156 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Mobile Seamless Learning Platform untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Kader PKK

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    The number of Empowerment and Family Welfare Cadres which are called PKK Cadres, is very large and spread all over Indonesia, making the state budget unable to reach all of them to obtain increased capacity of Human Resources (HR), for this reason a mobile seamless learning platform is being developed to increase the knowledge of PKK Cadres. This research and development aim to produce a platform to increase the knowledge of PKK Cadres and test the level of product feasibility, using the Lee & Owens model. In addition, to determine whether there is an increase in the knowledge of PKK Cadres, a paired/dependent sample t-test was performed on the pretest and posttest value data. The product developed is a mobile seamless learning platform and is equipped with content in the form of reading materials, PowerPoint presentation materials, videos and learning evaluation tests. The platform validation results produce very good criteria based on material aspects as well as media and learning design aspects. The response of PKK cadres and teachers obtained very good criteria for the feasibility of the platform as a learning medium. Based on the results of statistical tests, it was concluded that there was an increase in the knowledge of PKK Cadres after using the mobile seamless learning platform.AbstrakJumlah Kader PKK yang sangat besar dan tersebar di seluruh penjuru Indonesia, membuat anggaran negara belum mampu menjangkau seluruhnya untuk memperoleh peningkatan kapasitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM), untuk itu maka dilakukan pengembangan mobile seamless learning platform untuk peningkatan pengetahuan Kader PKK. Penelitian dan pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan platform untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan Kader PKK dan menguji tingkat kelayakan produk, dengan menggunakan model multimedia based instructional design Lee & Owens. Produk yang dikembangkan berupa aplikasi mobile seamless learning platform dan dilengkapi dengan konten berupa bahan bacaan, bahan tayang powerpoint, video dan tes evaluasi pembelajaran. Hasil validasi platform menghasilkan skor rata – rata sebesar 88,05% dengan kriteria sangat baik, aspek materi 94,67% serta aspek media dan desain pembelajaran 84,33 %. Respon Kader PKK mendapat skor 89,74% dan respon pengajar mendapatkan skor 92,31% kesimpulannya platform memiliki kriteria yang sangat baik untuk kelayakan platform sebagai media pembelajaran. Selain itu untuk mengetahui adanya peningkatan pengetahuan Kader PKK dilakukan uji statistik paired/dependent sample t-test sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan Kader PKK setelah menggunakan mobile seamless learning platform

    Extended MAGTF operations - tactical chat

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    Naval Research Program ProjectThe relatively new MV-22 Osprey has significantly extended the range Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) forces can deploy under the cover of a single period of darkness. Unfortunately, this extended range has strained the effectiveness and reliability of the MAGTF's communications capabilities. The purpose of this thesis is to provide a proof of concept for an economical, easily manufactured, reliable, low bandwidth, communications system capable of passing data over hundreds of kilometers through vertical terrain. In the course of this study, a successful communications system is created, utilizing COTS radios and hardware to circumvent vertical obstructions. Digital text messages are successfully transmitted through an analog radio signal over a distance of 170 miles. The transmissions pass through a relay radio attached to a high-altitude balloon. The system proves sufficiently speedy and reliable despite utilizing disparate end-point radios. This thesis successfully demonstrates the potential this system has to extend United States Marine Corps communications. Further research should focus on the system's capability over a larger range and the effects of system configuration settings on transmission speed and reliability.http://archive.org/details/extendedmagtfope1094553052Lieutenant, United States Coast GuardApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Modalidade e implicações estruturais.

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    A conjuntura actual internacional obrigou a reanalisar e a reestruturar a metodologia de emprego da força militar nos dias de hoje. Os dispositivos de forças estruturadas em grandes unidades de constituição fixa revelaram-se pouco adequados ao novo tipo de conflitos que têm surgido um pouco por todo o mundo no pós guerra fria. As forças actuais estão configuradas para actuarem como um todo e qualquer separação de elementos, além de difícil de executar, tem resultado geralmente numa drástica redução de desempenho. (...) O tema em análise encontra-se pouco desenvolvido em termos de implementação modular na óptica do Apoio Logístico em Portugal e é muito rudimentar nos restantes países europeus, por isso entendemos que os Estados Unidos da América (EUA) são, actualmente, o único país com a dimensão e experiência acumulada suficiente para já possuir uma efectiva actividade e doutrina logística modular elaborada e implementada. Decidimos assim, neste trabalho, levar em linha de conta, basicamente, esta experiência até porque, é esta a doutrina que acaba normalmente por transitar, com pequenas alterações e adaptações, para a doutrina da Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (OTAN) numa fase posterior

    A reusable application framework for context-aware mobile patient monitoring systems

