69 research outputs found

    A Transform for NIZK Almost as Efficient and General as the Fiat-Shamir Transform Without Programmable Random Oracles

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    The Fiat-Shamir (FS) transform is a popular technique for obtaining practical zero-knowledge argument systems. The FS transform uses a hash function to generate, without any further overhead, non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) argument systems from public-coin honest-verifier zero-knowledge (public-coin HVZK) proof systems. In the proof of zero knowledge, the hash function is modeled as a programmable random oracle (PRO). In TCC 2015, Lindell embarked on the challenging task of obtaining a similar transform with improved heuristic security. Lindell showed that, for several interesting and practical languages, there exists an efficient transform in the non-programmable random oracle (NPRO) model that also uses a common reference string (CRS). A major contribution of Lindell’s transform is that zero knowledge is proved without random oracles and this is an important step towards achieving efficient NIZK arguments in the CRS model without random oracles. In this work, we analyze the efficiency and generality of Lindell’s transform and notice a significant gap when compared with the FS transform. We then propose a new transform that aims at filling this gap. Indeed our transform is almost as efficient as the FS transform and can be applied to a broad class of public-coin HVZK proof systems. Our transform requires a CRS and an NPRO in the proof of soundness, similarly to Lindell’s transform

    Fiat-Shamir for highly sound protocols is instantiable

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    The Fiat–Shamir (FS) transformation (Fiat and Shamir, Crypto '86) is a popular paradigm for constructing very efficient non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments and signature schemes from a hash function and any three-move interactive protocol satisfying certain properties. Despite its wide-spread applicability both in theory and in practice, the known positive results for proving security of the FS paradigm are in the random oracle model only, i.e., they assume that the hash function is modeled as an external random function accessible to all parties. On the other hand, a sequence of negative results shows that for certain classes of interactive protocols, the FS transform cannot be instantiated in the standard model. We initiate the study of complementary positive results, namely, studying classes of interactive protocols where the FS transform does have standard-model instantiations. In particular, we show that for a class of “highly sound” protocols that we define, instantiating the FS transform via a q-wise independent hash function yields NIZK arguments and secure signature schemes. In the case of NIZK, we obtain a weaker “q-bounded” zero-knowledge flavor where the simulator works for all adversaries asking an a-priori bounded number of queries q; in the case of signatures, we obtain the weaker notion of random-message unforgeability against q-bounded random message attacks. Our main idea is that when the protocol is highly sound, then instead of using random-oracle programming, one can use complexity leveraging. The question is whether such highly sound protocols exist and if so, which protocols lie in this class. We answer this question in the affirmative in the common reference string (CRS) model and under strong assumptions. Namely, assuming indistinguishability obfuscation and puncturable pseudorandom functions we construct a compiler that transforms any 3-move interactive protocol with instance-independent commitments and simulators (a property satisfied by the Lapidot–Shamir protocol, Crypto '90) into a compiled protocol in the CRS model that is highly sound. We also present a second compiler, in order to be able to start from a larger class of protocols, which only requires instance-independent commitments (a property for example satisfied by the classical protocol for quadratic residuosity due to Blum, Crypto '81). For the second compiler we require dual-mode commitments. We hope that our work inspires more research on classes of (efficient) 3-move protocols where Fiat–Shamir is (efficiently) instantiable

    A Generic Transform from Multi-Round Interactive Proof to NIZK

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    We present a new generic transform that takes a multi-round interactive proof for the membership of a language L\mathcal{L} and outputs a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (not of knowledge) in the common reference string model. Similar to the Fiat-Shamir transform, it requires a hash function H\mathsf{H}. However, in our transform the zero-knowledge property is in the standard model, and the adaptive soundness is in the non-programmable random oracle model (NPROM\mathsf{NPROM}). Behind this new generic transform, we build a new generic OR-composition of two multi-round interactive proofs. Note that the two common techniques for building OR-proofs (parallel OR-proof and sequential OR-proof) cannot be naturally extended to the multi-round setting. We also give a proof of security for our OR-proof in the quantum oracle model (QROM\mathsf{QROM}), surprisingly the security loss in mathsfQROM\\mathsf{QROM} is independent from the number of rounds

    On the Non-malleability of the Fiat-Shamir Transform

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    The Fiat-Shamir transform is a well studied paradigm for removing interaction from public-coin protocols. We investigate whether the resulting non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems also exhibit non-malleability properties that have up to now only been studied for NIZK proof systems in the common reference string model: first, we formally define simulation soundness and a weak form of simulation extraction in the random oracle model (ROM). Second, we show that in the ROM the Fiat-Shamir transform meets these properties under lenient conditions. A consequence of our result is that, in the ROM, we obtain truly efficient non malleable NIZK proof systems essentially for free. Our definitions are sufficient for instantiating the Naor-Yung paradigm for CCA2-secure encryption, as well as a generic construction for signature schemes from hard relations and simulation-extractable NIZK proof systems. These two constructions are interesting as the former preserves both the leakage resilience and key-dependent message security of the underlying CPA-secure encryption scheme, while the latter lifts the leakage resilience of the hard relation to the leakage resilience of the resulting signature scheme

