11 research outputs found

    Cloud-edge hybrid applications

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    Many modern applications are designed to provide interactions among users, including multi- user games, social networks and collaborative tools. Users expect application response time to be in the order of milliseconds, to foster interaction and interactivity. The design of these applications typically adopts a client-server model, where all interac- tions are mediated by a centralized component. This approach introduces availability and fault- tolerance issues, which can be mitigated by replicating the server component, and even relying on geo-replicated solutions in cloud computing infrastructures. Even in this case, the client-server communication model leads to unnecessary latency penalties for geographically close clients and high operational costs for the application provider. This dissertation proposes a cloud-edge hybrid model with secure and ecient propagation and consistency mechanisms. This model combines client-side replication and client-to-client propagation for providing low latency and minimizing the dependency on the server infras- tructure, fostering availability and fault tolerance. To realize this model, this works makes the following key contributions. First, the cloud-edge hybrid model is materialized by a system design where clients maintain replicas of the data and synchronize in a peer-to-peer fashion, and servers are used to assist clients’ operation. We study how to bring most of the application logic to the client-side, us- ing the centralized service primarily for durability, access control, discovery, and overcoming internetwork limitations. Second, we dene protocols for weakly consistent data replication, including a novel CRDT model (∆-CRDTs). We provide a study on partial replication, exploring the challenges and fundamental limitations in providing causal consistency, and the diculty in supporting client- side replicas due to their ephemeral nature. Third, we study how client misbehaviour can impact the guarantees of causal consistency. We propose new secure weak consistency models for insecure settings, and algorithms to enforce such consistency models. The experimental evaluation of our contributions have shown their specic benets and limitations compared with the state-of-the-art. In general, the cloud-edge hybrid model leads to faster application response times, lower client-to-client latency, higher system scalability as fewer clients need to connect to servers at the same time, the possibility to work oine or disconnected from the server, and reduced server bandwidth usage. In summary, we propose a hybrid of cloud-and-edge which provides lower user-to-user la- tency, availability under server disconnections, and improved server scalability – while being ecient, reliable, and secure.Muitas aplicações modernas são criadas para fornecer interações entre utilizadores, incluindo jogos multiutilizador, redes sociais e ferramentas colaborativas. Os utilizadores esperam que o tempo de resposta nas aplicações seja da ordem de milissegundos, promovendo a interação e interatividade. A arquitetura dessas aplicações normalmente adota um modelo cliente-servidor, onde todas as interações são mediadas por um componente centralizado. Essa abordagem apresenta problemas de disponibilidade e tolerância a falhas, que podem ser mitigadas com replicação no componente do servidor, até com a utilização de soluções replicadas geogracamente em infraestruturas de computação na nuvem. Mesmo neste caso, o modelo de comunicação cliente-servidor leva a penalidades de latência desnecessárias para clientes geogracamente próximos e altos custos operacionais para o provedor das aplicações. Esta dissertação propõe um modelo híbrido cloud-edge com mecanismos seguros e ecientes de propagação e consistência. Esse modelo combina replicação do lado do cliente e propagação de cliente para cliente para fornecer baixa latência e minimizar a dependência na infraestrutura do servidor, promovendo a disponibilidade e tolerância a falhas. Para realizar este modelo, este trabalho faz as seguintes contribuições principais. Primeiro, o modelo híbrido cloud-edge é materializado por uma arquitetura do sistema em que os clientes mantêm réplicas dos dados e sincronizam de maneira ponto a ponto e onde os servidores são usados para auxiliar na operação dos clientes. Estudamos como trazer a maior parte da lógica das aplicações para o lado do cliente, usando o serviço centralizado principalmente para durabilidade, controlo de acesso, descoberta e superação das limitações inter-rede. Em segundo lugar, denimos protocolos para replicação de dados fracamente consistentes, incluindo um novo modelo de CRDTs (∆-CRDTs). Fornecemos um estudo sobre replicação parcial, explorando os desaos e limitações fundamentais em fornecer consistência causal e a diculdade em suportar réplicas do lado do cliente devido à sua natureza efémera. Terceiro, estudamos como o mau comportamento da parte do cliente pode afetar as garantias da consistência causal. Propomos novos modelos seguros de consistência fraca para congurações inseguras e algoritmos para impor tais modelos de consistência. A avaliação experimental das nossas contribuições mostrou os benefícios e limitações em comparação com o estado da arte. Em geral, o modelo híbrido cloud-edge leva a tempos de resposta nas aplicações mais rápidos, a uma menor latência de cliente para cliente e à possibilidade de trabalhar oine ou desconectado do servidor. Adicionalmente, obtemos uma maior escalabilidade do sistema, visto que menos clientes precisam de estar conectados aos servidores ao mesmo tempo e devido à redução na utilização da largura de banda no servidor. Em resumo, propomos um modelo híbrido entre a orla (edge) e a nuvem (cloud) que fornece menor latência entre utilizadores, disponibilidade durante desconexões do servidor e uma melhor escalabilidade do servidor – ao mesmo tempo que é eciente, conável e seguro

