749 research outputs found

    Patient Relationship Management (PRM) and AI: The role of Affective Computing

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceArtificial Intelligence (AI) has been praised as the next big thing in the computing revolution, and it's been touted as a game-changer in a variety of fields, including healthcare. The increasing popularity of this technology is driving early adoption and leading to a lack of consideration of the patient perspective in its use, bringing new sources of distrust that come from the absence of human attributes. This study aims to address this problem by presenting a strategy in the area of affective computing that will combat this absence of empathy experienced by the patient during a medical process. To reach this goal, a Design Science Research Methodology will be followed. A preliminary literature study had already been completed, and the research topic and objectives had been established. In addition, to apply the artifact developments, a bot will be built and evaluated by a set of users. The increased awareness of these AI systems will, expectedly, stimulate their use. By adding new research into the affective computing field, it is also expected to contribute to the digital healthcare evolution and to encourage further scientific progress in this area

    Ülikooliraamatukogu e-teenuse kvaliteet ja „töötav kasutaja“: kontseptuaalne mudel

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Doktoritöös on välja pakutud kaasaegse ülikooliraamatukogu e-teenuse kvaliteedi kontseptuaalne mudel ja analüüsitud kasutaja osaluse mõju e-teenuse protsessile ja tulemusele. Töös on rakendatud nii kvalitatiivset kui kvantitatiivset meetodeid, empiiriline materjal on kogutud TÜ Raamatukogust. Väitekiri põhineb neljal omavahel seotud uuringul, mis keskenduvad nii raamatukogu teenuse kvaliteedi kui raamatukogu kommunikatsiooni ning selle transformeerumise küsimustele. Töös jõutakse järeldusele, et traditsiooniliselt põhines raamatukogu kommunikatsioon kasutajatega võimusuhetel, mis väljendusid nii teadmiste kui kasutajate distsiplineerimises, ekspertiisis ja taksonoomias. Need võimusuhted ei ole kadunud ka täna, kui nad muutuvad infoühiskonna mõjul – seda transformatsiooni nimetatakse töös kommunikatiivseks pöördeks. Koos teenuste kandumisega veebikeskkonda tõuseb iseteeninduse määr ja kasutaja roll. Seega on töö aluseks võetud teoreetiline eeldus, et ülikooliraamatukogu e-teenuste kvaliteedi kontseptualiseerimisel on oluline arvesse võtta kasutaja osalust ja mõista, kuidas see võib mõjutada teenuse tulemust. Siit tulenevalt juurutab käesolev doktoritöö raamatukogumaastikul nn „töötava kasutaja“ (working user) kontseptsiooni. Töötav kasutaja, kes eduka e-teenuse tulemuse nimel paneb tööle teatud intensiivsusega oma kognitiivse ja emotsionaalse potentsiaali, on uus fenomen ülikooliraamatukogudes. Töös rõhutatakse, et ülikooliraamatukogud on edukalt teostanud info- ja digipöörde, kuid kommunikatiivne pööre on veel kujunemas – kuigi kasutajaid kaasatakse aktiivselt iseteeninduse protsessidesse, pole raamatukogud veel valmis loobuma oma rigiidsetest taksonoomilistest süsteemidest ning delegeerima kasutajatele kontrolli süsteemi üle, pakkudes selleks vastavaid e-teenuseid. Töös tuuakse välja, et ühelt poolt tagab see teenuse kvaliteedi, kuid teiselt poolt võib siin näha raamatukogusüsteemi püüet kindlustada sellisel implitsiitsel viisil oma võimu teadmiste ja kasutajate üle.The doctoral dissertation proposes a conceptual model of the modern university library e-service and analyses the effect of user participation on the process and outcome of e-service. The author applied both qualitative and quantitative methods; empirical material was gathered at the University of Tartu Library. The dissertation is based on four interrelated studies which focus on the library service quality and the problems of library communication and its transformation. The thesis points out that traditionally, the library’s communication with its users was based on power relations, which found expression in disciplining both the knowledge and the users, and in expertise and taxonomy. These power relations exist even today, but they are changing due to the effect of information society – this transformation is in this dissertation called the communicative turn. Relocation of the services into the web environment increases the share of self-service and the role of the user. This dissertation is based on a theoretical supposition that in conceptualising the quality of the university library e-service it is essential to take into account user participation and to understand the effect it can have on the result of the service. The thesis introduces the notion of “working user” into the librarianship. The working user, who with certain intensity contributes their cognitive and emotional potential to the successful result of e-service, is a new actor in the university librarianship. The author explains that libraries have successfully passed the informational and digital turns, but the communicative turn is still under progress – although library users are actively involved in self-service processes, libraries are still not yet ready to abandon their rigid taxonomic systems and to delegate the control over the system to the users by offering them relevant e-services. The dissertation points out that one the one hand, it guarantees the quality of the service, but on the other hand, it can be seen as the implicit attempt of the library system to ensure its power over its users and over the knowledge

    Alter ego, state of the art on user profiling: an overview of the most relevant organisational and behavioural aspects regarding User Profiling.

