20 research outputs found

    Implementação de um sistema de comunicações móveis para o Uplink

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesÉ evidente que actualmente cada vez mais a internet móvel está presente na vida das sociedades. Hoje em dia é relativamente fácil estar ligado à internet sempre que se quiser, independentemente do lugar onde se encontra (conceito: anytime and anywhere). Desta forma existe um número crescente de utilizadores que acedem a serviços e aplicações interactivas a partir dos seus terminais móveis. Há, portanto, uma necessidade de adaptar o mundo das telecomunicações a esta nova realidade, para isso é necessário implementar novas arquitecturas que sejam capazes de fornecer maior largura de banda e reduzir os atrasos das comunicações, maximizando a utilização dos recursos disponíveis do meio/rede e melhorando assim a experiência do utilizador final. O LTE representa uma das tecnologias mais avançadas e de maior relevância para o acesso sem fios em banda larga de redes celulares. OFDM é a tecnologia base que está por traz da técnica de modulação, bem como as tecnologias adjacentes, OFDMA e SC-FDMA, usadas especificamente no LTE para a comunicação de dados descendente (downlink) ou ascendente (uplink), respectivamente. A implementação de múltiplas antenas em ambos os terminais, potenciam ainda mais o aumento da eficiência espectral do meio rádio permitindo atingir grandes taxas de transmissão de dados. Nesta dissertação é feito o estudo, implementação e avaliação do desempenho da camada física (camada 1 do modelo OSI) do LTE, no entanto o foco será a comunicação de dados ascendente e a respectiva técnica de modelação, SC-FDMA. Foi implementada uma plataforma de simulação baseada nas especificações do LTE UL onde foram considerandos diferentes esquemas de antenas. Particularmente para o esquema MIMO, usou-se a técnica de codificação no espaço-frequência proposta por Alamouti. Foram também implementados vários equalizadores. Os resultados provenientes da simulação demonstram tanto a eficiência dos diversos modos de operação em termos da taxa de erro, como o excelente funcionamento de processos de mapeamento e equalização, que visam melhorar a taxa de recepção de dados.It is clear that mobile Internet is present in the life of societies. Nowadays it is relatively easy to be connected to the internet whenever you want, no matter where you are (concept: anytime and anywhere). Thus, there are a growing number of users accessing interactive services and applications from their handsets. Therefore, there is a need to adapt the world of telecommunications to this new reality, for that it is necessary to implement new architectures that are able to provide higher bandwidth and reduce communication delays, maximizing use of available resources in the medium/network and thereby improving end-user experience. LTE represents one of the most advanced architectures and most relevant to wireless broadband cellular networks. OFDM is the technology that is behind the modulation technique and the underlying technologies, OFDMA and SCFDMA, used specifically in LTE for data communication downward (downlink) or upward (uplink), respectively. The implementation of multiple antennas at both ends further potentiate the increase of spectral efficiency allowing to achieve high rates of data transmission. In this dissertation is done the study, implementation and performance evaluation of the physical layer (OSI Layer 1) of the LTE, but the focus will be communication and its upstream data modeling technique, SC-FDMA. We implemented a simulation platform based on LTE UL specifications where were considered different antenna schemes. Particularly for the MIMO scheme, we used the technique of space-frequency coding proposed by Alamouti. We also implemented several equalizers. The results from the simulation demonstrate both the efficiency of different modes of operation in terms of error rate, as the excellent operation of mapping processes and equalization, designed to improve the rate of receiving data

