268 research outputs found

    Korean Hurricane Media Discourse analysis

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    Presented within this thesis, I have analyzed a particular TV broadcast news discourse called Korean Hurricane Media Discourse (KHMD), which was presented online from YTN, a Korean cable TV news station. The data presents the topic of the Korean refugees who were forced to evacuate to Baton Rouge from New Orleans, after facing the destructions of Hurricane Katrina on August 2005. The methods are Ron Scollon’s TV news frames (1998), van Dijk’s superstructure (1988a and 1988b) and macrostructure (1980), Allan Bell’s news structure (1991), Dell Hymes’s SPEAKING model (1974), and Erving Goffman’s frameworks (1986). Since KHMD is a spoken, plannable TV news discourse along with written text presented on the Internet, chapter two discusses the relationships between spoken and written discourse, and between planned and unplanned discourse. In addition, the relationship between discourse and culture is manifested because of Korean cultural concepts in the data. Chapter three discusses media culture in Korea and the relationship between media and discourse. KHMD is analyzed by Scollon’s three frames. Chapter four shows a comparison of Bell’s with van Dijk’s news schema and macro-analysis in translation. KHMD is contextualized in terms of Dell Hymes’s SPEAKING model in chapter five. Finally, chapter six demonstrates that Goffman’s frame analysis helps to understand particular events. As a result, he provides two frameworks. Hurricane Katrina can be interpreted as a natural framework; and can also be represented as a social (cultural) framework, otherwise know as Dong-po-ae (Brotherhood), a topic presented by KHMD

    Input and Output in Oral Reading in English : the Interaction of Syntax, Semantico-pragmatics and Intonation

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    This dissertation provides an integrated linguistic description of reading intonation, in which input and output are equally considered. There are therefore two main points of interest. On the one hand, there are the medium-independent abstract presentation structures of words and syntactic structures, and their medium-dependent presentation via orthography and punctuation. On the other hand, there is a consideration of different reading performances, and of the fact that the written text can be orally presented in different ways. It is the aim of this thesis to compile these different modes of presentation and to pin down their assessment in a linguistic model. For this purpose, the presentation structural device of the ‘talk unit’ is modified and used for a systematic investigation of the interaction of syntax, semantico-pragmatics and discourse intonation (placement of tone unit boundaries, of nuclei as well as choice of tone movements and their situation in a speaker’s pitch range) in a corpus comprising typical domains of oral reading (Speech, News, Commentary, Fiction). This thesis also deals with the use of obtrusive pauses (segmentation, anticipation, hesitation) as well as with the respective influence of medium-independent presentation structures and punctuation on a reader’s own presentation in the spoken medium.In dieser Dissertation geht es um eine integrierte linguistische Beschreibung von Leseintonation, bei der Input und Output gleichermaßen berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist daher einmal die mediumunabhĂ€ngige abstrakte sprachliche Kette von Wörtern und Strukturen und deren mediumabhĂ€ngige PrĂ€sentation durch Orthographie und Interpunktion. Zum anderen wird berĂŒcksichtigt, dass es unterschiedliche Leseleistungen gibt, dass also die intonatorische PrĂ€sentation der geschriebenen Vorlage auf unterschiedliche Weise geschehen kann. Diese Variationsmöglichkeiten sowie deren Bewertung in einem linguistischen Modell zu erfassen hat sich die vorliegende Arbeit zum Ziel gesetzt. Hierzu wird das prĂ€sentationsstrukturelle Mittel der Redeeinheit (’talk unit’) modifiziert und eingesetzt fĂŒr eine systematische Untersuchung der Interaktion von Syntax, Semantiko-Pragmatik und der Diskurs-Intonation (Platzierung der Sprechtaktgrenzen, der Nuklei sowie Wahl der Tonbewegungen und deren Platzierung im Stimmumfang eines Sprechers) anhand eines Korpus, das sich aus typischen Anwendungsbereichen des lauten Lesens zusammensetzt (Rede, Nachrichtentexte, Kommentare, fiktive Texte). ZusĂ€tzlich wird der Einsatz von auffĂ€lligen Pausen (Segmentierung, Antizipation, Zögern) untersucht sowie das Ausmaß des Einflusses von mediumunabhĂ€ngigen Strukturen einerseits und mediumabhĂ€ngigen graphischen Strukturen (Interpunktion) andererseits auf die Umsetzung im gesprochenen Medium

    1976 Spring Course Catalog

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    1976 Spring Course Catalo

    Development of isiXhosa text-to-speech modules to support e-Services in marginalized rural areas

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    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) projects are being initiated and deployed in marginalized areas to help improve the standard of living for community members. This has lead to a new field, which is responsible for information processing and knowledge development in rural areas, called Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D). An ICT4D projects has been implemented in a marginalized area called Dwesa; this is a rural area situated in the wild coast of the former homelandof Transkei, in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. In this rural community there are e-Service projects which have been developed and deployed to support the already existent ICT infrastructure. Some of these projects include the e-Commerce platform, e-Judiciary service, e-Health and e-Government portal. Although these projects are deployed in this area, community members face a language and literacy barrier because these services are typically accessed through English textual interfaces. This becomes a challenge because their language of communication is isiXhosa and some of the community members are illiterate. Most of the rural areas consist of illiterate people who cannot read and write isiXhosa but can only speak the language. This problem of illiteracy in rural areas affects both the youth and the elderly. This research seeks to design, develop and implement software modules that can be used to convert isiXhosa text into natural sounding isiXhosa speech. Such an application is called a Text-to-Speech (TTS) system. The main objective of this research is to improve ICT4D eServices’ usability through the development of an isiXhosa Text-to-Speech system. This research is undertaken within the context of Siyakhula Living Lab (SLL), an ICT4D intervention towards improving the lives of rural communities of South Africa in an attempt to bridge the digital divide. Thedeveloped TTS modules were subsequently tested to determine their applicability to improve eServices usability. The results show acceptable levels of usability as having produced audio utterances for the isiXhosa Text-To-Speech system for marginalized areas

