106 research outputs found

    Automating Software Development for Mobile Computing Platforms

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    Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have become ubiquitous in today\u27s computing landscape. These devices have ushered in entirely new populations of users, and mobile operating systems are now outpacing more traditional desktop systems in terms of market share. The applications that run on these mobile devices (often referred to as apps ) have become a primary means of computing for millions of users and, as such, have garnered immense developer interest. These apps allow for unique, personal software experiences through touch-based UIs and a complex assortment of sensors. However, designing and implementing high quality mobile apps can be a difficult process. This is primarily due to challenges unique to mobile development including change-prone APIs and platform fragmentation, just to name a few. in this dissertation we develop techniques that aid developers in overcoming these challenges by automating and improving current software design and testing practices for mobile apps. More specifically, we first introduce a technique, called Gvt, that improves the quality of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for mobile apps by automatically detecting instances where a GUI was not implemented to its intended specifications. Gvt does this by constructing hierarchal models of mobile GUIs from metadata associated with both graphical mock-ups (i.e., created by designers using photo-editing software) and running instances of the GUI from the corresponding implementation. Second, we develop an approach that completely automates prototyping of GUIs for mobile apps. This approach, called ReDraw, is able to transform an image of a mobile app GUI into runnable code by detecting discrete GUI-components using computer vision techniques, classifying these components into proper functional categories (e.g., button, dropdown menu) using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), and assembling these components into realistic code. Finally, we design a novel approach for automated testing of mobile apps, called CrashScope, that explores a given android app using systematic input generation with the intrinsic goal of triggering crashes. The GUI-based input generation engine is driven by a combination of static and dynamic analyses that create a model of an app\u27s GUI and targets common, empirically derived root causes of crashes in android apps. We illustrate that the techniques presented in this dissertation represent significant advancements in mobile development processes through a series of empirical investigations, user studies, and industrial case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches and the benefit they provide developers

    On Supporting Android Software Developers And Testers

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    Users entrust mobile applications (apps) to help them with different tasks in their daily lives. However, for each app that helps to finish a given task, there are a plethora of other apps in popular marketplaces that offer similar or nearly identical functionality. This makes for a competitive market where users will tend to favor the highest quality apps in most cases. Given that users can easily get frustrated by apps which repeatedly exhibit bugs, failures, and crashes, it is imperative that developers promptly fix problems both before and after the release. However, implementing and maintaining high quality apps is difficult due to unique problems and constraints associated with the mobile development process such as fragmentation, quick feature changes, and agile software development. This dissertation presents an empirical study, as well as several approaches for developers, testers and designers to overcome some of these challenges during the software development life cycle. More specifically, first we perform an in-depth analysis of developers’ needs on automated testing techniques. This included surveying 102 contributors of open source Android projects about practices for testing their apps. The major findings from this survey illustrate that developers: (i) rely on usage models for designing test app cases, (ii) prefer expressive automated generated test cases organized around use cases, (iii) prefer manual testing over automation due to reproducibility issues, and (iv) do not perceive that code coverage is an important measure of test case quality. Based on the findings from the survey, this dissertation presents several approaches to support developers and testers of Android apps in their daily tasks. In particular, we present the first taxonomy of faults in Android apps. This taxonomy is derived from a manual analysis of 2,023 software artifacts extracted from six different sources (e.g., stackoverflow and bug reports). The taxonomy is divided into 14 categories containing 262 specific types. Then, we derived 38 Android-specific mutation operators from the taxonomy. Additionally, we implemented the infrastructure called MDroid+ that automatically introduces mutations in Android apps. Third, we present a practical automation for crowdsourced videos of mobile apps called V2S. This solution automatically translates video recordings of mobile executions into replayable user scenarios. V2S uses computer vision and adopts deep learning techniques to identify user interactions from video recordings that illustrate bugs or faulty behaviors in mobile apps. Last but not least, we present an approach that aims at supporting the maintenance process by facilitating the way users report bugs for Android apps. It comprises the interaction between an Android and a web app that assist the reporter by automatically collecting relevant information

