10 research outputs found

    A Succinct Four Russians Speedup for Edit Distance Computation and One-against-many Banded Alignment

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    The classical Four Russians speedup for computing edit distance (a.k.a. Levenshtein distance), due to Masek and Paterson [Masek and Paterson, 1980], involves partitioning the dynamic programming table into k-by-k square blocks and generating a lookup table in O(psi^{2k} k^2 |Sigma|^{2k}) time and O(psi^{2k} k |Sigma|^{2k}) space for block size k, where psi depends on the cost function (for unit costs psi = 3) and |Sigma| is the size of the alphabet. We show that the O(psi^{2k} k^2) and O(psi^{2k} k) factors can be improved to O(k^2 lg{k}) time and O(k^2) space. Thus, we improve the time and space complexity of that aspect compared to Masek and Paterson [Masek and Paterson, 1980] and remove the dependence on psi. We further show that for certain problems the O(|Sigma|^{2k}) factor can also be reduced. Using this technique, we show a new algorithm for the fundamental problem of one-against-many banded alignment. In particular, comparing one string of length m to n other strings of length m with maximum distance d can be performed in O(n m + m d^2 lg{d} + n d^3) time. When d is reasonably small, this approaches or meets the current best theoretic result of O(nm + n d^2) achieved by using the best known pairwise algorithm running in O(m + d^2) time [Myers, 1986][Ukkonen, 1985] while potentially being more practical. It also improves on the standard practical approach which requires O(n m d) time to iteratively run an O(md) time pairwise banded alignment algorithm. Regarding pairwise comparison, we extend the classic result of Masek and Paterson [Masek and Paterson, 1980] which computes the edit distance between two strings in O(m^2/log{m}) time to remove the dependence on psi even when edits have arbitrary costs from a penalty matrix. Crochemore, Landau, and Ziv-Ukelson [Crochemore, 2003] achieved a similar result, also allowing for unrestricted scoring matrices, but with variable-sized blocks. In practical applications of the Four Russians speedup wherein space efficiency is important and smaller block sizes k are used (notably k < |Sigma|), Kim, Na, Park, and Sim [Kim et al., 2016] showed how to remove the dependence on the alphabet size for the unit cost version, generating a lookup table in O(3^{2k} (2k)! k^2) time and O(3^{2k} (2k)! k) space. Combining their work with our result yields an improvement to O((2k)! k^2 lg{k}) time and O((2k)! k^2) space


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    The increased availability of genomic data and the increased ease and lower costs of DNA sequencing have revolutionized biomedical research. One of the critical steps in most bioinformatics analyses is the assembly of the genome sequence of an organism using the data generated from the sequencing machines. Despite the long length of sequences generated by third-generation sequencing technologies (tens of thousands of basepairs), the automated reconstruction of entire genomes continues to be a formidable computational task. Although long read technologies help in resolving highly repetitive regions, the contigs generated from long read assembly do not always span a complete chromosome or even an arm of the chromosome. Recently, new genomic technologies have been developed that can ''bridge" across repeats or other genomic regions that are difficult to sequence or assemble and improve genome assemblies by ''scaffolding" together large segments of the genome. The problem of scaffolding is vital in the context of both single genome assembly of large eukaryotic genomes and in metagenomics where the goal is to assemble multiple bacterial genomes in a sample simultaneously. First, we describe SALSA2, a method we developed to use interaction frequency between any two loci in the genome obtained using Hi-C technology to scaffold fragmented eukaryotic genome assemblies into chromosomes. SALSA2 can be used with either short or long read assembly to generate highly contiguous and accurate chromosome level assemblies. Hi-C data are known to introduce small inversion errors in the assembly, so we included the assembly graph in the scaffolding process and used the sequence overlap information to correct the orientation errors. Next, we present our contributions to metagenomics. We developed a scaffolding and variant detection method MetaCarvel for metagenomic datasets. Several factors such as the presence of inter-genomic repeats, coverage ambiguities, and polymorphic regions in the genomes complicate the task of scaffolding metagenomes. Variant detection is also tricky in metagenomes because the different genomes within these complex samples are not known beforehand. We showed that MetaCarvel was able to generate accurate scaffolds and find genome-wide variations de novo in metagenomic datasets. Finally, we present EDIT, a tool for clustering millions of DNA sequence fragments originating from the highly conserved 16s rRNA gene in bacteria. We extended classical Four Russians' speed up to banded sequence alignment and showed that our method clusters highly similar sequences efficiently. This method can also be used to remove duplicates or near duplicate sequences from a dataset. With the increasing data being generated in different genomic and metagenomic studies using emerging sequencing technologies, our software tools and algorithms are well timed with the need of the community

