144 research outputs found

    The Dilemma of Security Smells and How to Escape It

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    A single mobile app can now be more complex than entire operating systems ten years ago, thus security becomes a major concern for mobile apps. Unfortunately, previous studies focused rather on particular aspects of mobile application security and did not provide a holistic overview of security issues. Therefore, they could not accurately understand the fundamental flaws to propose effective solutions to common security problems. In order to understand these fundamental flaws, we followed a hybrid strategy, i.e., we collected reported issues from existing work, and we actively identified security-related code patterns that violate best practices in software development. We further introduced the term ``security smell,'' i.e., a security issue that could potentially lead to a vulnerability. As a result, we were able to establish comprehensive security smell catalogues for Android apps and related components, i.e., inter-component communication, web communication, app servers, and HTTP clients. Furthermore, we could identify a dilemma of security smells, because most security smells require unique fixes that increase the code complexity, which in return increases the risk of introducing more security smells. With this knowledge, we investigate the interaction of our security smells with the 192 Mitre CAPEC attack mechanism categories of which the majority could be mitigated with just a few additional security measures. These measures, a String class with behavior and the more thorough use of secure default values and paradigms, would simplify the application logic and at the same time largely increase security if implemented appropriately. We conclude that application security has to focus on the String class, which has not largely changed over the last years, and secure default values and paradigms since they are the smallest common denominator for a strong foundation to build resilient applications. Moreover, we provide an initial implementation for a String class with behavior, however the further exploration remains future work. Finally, the term ``security smell'' is now widely used in academia and eases the communication among security researchers

    Modeling and Analysis of SQL Queries in PHP Systems

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    PHP is a common language used for creating dynamic websites. These websites often include the use of databases to store data, with embedded SQL queries constructed within the PHP code and executed through the use of database access libraries. One of these libraries is the original MySQL library that, despite not being supported in current versions of PHP, is still widely used in existing PHP code. As a first step towards developing program comprehension and transformation tools for PHP systems that use this library, this research presents a query modeling tool that models embedded SQL queries in PHP systems and an empirical study conducted through analysis of these models. A main focus of this study was to establish common patterns developers use to construct SQL queries and to extract information about their occurrences in actual PHP systems. Using these patterns, the parts of queries that are generally static, and the parts that are often computed at runtime were extracted. For dynamically computed query parts, we also extracted data about which PHP language features are used to construct them. Finally, information about which clauses most often differ based on control flow was extracted as well as counts for how often each SQL query type and SQL clause is used in practice. We believe this information is useful for future work on building program understanding and transformation tools to renovate PHP code using database libraries

    Feature-Based Comparison of Language Transformation Tools

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    Code transformation is the best option while switching from farmer to next technology. Our paper presents a comparative analysis of code transformation tools based on 18 different factors. These factors are Classes, pointers, Access Specifiers, Functions and Exceptions, etc. For this purpose, we have selected varyCode, Telerik, Multi-online converter, and InstantVB. Source Language considered for this purpose is C sharp (C#) and the target language is Visual Basics (VB). Results show that VaryCode is best among the four tools as its converted programs throw fewer errors and require minor changes while running the program

    The Dilemma of Security Smells and How to Escape It

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    A single mobile app can now be more complex than entire operating systems ten years ago, thus security becomes a major concern for mobile apps. Unfortunately, previous studies focused rather on particular aspects of mobile application security and did not provide a holistic overview of security issues. Therefore, they could not accurately understand the fundamental flaws to propose effective solutions to common security problems. In order to understand these fundamental flaws, we followed a hybrid strategy, i.e., we collected reported issues from existing work, and we actively identified security-related code patterns that violate best-practices in software development. Based on these findings, we compiled a list of security smells, i.e., security issues that could potentially lead to a vulnerability. As a result, we were able to establish comprehensive security smell catalogues for Android apps and related components, i.e., inter-component communication, web communication, app servers, and HTTP clients. Furthermore, we could identify a dilemma of security smells, because most security smells require unique fixes that increase the code complexity, which in return increases the risk of introducing more security smells. With this knowledge, we investigate the interaction of our security smells with the 192 Mitre CAPEC attack mechanism categories of which the majority could be mitigated with just a few additional security measures. These measures, a String class with behavior and the more thorough use of secure default values and paradigms, would simplify the application logic and at the same time largely increase security if implemented appropriately. We conclude that application security has to focus on the String class, which has not largely changed over the last years, and secure default values and paradigms since they are the smallest common denominator for a strong foundation to build resilient applications. Moreover, we provide an initial implementation for a String class with behavior, however the further exploration remains future work. Finally, the term "security smell" is now widely used in academia and eases the communication among security researchers