    On Run-Time Configuration Engineering

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    De nos jours, les utilisateurs changent le comportement de leur logiciel et l’adaptent à différentes situations et contexts, sans avoir besoin d’aucune modifications du code source ou recompilation du logiciel. En effet, les utilisateurs utilisent le mécanisme de configuration qui offre un ensemble d’options modifiables par les utilisateurs. D’après plusieurs études, des mauvaises valeurs des options de configuration causent des erreurs difficiles à déboguer. Plusieurs compagnies importantes, comme Facebook, Google et Amazon ont rencontré des pannes et erreurs sérieuses à cause de la configuration et qui sont considérées parmi les plus pires pannes dans ces compagnies. En plus, plusieurs études ont trouvé que le mécanisme de configuration augmente la complexité des logiciels et les rend plus difficile à utiliser. Ces problèmes ont un sérieux impact sur plusieurs facteurs de qualité, comme la sécurité, l’exactitude, la disponibilité, la compréhensibilité, la maintenabilité, et la performance des logiciels. Plusieurs études ont été élaborées dans des aspects spécifiques dans l’ingénierie des configurations, dont la majorité se concentrent sur le débogage des défaillances de configuration et les tests de la configuration des logiciels, tandis que peu de recherches traitent les autres aspects de l’ingénierie des configurations de logiciel, comme la création et la maintenance des options de configuration. Par contre, nous pensons que la configuration des logiciels n’a pas seulement un impact sur l’exactitude d’un logiciel, mais peut avoir un impact sur d’autres métriques de qualité comme la compréhensibilité et la maintenabilité. Dans cette thèse, nous faisons d’abord un pas en arrière pour mieux comprendre les activités principales liées du processus de l’ingénierie des configurations, avant d’évaluer l’impact d’un catalogue de bonnes pratiques sur l’exactitude et la performance du processus de la configuration des logiciels. Pour ces raisons, nous avons conduit un ensemble d’études empiriques qualitatives et quantitatives sur des grands projets libres. On a conduit une étude qualitative en premier lieu, dans laquelle nous avons essayé de comprendre le processus de l’ingénierie de configuration, les enjeux et problèmes que les développeurs rencontrent durant ce processus, et qu’est ce que les développeurs et chercheurs proposent pour aider les développeurs à améliorer la qualité de l’ingénierie de la configuration logiciel. En réalisant 14 entrevues semi structurées, un sondage et une revue systématique de littérature, nous avons défini un processus de l’ingénierie de configuration invoquant 9 activités, un ensemble de 22 challenges rencontrés en pratique et 24 recommandations des experts.----------ABSTRACT: Modern software applications allow users to change the behavior of a software application and adapt it to different situations and contexts, without requiring any source code modifications or recompilations. To this end, applications leverage a wide range of mechanisms of software configuration that provide a set of options that can be changed by users. According to several studies, incorrect values of software configuration options cause severe errors that are hard-to-debug. Major companies such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon faced serious outages and failures due to configuration, which are considered as some of the worst outages in these companies. In addition, several studies found that the mechanism of software configuration increases the complexity of a software system and makes it hard to use. Such problems have a serious impact on different quality factors, such as security, correctness, availability, comprehensibility, maintainability, and performance of software systems. Several studies have been conducted on specific aspects of configuration engineering, with most of them focusing on debugging configuration failures and testing software configurations, while only few research efforts focused on other aspects of configuration engineering, such as the creation and maintenance of configuration options. However, we think that software configuration can not only have a negative impact on the correctness of a software system, but also on other quality metrics, such as its comprehensibility and maintainability. In this thesis, we first take a step back to better understand the main activities involved in the process of run-time configuration engineering, before evaluating the impact of a catalog of best practices on the correctness and performance of the configuration engineering process. For these purposes, we conducted several qualitative and quantitative empirical studies on large repositories and open source projects. We first conducted a qualitative study, in which we tried to understand the configuration engineering process, the challenges and problems developers face during this process, and what practitioners and researchers recommend to help developers to improve their software configuration engineering quality. By conducting 14 semi-structured interviews, a large survey, and a systematic literature review, we identified a process of configuration engineering involving 9 activities, a set of 22 challenges faced in practice, and a set of 24 recommendations by experts