    On Adaptive Security of Delayed-Input Sigma Protocols and Fiat-Shamir NIZKs

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    We study adaptive security of delayed-input Sigma protocols and non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proof systems in the common reference string (CRS) model. Our contributions are threefold: - We exhibit a generic compiler taking any delayed-input Sigma protocol and returning a delayed-input Sigma protocol satisfying adaptive-input special honest-verifier zero-knowledge (SHVZK). In case the initial Sigma protocol also satisfies adaptive-input special soundness, our compiler preserves this property. - We revisit the recent paradigm by Canetti et al. (STOC 2019) for obtaining NIZK proof systems in the CRS model via the Fiat-Shamir transform applied to so-called trapdoor Sigma protocols, in the context of adaptive security. In particular, assuming correlation-intractable hash functions for all sparse relations, we prove that Fiat- Shamir NIZKs satisfy either: (i) Adaptive soundness (and non-adaptive zero-knowledge), so long as the challenge is obtained by hashing both the prover’s first round and the instance being proven; (ii) Adaptive zero-knowledge (and non-adaptive soundness), so long as the challenge is obtained by hashing only the prover’s first round, and further assuming that the initial trapdoor Sigma protocol satisfies adaptive-input SHVZK. - We exhibit a generic compiler taking any Sigma protocol and returning a trapdoor Sigma protocol. Unfortunately, this transform does not preserve the delayed-input property of the initial Sigma protocol (if any). To complement this result, we also give yet another compiler taking any delayed-input trapdoor Sigma protocol and returning a delayed-input trapdoor Sigma protocol with adaptive-input SHVZK. An attractive feature of our first two compilers is that they allow obtaining efficient delayed-input Sigma protocols with adaptive security, and efficient Fiat-Shamir NIZKs with adaptive soundness (and non-adaptive zero-knowledge) in the CRS model. Prior to our work, the latter was only possible using generic NP reductions

    An Efficient Transform from Sigma Protocols to NIZK with a CRS and Non-Programmable Random Oracle

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    In this short paper, we present a Fiat-Shamir type transform that takes any Sigma protocol for a relation RR and outputs a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (not of knowledge) for the associated language LRL_R, in the common reference string model. As in the Fiat-Shamir transform, we use a hash function HH. However, zero-knowledge is achieved under standard assumptions in the common reference string model (without any random oracle), and soundness is achieved in the \emph{non-programmable} random oracle model. The concrete computational complexity of the transform is only slightly higher than the original Fiat-Shamir transform