    Markets, Elections, and Microbes: Data-driven Algorithms from Theory to Practice

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    Many modern problems in algorithms and optimization are driven by data which often carries with it an element of uncertainty. In this work, we conduct an investigation into algorithmic foundations and applications across three main areas. The first area is online matching algorithms for e-commerce applications such as online sales and advertising. The importance of e-commerce in modern business cannot be overstated and even minor algorithmic improvements can have huge impacts. In online matching problems, we generally have a known offline set of goods or advertisements while users arrive online and allocations must be made immediately and irrevocably when a user arrives. However, in the real world, there is also uncertainty about a user's true interests and this can be modeled by considering matching problems in a graph with stochastic edges that only have a probability of existing. These edges can represent the probability of a user purchasing a product or clicking on an ad. Thus, we optimize over data which only provides an estimate of what types of users will arrive and what they will prefer. We survey a broad landscape of problems in this area, gain a deeper understanding of the algorithmic challenges, and present algorithms with improved worst case performance The second area is constrained clustering where we explore classical clustering problems with additional constraints on which data points should be clustered together. Utilizing these constraints is important for many clustering problems because they can be used to ensure fairness, exploit expert advice, or capture natural properties of the data. In simplest case, this can mean some pairs of points have ``must-link'' constraints requiring that that they must be clustered together. Moving into stochastic settings, we can describe more general pairwise constraints such as bounding the probability that two points are separated into different clusters. This lets us introduce a new notion of fairness for clustering and address stochastic problems such as semi-supervised learning with advice from imperfect experts. Here, we introduce new models of constrained clustering including new notions of fairness for clustering applications. Since these problems are NP-hard, we give approximation algorithms and in some cases conduct experiments to explore how the algorithms perform in practice. Finally, we look closely at the particular clustering problem of drawing election districts and show how constraining the clusters based on past voting data can interact with voter incentives. The third area is string algorithms for bioinformatics and metagenomics specifically where the data deluge from next generation sequencing drives the necessity for new algorithms that are both fast and accurate. For metagenomic analysis, we present a tool for clustering a microbial marker gene, the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. On the more theoretical side, we present a succinct application of the Method of the Four Russians to edit distance computation as well as new algorithms and bounds for the maximum duo-preservation string mapping (MPSM) problem

    String Sanitization Under Edit Distance: Improved and Generalized

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    Let W be a string of length n over an alphabet Σ, k be a positive integer, and S be a set of length-k substrings of W. The ETFS problem asks us to construct a string XED such that: (i) no string of S occurs in XED; (ii) the order of all other length-k substrings over Σ is the same in W and in XED; and (iii) XED has minimal edit distance to W. When W represents an individual's data and S represents a set of confidential patterns, the ETFS problem asks for transforming W to preserve its privacy and its utility [Bernardini et al., ECML PKDD 2019]. ETFS can be solved in O(n2k) time [Bernardini et al., CPM 2020]. The same paper shows that ETFS cannot be solved in O(n2−δ) time, for any δ>0, unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) is false. Our main results can be summarized as follows: (i) an O(n2log2k)-time algorithm to solve ETFS; and (ii) an O(n2log2n)-time algorithm to solve AETFS, a generalization of ETFS in which the elements of S can have arbitrary lengths. Our algorithms are thus optimal up to polylogarithmic factors, unless SETH fails. Let us also stress that our algorithms work under edit distance with arbitrary weights at no extra cost. As a bonus, we show how to modify some known techniques, which speed up the standard edit distance computation, to be applied to our problems. Beyond string sanitization, our techniques may inspire solutions to other problems related to regular expressions or context-free grammars