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    The development of Context-aware Mobile Patient Monitoring Systems (CaMPaMS) using wireless sensors is very complex. To overcome this problem, the Context-aware Mobile Patient Monitoring Framework (CaMPaMF) was introduced as an ideal reuse technique to enhance the overall development quality and overcome the development complexity of CaMPaMS. While a few studies have designed reusable CaMPaMFs, there has not been enough study looking at how to design and evaluate application frameworks based on multiple reusability aspects and multiple reusability evaluation approaches. Furthermore, there also has not been enough study that integrates the identified domain requirements of CaMPaMS. Therefore, the aim of this research is to design a reusable CaMPaMF for CaMPaMS. To achieve this aim, twelve methods were used: literature search, content analysis, concept matrix, feature modelling, use case assortment, domain expert review, model-driven architecture approach, static code analysis, reusability model approach, prototyping, amount of reuse calculation, and software expert review. The primary outcome of this research is a reusable CaMPaMF designed and evaluated to capture reusability from different aspects. CaMPaMF includes a domain model validated by consultant physicians as domain experts, an architectural model, a platform-independent model, a platform-specific model validated by software expert review, and three CaMPaMS prototypes for monitoring patients with hypertension, epilepsy, or diabetes, and multiple reusability evaluation approaches. This research contributes to the body of software engineering knowledge, particularly in the area of design and evaluation of reusable application frameworks. Researchers can use the domain model to enhance the understanding of CaMPaMS domain requirements, thus extend it with new requirements. Developers can also reuse and extend CaMPaMF to develop various CaMPaMS for different diseases. Software industries can also reuse CaMPaMF to reduce the need to consult domain experts and the time required to build CaMPaMS from scratch, thus reducing the development cost and time


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    The ever-growing complexity of design projects requires more knowledge than any individual can have and, therefore, needs the active engagement of all stakeholders in the design process. Collaborative design exploits synergies from multidisciplinary communities, encourages divergent thinking, and enhances social creativity. The research documented in this thesis supports and deepens the understanding of collaborative design in two dimensions: (1) It developed and evaluated socio-technical systems to support collaborative design projects; and (2) It defined and explored a meta- design framework focused on how these systems enable users, as active contributors, to modify and further develop them. The research is grounded in and simultaneously extends the following major dimensions of meta-design: (1) It exploits the contributions of social media and web 2.0 as innovative information technologies; (2) It facilitates the shift from consumer cultures to cultures of participation; (3) It fosters social creativity by harnessing contributions that occur in cultures of participation; (4) It empowers end-users to be active designers involved in creating situated solutions. In a world where change is the norm, meta-design is a necessity rather than a luxury because it is impossible to design software systems at design time for problems that occur only at use time. The co-evolution of systems and users\u2bc social practices pursued in this thesis requires a software environment that can evolve and be tailored continuously. End-user development explores tools and methods to support end users who tailor software artifacts. However, it addresses this objective primarily from a technical perspective and focuses mainly on tailorability. This thesis, centered on meta-design, extends end-user development by creating social conditions and design processes for broad participation in design activities both at design time and at use time. It builds on previous research into meta- design that has provided a strategic overview of design opportunities and principles. And it addresses some shortcomings of meta-design, such as the lack of guidelines for building concrete meta-design environments that can be assessed by empirical evaluation. Given the goal of this research, to explore meta-design approaches for cultivating and supporting collaborative design, the overarching research question guiding this work is: How do we provide a socio-technical environment to bring multidisciplinary design communities together to foster creativity, collaboration, and design evolution? 8 To answer this question, my research was carried out through four different phases: (1) synthesizing concepts, models, and theories; (2) framing conceptual models; (3) developing several systems in specific application areas; and (4) conducting empirical evaluation studies. The main contributions of this research are: \uf0a7 The Hive-Mind Space model, a meta-design framework derived from the \u201csoftware shaping workshop\u201d methodology and that integrates the \u201cseeding, evolutionary growth, reseeding\u201d model. The bottom-up approach inherent in this framework breaks down static social structures so as to support richer ecologies of participation. It provides the means for structuring communication and appropriation. The model\u2bcs open mediation mechanism tackles unanticipated communication gaps among different design communities. \uf0a7 MikiWiki, a structured programmable wiki I developed to demonstrate how the hive-mind space model can be implemented as a practical platform that benefits users and how its features and values can be specified so as to be empirically observable and assessable; \uf0a7 Empirical insights, such as those based on applying MikiWiki to different collaborative design studies, provide evidence that different phases of meta-design represent different modes rather than discrete levels

    The appropriation of a software ecosystem : a practice take on the usage, maintenance and modification of the eclipse IDE