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    This report gives an overview of the most relevant organisational and\ud behavioural aspects regarding user profiling. It discusses not only the\ud most important aims of user profiling from both an organisation’s as\ud well as a user’s perspective, it will also discuss organisational motives\ud and barriers for user profiling and the most important conditions for\ud the success of user profiling. Finally recommendations are made and\ud suggestions for further research are given

    Intuitive interaction: Steps towards an integral understanding of the user experience in interaction design

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    A critical review of traditional practices and methodologies demonstrates an underplaying of firstly the role of emotions and secondly aspects of exploration in interaction behaviour in favour of a goal orientated focus in the user experience (UX). Consequently, the UX is a commodity that can be designed, measured, and predicted. An integral understanding of the UX attempts to overcome the rationalistic and instrumental mindset of traditional Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) on several levels. Firstly, the thesis seeks to complement a functional view of interaction with a qualitative one that considers the complexity of emotions. Emotions are at the heart of engagement and connect action irreversibly to the moment it occurs; they are intettwined with cognition, and decision making. Furthermore, they introduce the vague and ambiguous aspects of experience and open it up to potentiality of creation. Secondly, the thesis examines the relationship between purposive and non-purposive user behaviour such as exploration, play and discovery. The integral position proposed here stresses the procedurally relational nature and complexity of interaction experience. This requires revisiting and augmenting key themes of HCI practice such as interactivity and intuitive design. Intuition is investigated as an early and unconscious form of learning, and unstructured browsing discussed as random interaction mechanisms as forms of implicit learning. Interactivity here is the space for user's actions, contributions and creativity, not only in the design process but also during interaction as co-authors of their experiences. Finally, I envisage integral forms of usability methods to embrace the vague and the ambiguous, in order to enrich HCI's vocabulary and design potential. Key readings that inform this position cut across contemporary philosophy, media and interaction studies and professional HCI literature. On a practical level, a series of experimental interaction designs for web-browsing aim to augment the user's experience, and create space for user's intuition

    MentalSense. A ludic and didactic game for people with dementia

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    Com o envelhecimento da população, é cada vez mais comum encontrar pessoas com demência. A demência é caracterizada pela perda de habilidades emocionais e cognitivas. Nesta dissertação, propomos um novo sistema para estimulação cognitiva através de jogos, o MentalSense, onde pessoas em estado demencial podem realizar alguns exercícios cognitivos para cuidar de um animal de estimação, trabalhando no mínimo cinco domínios cognitivos: atenção, memória episódica, raciocínio lógico, pensamento abstrato e funções executivas. O jogo está implementado em tablet para poder ser usado em diversos lugares e situações. Foram realizados diversos estudos, desde questionários online e entrevistas a cuidadores formais e informais, e seguiu-se um design participativo com psicólogo e psicomotricista, onde obtivemos informação sobre as necessidades desta população e de quem presta cuidados a estes. Realizámos um estudo piloto, o qual culminou em sugestões para o melhoramento da aplicação final. O protótipo final foi testado através de um estudo de caso com dois participantes acompanhados por um psicólogo, que realizaram várias sessões com o MentalSense, com resultados positivos.As the population ages, it is increasingly common to find people with dementia. Dementia is characterized by the loss of emotional and cognitive abilities. In this dissertation, we propose a new system for cognitive stimulation through games, MentalSense, where people with dementia can perform some cognitive exercises to take care of a pet, working on at least five cognitive domains: attention, episodic memory, logical reasoning, abstract thinking and executive functions. The game is implemented on a tablet so it can be used in different places and situations. Several studies were carried out, from online questionnaires and interviews with formal and informal caregivers, and a participatory design with a psychologist and psychometrician was followed, where we obtained information about the needs of this population and those who provide care to them. We carried out a pilot study, which culminated in suggestions for improving the final application. The final prototype was tested through a case study with two participants accompanied by a psychologist, who carried out several sessions with MentalSense, with positive results