    Rohelisema tarkvaratehnoloogia poole tarkvaraanalüüsi abil

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    Mobiilirakendused, mis ei tühjenda akut, saavad tavaliselt head kasutajahinnangud. Mobiilirakenduste energiatõhusaks muutmiseks on avaldatud mitmeid refaktoreerimis- suuniseid ja tööriistu, mis aitavad rakenduse koodi optimeerida. Neid suuniseid ei saa aga seoses energiatõhususega üldistada, sest kõigi kontekstide kohta ei ole piisavalt energiaga seotud andmeid. Olemasolevad energiatõhususe parandamise tööriistad/profiilid on enamasti prototüübid, mis kohalduvad ainult väikese alamhulga energiaga seotud probleemide suhtes. Lisaks käsitlevad olemasolevad suunised ja tööriistad energiaprobleeme peamiselt a posteriori ehk tagantjärele, kui need on juba lähtekoodi sees. Android rakenduse koodi saab põhijoontes jagada kaheks osaks: kohandatud kood ja korduvkasutatav kood. Kohandatud kood on igal rakendusel ainulaadne. Korduvkasutatav kood hõlmab kolmandate poolte teeke, mis on rakendustesse lisatud arendusprotessi kiirendamiseks. Alustuseks hindame mitmete lähtekoodi halbade lõhnade refaktoreerimiste energiatarbimist Androidi rakendustes. Seejärel teeme empiirilise uuringu Androidi rakendustes kasutatavate kolmandate osapoolte võrguteekide energiamõju kohta. Pakume üldisi kontekstilisi suuniseid, mida võiks rakenduste arendamisel kasutada. Lisaks teeme süstemaatilise kirjanduse ülevaate, et teha kindlaks ja uurida nüüdisaegseid tugitööriistu, mis on rohelise Androidi arendamiseks saadaval. Selle uuringu ja varem läbi viidud katsete põhjal toome esile riistvarapõhiste energiamõõtmiste jäädvustamise ja taasesitamise probleemid. Arendame tugitööriista ARENA, mis võib aidata koguda energiaandmeid ja analüüsida Androidi rakenduste energiatarbimist. Viimasena töötame välja tugitööriista REHAB, et soovitada arendajatele energiatõhusaid kolmanda osapoole võrguteekeMobile apps that do not drain the battery usually get good user ratings. To make mobile apps energy efficient many refactoring guidelines and tools are published that help optimize the app code. However, these guidelines cannot be generalized w.r.t energy efficiency, as there is not enough energy-related data for every context. Existing energy enhancement tools/profilers are mostly prototypes applicable to only a small subset of energy-related problems. In addition, the existing guidelines and tools mostly address the energy issues a posteriori, i.e., once they have already been introduced into the code. Android app code can be roughly divided into two parts: the custom code and the reusable code. Custom code is unique to each app. Reusable code includes third-party libraries that are included in apps to speed up the development process. We start by evaluating the energy consumption of various code smell refactorings in native Android apps. Then we conduct an empirical study on the energy impact of third-party network libraries used in Android apps. We provide generalized contextual guidelines that could be used during app development Further, we conduct a systematic literature review to identify and study the current state of the art support tools available to aid green Android development. Based on this study and the experiments we conducted before, we highlight the problems in capturing and reproducing hardware-based energy measurements. We develop the support tool ‘ARENA’ that could help gather energy data and analyze the energy consumption of Android apps. Last, we develop the support tool ‘REHAB’ to recommend energy efficient third-party network libraries to developers.https://www.ester.ee/record=b547174

    Are Multi-language Design Smells Fault-prone? An Empirical Study

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    Nowadays, modern applications are developed using components written in different programming languages. These systems introduce several advantages. However, as the number of languages increases, so does the challenges related to the development and maintenance of these systems. In such situations, developers may introduce design smells (i.e., anti-patterns and code smells) which are symptoms of poor design and implementation choices. Design smells are defined as poor design and coding choices that can negatively impact the quality of a software program despite satisfying functional requirements. Studies on mono-language systems suggest that the presence of design smells affects code comprehension, thus making systems harder to maintain. However, these studies target only mono-language systems and do not consider the interaction between different programming languages. In this paper, we present an approach to detect multi-language design smells in the context of JNI systems. We then investigate the prevalence of those design smells. Specifically, we detect 15 design smells in 98 releases of nine open-source JNI projects. Our results show that the design smells are prevalent in the selected projects and persist throughout the releases of the systems. We observe that in the analyzed systems, 33.95% of the files involving communications between Java and C/C++ contains occurrences of multi-language design smells. Some kinds of smells are more prevalent than others, e.g., Unused Parameters, Too Much Scattering, Unused Method Declaration. Our results suggest that files with multi-language design smells can often be more associated with bugs than files without these smells, and that specific smells are more correlated to fault-proneness than others

    A Model Driven Approach for Refactoring Heterogeneous Software Artefacts

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    Refactoring is the process of transforming a software system to improve its overall structure while preserving its observable behaviour. Refactoring engines are normally used to perform these transformations for efficiency and in order to avoid introducing behavioural changes into the program due to human error. Although these engines do not verify that behaviour is preserved, it is widely accepted that automated transformations are less likely to introduce errors in comparison to manual refactoring. Despite the advantages provided by refactoring engines they fall foul of certain weaknesses. Here we hypothesise that Model Driven Engineering can be used to produce improved refactoring engines that are less vulnerable to those weaknesses. We develop a Domain Specific Transformation Language for defining new composite refactorings from a set of built–in primitives and to script their application. We also develop an interpreter for the language, effectively providing an operational semantics, in the guise of an extensible transformation framework. We evaluate our approach with a case study examining the correlation between actual and predicted measurements of the Coupling Between Objects metric for classes that undergo the extract class refactoring. The results show that our approach is promising