    Enabling aggressive compiler optimization for the mobile environment

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    Aggressive code optimization on the mobile environment is a difficult endeavor. Billions of users rely on mobile devices for their daily computing tasks. Yet, they mostly run poorly optimized code, under-utilizing their already limited processing and energy resources. Existing optimization approaches, like iterative compilation, perform well in other domains but fall short on the mobile environment. They either rely on representative inputs that are hard to reconstruct, or expose users to slowdowns and crashes. An ideal solution must be able to perform an optimization search by repeatedly evaluating different optimization decisions on the same input. That input should be representative of actual user usage without requiring developers to artificially create it. Finally, users should never be exposed to slow or crashing evaluations, a quite common side-effect of iterative compilation. This thesis presents a novel approach with all above in mind, bringing aggressive code optimization to the mobile environment. With a transparent capture mechanism, real user inputs can be stored. This mechanism is infrequently invoked and remains unnoticeable from the users. A single capture is enough to enable offline, input-driven code optimization. It supports C functions as well as code regions of interactive Android applications. It allows controlling the timing and frequency of captures, it bails out on imminent high-impact runtime events, and excludes from captures some immutable data. A replay-based evaluation mechanism is able to repeatedly restore a captured input while changing the underlying code. For C programs, it employs compile and link-time strategies to consistently work despite code transformations. For Android apps, a novel mechanism was developed, able to replay using different code types. These are the original Android-compiled code, interpretation, and LLVM-generated code. Additionally, it works well even in the presence of memory-shuffling security mechanisms. Capture and replay is fused into an iterative compilation system that uses offline, replay-based evaluations. Initially, real inputs are captured online, without noticeably affecting the users. For C and interactive apps, captures required on average 2ms and 15ms respectively. Then, an optimization search is performed by repeatedly replaying the inputs using different code transformations. As this happens offline, any crashing or erroneous executions are not affecting the users. C programs became 29% faster using a random search, while interactive apps became 44% faster using a genetic algorithm and a novel Android backend based on LLVM. Finally, with crowd-sourcing, the offline evaluation effort was significantly accelerated. Specifically, for the user with the highest workload the search accelerated by 7 times

    Dependability Assessment of Wireless Sensor Networks with Formal Methods

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are increasingly being adopted in critical applications, where verifying the correct operation of sensor nodes is a major concern. Undesired events, such as node crash and packet loss, may undermine the dependability of the WSN. Hence their effects need to be properly assessed from the early stages of the development process onwards to minimize the chances of unexpected problems during use. It is also necessary to monitor the system during operation in order to avoid unexpected results or dangerous effects. In this thesis we propose a framework to investigate the correctness of the design of a WSN from the point of view of its dependability, i.e., resilience to undesired events. The framework is based on the Event Calculus formalism and it is backed-up by a support tool aimed to simplify its adoption by system designers. The tool allows to specify the target WSN in a user-friendly way and it is able to generate automatically the Event Calculus specifications used to check correctness properties and evaluate dependability metrics, such as connection resiliency, coverage and lifetime. It is able to work at design time and runtime. In particular at runtime the tool works a server that is in waiting for new events coming from the WSN and, performed the reasoning using the same specifications, is able to do prediction about future criticalities of the WSN. The effectiveness of the approach is shown in the context of five case studies, aiming to illustrate how the framework is helpful to drive design choices by means of what-if scenario analysis and robustness checking, and to check the correctness properties of the WSN at runtime

    Network Traffic Measurements, Applications to Internet Services and Security

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    The Internet has become along the years a pervasive network interconnecting billions of users and is now playing the role of collector for a multitude of tasks, ranging from professional activities to personal interactions. From a technical standpoint, novel architectures, e.g., cloud-based services and content delivery networks, innovative devices, e.g., smartphones and connected wearables, and security threats, e.g., DDoS attacks, are posing new challenges in understanding network dynamics. In such complex scenario, network measurements play a central role to guide traffic management, improve network design, and evaluate application requirements. In addition, increasing importance is devoted to the quality of experience provided to final users, which requires thorough investigations on both the transport network and the design of Internet services. In this thesis, we stress the importance of users’ centrality by focusing on the traffic they exchange with the network. To do so, we design methodologies complementing passive and active measurements, as well as post-processing techniques belonging to the machine learning and statistics domains. Traffic exchanged by Internet users can be classified in three macro-groups: (i) Outbound, produced by users’ devices and pushed to the network; (ii) unsolicited, part of malicious attacks threatening users’ security; and (iii) inbound, directed to users’ devices and retrieved from remote servers. For each of the above categories, we address specific research topics consisting in the benchmarking of personal cloud storage services, the automatic identification of Internet threats, and the assessment of quality of experience in the Web domain, respectively. Results comprise several contributions in the scope of each research topic. In short, they shed light on (i) the interplay among design choices of cloud storage services, which severely impact the performance provided to end users; (ii) the feasibility of designing a general purpose classifier to detect malicious attacks, without chasing threat specificities; and (iii) the relevance of appropriate means to evaluate the perceived quality of Web pages delivery, strengthening the need of users’ feedbacks for a factual assessment
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