34 research outputs found

    Estudio semiótico del Teatro Wayang Kulit en la cultura de la sociedad malaya

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    The art of shadow play theatre is unique. This research is encouraged by the existence of shadow play which is loaded with important symbols and philosophy contained in it to formulate the direction and guidelines in human’s life. So, researchers who are interested in describing the value of the reviewed symbolism helped to preserve the cultural semiotics for shadow puppets as one of the legacy that necessitate to be preserved by the young especially in Malay society. This study aims to describe the symbolic value of each form of engravings, symbols and puppets listed in the wayang kulit (shadow play) semiotics such as Gunungan (Pohon Beringin). Puppet characters design the semiotics review through qualitative descriptive method; researchers analyze data in the form of words and verbal statement of the observed behaviour of informants as well as documents related to wayang puppetry semiotics. Therefore, this research will hopefully provide more depth into aesthetic world of shadow play puppetry and give impact towards the Malay society since this art is starting to extinct due to new media technology existence and unpopularity of shadow play among young generations.El arte del teatro de sombras es único, rico en símbolos substanciales y con una filosofía que contiene directrices en la vida humana. Por lo tanto, el interés de los investigadores es describir y revisar el valor de su simbolismo para ayudar a preservar la cultura semiótica de las marionetas de sombra, una antigua cultura comunicativa que requiere ser conservada por los jóvenes, especialmente en la sociedad malaya. Este estudio tiene como objetivo describir el valor simbólico de cada forma de los grabados y de las marionetas del “Wayang Kulit” (teatro de sombras). y el diseño de los personajes de las marionetas a través de la semiótica como método descriptivo cualitativo. De este modo, esta investigación se propone ofrecer un estudio con profundidad en el mundo estético y comunicativo del teatro de las sombras de la sociedad malaya y contribuir a que la sociedad malaya preserve este tesoro cultural ante la amenaza de su extinción por la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías de los medios de comunicación, y por el consiguiente desinterés hacia el arte del teatro de sombras entre los jóvenes malayos

    Basic Components in Creating Contents for Mathematics Subject Using Digital Wayang Kulit: A Conceptual Model

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    This research intends to develop a conceptual model that illustrates how multimedia approaches could be used to enhance teaching and learning of a Mathematics subject in primary school as well as to preserve Wayang Kulit in younger generation. A prototype will be developed to demonstrate how the content of a standard one Mathematics subject in primary school could be transferred into multimedia form. The prototype is developed in a form of Digital Wayang Kulit to present the contents based on the syllabus of Mathematics education using the actors of Wayang Kulit

    Digitizing Wayang Kulit Using Core Elements for Education

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    This research intends to develop a digital wayang krllit prototype that illustrates how multimedia approach could be used to enhance teaching and learning of Science subject in primary school as well as to preserve wayaizg kulit for younger generation. This research is camed out to tackle the problem related to ineffective teaching approach of Science subject at the primary level by using a multimedia to create a learning environment which is more student-centered instead of teacher-centered. Besides that, this digital wayang kulit prototype is also intended to be used as one of the way to preserve wayang kulit as one of the national cultural heritage so that it could continue to live and appreciated by future generation. The development of the prototype involved the use of three methods; Arrifin methodology, Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology, and Laudon & Laudon methodology. After the prototype was developed and implemented, user satisfaction evaluation has been carried out by teachers and students from two primary schools. The results of the evaluation indicated that the digital wayang kulit prototype has succeeded in providing a high level of satisfaction among the users in term of usability and user interface

    Cultural inspirations towards Malaysian animation character design

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    Culture is part of human development which evolves with civilization from ancient times to today’s digital era. Animation contributes to the cultural industry through signs and symbols and is captured from people’s different lifestyle and various grounds including religion, belief systems, politics, tradition, language, tools, costumes, buildings and arts. Wayang Kulit or ‘Shadow Play’ was once a famed traditional culture in the 1960s for entertainment purposes in Malaysia which fundamentally led to the continuation of the 2D and 3D animation studies. Nevertheless, students these days seem lack the sense of local identity as shown in their final animation project, as if the culture sentiment is getting faded. Since culture is also emerging with an identity where both fundamentals are strongly connected, this research aims to identify the influence of culture towards artwork, produced by art and design students who study animation. Content analysis was used to analyze the complete final artwork from selected university in Sarawak which offers this subject as a requirement. Besides a good storyline, animation must have a strong character design with a good personality, appropriate costumes and accessories. Results found that there are cultural influences where the character’s costume design is similar to the Sarawak traditional clothing. Thus, it proves that Malaysian culture is still sturdily inspiring students in creating their artwork

    Wayang Kulit as a Media to Support Javanese and Indonesian Languages

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    Wayang Kulit is Indonesian cultural heritage that has been recognized worldwide and awarded by UNESCO in 2003. Wayang Kulit emerged in East Java and has been translated into various languages ​​since then. It greatly supported Javanese and Bahasa developement. Wayang kulit performances are very popular abroad, making it easier for the language to developed. The purpose of this study is to describe that Wayang Kulit very valuable and really influence Indonesian language and culture. This study used qualitative descriptive method, the analysis provided is following the facts and can be accepted. Using a data collection technique in the form of a questionnaire, there were 16 participants from various universities in Indonesia from young to old. The participants agreed that wayang kulit is a cultural heritage and can support the development of Javanese and Indonesian languages

    Postmodernism in Malaysian art

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