10 research outputs found

    Adaptivity of 3D web content in web-based virtual museums : a quality of service and quality of experience perspective

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    The 3D Web emerged as an agglomeration of technologies that brought the third dimension to the World Wide Web. Its forms spanned from being systems with limited 3D capabilities to complete and complex Web-Based Virtual Worlds. The advent of the 3D Web provided great opportunities to museums by giving them an innovative medium to disseminate collections' information and associated interpretations in the form of digital artefacts, and virtual reconstructions thus leading to a new revolutionary way in cultural heritage curation, preservation and dissemination thereby reaching a wider audience. This audience consumes 3D Web material on a myriad of devices (mobile devices, tablets and personal computers) and network regimes (WiFi, 4G, 3G, etc.). Choreographing and presenting 3D Web components across all these heterogeneous platforms and network regimes present a significant challenge yet to overcome. The challenge is to achieve a good user Quality of Experience (QoE) across all these platforms. This means that different levels of fidelity of media may be appropriate. Therefore, servers hosting those media types need to adapt to the capabilities of a wide range of networks and devices. To achieve this, the research contributes the design and implementation of Hannibal, an adaptive QoS & QoE-aware engine that allows Web-Based Virtual Museums to deliver the best possible user experience across those platforms. In order to ensure effective adaptivity of 3D content, this research furthers the understanding of the 3D web in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) through empirical investigations studying how 3D Web components perform and what are their bottlenecks and in terms of QoE studying the subjective perception of fidelity of 3D Digital Heritage artefacts. Results of these experiments lead to the design and implementation of Hannibal

    A Third Service Evolution Dimension inWeb 2.0 and Real-world Integration Inspired Services in the 3G Mobile Data Communications

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    Mobiilien liiketoimintaekosysteemien menestystekijät: laitteistokeskeisistä liiketoimintamalleista sisältöön ja mainontaan

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    For firms operating in a networked economy or business ecosystems, value creation may be highly dependent on the relationships with other firms, which has added a significant amount of complexity particularly to strategic and product-related decision-making. In systems thinking, a firm is seen as part of a wider economic ecosystem and environment where it influences and is influenced by other firms. Within a business ecosystem, firms coevolve capabilities around innovations, working both cooperatively and competitively to support new products, satisfy customers, and incorporate the following round of innovations. Ecosystems are often formed around platforms on which products and complements are built, and platforms may also facilitate transactions between distinct groups of users in a two or multi-sided market. In this study, established theoretical concepts have been brought together to analyze the success factors of mobile business ecosystems in a holistic manner. Additionally, the impact of the historical legacy and path-dependent evolution of a firm’s previous business activities, capabilities, and assets on decisions the firm has made in its ecosystem and platform strategies is studied, and a novel theoretical concept, ‘angle of entry’, is recognized. Through a qualitative multiple case study of three leading companies in the smartphone business and their respective business ecosystems, eight common success factors are identified that have contributed to the disruption of the smartphone business by these three new entrants from the IT world, replacing the incumbents. Based on the results, it can be stated that all three leading ecosystems utilize, at least to a certain extent, closed source code to protect their differentiating or otherwise significantly value-adding software components. Similarly, the product platforms of all three ecosystems offer sufficiently open application programming interfaces so that device manufacturers, accessory makers, and developers are able to create products and apps with meaningful differentiation.Verkostoituneessa taloudessa tai liiketoimintaekosysteemeissä toimivien yritysten arvonluonti saattaa olla hyvinkin riippuvaista suhteista muihin yrityksiin, mikä on lisännyt erityisesti strategisen ja tuotteisiin liittyvän päätöksenteon kompleksisuutta huomattavasti. Järjestelmäajattelussa yritys nähdään osana laajempaa taloudellista ekosysteemiä ja ympäristöä, jossa se vaikuttaa muihin yrityksiin ja on samalla ympäristönsä vaikutuksen kohteena. Liiketoimintaekosysteemissä yritykset kehittävät yhdessä kyvykkyyksiään innovaatioiden ympärillä tehden yhteistyötä ja kilpaillen samalla tukeakseen uusia tuotteita, tyydyttääkseen asiakkaita ja ottaakseen käyttöön uusia innovaatioita. Ekosysteemeitä muodostuu usein tuotealustojen ympärille, ja lisäksi alustat voivat välittää transaktioita erillisten käyttäjäryhmien välillä nk. kaksi- tai useampipuolisessa markkinassa. Tässä tutkimuksessa on yhdistetty tunnettuja teoreettisia käsitteitä mobiilialan liiketoimintaekosysteemien menestystekijöiden analysoimiseksi kokonaisvaltaisesti. Lisäksi on tutkittu yrityksen historian ja sen toimintojen, kyvykkyyksien ja resurssien polkuriippuvaisen evoluution vaikutuksia sen päätöksiin ekosysteemi- ja tuotealustastrategioissa. Tämän tuloksena on tunnistettu uusi teoriakäsite, ‘tulokulma’. Kolmesta johtavasta älypuhelinliiketoiminnan yrityksestä ja näiden kunkin ekosysteemistä tehdyn kvalitatiivisen monitapaustutkimuksen perusteella työssä tunnistetaan kahdeksan yhteistä menestystekijää, jotka ovat auttaneet näitä IT-maailmasta tulleita tulokasyrityksiä mullistamaan älypuhelinliiketoiminnan syrjäyttäen alan vanhat johtoyritykset. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että kaikki kolme johtavaa ekosysteemiä hyödyntävät ainakin jossain määrin suljettua lähdekoodia suojatakseen erilaistamista tai muuten merkittävää lisäarvoa tuottavia ohjelmistokomponenttejaan. Samoin kaikkien kolmen ekosysteemin tuotealustat tarjoavat riittävästi avoimia sovellusrajapintoja, jotta laitevalmistajat ja sovelluskehittäjät pystyvät luomaan tarpeeksi erilaistettuja tuotteita ja sovelluksia