    Channel Estimation in Uplink of Long Term Evolution

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    Long Term Evolution is considered to be the fastest spreading communication standard in the world.To live up to the increasing demands of higher data rates day by day and higher multimedia services,the existing UMTS system was further upgraded to LTE.To meet their requirements novel technologies are employed in the downlink as well as uplink like Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) and Single Carrier- Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA).For the receiver to perform properly it should be able to recover athe transmittedadata accurately and this is done through channel estimation.Channel Estimation in LTE engages Coherent Detection where a prior knowledge of the channel is required,often known as Channel State Information (CSI).This thesis aims at studying the channel estimation methods used in LTE and evaluate their performance in various multipath models specified by ITU like Pedestrian and Vehicular.The most commonly used channel estimation algorithms are Least Squarea(LS) and Minimum MeanaSquare error (MMSE) algorithms.The performance of these estimators are evaluated in both uplink as well as Downlink in terms of the Bit Error Rate (BER).It was evaluated for OFDMA and then for SC-FDMA,further the performance was assessed in SC-FDMA at first without subcarrier Mapping and after that with subcarrier mapping schemes like Interleaved SC-FDMA (IFDMA) and Localized SC-FDMA (lFDMA).It was found from the results that the MMSE estimator performs better than the LS estimator in both the environments.And the IFDMA has a lower PAPR than LFDMA but LFDMA has a better BER performance

    Esquemas de pré-codificação e equalização para arquiteturas híbridas sub-conectadas na banda de ondas milimétricas

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    In the last years, the demand for high data rates increased substantially and the mobile communications are currently a necessity for our society. Thus, the number of users to access interactive services and applications has increased. The next generation of wireless communications (5G) is expected to be released in 2020 and it is projected to provide extremely high data rates for the users. The millimeter wave communications band and the massive MIMO are two promising keys technologies to achieve the multi Gbps for the future generations of mobile communications, in particular the 5G. The conjugation of these two technologies, allows packing a large number of antennas in the same volume than in the current frequencies and increase the spectral efficiency. However, when we have a large number of antennas, it is not reasonable to have a fully digital architecture due to the hardware constrains. On the other hand, it is not feasible to have a system that works only in the analog domain by employing a full analog beamforming since the performance is poor. Therefore, it is required a design of hybrid analog/digital architectures to reduce the complexity and achieve a good performance. Fully connected and sub-connected schemes are two examples of hybrid architectures. In the fully connected one, all RF chain connect to all antenna elements while in the sub-connected architecture, each RF chain is connected to a group of antennas. Consequently, the sub-connected architecture is more attractive due to the low complexity when compared to the fully connected one. Also, it is expected that millimeter waves be wideband, however, most of the works developed in last years for hybrid architectures are mainly focused in narrowband channels. Therefore, in this dissertation it is designed a low complex analog precoder at the user terminals and a hybrid analog-digital multi-user linear equalizer for broadband sub-connected millimeter wave massive MIMO at the base station. The analog precoder at the transmitter considers a quantized version of the average angle of departure of each cluster for its computation. In order to remove the multi-user interference, it is considered a hybrid sub-connected approach that minimizes the bit error rate (BER). The performance results show that the proposed hybrid sub-connected scheme is close to the hybrid full-connected design. However, due to the large number of connections, the full-connected scheme is slightly better than the proposed sub-connected scheme but with higher complexity. Therefore, the proposed analog precoder and hybrid sub-connected equalizer are more feasible to practical applications due to the good trade-off between performance and complexity.Nos últimos anos, a necessidade por elevadas taxas de transmissão de dados tem vindo a aumentar substancialmente uma vez que as comunicações móveis assumem cada vez mais um papel fundamental na sociedade atual. Por isso, o número de utilizadores que acedem a serviços e aplicações interativas tem vindo a aumentar. A próxima geração de comunicações móveis (5G) é esperada que seja lançada em 2020 e é projetada para fornecer elevadas taxas de transmissão de dados aos seus utilizadores. A comunicação na banda das ondas milimétricas e o MIMO massivo são duas tecnologias promissoras para alcançar os multi Gb/s para as comunicações móveis futuras, em particular o 5G. Conjugando essas duas tecnologias, permite-nos colocar um maior número de antenas no mesmo volume comparativamente às frequências atuais, aumentando assim a eficiência espectral. No entanto, quanto se tem um grande número de antenas, não é viável ter uma arquitetura totalmente digital devido às restrições de hardware. Por outro lado, não é viável ter um sistema que trabalhe apenas no domínio analógico. Assim sendo, é necessária uma arquitetura híbrida analógica-digital de modo a remover a complexidade geral do sistema. É esperado que os sistemas de comunicação baseados em ondas milimétricas sejam de banda larga, no entanto, a maioria dos trabalhos feitos para arquiteturas híbridas são focados em canais de banda estreita. Dois exemplos de soluções híbridas são as arquiteturas completamente conectada e sub-conectada. Na primeira, todas as cadeias RF estão ligadas a todas as antenas enquanto na arquitetura sub-conectada cada cadeia RF é ligada apenas a um grupo de antenas. Consequentemente, a arquitetura sub-conectada é mais interessante do ponto de vista prático devido à sua menor complexidade quando comparada à arquitetura completamente conectada. Nesta dissertação é projetado um pré-codificador analógico de baixa complexidade no terminal móvel, combinado com um equalizador multiutilizador desenhado para uma arquitetura híbrida sub-conectada, implementado na estação base. O pré-codificador no transmissor assume um conhecimento parcial da informação do canal e, de modo a remover eficientemente a interferência multiutilizador, é proposta também uma arquitetura híbrida sub-conectada que minimiza a taxa média de erro. Os resultados de desempenho mostram que o esquema híbrido sub-conectado proposto está próximo da arquitetura híbrida completamente conectada. No entanto, devido ao grande número de conexões, a arquitetura híbrida completamente conectada é ligeiramente melhor que a arquitetura sub-conectada proposta à custa de uma maior complexidade. Assim sendo, o pré-codificador analógico e o equalizador sub-conectado híbrido proposto são mais viáveis para aplicações práticas devido ao compromisso entre o desempenho e a complexidade.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Adaptive Communications for Next Generation Broadband Wireless Access Systems