    Efektiivsed mitteinteraktiivsed nullteadmusprotokollid referentssÔne mudelis

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Koos digitaalse ajastu vĂ”idukĂ€iguga on interneti vahendusel vĂ”imalik sooritada ĂŒha ulmelisemana nĂ€ivaid tegevusi. TĂ€ielikule krĂŒpteeringule ehitatud mobiilsed rakendused, nagu nĂ€iteks WhatsApp, suudavad tagada, et kĂ”ne vĂ”i sĂ”num jĂ”uaksid ĂŒksnes Ă”ige adressaadini. Enamik pangasĂŒsteeme garanteerivad TLS protokolli kasutades, et arvete maksmisel ja ĂŒlekannete tegemisel poleks nende andmeid kellelgi vĂ”imalik lugeda ega muuta. MĂ”ned riigid pakuvad vĂ”imalust elektroonilisel teel hÀÀletada (nĂ€iteks Eesti) vĂ”i referendumeid lĂ€bi viia (nĂ€iteks Ć veits), tagades sealjuures traditsioonilise paberhÀÀletuse tasemel turvalisuse kriteeriumid. KĂ”ik eelnevalt kirjeldatud tegevused vajavad kasutajate turvalisuse tagamiseks krĂŒptograafilist protokolli. Tegelikkuses ei saa me kunagi eeldada, et kĂ”ik protokolli osapooled jĂ€rgivad protokolli spetsifikatsiooni. Reaalses elus peab protokolli turvalisuseks iga osapool tĂ”estama, et ta seda jĂ€rgis ilma privaatsuse ohverdamiseta. Üks viis seda teha on nullteadmusprotokolli abil. Nullteadmusprotokoll on tĂ”estus, mis ei lekita mingit informatsiooni peale selle, et vĂ€ide on tĂ”ene. Tihti tahame, et nullteadmusprotokoll oleks mitteinteraktiivne. Sellisel juhul piisab, kui tĂ”estus on arvutatud ainult ĂŒhe korra ning verifitseerijatel on igal ajal vĂ”imalik seda kontrollida. On kaks peamist mudelit, mis vĂ”imaldavad mitteinteraktiivsete nullteadmusprotokollide loomist: juhusliku oraakli (JO) mudel ja referentssĂ”ne mudel. JO mudeli protokollid on vĂ€ga efektiivsed, kuid mĂ”ningate piirangute tĂ”ttu eelistame referentssĂ”ne mudelit. Selles töös esitleme kolme stsenaariumit, milles mitteinteraktiivne nullteadmus on asjakohane: verifitseeritav arvutamine, autoriseerimine ja elektrooniline hÀÀletamine. Igas stsenaariumis pakume vĂ€lja nullteadmusprotokolli referentssĂ”ne mudelis, mis on seni efektiivseim ning vĂ”rreldava efektiivsusega protokollidega JO mudelis.In the current digital era, we can do increasingly astonishing activities remotely using only our electronic devices. Using mobile applications such as WhatsApp, we can contact someone with the guarantee, using an end-to-end encryption protocol, that only the recipient can know the conversation's contents. Most banking systems enable us to pay our bills and perform other financial transactions, and use the TLS protocol to guarantee that no one can read or modify the transaction data. Some countries provide an option to vote electronically in an election (e.g. Estonia) or referendum (e.g. Switzerland) with similar privacy guarantees to traditional paper voting. In all these activities, a cryptographic protocol is required to ensure users' privacy. In reality, some parties participating in a protocol might not act according to what was agreed in the protocol specification. Hence, for a real world protocol to be secure, we also need each party to prove that it behaves honestly, but without sacrificing privacy of its inputs. This can be done using a zero-knowledge argument: a proof by a polynomial-time prover that gives nothing else away besides its correctness. In many cases, we want a zero-knowledge argument to be non-interactive and transferable, so that it is computed only once, but can be verified by many verifiers at any future time. There are two main models that enable transferable non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments: the random oracle (RO) model and the common reference string (CRS) model. Protocols in the RO model are very efficient, but due to some of its limitations, we prefer working in the CRS model. In this work we provide three scenarios where NIZK arguments are relevant: verifiable computation, authorization, and electronic voting. In each scenario, we propose NIZK arguments in the CRS model that are more efficient than existing ones, and are comparable in efficiency to the best known NIZK arguments in the RO model

    The inspection model for zero-knowledge proofs and efficient Zerocash with secp256k1 keys

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    Proving discrete log equality for groups of the same order is addressed by Chaum and Pedersen\u27s seminal work. However, there has not been a lot of work in proving discrete log equality for groups of different orders. This paper presents an efficient solution, which leverages a technique we call delegated Schnorr. The discovery of this technique is guided by a design methodology that we call the inspection model, and we find it useful for protocol designs. We show two applications of this technique on the Findora blockchain: **Maxwell-Zerocash switching:** There are two privacy-preserving transfer protocols on the Findora blockchain, one follows the Maxwell construction and uses Pedersen commitments over Ristretto, one follows the Zerocash construction and uses Rescue over BLS12-381. We present an efficient protocol to convert assets between these two constructions while preserving the privacy. **Zerocash with secp256k1 keys:** Bitcoin, Ethereum, and many other chains do signatures on secp256k1. There is a strong need for ZK applications to not depend on special curves like Jubjub, but be compatible with secp256k1. Due to FFT unfriendliness of secp256k1, many proof systems (e.g., Groth16, Plonk, FRI) are infeasible. We present a solution using Bulletproofs over curve secq256k1 ( q ) and delegated Schnorr which connects Bulletproofs to TurboPlonk over BLS12-381. We conclude the paper with (im)possibility results about Zerocash with only access to a deterministic ECDSA signing oracle, which is the case when working with MetaMask. This result shows the limitations of the techniques in this paper. This paper is under a bug bounty program through a grant from Findora Foundation

    Fiat–Shamir Bulletproofs are Non-Malleable (in the Algebraic Group Model)

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    Bulletproofs (BĂŒnz et al. IEEE S&P 2018) are a celebrated ZK proof system that allows for short and efficient proofs, and have been implemented and deployed in several real-world systems. In practice, they are most often implemented in their non-interactive version obtained using the Fiat-Shamir transform, despite the lack of a formal proof of security for this setting. Prior to this work, there was no evidence that malleability attacks were not possible against Fiat-Shamir Bulletproofs. Malleability attacks can lead to very severe vulnerabilities, as they allow an adversary to forge proofs re-using or modifying parts of the proofs provided by the honest parties. In this paper, we show for the first time that Bulletproofs (or any other similar multi-round proof system satisfying some form of weak unique response property) achieve simulation-extractability in the algebraic group model. This implies that Fiat-Shamir Bulletproofs are non-malleable
