order to converts the Gaussian pulse to a monocycle, a monocycle forming network (MFN) has been added. The developed pulse generator produces an electrical pulse with an amplitude of 12 V, a rise-time of 112 ps and pulse width (FWHM) of 155 ps. For the purpose to increase the amplitude of the pulses, two useful techniques have been proposed in this work. The first one consist of adding two generators in parallel, in this proposed design some specification was be taking into account to making the workability of this circuit. However, the second technic adopted in this work consists of a two-stage of generators, both technics give rise to a good performance; instead of a single module of a pulse generator, the techniques proposed in this work increase the amplitude around the double. In order to transmit and receive the generated ultra-short pulses, two different types of UWB antennas have been used. First, a Vivaldi antenna with a bandwidth of about 5.5 GHz from 600 MHz to 6 GHz. While the second is a Vivaldi antenna with a bandwidth of 6 GHz from 400 Mhz to 6,2 GHz. Using the developed ultra-wideband radar sensor, test measurement was performed. These included electrical properties as well as distance measurement towards metal plates, wood, and PVC. The uncertainty of the radar sensor has been found to be 14 mm (measured data scared within + 14 mm for a fixed target). The design and real implementation leading to achieve excellent performance prototype for a non-destructive application.Ahajjam, Y. (2019). Design and Implementation of a UWB Radar Sensor for Non-Destructive Application [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/124057TESI

    Photonic low-cost sensors for in-line fluid monitoring. Design methodology

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    779 p.The paradigm of process monitoring has evolved in the last years, driven by a clear need for improving efficiency, quality and safety of processes and products. Sectors as manufacturing, energy, food and beverages, etc. are fostering the adoption of innovative methods for controlling their processes and products, in a non-destructive, in-place, reliable, fast, accurate and cost-efficient manner. Furthermore, the parameters requested by the industry for the quality assessment are evolving from basic magnitudes as pressures, temperatures, humidity, etc. to complete chemical and physical fingerprints of these products and processes. In this situation, techniques based on the UV/VIS/NIR light-matter interaction appear to be optimum candidates to face the request of the industry. Moreover, at this moment, when we are witnessing a technological revolution in the field of optoelectronic components, which are required for setting up these light-based analyzers.However, being able to integrate these optoelectronic components with the rest of subsystems (electronics, optics, mechanics, hydraulics, data processing, etc.) is not straightforward. The development of these multi-domain and heterogeneous sensor products meeting not just technological but also market objectives poses a considerable technical and organizational challenge for any company.In this context, a methodological hybrid and agile integration of photonic components within the rest of subsystems towards a sensor product development is presented as the main outcome of the thesis. The methodology has been validated in several industrial scenarios, being three of them included in this thesis, which covers from hydraulic fluid quality control to real-time monitoring of alcoholic beverage fermentation process