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    Un dels aspectes claus en el disseny i gestió de les xarxes sense fils d'accés de banda ampla és l'ús eficient dels recursos radio. Des del punt de vista de l'operador, l'ample de banda és un bé escàs i preuat que s´ha d'explotar i gestionar de la forma més eficient possible tot garantint la qualitat del servei que es vol proporcionar. Per altra banda, des del punt de vista del usuari, la qualitat del servei ofert ha de ser comparable al de les xarxes fixes, requerint així un baix retard i una baixa pèrdua de paquets per cadascun dels fluxos de dades entre la xarxa i l'usuari. Durant els darrers anys s´han desenvolupat nombroses tècniques i algoritmes amb l'objectiu d'incrementar l'eficiència espectral. Entre aquestes tècniques destaca l'ús de múltiples antenes al transmissor i al receptor amb l'objectiu de transmetre diferents fluxos de dades simultaneament sense necessitat d'augmentar l'ample de banda. Per altra banda, la optimizació conjunta de la capa d'accés al medi i la capa física (fent ús de l'estat del canal per tal de gestionar de manera optima els recursos) també permet incrementar sensiblement l'eficiència espectral del sistema.L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi i desenvolupament de noves tècniques d'adaptació de l'enllaç i gestió dels recursos ràdio aplicades sobre sistemes d'accés ràdio de propera generació (Beyond 3G). Els estudis realitzats parteixen de la premissa que el transmisor coneix (parcialment) l'estat del canal i que la transmissió es realitza fent servir un esquema multiportadora amb múltiples antenes al transmisor i al receptor. En aquesta tesi es presenten dues línies d'investigació, la primera per casos d'una sola antenna a cada banda de l'enllaç, i la segona en cas de múltiples antenes. En el cas d'una sola antena al transmissor i al receptor, un nou esquema d'assignació de recursos ràdio i priorització dels paquets (scheduling) és proposat i analitzat integrant totes dues funcions sobre una mateixa entitat (cross-layer). L'esquema proposat té com a principal característica la seva baixa complexitat i que permet operar amb transmissions multimedia. Alhora, posteriors millores realitzades per l'autor sobre l'esquema proposat han permès també reduir els requeriments de senyalització i combinar de forma óptima usuaris d'alta i baixa mobilitat sobre el mateix accés ràdio, millorant encara més l'eficiència espectral del sistema. En cas d'enllaços amb múltiples antenes es proposa un nou esquema que combina la selecció del conjunt optim d'antenes transmissores amb la selecció de la codificació espai- (frequència-) temps. Finalment es donen una sèrie de recomanacions per tal de combinar totes dues línies d'investigació, així con un estat de l'art de les tècniques proposades per altres autors que combinen en part la gestió dels recursos ràdio i els esquemes de transmissió amb múltiples antenes.Uno de los aspectos claves en el diseño y gestión de las redes inalámbricas de banda ancha es el uso eficiente de los recursos radio. Desde el punto de vista del operador, el ancho de banda es un bien escaso y valioso que se debe explotar y gestionar de la forma más eficiente posible sin afectar a la calidad del servicio ofrecido. Por otro lado, desde el punto de vista del usuario, la calidad del servicio ha de ser comparable al ofrecido por las redes fijas, requiriendo así un bajo retardo y una baja tasa de perdida de paquetes para cada uno de los flujos de datos entre la red y el usuario. Durante los últimos años el número de técnicas y algoritmos que tratan de incrementar la eficiencia espectral en dichas redes es bastante amplio. Entre estas técnicas destaca el uso de múltiples antenas en el transmisor y en el receptor con el objetivo de poder transmitir simultáneamente diferentes flujos de datos sin necesidad de incrementar el ancho de banda. Por otro lado, la optimización conjunta de la capa de acceso al medio y la capa física (utilizando información de estado del canal para gestionar de manera óptima los recursos) también permite incrementar sensiblemente la eficiencia espectral