    String Sanitization Under Edit Distance: Improved and Generalized

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    International audienceLet W be a string of length n over an alphabet Σ, k be a positive integer, and S be a set of length-k substrings of W. The ETFS problem asks us to construct a string X ED such that: (i) no string of S occurs in X ED ; (ii) the order of all other length-k substrings over Σ is the same in W and in X ED ; and (iii) X ED has minimal edit distance to W. When W represents an individual's data and S represents a set of confidential patterns, the ETFS problem asks for transforming W to preserve its privacy and its utility [Bernardini et al., ECML PKDD 2019]. ETFS can be solved in O(n 2 k) time [Bernardini et al., CPM 2020]. The same paper shows that ETFS cannot be solved in O(n 2−δ) time, for any δ > 0, unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) is false. Our main results can be summarized as follows: • An O(n 2 log 2 k)-time algorithm to solve ETFS. • An O(n 2 log 2 n)-time algorithm to solve AETFS, a generalization of ETFS in which the elements of S can have arbitrary lengths

    String Sanitization Under Edit Distance: Improved and Generalized

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    Let W be a string of length n over an alphabet Σ, k be a positive integer, and S be a set of length-k substrings of W. The ETFS problem asks us to construct a string XED such that: (i) no string of S occurs in XED; (ii) the order of all other length-k substrings over Σ is the same in W and in XED; and (iii) XED has minimal edit distance to W. When W represents an individual's data and S represents a set of confidential patterns, the ETFS problem asks for transforming W to preserve its privacy and its utility [Bernardini et al., ECML PKDD 2019]. ETFS can be solved in O(n2k) time [Bernardini et al., CPM 2020]. The same paper shows that ETFS cannot be solved in O(n2−δ) time, for any δ>0, unless the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) is false. Our main results can be summarized as follows: (i) an O(n2log2k)-time algorithm to solve ETFS; and (ii) an O(n2log2n)-time algorithm to solve AETFS, a generalization of ETFS in which the elements of S can have arbitrary lengths. Our algorithms are thus optimal up to polylogarithmic factors, unless SETH fails. Let us also stress that our algorithms work under edit distance with arbitrary weights at no extra cost. As a bonus, we show how to modify some known techniques, which speed up the standard edit distance computation, to be applied to our problems. Beyond string sanitization, our techniques may inspire solutions to other problems related to regular expressions or context-free grammars

    ALFALFA : fast and accurate mapping of long next generation sequencing reads

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    Efficient approximate string matching techniques for sequence alignment

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    One of the outstanding milestones achieved in recent years in the field of biotechnology research has been the development of high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Due to the fact that at the moment it is technically impossible to decode the genome as a whole, HTS technologies read billions of relatively short chunks of a genome at random locations. Such reads then need to be located within a reference for the species being studied (that is aligned or mapped to the genome): for each read one identifies in the reference regions that share a large sequence similarity with it, therefore indicating what the read¿s point or points of origin may be. HTS technologies are able to re-sequence a human individual (i.e. to establish the differences between his/her individual genome and the reference genome for the human species) in a very short period of time. They have also paved the way for the development of a number of new protocols and methods, leading to novel insights in genomics and biology in general. However, HTS technologies also pose a challenge to traditional data analysis methods; this is due to the sheer amount of data to be processed and the need for improved alignment algorithms that can generate accurate results quickly. This thesis tackles the problem of sequence alignment as a step within the analysis of HTS data. Its contributions focus on both the methodological aspects and the algorithmic challenges towards efficient, scalable, and accurate HTS mapping. From a methodological standpoint, this thesis strives to establish a comprehensive framework able to assess the quality of HTS mapping results. In order to be able to do so one has to understand the source and nature of mapping conflicts, and explore the accuracy limits inherent in how sequence alignment is performed for current HTS technologies. From an algorithmic standpoint, this work introduces state-of-the-art index structures and approximate string matching algorithms. They contribute novel insights that can be used in practical applications towards efficient and accurate read mapping. More in detail, first we present methods able to reduce the storage space taken by indexes for genome-scale references, while still providing fast query access in order to support effective search algorithms. Second, we describe novel filtering techniques that vastly reduce the computational requirements of sequence mapping, but are nonetheless capable of giving strict algorithmic guarantees on the completeness of the results. Finally, this thesis presents new incremental algorithmic techniques able to combine several approximate string matching algorithms; this leads to efficient and flexible search algorithms allowing the user to reach arbitrary search depths. All algorithms and methodological contributions of this thesis have been implemented as components of a production aligner, the GEM-mapper, which is publicly available, widely used worldwide and cited by a sizeable body of literature. It offers flexible and accurate sequence mapping while outperforming other HTS mappers both as to running time and to the quality of the results it produces.Uno de los avances más importantes de los últimos años en el campo de la biotecnología ha sido el desarrollo de las llamadas técnicas de secuenciación de alto rendimiento (high-throughput sequencing, HTS). Debido a las limitaciones técnicas para secuenciar un genoma, las técnicas de alto rendimiento secuencian individualmente billones de pequeñas partes del genoma provenientes de regiones aleatorias. Posteriormente, estas pequeñas secuencias han de ser localizadas en el genoma de referencia del organismo en cuestión. Este proceso se denomina alineamiento - o mapeado - y consiste en identificar aquellas regiones del genoma de referencia que comparten una alta similaridad con las lecturas producidas por el secuenciador. De esta manera, en cuestión de horas, la secuenciación de alto rendimiento puede secuenciar un individuo y establecer las diferencias de este con el resto de la especie. En última instancia, estas tecnologías han potenciado nuevos protocolos y metodologías de investigación con un profundo impacto en el campo de la genómica, la medicina y la biología en general. La secuenciación alto rendimiento, sin embargo, supone un reto para los procesos tradicionales de análisis de datos. Debido a la elevada cantidad de datos a analizar, se necesitan nuevas y mejoradas técnicas algorítmicas que puedan escalar con el volumen de datos y producir resultados precisos. Esta tesis aborda dicho problema. Las contribuciones que en ella se realizan se enfocan desde una perspectiva metodológica y otra algorítmica que propone el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos y técnicas que permitan alinear secuencias de manera eficiente, precisa y escalable. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta tesis analiza y propone un marco de referencia para evaluar la calidad de los resultados del alineamiento de secuencias. Para ello, se analiza el origen de los conflictos durante la alineación de secuencias y se exploran los límites alcanzables en calidad con las tecnologías de secuenciación de alto rendimiento. Desde el punto de vista algorítmico, en el contexto de la búsqueda aproximada de patrones, esta tesis propone nuevas técnicas algorítmicas y de diseño de índices con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y el desempeño de las herramientas dedicadas a alinear secuencias. En concreto, esta tesis presenta técnicas de diseño de índices genómicos enfocados a obtener un acceso más eficiente y escalable. También se presentan nuevas técnicas algorítmicas de filtrado con el fin de reducir el tiempo de ejecución necesario para alinear secuencias. Y, por último, se proponen algoritmos incrementales y técnicas híbridas para combinar métodos de alineamiento y mejorar el rendimiento en búsquedas donde el error esperado es alto. Todo ello sin degradar la calidad de los resultados y con garantías formales de precisión. Para concluir, es preciso apuntar que todos los algoritmos y metodologías propuestos en esta tesis están implementados y forman parte del alineador GEM. Este versátil alineador ofrece resultados de alta calidad en entornos de producción siendo varias veces más rápido que otros alineadores. En la actualidad este software se ofrece gratuitamente, tiene una amplia comunidad de usuarios y ha sido citado en numerosas publicaciones científicas.Postprint (published version

    Efficient approximate string matching techniques for sequence alignment

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    One of the outstanding milestones achieved in recent years in the field of biotechnology research has been the development of high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Due to the fact that at the moment it is technically impossible to decode the genome as a whole, HTS technologies read billions of relatively short chunks of a genome at random locations. Such reads then need to be located within a reference for the species being studied (that is aligned or mapped to the genome): for each read one identifies in the reference regions that share a large sequence similarity with it, therefore indicating what the read¿s point or points of origin may be. HTS technologies are able to re-sequence a human individual (i.e. to establish the differences between his/her individual genome and the reference genome for the human species) in a very short period of time. They have also paved the way for the development of a number of new protocols and methods, leading to novel insights in genomics and biology in general. However, HTS technologies also pose a challenge to traditional data analysis methods; this is due to the sheer amount of data to be processed and the need for improved alignment algorithms that can generate accurate results quickly. This thesis tackles the problem of sequence alignment as a step within the analysis of HTS data. Its contributions focus on both the methodological aspects and the algorithmic challenges towards efficient, scalable, and accurate HTS mapping. From a methodological standpoint, this thesis strives to establish a comprehensive framework able to assess the quality of HTS mapping results. In order to be able to do so one has to understand the source and nature of mapping conflicts, and explore the accuracy limits inherent in how sequence alignment is performed for current HTS technologies. From an algorithmic standpoint, this work introduces state-of-the-art index structures and approximate string matching algorithms. They contribute novel insights that can be used in practical applications towards efficient and accurate read mapping. More in detail, first we present methods able to reduce the storage space taken by indexes for genome-scale references, while still providing fast query access in order to support effective search algorithms. Second, we describe novel filtering techniques that vastly reduce the computational requirements of sequence mapping, but are nonetheless capable of giving strict algorithmic guarantees on the completeness of the results. Finally, this thesis presents new incremental algorithmic techniques able to combine several approximate string matching algorithms; this leads to efficient and flexible search algorithms allowing the user to reach arbitrary search depths. All algorithms and methodological contributions of this thesis have been implemented as components of a production aligner, the GEM-mapper, which is publicly available, widely used worldwide and cited by a sizeable body of literature. It offers flexible and accurate sequence mapping while outperforming other HTS mappers both as to running time and to the quality of the results it produces.Uno de los avances más importantes de los últimos años en el campo de la biotecnología ha sido el desarrollo de las llamadas técnicas de secuenciación de alto rendimiento (high-throughput sequencing, HTS). Debido a las limitaciones técnicas para secuenciar un genoma, las técnicas de alto rendimiento secuencian individualmente billones de pequeñas partes del genoma provenientes de regiones aleatorias. Posteriormente, estas pequeñas secuencias han de ser localizadas en el genoma de referencia del organismo en cuestión. Este proceso se denomina alineamiento - o mapeado - y consiste en identificar aquellas regiones del genoma de referencia que comparten una alta similaridad con las lecturas producidas por el secuenciador. De esta manera, en cuestión de horas, la secuenciación de alto rendimiento puede secuenciar un individuo y establecer las diferencias de este con el resto de la especie. En última instancia, estas tecnologías han potenciado nuevos protocolos y metodologías de investigación con un profundo impacto en el campo de la genómica, la medicina y la biología en general. La secuenciación alto rendimiento, sin embargo, supone un reto para los procesos tradicionales de análisis de datos. Debido a la elevada cantidad de datos a analizar, se necesitan nuevas y mejoradas técnicas algorítmicas que puedan escalar con el volumen de datos y producir resultados precisos. Esta tesis aborda dicho problema. Las contribuciones que en ella se realizan se enfocan desde una perspectiva metodológica y otra algorítmica que propone el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos y técnicas que permitan alinear secuencias de manera eficiente, precisa y escalable. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta tesis analiza y propone un marco de referencia para evaluar la calidad de los resultados del alineamiento de secuencias. Para ello, se analiza el origen de los conflictos durante la alineación de secuencias y se exploran los límites alcanzables en calidad con las tecnologías de secuenciación de alto rendimiento. Desde el punto de vista algorítmico, en el contexto de la búsqueda aproximada de patrones, esta tesis propone nuevas técnicas algorítmicas y de diseño de índices con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y el desempeño de las herramientas dedicadas a alinear secuencias. En concreto, esta tesis presenta técnicas de diseño de índices genómicos enfocados a obtener un acceso más eficiente y escalable. También se presentan nuevas técnicas algorítmicas de filtrado con el fin de reducir el tiempo de ejecución necesario para alinear secuencias. Y, por último, se proponen algoritmos incrementales y técnicas híbridas para combinar métodos de alineamiento y mejorar el rendimiento en búsquedas donde el error esperado es alto. Todo ello sin degradar la calidad de los resultados y con garantías formales de precisión. Para concluir, es preciso apuntar que todos los algoritmos y metodologías propuestos en esta tesis están implementados y forman parte del alineador GEM. Este versátil alineador ofrece resultados de alta calidad en entornos de producción siendo varias veces más rápido que otros alineadores. En la actualidad este software se ofrece gratuitamente, tiene una amplia comunidad de usuarios y ha sido citado en numerosas publicaciones científicas

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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