4,150 research outputs found

    Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework

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    Machado, D. S-M., & Santos, V. (2023). Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 13(1), [2423]. https://doi.org/10.5875/ausmt.v13i1.2423The article finds context and the current state of the art in a systematic literature review on intelligent systems employing PRISMA Methodology which is complemented with narrative literature review on disabilities, digital accessibility and legal and standards context. The main conclusion from this review was the existing gap between the available knowledge, standards, and law and what is put into practice in higher education institutions in Portugal. Design Science Research Methodology was applied to output an Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework aiming to help higher education professors to share accessible pedagogic content and deliver on-line and presential classes with a high level of accessibility for students with different types of disabilities, assessing the uploaded content with Web content Accessibility Guidelines 3.0, clustering students according to their profile, conscient feedback and emotional assessment during content consumption, applying predictive models and signaling students at risk of failing classes according to study habits and finally applying a recommender system. The framework was validated by a focus group to which experts in digital accessibility, information systems and a disabled PhD graduate.publishersversionpublishe

    Gaps and needs analysis: european report and roadmap

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    Needs assessment analysis within the ISOLEARN project focused on under-researched topic of needs in education process of visually and hearing impaired students in HE in Europe. Applying a mixed-method design with desk research, a web survey with students and in-depth interviews with representatives of higher education institutions revealed valuable feedback for increasing the understanding on needs of this vulnerable group. These two groups need different adaptations as they have different needs. Also we can say they are not satisfied with current adaptations and there is a lot of room for improvement. From the interviews and also desk research we can conclude, that the institutions are trying to help students on their way to academic success, but results of the survey shows, that they (institutions) are successful only to a certain extent.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Subject benchmark statement: linguistics : draft for consultation May 2007

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    Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework - Application of Data Science in Inclusive Education

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data ScienceBeing a disabled student the author faced higher education with a handicap which as experience studying during COVID 19 confinement periods matched the findings in recent research about the importance of digital accessibility through more e-learning intensive academic experiences. Narrative and systematic literature reviews enabled providing context in World Health Organization’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, legal and standards framework and information technology and communication state-of-the art. Assessing Portuguese higher education institutions’ web sites alerted to the fact that only outlying institutions implemented near perfect, accessibility-wise, websites. Therefore a gap was identified in how accessible the Portuguese higher education websites are, the needs of all students, including those with disabilities, and even the accessibility minimum legal requirements for digital products and the services provided by public or publicly funded organizations. Having identified a problem in society and exploring the scientific base of knowledge for context and state of the art was a first stage in the Design Science Research methodology, to which followed development and validation cycles of an Inclusive Intelligent Learning Management System Framework. The framework blends various Data Science study fields contributions with accessibility guidelines compliant interface design and content upload accessibility compliance assessment. Validation was provided by a focus group whose inputs were considered for the version presented in this dissertation. Not being the purpose of the research to deliver a complete implementation of the framework and lacking consistent data to put all the modules interacting with each other, the most relevant modules were tested with open data as proof of concept. The rigor cycle of DSR started with the inclusion of the previous thesis on Atlântica University Institute Scientific Repository and is to be completed with the publication of this thesis and the already started PhD’s findings in relevant journals and conferences

    Nigerian Copyright Reform and Implications for Access to Teaching and Learning Materials (TLMs) in the Digital Age

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    This article examines the extent to which the provisions of Nigeria’s draft Copyright Bill promote access to teaching and learning materials (TLMs), with such access framed as an important public interest goal. The article highlights the weaknesses in the extant Nigerian copyright statute with regard to TLM access, and examines the extent to which the provisions of the draft Bill would provide improvement. The article concludes that while the draft Bill provides significant improvements in respect of TLM access, it also contains significant weaknesses and gaps which Nigerian lawmakers should seek to address.CA201

    Are abstract concepts like dinosaur feathers?

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    Ewolucja ludzkiego układu nerwowego pozwoliła nam na wykonywanie niezwykle skomplikowanych czynności takich jak obliczenia matematyczne, analizy gospodarcze czy choćby napisanie tej książki. Mimo to wciąż nie jesteśmy pewni jak i dlaczego człowiek nabył zdolność abstrakcyjnego myślenia. Jedna z teorii sugeruje, że myślenie abstrakcyjne i konkretne opierają się na tym samym mechanizmie: doświadczeniu. Według tej teorii, nazwanej teorią ucieleśnionego poznania, świat rozumiemy dzięki doświadczeniom fizycznym. Kiedy opisujemy jakiś argument jako "chwiejny" albo pogląd jako "bezpodstawny" to korzystamy z doświadczeń, które zdobyliśmy bawiąc się kolckami jako dzieci. W tej książce zadaję postawione przez psychologa Daniela Casasanto pytanie: „czy pojęcia abstrakcyjne są jak pióra dinozaurów”. Jakie procesy ewolucyjne doprowadziły do tego, że jesteśmy w stanie opisać nawet bardzo abstrakcyjne zagadnienia w odniesieniu do konkretnych zjawisk? Przedstawiając wyniki badań nad mową i gestem osób widzących, słabowidzących oraz niewidomych, staram się pokazać, że podstawy zrozumienia wielu pojęć abstrakcyjnych szukać można w geście


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    Kecerdasan Buatan adalah kekuatan transformasional dalam pendidikan, terutama dalam pembelajaran bahasa. Studi ini membahas berbagai alat AI yang digunakan untuk pembelajaran bahasa, seperti terjemahan mesin, teknologi ucapan, chatbot, dan konten yang dihasilkan oleh kecerdasan buatan. Studi ini secara komprehensif menjelajahi potensi dan tantangan yang terkait dengan peran kecerdasan buatan dalam pendidikan bahasa. Di satu sisi, kecerdasan buatan menawarkan manfaat seperti panduan personal, keterlibatan interaktif, dan pelacakan kemajuan. Namun, juga menimbulkan kekhawatiran tentang interaksi manusia yang berkurang, dampak potensial pada otonomi pembelajar, dan peran yang berkembang dari guru bahasa. Oleh karena itu, studi ini menekankan pentingnya menggabungkan prinsip-prinsip etika, transparansi, dan inklusivitas untuk memandu integrasi kecerdasan buatan dalam pendidikan secara bertanggung jawab. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi penelitian perpustakaan untuk membangun landasan teoritis yang kuat, menekankan peran penting integrasi kecerdasan buatan yang bertanggung jawab dalam meningkatkan pendidikan bahasa sambil menjaga standar etika yang tinggi

    Gamifying Audio Description Training

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