del sistema.El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio y desarrollo de nuevas técnicas de adaptación del enlace y la gestión de los recursos radio, y su posterior aplicación sobre los sistemas de acceso radio de próxima generación (Beyond 3G). Los estudios realizados parten de la premisa de que el transmisor conoce (parcialmente) el estado del canal a la vez que se considera que la transmisión se realiza sobre un sistema de transmisión multiportadora con múltiple antenas en el transmisor y el receptor. La tesis se centra sobre dos líneas de investigación, la primera para casos de una única antena en cada lado del enlace, y la segunda en caso de múltiples antenas en cada lado. Para el caso de una única antena en el transmisor y en el receptor, se ha desarrollado un nuevo esquema de asignación de los recursos radio así como de priorización de los paquetes de datos (scheduling) integrando ambas funciones sobre una misma entidad (cross-layer). El esquema propuesto tiene como principal característica su bajo coste computacional a la vez que se puede aplicar en caso de transmisiones multimedia. Posteriores mejoras realizadas por el autor sobre el esquema propuesto han permitido también reducir los requisitos de señalización así como combinar de forma óptima usuarios de alta y baja movilidad. Por otro lado, en caso de enlaces con múltiples antenas en transmisión y recepción, se presenta un nuevo esquema de adaptación en el cual se combina la selección de la(s) antena(s) transmisora(s) con la selección del esquema de codificación espacio-(frecuencia-) tiempo. Para finalizar, se dan una serie de recomendaciones con el objetivo de combinar ambas líneas de investigación, así como un estado del arte de las técnicas propuestas por otros autores que combinan en parte la gestión de los recursos radio y los esquemas de transmisión con múltiples antenas.In Broadband Wireless Access systems the efficient use of the resources is crucial from many points of views. From the operator point of view, the bandwidth is a scarce, valuable, and expensive resource which must be exploited in an efficient manner while the Quality of Service (QoS) provided to the users is guaranteed. On the other hand, a tight delay and link quality constraints are imposed on each data flow hence the user experiences the same quality as in fixed networks. During the last few years many techniques have been developed in order to increase the spectral efficiency and the throughput. Among them, the use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and the receiver (exploiting spatial multiplexing) with the joint optimization of the medium access control layer and the physical layer parameters.In this Ph.D. thesis, different adaptive techniques for B3G multicarrier wireless systems are developed and proposed focusing on the SS-MC-MA and the OFDM(A) (IEEE 802.16a/e/m standards) communication schemes. The research lines emphasize into the adaptation of the transmission having (Partial) knowledge of the Channel State Information for both; single antenna and multiple antenna links. For single antenna links, the implementation of a joint resource allocation and scheduling strategy by including adaptive modulation and coding is investigated. A low complexity resource allocation and scheduling algorithm is proposed with the objective to cope with real- and/or non-real- time requirements and constraints. A special attention is also devoted in reducing the required signalling. However, for multiple antenna links, the performance of a proposed adaptive transmit antenna selection scheme jointly with space-time block coding selection is investigated and compared with conventional structures. In this research line, mainly two optimizations criteria are proposed for spatial link adaptation, one based on the minimum error rate for fixed throughput, and the second focused on the maximisation of the rate for fixed error rate. Finally, some indications are given on how to include the spatial adaptation into the investigated and proposed resource allocation and scheduling process developed for single antenna transmission