    Intentional Friction in the User Interface of Digital Games

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    Embora projetar fricção intencionalmente em interfaces do utilizador de jogos possa ser uma estratégia adequada para desafiar as crenças dos jogadores e estimular a reflexão, as práticas convencionais de interface do utilizador são frequentemente influenciadas por um paradigma abrangente de facilidade de uso e prazer. Esta dissertação investiga como designers podem empregar fricção intencional em interfaces do utilizador de jogos digitais para criar experiências significativas e inspirar reflexão nos seus jogadores. Primeiro, revimos a literatura para enquadrar o que constitui elementos de interface no game design, o paradigma de usabilidade e diversão e outras perspetivas que oferecem contexto para o uso da fricção como estratégia. Depois, exploramos instâncias de jogos que usam fricção na interface do utilizador quando apropriado como estratégia para expressar um ponto de vista, desafiar sistemas atuais ou fomentar a reflexão crítica. O ponto de partida para nossas observações são os sete princípios de design de Donald Norman e as heurísticas de usabilidade de Jakob Nielsen. Como resultado, identificamos seis estratégias de fricção intencional distintas. Em seguida, realizamos duas sessões de workshop de co-criação com um total de sete participantes com experiência em interface de utilizador ou design de jogos para identificar estratégias e perspetivas adicionais. As estratégias coletadas foram reunidas numa ferramenta de cartas. Por fim, realizamos uma sessão inicial de validação da ferramenta com quatro participantes com resultados promissores, sugerindo que as estratégias de fricção da ferramenta conseguiram impulsionar a expressividade como um componente importante do processo de discussão e ideação dos participantes. Embora este trabalho não esteja focado em coletar todas as abordagens de design de fricção indiscriminadamente, as estratégias identificadas sugerem técnicas mais subtis do que apenas enquadrar em reverso os princípios para criar um design amigável.  While intentionally designing friction in gaming user interfaces may be a suitable strategy for challenging players' beliefs and prompting reflection, conventional user interface practices are frequently influenced by an overarching paradigm of user-friendliness and enjoyment. This dissertation investigates how designers might employ intentional friction in digital game user interfaces to create meaningful experiences and inspire reflection in its players. First, we review the literature to frame what constitutes interface elements in game design, the user-friendly and enjoyment paradigm, and other perspectives that offer context to using friction as a strategy. Afterward, we explore game instances that use user interface friction when appropriate as a strategy to express a point of view, to challenge current systems, or to foment critical reflection. The starting point for our observations is Donald Norman's seven design principles and Jakob Nielsen's usability heuristics. As a result, we identify six distinct intentional friction strategies. Next, we ran two co-creation workshop sessions with a total of seven participants with user interface or game design backgrounds to identify additional strategies and perspectives. The strategies gathered were collected in a deck-based tool. Finally, we ran an initial tool validation session with four participants with promising results, suggesting that the tool's friction strategies were able to drive expressiveness as an important component of the participant's discussion and ideation process. Although this work is not focused on collecting all friction design approaches indiscriminately, the identified strategies suggest more nuanced techniques than just framing the principles to create a friendly design in reverse

    A Longitudinal Study on Boosting Students’ Performance with a Learning Companion

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    This study examines the impact of a coded virtual learning companion (LC) that interacts with students of an introductory information systems class throughout the semester. The LC is designed to motivate, advise on time management strategies, and study collaboratively. We conducted a between-subject longitudinal field experiment to investigate the LC’s impact on student motivation, time management, and learning outcomes. Statistical analysis, including a PLS-SEM model, shows that the LC significantly (p \u3c 0.05) improves extrinsic motivation, challenge, short-term planning, and time attitudes. A multiple mediator analysis confirms the role of motivation and time management as mediators between LC use and learning outcomes (subjective knowledge and exam scores). In addition, we conducted a qualitative workshop with the target group to identify barriers to LC adoption and derive mitigation strategies. Overall, our study reveals great potential to facilitate learning with LCs in higher education

    Mobile-based system for solid waste management to improve customer satisfaction and revenue generation: a case of Shinyanga municipal council

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    A Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Embedded and Mobile Systems of the Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and TechnologySolid waste management has recently reached the top of the priority list in the modern world, but solid waste disposal practices are often neglected. In addition, managing municipal solid waste is one of the most challenging municipalities in Tanzania. Municipalities in Tanzania are responsible for the management of solid waste in their cities, but they have significant obstacles to providing a system that meets the needs of customers and improving revenue collection using the electronic payment system. This study determined the efficacy of solid waste management systems in Shinyanga municipality in customer dissatisfaction with waste collection service and unfriendly revenue collection. The objective of this study was to analyze the current waste collection system to determine the strength and weakness of the method used by solid waste generators and collectors to access the solid waste collection service, their willingness to pay for the service, municipal officials to manage revenues and complaints, and the participation of political leaders in offering cooperation. The analysis was to identify the requirements for the development and validation of the mobile-based system to improve customer satisfaction and increase revenue collection. The study used a mixed method approach, which included quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques to collect primary data with two sampling techniques, purposive sampling and multistage sampling. The developed mobile application adopted the evolutionary prototyping steps from the software development life cycle to implement all modules of the mobile application by allowing iteration of the development phases to ensure that user requirements are satisfied. The developed mobile based system was evaluated by the technical and end-user on the availability, scalability, user friendliness, consistency, navigation, feedback, performance, and security at both levels of. Although the results from the 10 ward areas indicate that 57% have access to solid waste collection services and collection is carried out daily at 31%, while two-thirds expressed dissatisfaction with the current waste collection system, the results after validating the developed mobile app show that the majority (85%) are willing to use the developed mobile app because it is useful to them since their negative emotions associated with solid waste collection were resolved, such as waiting for a waste collector for an extended period, paying informal waste collectors who increase waste collection costs, and being charged without receiving service, as they already felt overcharged. The study proposes a mobile application for solid waste management that will be used at and outside the Shinyanga Municipal Council for customer satisfaction and revenue growth