4,039 research outputs found

    Telling Stories:Farmers Offer New Insights into Farming Resilience

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    We explore elements of resilience on East Anglian farms through analysis of nine farmers’ life stories. Using a largely unprompted narrative approach, narrators had freedom to structure their own personal accounts, and later to review our initial interpretations. Transcriptions were organised in timelines, themes were identified, and causes and effects of major farm turning points distinguished. We find that internal drivers such as intergenerational transition, health and family relationships, from the narrators’ viewpoint, were cited as producing more change than external pressures such as price volatility or production variation. Robust and especially adaptation responses are prevalent in the stories, transformations are neither particularly radical nor innovative, but widespread piecemeal change through time can accumulate to enhance resilience. Four farmers identified more as businesspeople, with blurred boundaries between their farming and other commercial interests. Farming succession, with occasional conflict and new problems arising from extended working lives, prompts most change. Insights can arise as much from what is unsaid in these stories, and self‐explanation to outsiders can have cathartic effects. This narrative and analysis approach challenges preconceptions and can reframe theoretical perspectives and suggest approaches for policy reform. The focus was on existing farms with some resilience, further work should explore why former farmers were not resilient. Narrative analysis in other European countries showed important similarities in differing system contexts, but also divergences in the overall character of the life‐stories.EU; GB; en; contact: [email protected]

    A model-driven method for the systematic literature review of qualitative empirical research

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    This paper explores a model-driven method for systematic literature reviews (SLRs), for use where the empirical studies found in the literature search are based on qualitative research. SLRs are an important component of the evidence-based practice (EBP) paradigm, which is receiving increasing attention in information systems (IS) but has not yet been widely-adopted. We illustrate the model-driven approach to SLRs via an example focused on the use of BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) in organizations. We discuss in detail the process followed in using the model-driven SLR method, and show how it is based on a hermeneutic cycle of reading and interpreting, in order to develop and refine a model which synthesizes the research findings of previous qualitative studies. This study can serve as an exemplar for other researchers wishing to carry out model-driven SLRs. We conclude with our reflections on the method and some suggestions for further researc

    Relational Fluidity in Collaborative Governance: Unveiling stakeholders’ relating dynamics and their connection to issue framing dynamics in collaborative governance processes

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    The main research question of this thesis is as follows: _How and why do stakeholder relations evolve over time in collaborative governance processes, and how do relating dynamics interplay with the issue framing dynamics?

    Cecilia Manguerra Bainard’s Oriental Oriental “Magdalena”: A Linguistic Reinvention

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    Critical at this point in the postmodern society is ‘an idea’ nuanced in myriad voices. This paper contends that in the Philippine context there may be very little room for this type of linguistic exploration but is enough to exhibit the existing engagement of writers with the never-ending phenomenon of interpretation, that is, a particular meaning is contingent to one’s “situational frame”. Simply put, two similar structures/codes/words are associated with multiple meanings. More so, these modes of interpretation will eventually affect one’s capacity to assign an array of codes to build upon the very image one intends to create. In this paper Magdalena in Cecilia Manguerra-Brainard’s Magdalena is thought to be the embodiment of the Biblical Magdalena sought to be determined by linguistic limitations in the context of the author herself. She is exactly the very image of a woman that the author, in her capacity, would wish to create given her own situational frame----her milieu. Likewise, as the reader engages himself with the text, another frame is recreated so that the meaning becomes ultimately unstable in a continuous regression. Meaning-making incidence is primordially seen in this study as the crux of the matter by which different ‘situational frames’ can be understood as such. The character, Magdalena, is seen in that respect as it largely depends on how such relations are created between the signifier and the signified. Dwelling much on Saussure’s perspective, the meaning that is evidently explored which gives Magdalena ‘the identity’ is not only drawn from the characteristics nor from her inner sensibility as a person but from the intricate connections that surround the perceived object of woman through which binary oppositions are thought to emerge

    A Model-Driven Method for the Systematic Literature Review of Qualitative Empirical Research

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    This paper explores a new model-driven method for systematic literature reviews (SLRs), for use where the empirical studies found in the literature search are based on qualitative research. SLRs are an important component of the evidence-based practice (EBP) paradigm, which is receiving increasing attention in information systems (IS) but has not yet been widely-adopted. We illustrate the model-driven approach to SLRs via an example focused on the use of BPMN (Business Process Modelling Notation) in organizations. We discuss in detail the process followed in using the model-driven SLR method, and show how it is based on a hermeneutic cycle of reading and interpreting, in order to develop and refine a model which synthesizes the research findings of qualitative studies. This study can serve as an exemplar for other researchers wishing to carry out model-driven SLRs. We conclude with our reflections on the method and some suggestions for further research

    Hermeneutic single case efficacy design: A systematic review of published research and current standards