    Massive MIMO transmission techniques

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    Next generation of mobile communication systems must support astounding data traffic increases, higher data rates and lower latency, among other requirements. These requirements should be met while assuring energy efficiency for mobile devices and base stations. Several technologies are being proposed for 5G, but a consensus begins to emerge. Most likely, the future core 5G technologies will include massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and beamforming schemes operating in the millimeter wave spectrum. As soon as the millimeter wave propagation difficulties are overcome, the full potential of massive MIMO structures can be tapped. The present work proposes a new transmission system with bi-dimensional antenna arrays working at millimeter wave frequencies, where the multiple antenna configurations can be used to obtain very high gain and directive transmission in point to point communications. A combination of beamforming with a constellation shaping scheme is proposed, that enables good user isolation and protection against eavesdropping, while simultaneously assuring power efficient amplification of multi-level constellations

    QoS in LEO satellite networks with multipacket reception

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaLow Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite networks can improve terrestrial wireless networks to allow global broadband services for Mobile Terminals (MT), regardless of the users' location. In this context, hybrid telecommunication systems combining satellites with Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks, like the LightSquared technology, are intended to provide ubiquitous high-speed services. This dissertation analyses the performance of a random access protocol that uses Hybrid Network-assisted Diversity Multiple Access (H-NDMA), for a LEO satellite system network, named by Satellite Random NDMA (SR-NDMA). The protocol also considers a Single Carrier-Frequency Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) scheme for the uplink transmission and a Multipacket Reception (MPR) receiver. In this scenario, the transmission of data packets between MTs and the Base Station (BS) is made through random access and schedule access slots, organized into super-frames with the duration of a Round Trip Time (RTT). A SR-NDMA simulator is implemented to measure the system performance in matters of throughput, energy consumption, system delay and also the protocol capacity to meet Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. A set of simulations tests were made with a random Poisson process tra c generation to validate the analytical model. The capacity to ful l the QoS requirements of a real-time tra c class was also tested.FCT/MEC: MPSat - PTDC/EEA-TEL/099074/2008, OPPORTUNISTIC CR - PTDC/EEA-TEL/115981/2009, Femtocells - PTDC/EEA-TEL/120666/2010 e ADIN - PTDC/EEI-TEL/2990/201

    Unified Framework for Multicarrier and Multiple Access based on Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing

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    The advancements in wireless communications are the key-enablers of new applications with stringent requirements in low-latency, ultra-reliability, high data rate, high mobility, and massive connectivity. Diverse types of devices, ranging from tiny sensors to vehicles, with different capabilities need to be connected under various channel conditions. Thus, modern connectivity and network techniques at all layers are essential to overcome these challenges. In particular, the physical layer (PHY) transmission is required to achieve certain link reliability, data rate, and latency. In modern digital communications systems, the transmission is performed by means of a digital signal processing module that derives analog hardware. The performance of the analog part is influenced by the quality of the hardware and the baseband signal denoted as waveform. In most of the modern systems such as fifth generation (5G) and WiFi, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is adopted as a favorite waveform due to its low-complexity advantages in terms of signal processing. However, OFDM requires strict requirements on hardware quality. Many devices are equipped with simplified analog hardware to reduce the cost. In this case, OFDM does not work properly as a result of its high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and sensitivity to synchronization errors. To tackle these problems, many waveforms design have been recently proposed in the literature. Some of these designs are modified versions of OFDM or based on conventional single subcarrier. Moreover, multicarrier frameworks, such as generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM), have been proposed to realize varieties of conventional waveforms. Furthermore, recent studies show the potential of using non-conventional waveforms for increasing the link reliability with affordable complexity. Based on that, flexible waveforms and transmission techniques are necessary to adapt the system for different hardware and channel constraints in order to fulfill the applications requirements while optimizing the resources. The objective of this thesis is to provide a holistic view of waveforms and the related multiple access (MA) techniques to enable efficient study and evaluation of different approaches. First, the wireless communications system is reviewed with specific focus on the impact of hardware impairments and the wireless channel on the waveform design. Then, generalized model of waveforms and MA are presented highlighting various special cases. Finally, this work introduces low-complexity architectures for hardware implementation of flexible waveforms. Integrating such designs with software-defined radio (SDR) contributes to the development of practical real-time flexible PHY.:1 Introduction 1.1 Baseband transmission model 1.2 History of multicarrier systems 1.3 The state-of-the-art waveforms 1.4 Prior works related to GFDM 1.5 Objective and contributions 2 Fundamentals of Wireless Communications 2.1 Wireless communications system 2.2 RF transceiver 2.2.1 Digital-analogue conversion 2.2.2 QAM modulation 2.2.3 Effective channel 2.2.4 Hardware impairments 2.3 Waveform aspects 2.3.1 Single-carrier waveform 2.3.2 Multicarrier waveform 2.3.3 MIMO-Waveforms 2.3.4 Waveform performance metrics 2.4 Wireless Channel 2.4.1 Line-of-sight propagation 2.4.2 Multi path and fading process 2.4.3 General baseband statistical channel model 2.4.4 MIMO channel 2.5 Summary 3 Generic Block-based Waveforms 3.1 Block-based waveform formulation 3.1.1 Variable-rate multicarrier 3.1.2 General block-based multicarrier model 3.2 Waveform processing techniques 3.2.1 Linear and circular filtering 3.2.2 Windowing 3.3 Structured representation 3.3.1 Modulator 3.3.2 Demodulator 3.3.3 MIMO Waveform processing 3.4 Detection 3.4.1 Maximum-likelihood detection 3.4.2 Linear detection 3.4.3 Iterative Detection 3.4.4 Numerical example and insights 3.5 Summary 4 Generic Multiple Access Schemes 57 4.1 Basic multiple access and multiplexing schemes 4.1.1 Infrastructure network system model 4.1.2 Duplex schemes 4.1.3 Common multiplexing and multiple access schemes 4.2 General multicarrier-based multiple access 4.2.1 Design with fixed set of pulses 4.2.2 Computational model 4.2.3 Asynchronous multiple access 4.3 Summary 5 Time-Frequency Analyses of Multicarrier 5.1 General time-frequency representation 5.1.1 Block representation 5.1.2 Relation to Zak transform 5.2 Time-frequency spreading 5.3 Time-frequency block in LTV channel 5.3.1 Subcarrier and subsymbol numerology 5.3.2 Processing based on the time-domain signal 5.3.3 Processing based on the frequency-domain signal 5.3.4 Unified signal model 5.4 summary 6 Generalized waveforms based on time-frequency shifts 6.1 General time-frequency shift 6.1.1 Time-frequency shift design 6.1.2 Relation between the shifted pulses 6.2 Time-frequency shift in Gabor frame 6.2.1 Conventional GFDM 6.3 GFDM modulation 6.3.1 Filter bank representation 6.3.2 Block representation 6.3.3 GFDM matrix structure 6.3.4 GFDM demodulator 6.3.5 Alternative interpretation of GFDM 6.3.6 Orthogonal modulation and GFDM spreading 6.4 Summary 7 Modulation Framework: Architectures and Applications 7.1 Modem architectures 7.1.1 General modulation matrix structure 7.1.2 Run-time flexibility 7.1.3 Generic GFDM-based architecture 7.1.4 Flexible parallel multiplications architecture 7.1.5 MIMO waveform architecture 7.2 Extended GFDM framework 7.2.1 Architectures complexity and flexibility analysis 7.2.2 Number of multiplications 7.2.3 Hardware analysis 7.3 Applications of the extended GFDM framework 7.3.1 Generalized FDMA 7.3.2 Enchantment of OFDM system 7.4 Summary 7 Conclusions and Future work