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    This thesis was written in order to gain a deeper understanding of the appropriation of software in groups and organizations. In doing so, it focuses on software created under the modern software engineering trend software ecosystems. Software ecosystems have a major influence on software development, as they rely on massive usage of distributed software development, open source models and modularization. It is unclear if existing models to explain appropriation still hold good. Furthermore, it has to be explored whether current appropriation support is still appropriate and beneficial or if we need new ideas to help users cope with these developments. In order to achieve these objectives, this work is mainly based on an empirical field study, which investigates workgroups at seven German organizations that use the Eclipse IDE, an extremely modularized and adaptable software system, developed by a globally active ecosystem of large corporations, small businesses and even hobbyists. Using the qualitative analysis approach of the grounded theory method and appropriation as a lens for this research endeavor, observations and interviews as well as artifacts were analyzed, uncovering practices that are part of Eclipse usage and appropriation. They are identified and discussed from the backdrop of software ecosystems – viewed from a users perspective. Examples are the sheer amount of appropriation activities at the shop floor, the dilemma of software maintenance, that comes with continuously developed but sometimes unstable technology, practices as learning or tailoring, influences on practices stemming from the software ecosystem, the organization and the group. Grounded in these results, suggestions for the design of appropriation support are given and prototypically implemented, which reflect the embeddedness of individuals and groups in the software ecosystem. They provide a fresh perspective, based on peer-to-peer technology and awareness mechanisms.Diese Arbeit wurde erstellt, um ein tieferes Verständnis über die Aneignung von Software in Gruppen und Organisationen zu erlangen. Dabei fokussiert sie auf eine Software die unter den Bedingungen eines modernen Trends im Software Engineering entstanden ist: Der Software Ökosystem Bewegung. Software Ökosysteme beeinflussen die Entwicklung von moderner Software maßgeblich, da sie verstärkt auf örtlich verteilte Entwicklung, Open Source Modelle und Modularisierung setzen. Bisher ist ungeklärt, ob existierende Ansätze zum Verständnis von Aneignung unter diesen Gegebenheiten ihre Gültigkeit behalten. Weitergehend ist zu untersuchen ob existierende Maßnahmen der Aneignungsunterstützung auch in diesem Kontext angemessen und vorteilhaft wirken, oder ob neue Ansätze entwickelt werden müssen um Nutzer heute sinnvoll zu unterstützen. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen, basiert diese Arbeit hauptsächlich auf einer qualitativ-empirischen Feldstudie in Arbeitsgruppen sieben Deutscher Organisationen, die alle die Eclipse IDE einsetzen – ein extrem modularisiertes und anpassbares Software System das durch ein global agierendes Software Ökosystem aus großen Konzernen, KMU und sogar Hobbyisten hergestellt wird. Mit Hilfe des qualitativen Analyseansatzes in Form der Grounded Theory Method und Aneignung als Linse für dieses Forschungsvorhaben wurden die Daten aus Beobachtungen, Interviews und bei Arbeitsplatzbesuchen gesammelter Artefakte analysiert. Dabei wurden Praktiken die Teil der Eclipse Nutzung und Aneignung sind, erfasst näher definiert und vor dem Hintergrund von Software Ökosystemen und aus Perspektive der Nutzer diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse umfassen unter anderem eine Reihe verschiedener Aneignungsaktivitäten, das Dilemma der Wartung komplexer Software Systeme welche durch die kontinuierliche Entwicklung und teilweise instabile Komponenten entsteht, Praktiken wie Lernen oder Anpassen, sowie Einflüsse auf die Arbeitspraktiken die aus dem Software Ökosystem, der Gruppe oder der Organisation stammen. Begründet auf den Ergebnissen dieser Forschung, werden Vorschläge für das Design von Aneignungsunterstützung gegeben und prototypisch realisiert. Diese spiegeln wider wie Individuen und Gruppen in das Software Ökosystem eingebettet sind und präsentieren durch den Einsatz von Peer-to-Peer Technik und Awareness Mechanismen eine neue Perspektive auf Aneignungsunterstützung

    Combinatorial metabolic pathway assembly approaches and toolkits for modular assembly

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    Synthetic Biology is a rapidly growing interdisciplinary field that is primarily built upon foundational advances in molecular biology combined with engineering design principles such as modularity and interoperability. The field considers living systems as programmable at the genetic level and has been defined by the development of new platform technologies and methodological advances. A key concept driving the field is the Design-Build-Test-Learn cycle which provides a systematic framework for building new biological systems. One major application area for synthetic biology is biosynthetic pathway engineering that requires the modular assembly of different genetic regulatory elements and biosynthetic enzymes. In this review we provide an overview of modular DNA assembly and describe and compare the plethora of in vitro and in vivo assembly methods for combinatorial pathway engineering. Considerations for part design and methods for enzyme balancing are also presented, and we briefly discuss alternatives to intracellular pathway assembly including microbial consortia and cell-free systems for biosynthesis. Finally, we describe computational tools and automation for pathway design and assembly and argue that a deeper understanding of the many different variables of genetic design, pathway regulation and cellular metabolism will allow more predictive pathway design and engineering