    2D and 3D quantitative TEM mapping of CoNi nanowires

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    Les nanofils magnétiques constituent un domaine de recherche en plein essor. De section cylindrique, ils permettent la propagation des parois de domaines magnétiques à très grandes vitesses et des interactions fortes avec les ondes de spin, ce qui les rend particulièrement intéressants pour le développement de futurs composants de la spintronique. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de fournir une analyse quantitative et qualitative complète de la configuration magnétique locale dans des nanofils magnétiques cylindriques d'alliage CoNi à anisotropie magnétocristalline perpendiculaire en utilisant les techniques d'imagerie magnétique avancées de la microscopie électronique à transmission (MET), principalement axées sur l'holographie électronique (HE). Une étude corrélative entre les propriétés structurales, les variations locales de composition et les configurations magnétiques de ces nanofils a été réalisée. De plus, les configurations tridimensionnelles (3D) complexes des domaines et des parois magnétiques ont été analysées par tomographie holographique de champ vectoriel (THCV) afin d'obtenir les trois composantes de l'induction magnétique. Enfin, un protocole a été développé pour étudier in situ par microscopie de Lorentz la configuration magnétique de ces nanofils lors de l'injection d'impulsions de courant. La première partie de ce travail est focalisée sur la corrélation des configurations magnétiques de nanofils individuels de CoNi avec les propriétés structurales et chimiques locales. L'orientation de la phase cristalline a été cartographiée en diffraction électronique par précession et combinée à des mesures de composition par spectroscopie de perte d'énergie des électrons. Les résultats révèlent une coexistence de grains de phase cfc et de phase hcp, cette dernière présente sa direction cristallographique c orientée presque perpendiculairement à l'axe du nanofil. Cette coexistence de phases cristallographiques est à l'origine de variations localisées et abruptes de la configuration magnétique. Deux nanofil configurations principales ont été observées : une chaîne d'états transversaux par rapport à l'axe du, de type vortex, et un état longitudinal. Nous avons observé que les états transversaux sont liés à la phase hcp possédant une forte anisotropie magnétocristalline perpendiculaire, ce que confirment les simulations micromagnétiques. Une autre partie de ce travail concerne l'étude de la structure magnétique 3D des domaines et des parois de domaines dans la phase hcp. Cette étude a été menée pour des états rémanents différents en fonction de l'application d'un champ de saturation perpendiculaire et parallèle à l'axe du nanofil. Les mesures ont été réalisées par la méthode THCV afin d'extraire les trois composantes de l'induction magnétique et reconstruire en 3D la configuration magnétique locale du nanofil. Les résultats montrent une stabilisation d'une chaîne de vortex dans le cas d'une saturation perpendiculaire, et des états d'enroulement longitudinaux séparés par des parois de domaine transversales après l'application d'un champ externe parallèle à l'axe du fils. La dernière partie du manuscrit présente les résultats obtenus en microscopie de Lorentz in situ démontrant la possibilité de manipuler les parois des domaines magnétiques d'un nanofil de CoNi par injection d'impulsions électriques. Cette preuve de concept est considérée comme le précurseur des observations in situ de la dynamique des parois de domaines en EH. Un protocole précis, axé sur les étapes cruciales de préparation des échantillons et les développements à poursuivre pour réaliser ces expériences délicates, est détaillé.Cylindrical magnetic nanowires (NWs) are currently subjects of high interest due to fast domain wall velocities and interaction with spin-waves, which are considered interesting qualities for developing future spintronic devices. This thesis aims to provide a wholesome quantitative and qualitative analysis of the local magnetic configuration in cylindrical Co-rich CoNi NWs with perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy using state-of-the-art transmission electron microscopy (TEM) magnetic imaging techniques, mainly focused on two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) electron holography (EH). A correlative study between the NW's texture, modulation in composition, and magnetic configuration has been conducted. Further, the complex 3D nature of the domain and domain wall configurations have been analyzed using holographic vector field electron tomography (VFET) to retrieve all three components of the magnetic induction. Finally, I have successfully manipulated the magnetic configuration observed by Lorentz microscopy in Fresnel mode by the in situ injection of a current pulse. A TEM study comparing the magnetic configuration to the local NW structure was performed on single NWs. The crystal phase analysis was done by precession electron diffraction assisted automated crystal orientation mapping in the TEM combined with compositional analysis by scanning-TEM (STEM) electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) for a detailed correlation with the sample's magnetic configuration. The results reveal a coexistence of fcc grains and hcp phase with its c-axis oriented close to perpendicular to the wire axis in the same NW, which is identified as the origin of drastic local changes in the magnetic configuration. Two main configurations are observed in the NW region: a chain of transversal vortex-like states and a longitudinal curling state. The chain or vortices are linked to the hcp grain with the perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy, as confirmed by micromagnetic simulations. The 3D magnetic structure of the domains and domain walls observed in the hcp grain of the NWs has been studied for two different remnant states: after the application of a saturation field perpendicular (i) and parallel (ii) to the NW axis. The measurements were done using state-of-the-art holographic VFET to extract all three components of the magnetic induction in the sample, as well as a 3D reconstruction of the volume from the measured electric potentials, giving insight into the local morphology of the NW. The results show a stabilization of a vortex chain in the case of perpendicular saturation, but longitudinal curling states separated by transversal domain walls after applying a parallel external field. Finally, preliminary Lorentz microscopy results are presented, documenting the manipulation of magnetic domain walls by the in situ injection of electrical pulses on a single cylindrical CoNi nanowire contacted by focused ion beam induced deposition. This is believed to be the forerunner for quantitative electrical measurements and in situ observations of domain wall dynamics using EH at the CEMES. A detailed protocol focusing on the crucial steps and challenges ahead for such a delicate experiment is presented, together with suggestions for future work to continue the developments

    Fine Art Pattern Extraction and Recognition

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    This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal Journal of Imaging (ISSN 2313-433X) (available at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/jimaging/special issues/faper2020)

    Special oils for halal and safe cosmetics

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    Three types of non conventional oils were extracted, analyzed and tested for toxicity. Date palm kernel oil (DPKO), mango kernel oil (MKO) and Ramputan seed oil (RSO). Oil content for tow cultivars of dates Deglect Noor and Moshkan was 9.67% and 7.30%, respectively. The three varieties of mango were found to contain about 10% oil in average. The red yellow types of Ramputan were found to have 11 and 14% oil, respectively. The phenolic compounds in DPKO, MKO and RSO were 0.98, 0.88 and 0.78 mg/ml Gallic acid equivalent, respectively. Oils were analyzed for their fatty acid composition and they are rich in oleic acid C18:1 and showed the presence of (dodecanoic acid) lauric acid C12:0, which reported to appear some antimicrobial activities. All extracted oils, DPKO, MKO and RSO showed no toxic effect using prime shrimp bioassay. Since these oils are stable, melt at skin temperature, have good lubricity and are great source of essential fatty acids; they could be used as highly moisturizing, cleansing and nourishing oils because of high oleic acid content. They are ideal for use in such halal cosmetics such as Science, Engineering and Technology 75 skin care and massage, hair-care, soap and shampoo products

    Ancient and historical systems

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    Microwave resonant sensors

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    Microwave resonant sensors use the spectral characterisation of a resonator to make high sensitivity measurements of material electromagnetic properties at GHz frequencies. They have been applied to a wide range of industrial and scientific measurements, and used to study a diversity of physical phenomena. Recently, a number of challenging dynamic applications have been developed that require very high speed and high performance, such as kinetic inductance detectors and scanning microwave microscopes. Others, such as sensors for miniaturised fluidic systems and non-invasive blood glucose sensors, also require low system cost and small footprint. This thesis investigates new and improved techniques for implementing microwave resonant sensor systems, aiming to enhance their suitability for such demanding tasks. This was achieved through several original contributions: new insights into coupling, dynamics, and statistical properties of sensors; a hardware implementation of a realtime multitone readout system; and the development of efficient signal processing algorithms for the extraction of sensor measurements from resonator response data. The performance of this improved sensor system was verified through a number of novel measurements, achieving a higher sampling rate than the best available technology yet with equivalent accuracy and precision. At the same time, these experiments revealed unforeseen applications in liquid metrology and precision microwave heating of miniature flow systems.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo