3,902 research outputs found

    Comparison between algebraic and topological K-theory of locally convex algebras

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    This paper is concerned with the algebraic K-theory of locally convex algebras stabilized by operator ideals, and its comparison with topological K-theory. We show that the obstruction for the comparison map between algebraic and topological K-theory to be an isomorphism is (absolute) algebraic cyclic homology and prove the existence of an 6-term exact sequence. We show that cyclic homology vanishes in the case when J is the ideal of compact operators and L is a Frechet algebra with bounded app. unit. This proves the generalized version of Karoubi's conjecture due to Mariusz Wodzicki and announced in his paper "Algebraic K-theory and functional analysis", First European Congress of Mathematics, Vol. II (Paris, 1992), 485--496, Progr. Math., 120, Birkh\"auser, Basel, 1994. We also consider stabilization with respect to a wider class of operator ideals, called sub-harmonic. We study the algebraic K-theory of the tensor product of a sub-harmonic ideal with an arbitrary complex algebra and prove that the obstruction for the periodicity of algebraic K-theory is again cyclic homology. The main technical tools we use are the diffeotopy invariance theorem of Cuntz and the second author (which we generalize), and the excision theorem for infinitesimal K-theory, due to the first author.Comment: Final version, to appear in Advances in Mathematic

    VIME: Variational Information Maximizing Exploration

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    Scalable and effective exploration remains a key challenge in reinforcement learning (RL). While there are methods with optimality guarantees in the setting of discrete state and action spaces, these methods cannot be applied in high-dimensional deep RL scenarios. As such, most contemporary RL relies on simple heuristics such as epsilon-greedy exploration or adding Gaussian noise to the controls. This paper introduces Variational Information Maximizing Exploration (VIME), an exploration strategy based on maximization of information gain about the agent's belief of environment dynamics. We propose a practical implementation, using variational inference in Bayesian neural networks which efficiently handles continuous state and action spaces. VIME modifies the MDP reward function, and can be applied with several different underlying RL algorithms. We demonstrate that VIME achieves significantly better performance compared to heuristic exploration methods across a variety of continuous control tasks and algorithms, including tasks with very sparse rewards.Comment: Published in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS), pages 1109-111