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    open4siThis article systematically reviews the methodological characteristics of Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design (HSCED) studies published in peer-reviewed journals. HSCED provides researchers with a flexible and viable alternative to both between-groups and within-subject experimental designs. This article includes a description of the evolution of the methodology distinctive to HSCED; a discussion of results of HSCED studies considered within a framework of contemporary standards and guidelines for systematic case study research; a presentation of recommendations for key characteristics (e.g., diagnosis, hermeneutic analysis, adjudication procedure). Overall, the aim is provide researchers and reviewers with a resource for conducting and evaluating HSCED research. The results of a systematic review of 13 studies suggests that published HSCED research meets contemporary criteria for systematic case study research. Hermeneutic analysis and adjudication emerged as areas of HSCED practice characterized by a diversity of procedures. Although consensus exists along key dimensions of HSCED, there remains a need for further evaluation of adjudication procedures and reporting standards.openBenelli, Enrico; De Carlo, Alessandro; Biffi, Diana; Mcleod, JohnBenelli, Enrico; De Carlo, Alessandro; Biffi, Diana; Mcleod, Joh

    Pendampingan Penguatan Literasi Bahasa Inggris Anak melalui “Multiple Stories-Reading”

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    English as an international language is needed for community to socialize each other. That is why learning English is important, formal and informal, for young learners to achieve the target of learning English in accordance with curriculum demands. For this reason, it is necessary to apply joyful learning for young learners. Multiple Stories-reading is one of the great methodsto be implemented through several stages: stimuli through novel words, stories and illustrations, followed by story exposure (story reading and listening), Animation task (integration of new words), Phonological recall and Definition of words. This community service in Jatisari village, Mijen Semarang, was aimed  to help the young learners, to improve their English language skills by strengthening English literacy through multiple stories-reading. It was preceded by observation, and the implementation of this method was carried out by socialization, the preparation stage, and the implementation phase. The results of the application method were as followed:  they got new vocabulary from various kinds of stories, and obtained directly by them through transferring ideas, values, characters, good-bad and ideologies. Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu bahasa internasional diperlukan dalam masyarakat untuk saling bersosialisasi. Oleh karena itulah diperlukan pembelajaran yang baik, formal dan informal, sejak anak-anak agar tercapai target pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulumm. Untuk itulah diperlukan penerapan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan untuk anak-anak (young learners). Multiple Stories-reading merupakan salah astu metode yang bisa diterapkan untuk anak-anak melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu: stimuli melalui novel words, stories dan ilustrasi, dilanjutkan dengan story exposure (pembacaan cerita dan anak-anak mendengarkan), animasi task (integrasi kata-kata baru yang didengar), dan phonological recall (pengulangan cara membaca), serta definisi kata-kata. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat di desa Jatisari, Mijen Semarang, bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat, khususnya anak-anak dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dengan penguatan literasi Bahasa Inggris melalui ‘multiple stories-reading. Dengan didahului dengan observasi, implementasi metode ini dilaksanakan dengan diawali dengan sosialisasi, tahap persiapan, dan tahap pelaksanaan. Hasil dari penerapan metode ini antara lain; anak-anak mendapatkan kosa-kata baru dari berbagai macam cerita, dengan diperoleh langsung oleh mereka melalui transfer ide, nilai, karakter, baik-buruk dan ideologi

    Pendampingan Penguatan Literasi Bahasa Inggris Anak melalui “Multiple Stories-Reading”

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    English as an international language is needed for community to socialize each other. That is why learning English is important, formal and informal, for young learners to achieve the target of learning English in accordance with curriculum demands. For this reason, it is necessary to apply joyful learning for young learners. Multiple Stories-reading is one of the great methodsto be implemented through several stages: stimuli through novel words, stories and illustrations, followed by story exposure (story reading and listening), Animation task (integration of new words), Phonological recall and Definition of words. This community service in Jatisari village, Mijen Semarang, was aimed  to help the young learners, to improve their English language skills by strengthening English literacy through multiple stories-reading. It was preceded by observation, and the implementation of this method was carried out by socialization, the preparation stage, and the implementation phase. The results of the application method were as followed:  they got new vocabulary from various kinds of stories, and obtained directly by them through transferring ideas, values, characters, good-bad and ideologies. Bahasa Inggris sebagai salah satu bahasa internasional diperlukan dalam masyarakat untuk saling bersosialisasi. Oleh karena itulah diperlukan pembelajaran yang baik, formal dan informal, sejak anak-anak agar tercapai target pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan tuntutan kurikulumm. Untuk itulah diperlukan penerapan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan untuk anak-anak (young learners). Multiple Stories-reading merupakan salah astu metode yang bisa diterapkan untuk anak-anak melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu: stimuli melalui novel words, stories dan ilustrasi, dilanjutkan dengan story exposure (pembacaan cerita dan anak-anak mendengarkan), animasi task (integrasi kata-kata baru yang didengar), dan phonological recall (pengulangan cara membaca), serta definisi kata-kata. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat di desa Jatisari, Mijen Semarang, bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat, khususnya anak-anak dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dengan penguatan literasi Bahasa Inggris melalui ‘multiple stories-reading. Dengan didahului dengan observasi, implementasi metode ini dilaksanakan dengan diawali dengan sosialisasi, tahap persiapan, dan tahap pelaksanaan. Hasil dari penerapan metode ini antara lain; anak-anak mendapatkan kosa-kata baru dari berbagai macam cerita, dengan diperoleh langsung oleh mereka melalui transfer ide, nilai, karakter, baik-buruk dan ideologi
