107 research outputs found

    Application of Beddington DeAngelis Response Function in Ecological Mathematical System: Study Fish Endemic Oliv Predator Species in Merauke

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    Predator-prey type fishery models Oliv fish is a trans-endemic predator species that inhabits freshwater swamps and brackish water in Merauke, Papua. Maintaining the survival of the Oliv fish species is the main reason for compiling a mathematical model, so that it can be considered by local governments in making ecological policies. Method on model discussed is assembled with the growth of predator-prey populations following the growth of logistics. The response or predatory function corresponding to the behavior of endemic Oliv fish is the Beddington DeAngelis type. The growth of predatory species uses the concept of growth with stage structure, are divided into mature and immature. Research results show there are four equilibrium points of the mathematical model, but only one point becomes the asymptotic stable equilibrium point without harvesting W_4 (x^*,y^*,z^* )=92.823,1311.489,525.957 and equilibrium point with harvesting W_4 (x^*,y^*,z^* )=95.062,92.639,160.466 . Harvesting exploitation efforts are carried out by the community so that the harvesting variables are added with a proportional concept. Simulation of the results of the study shows a stable scheme and harvesting conducted can maintain the number of populations that continue.

    A Stage-structure Leslie-Gower Model with Linear Harvesting and Disease in Predator

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    The growth dynamics of various species are affected by various aspects. Harvesting interventions and the spread of disease in species are two important aspects that affect population dynamics and it can be studied. In this work, we consider a stage-structure Leslie–Gower model with linear harvesting on the both prey and predator. Additionally, we also consider the infection aspect in the predator population. The population is divided into four subpopulations: immature prey, mature prey, susceptible predator, and infected predator. We analyze the existences and stabilities of feasible equilibrium points. Our results shown that the harvesting in prey and the disease in predator impacts the behavioral of system. The situation in the system is more complex due to disease in the predator population. Some numerical simulations are given to confirm our results
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