    An evaluation of the challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse development

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    In this paper we discuss Business Intelligence and define what is meant by support for Multilingualism in a Business Intelligence reporting context. We identify support for Multilingualism as a challenging issue which has implications for data warehouse design and reporting performance. Data warehouses are a core component of most Business Intelligence systems and the star schema is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional Data Marts. We discuss the way in which Multilingualism can be supported in the Star Schema and identify that current approaches have serious limitations which include data redundancy and data manipulation, performance and maintenance issues. We propose a new approach to enable the optimal application of multilingualism in Business Intelligence. The proposed approach was found to produce satisfactory results when used in a proof-of-concept environment. Future work will include testing the approach in an enterprise environmen

    Combination of web usage, content and structure information for diverse web mining applications in the tourism context and the context of users with disabilities

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    188 p.This PhD focuses on the application of machine learning techniques for behaviourmodelling in different types of websites. Using data mining techniques two aspects whichare problematic and difficult to solve have been addressed: getting the system todynamically adapt to possible changes of user preferences, and to try to extract theinformation necessary to ensure the adaptation in a transparent manner for the users,without infringing on their privacy. The work in question combines information of differentnature such as usage information, content information and website structure and usesappropriate web mining techniques to extract as much knowledge as possible from thewebsites. The extracted knowledge is used for different purposes such as adaptingwebsites to the users through proposals of interesting links, so that the users can get therelevant information more easily and comfortably; for discovering interests or needs ofusers accessing the website and to inform the service providers about it; or detectingproblems during navigation.Systems have been successfully generated for two completely different fields: thefield of tourism, working with the website of bidasoa turismo (www.bidasoaturismo.com)and, the field of disabled people, working with discapnet website (www.discapnet.com)from ONCE/Tecnosite foundation

    Queensland University of Technology: Handbook 2009

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    The Queensland University of Technology handbook gives an outline of the faculties and subject offerings available that were offered by QUT

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum