51 research outputs found

    A symbolic approach for maximally permissive deadlock avoidance in complex resource allocation systems

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    To develop an efficient implementation of the maximally permissive deadlock avoidance policy (DAP) for complex resource allocation systems (RAS), a recent approach focuses on the identification of a set of critical states of the underlying RAS state-space, referred to as minimal boundary unsafe states. The availability of this information enables an expedient one-step-lookahead scheme that prevents the RAS from reaching outside its safe region. This paper presents a symbolic approach that provides those critical states. Furthermore, by taking advantage of certain structural properties regarding RAS safety, the presented method avoids the complete exploration of the underlying RAS state-space. Numerical experimentation demonstrates the efficiency of the approach for developing the maximally permissive DAP for complex RAS with large structure and state-spaces, and its potential advantage over similar approaches that employ more conventional representational and computational methods

    Supplement for the paper entitled “A BDD-Based Approach for Designing Maximally Permissive Deadlock Avoidance Policies for Complex Resource Allocation Systems”

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    This electronic document provides some supportive material to the paper entitled “A BDD-Based Approach for Designing Maximally Permissive Deadlock Avoidance Policies for Complex Resource Allocation Systems” that has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE)

    Symbolic Supervisory Control of Resource Allocation Systems

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    <p>Supervisory control theory (SCT) is a formal model-based methodology for verification and synthesis of supervisors for discrete event systems (DES). The main goal is to guarantee that the closed-loop system fulfills given specifications. SCT has great promise to assist engineers with the generation of reliable control functions. This is, for instance, beneficial to manufacturing systems where both products and production equipment might change frequently.</p> <p>The industrial acceptance of SCT, however, has been limited for at least two reasons: (i) the analysis of DES involves an intrinsic difficulty known as the state-space explosion problem, which makes the explicit enumeration of enormous state-spaces for industrial systems intractable; (ii) the synthesized supervisor, represented as a deterministic finite automaton (FA) or an extended finite automaton (EFA), is not straightforward to implement in an industrial controller.</p> <p>In this thesis, to address the aforementioned issues, we study the modeling, synthesis and supervisor representation of DES using binary decision diagrams (BDDs), a compact data structure for representing DES models symbolically. We propose different kinds of BDD-based algorithms for exploring the symbolically represented state-spaces in an effort to improve the abilities of existing supervisor synthesis approaches to handle large-scale DES and represent the obtained supervisors appropriately.</p> <p>Following this spirit, we bring the efficiencies of BDD into a particular DES application domain -- deadlock avoidance for resource allocation systems (RAS) -- a problem that arises in many technological systems including flexible manufacturing systems and multi-threaded software. We propose a framework for the effective and computationally efficient development of the maximally permissive deadlock avoidance policy (DAP) for various RAS classes. Besides the employment of symbolic computation, special structural properties that are possessed by RAS are utilized by the symbolic algorithms to gain additional efficiencies in the computation of the sought DAP. Furthermore, to bridge the gap between the BDD-based representation of the target DAP and its actual industrial realization, we extend this work by introducing a procedure that generates a set of "guard" predicates to represent the resulting DAP.</p> <p>The work presented in this thesis has been implemented in the SCT tool Supremica. Computational benchmarks have manifested the superiority of the proposed algorithms with respect to the previously published results. Hence, the work holds a strong potential for providing robust, practical and efficient solutions to a broad range of supervisory control and deadlock avoidance problems that are experienced in the considered DES application domain.</p

    Modeling sequential resource allocation systems using Extended Finite Automata

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    Deadlock avoidance for resource allocation systems (RAS) is a well-established problem in the Discrete Event System (DES) literature. This paper is mainly concerned with modeling the class of Conjunctive / Disjunctive sequential resource allocation systems (C/D RAS) as finite automata extended with variables. The proposed modeling approach allows for modeling multiple instance execution, routing flexibility and failure handling. With an appropriate model of the system, a symbolic approach is then used to synthesize the optimal supervisor, in the least restrictive sense. Furthermore, a set of compact logical formulae can be extracted and attached to the original model, which results in a modular and comprehensible representation of the supervisor

    Symbolic Limited Lookahead Control for Best-effort Dynamic Computing Resource Management

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    We put forward a new modeling technique for Dynamic Resource Management (DRM) based on discrete events control for symbolic logico-numerical systems, especially Discrete Controller Synthesis (DCS). The resulting models involve state and input variables defined on an infinite domain (Integers), thereby no exact DCS algorithm exists for safety control. We thus formally define the notion of limited lookahead, and associated best-effort control objectives targeting safety and optimization on a sliding window for a number of steps ahead. We give symbolic algorithms, illustrate our approach on an example model for DRM, and report on performance results based on an implementation in our tool ReaX

    On the decidability of problems in liveness of controlled Discrete Event Systems modeled by Petri Nets

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    A Discrete Event System (DES) is a discrete-state system, where the state changes at discrete-time instants due to the occurrence of events. Informally, a liveness property stipulates that a 'good thing' happens during the evolution of a system. Some examples of liveness properties include starvation freedom -- where the 'good thing' is the process making progress; termination -- in which the good thing is for an evolution to not run forever; and guaranteed service -- such as in resource allocation systems, when every request for resource is satisfied eventually. In this thesis, we consider supervisory policies for DESs that, when they exist, enforce a liveness property by appropriately disabling a subset of preventable events at certain states in the evolution of DES. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the development of a system-theoretic framework for the analysis of Liveness Enforcing Supervisory Policies (LESPs) for DESs. We model uncertainties in the forward- and feedback-path, and present necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of Liveness Enforcing Supervisory Policies (LESPs) for a general model of DESs in this framework. The existence of an LESP reduces to the membership of the initial state to an appropriately defined set. The membership problem is undecidable. For characterizing decidable instances of this membership problem, we consider a modeling paradigm of DESs known as Petri Nets, which have applications in modeling concurrent systems, software design, manufacturing systems, etc. Petri Net (PN) models are inherently monotonic in the sense that if a transition (which loosely represents an event of the DES) can fire from a marking (a non-negative integer-valued vector that represents the state of the DES being modeled), then it can also fire from any larger marking. The monotonicity creates a possibility of representing an infinite-state system using what can be called a "finite basis" that can lead to decidability. However, we prove that several problems of our interest are still undecidable for arbitrary PN models. That is, informally, a general PN model is still too powerful for the analysis that we are interested in. Much of the thesis is devoted to the characterization of decidable instances of the existence of LESPs for arbitrary PN models within the system-theoretic framework introduced in the thesis. The philosophical implication of the results in this thesis is the existence of what can be called a "finite basis" of an infinite state system under supervision, on which the membership tests can be performed in finite time; hence resulting in the decidability of problems and finite-time termination of algorithms. The thesis discusses various scenarios where such a finite basis exists and how to find them

    Basis marking representation of Petri net reachability spaces and its application to the reachability problem

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    In this paper a compact representation of the reachability graph of a Petri net is proposed. The transition set of a Petri net is partitioned into the subsets of explicit and implicit transitions, in such a way that the subnet induced by implicit transitions does not contain directed cycles. The firing of implicit transitions can be abstracted so that the reachability set of the net can be completely characterized by a subset of reachable markings called basis makings. We show that to determine a max-cardinality-T_I basis partition is an NPhard problem, but a max-set-T_I basis partition can be determined in polynomial time. The generalized version of the marking reachability problem in a Petri net can be solved by a practically efficient algorithm based on the basis reachability graph. Finally this approach is further extended to unbounded nets

    Contributions to the deadlock problem in multithreaded software applications observed as Resource Allocation Systems

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    Desde el punto de vista de la competencia por recursos compartidos sucesivamente reutilizables, se dice que un sistema concurrente compuesto por procesos secuenciales está en situación de bloqueo si existe en él un conjunto de procesos que están indefinidamente esperando la liberación de ciertos recursos retenidos por miembros del mismo conjunto de procesos. En sistemas razonablemente complejos o distribuidos, establecer una política de asignación de recursos que sea libre de bloqueos puede ser un problema muy difícil de resolver de forma eficiente. En este sentido, los modelos formales, y particularmente las redes de Petri, se han ido afianzando como herramientas fructíferas que permiten abstraer el problema de asignación de recursos en este tipo de sistemas, con el fin de abordarlo analíticamente y proveer métodos eficientes para la correcta construcción o corrección de estos sistemas. En particular, la teoría estructural de redes de Petri se postula como un potente aliado para lidiar con el problema de la explosión de estados inherente a aquéllos. En este fértil contexto han florecido una serie de trabajos que defienden una propuesta metodológica de diseño orientada al estudio estructural y la correspondiente corrección física del problema de asignación de recursos en familias de sistemas muy significativas en determinados contextos de aplicación, como el de los Sistemas de Fabricación Flexible. Las clases de modelos de redes de Petri resultantes asumen ciertas restricciones, con significado físico en el contexto de aplicación para el que están destinadas, que alivian en buena medida la complejidad del problema. En la presente tesis, se intenta acercar ese tipo de aproximación metodológica al diseño de aplicaciones software multihilo libres de bloqueos. A tal efecto, se pone de manifiesto cómo aquellas restricciones procedentes del mundo de los Sistemas de Fabricación Flexible se muestran demasiado severas para aprehender la versatilidad inherente a los sistemas software en lo que respecta a la interacción de los procesos con los recursos compartidos. En particular, se han de resaltar dos necesidades de modelado fundamentales que obstaculizan la mera adopción de antiguas aproximaciones surgidas bajo el prisma de otros dominios: (1) la necesidad de soportar el anidamiento de bucles no desplegables en el interior de los procesos, y (2) la posible compartición de recursos no disponibles en el arranque del sistema pero que son creados o declarados por un proceso en ejecución. A resultas, se identifica una serie de requerimientos básicos para la definición de un tipo de modelos orientado al estudio de sistemas software multihilo y se presenta una clase de redes de Petri, llamada PC2R, que cumple dicha lista de requerimientos, manteniéndose a su vez respetuosa con la filosofía de diseño de anteriores subclases enfocadas a otros contextos de aplicación. Junto con la revisión e integración de anteriores resultados en el nuevo marco conceptual, se aborda el estudio de propiedades inherentes a los sistemas resultantes y su relación profunda con otros tipos de modelos, la confección de resultados y algoritmos eficientes para el análisis estructural de vivacidad en la nueva clase, así como la revisión y propuesta de métodos de resolución de los problemas de bloqueo adaptadas a las particularidades físicas del dominio de aplicación. Asimismo, se estudia la complejidad computacional de ciertas vertientes relacionadas con el problema de asignación de recursos en el nuevo contexto, así como la traslación de los resultados anteriormente mencionados sobre el dominio de la ingeniería de software multihilo, donde la nueva clase de redes permite afrontar problemas inabordables considerando el marco teórico y las herramientas suministradas para subclases anteriormente explotadas

    Software Engineering and Petri Nets

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    This booklet contains the proceedings of the Workshop on Software Engineering and Petri Nets (SEPN), held on June 26, 2000. The workshop was held in conjunction with the 21st International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets (ICATPN-2000), organised by the CPN group of the Department of Computer Science, University of Aarhus, Denmark. The SEPN workshop papers are available in electronic form via the web page:http://www.daimi.au.dk/pn2000/proceeding

    Property Enforcement for Partially-Observed Discrete-Event Systems

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    Engineering systems that involve physical elements, such as automobiles, aircraft, or electric power pants, that are controlled by a computational infrastructure that consists of several computers that communicate through a communication network, are called Cyber-Physical Systems. Ever-increasing demands for safety, security, performance, and certi cation of these critical systems put stringent constraints on their design and necessitate the use of formal model-based approaches to synthesize provably-correct feedback controllers. This dissertation aims to tackle these challenges by developing a novel methodology for synthesis of control and sensing strategies for Discrete Event Systems (DES), an important class of cyber-physical systems. First, we develop a uniform approach for synthesizing property enforcing supervisors for a wide class of properties called information-state-based (IS-based) properties. We then consider the enforcement of non-blockingness in addition to IS-based properties. We develop a nite structure called the All Enforcement Structure (AES) that embeds all valid supervisors. Furthermore, we propose novel and general approaches to solve the sensor activation problem for partially-observed DES. We extend our results for the sensor activation problem from the centralized case to the decentralized case. The methodology in the dissertation has the following novel features: (i) it explicitly considers and handles imperfect state information, due to sensor noise, and limited controllability, due to unexpected environmental disturbances; (ii) it is a uniform information-state-based approach that can be applied to a variety of user-speci ed requirements; (iii) it is a formal model-based approach, which results in provably correct solutions; and (iv) the methodology and associated theoretical foundations developed are generic and applicable to many types of networked cyber-physical systems with safety-critical requirements, in particular networked systems such as aircraft electric power systems and intelligent transportation systems.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137097/1/xiangyin_1.pd