    An ecologically valid evaluation of an observation-resilient graphical authentication mechanism

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    Alphanumeric authentication, by means of a secret, is not only a powerful mechanism, in theory, but prevails over all its competitors in reality. Passwords, as they are more commonly known, have the potential to act as a fairly strong gateway. In practice, though, password usage is problematic. They are (1) easily shared, (2) trivial to observe and (3) maddeningly elusive when forgotten. Moreover, modern consumer devices only exacerbate the problems of passwords as users enter them in shared spaces, in plain view, on television screens, on smartphones and on tablets. Asterisks may obfuscate alphanumeric characters on entry but popular systems, e.g. Apple iPhone and Nintendo Wii, require the use of an on-screen keyboard for character input. A number of alternatives to passwords have been proposed but none, as yet, have been adopted widely. There seems to be a reluctance to switch from tried and tested passwords to novel alternatives, even if the most glaring flaws of passwords can be mitigated. One argument is that there has not been sufficient investigation into the feasibility of the password alternatives and thus no convincing evidence that they can indeed act as a viable alternative. Graphical authentication mechanisms, solutions that rely on images rather than characters, are a case in point. Pictures are more memorable than the words that name them, meaning that graphical authentication mitigates one of the major problems with passwords. This dissertation sets out to investigate the feasibility of one particular observation-resilient graphical authentication mechanism called Tetrad. The authentication mechanism attempted to address two of the core problems with passwords: improved memorability and resistance to observability (with on-screen entry). Tetrad was tested in a controlled lab study, that delivered promising results and was well received by the evaluators. It was then deployed in a realistic context and its viability tested in three separate field tests. The unfortunate conclusion was that Tetrad, while novel and viable in a lab setting, failed to deliver a usable and acceptable experience to the end users. This thorough testing of an alternative authentication mechanism is unusual in this research field and the outcome is disappointing. Nevertheless, it acts to inform inventors of other authentication mechanisms of the problems that can manifest when a seemingly viable authentication mechanism is tested in the wild

    Task Allocation in Foraging Robot Swarms:The Role of Information Sharing

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    Autonomous task allocation is a desirable feature of robot swarms that collect and deliver items in scenarios where congestion, caused by accumulated items or robots, can temporarily interfere with swarm behaviour. In such settings, self-regulation of workforce can prevent unnecessary energy consumption. We explore two types of self-regulation: non-social, where robots become idle upon experiencing congestion, and social, where robots broadcast information about congestion to their team mates in order to socially inhibit foraging. We show that while both types of self-regulation can lead to improved energy efficiency and increase the amount of resource collected, the speed with which information about congestion flows through a swarm affects the scalability of these algorithms

    11th International Coral Reef Symposium Proceedings

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    A defining theme of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium was that the news for coral reef ecosystems are far from encouraging. Climate change happens now much faster than in an ice-age transition, and coral reefs continue to suffer fever-high temperatures as well as sour ocean conditions. Corals may be falling behind, and there appears to be no special silver bullet remedy. Nevertheless, there are hopeful signs that we should not despair. Reef ecosystems respond vigorously to protective measures and alleviation of stress. For concerned scientists, managers, conservationists, stakeholders, students, and citizens, there is a great role to play in continuing to report on the extreme threat that climate change represents to earth’s natural systems. Urgent action is needed to reduce CO2 emissions. In the interim, we can and must buy time for coral reefs through increased protection from sewage, sediment, pollutants, overfishing, development, and other stressors, all of which we know can damage coral health. The time to act is now. The canary in the coral-coal mine is dead, but we still have time to save the miners. We need effective management rooted in solid interdisciplinary science and coupled with stakeholder buy in, working at local, regional, and international scales alongside global efforts to give reefs a chance.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/occ_icrs/1000/thumbnail.jp