    Once More With Feeling: Elementary Classroom Teachers’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Reader’s Theater

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    Due to the No Child Left Behind policy of 2001, school systems are held to a higher standard with more advanced curricular aims. The resulting intense focus on content leaves little time for extracurricular activities such as the arts. Yet, educators may still include the arts in their classrooms by integrating the arts into curricular content. For example, the use of an arts integrated reader’s theater gives teachers the opportunity to integrate all four strands of the arts and teach oral reading fluency. This study was guided by the enquiry of how reader’s theater integrates the arts and influences student oral reading fluency. Literature was collected and analyzed with three overall guiding sections: the arts, oral reading fluency, and student skill development. Furthermore, two third grade educators were interviewed on their use of reader’s theater and its perceived effects on their students’ oral reading fluency. Interview data showed that reader’s theater does integrate the arts; however, drama and the visual arts were used much more commonly than music and dance. Interview data also showed that students did improve their oral reading fluency with the use of reader’s theater. Because students had a reason to reread the text, they practiced more frequently with more motivation. Furthermore, reader’s theater allowed students the opportunity to build confidence, creativity, critical thinking, comprehension, and collaboration. In summary, an arts integrated reader’s theater brought creativity to the classroom and taught oral reading fluency in an effective and engaging manner

    Annual Report Of Research and Creative Productions, January to December, 2006

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    2006 Annual Report of Research and Creative Productions, Morehead State University, Division of Academic Affairs, Research and Creative Productions Committee

    Exploring the C-SPAN Archives: Advancing the Research Agenda

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    Exploring the C-SPAN Archives is a collection of path-breaking research studies that use video drawn from the C-SPAN Archives. The book, based on the papers presented at a November 2014 conference, includes chapters that explore issues in presidential debates, minority representation, the presentation of the first ladies, stem research, and innovative ways to analyze video. The book is divided into five parts: Part 1 consists of an overview of and common scholarship using the C-SPAN Archives and how this research advances the conversation after previously published studies. Featured are the ways in which the collection is indexed and tips on how individuals can find particular materials. This section is essential for increased scholarship and pragmatic applications. Part 2 contains applied research using the video collection. Topics in this section include a look at oral histories of minority members of Congress, an analysis of presidential debates, and the presentation style of Michelle Obama. Part 3 is focused on STEM research, including concepts and contradictions in the debate over STEM initiatives, expertise and evidence in science presentations in the C-SPAN Archives, and the framing of technology issues in a C-SPAN television series, The Communicators. Part 4 presents innovative research using C-SPAN and new computer technology. Two scholars take different technical approaches to evaluate polarization and communication using audio levels and video images. Finally, in Part 5, David Caputo presents ideas on the value of massive open online courses (MOOCs) using C-SPAN and reflects on the use of C-SPAN for citizen education in what he terms the “postdigital world.” Additionally, Patrice Buzzanell contributes a reflective essay on the future directions of research using the C-SPAN Archives based on the essays in this volume

    Iranian Classical Music Since the 1970s: The Discourses of Tradition and Identity

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    This dissertation examines the perception and practice of two major concepts—namely tradition and identity—in Iranian classical music since the 1970s. The 70s saw a blossoming of traditionalism in the intellectual and musical spheres in Iran, while also embracing the critical sociopolitical transformation which culminated in the Islamic Revolution in 1979. I explore these concepts (tradition and identity) through interviews with pivotal musicians and musicologists, as well as through relevant literature and musical analysis of selected pieces. This thesis argues that the overall perception of tradition in Iranian society, and specifically in Iranian music, has been polarized. One pole, the traditionalists, emphasizes the preservation of canonized Qajar musical traditions, while in contrast, the avant-gardists consider tradition detrimental to progress. This dissertation attempts to synthesize an intellectual framework for a recontextualization of tradition within Iranian classical music, adapted for new social circumstances and the new quest for social change. Hoping to foster the latent potential of dastgāh music, I herein challenge the constraints inherent to the current discourse on tradition and identity—as established by both the traditionalist and avant-gardist schools of thought—by employing important philosophical and sociological studies on the notion and function of tradition. In addition to this discussion of the perception of tradition, this dissertation explores the relationship between music and collective identity, in relation to the sociopolitical circumstances of various eras since the 1970s


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    Proceedings of the NODALIDA 2009 workshop Nordic Perspectives on the CLARIN Infrastructure of Language Resources. Editors: Rickard Domeij, Kimmo Koskenniemi, Steven Krauwer, Bente Maegaard, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson and Koenraad de Smedt. NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 5 (2009), v+45 pp. © 2009 The editors and contributors. Published by Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) http://omilia.uio.no/nealt . Electronically published at Tartu University Library (Estonia) http://hdl.handle.net/10062/9207


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    RESUMEN. La presente tesis doctoral es un estudio de interpretaci\uf3n basado en corpus y consiste en una propuesta de evaluaci\uf3n subjetiva de tipo gest\ue1ltico de la interpretaci\uf3n simult\ue1nea transmitida por televisi\uf3n. El objetivo principal del estudio ha sido la construcci\uf3n de un modelo de evaluaci\uf3n de la calidad basado en la percepci\uf3n gest\ue1ltica del habla y del sonido-imagen percibido a trav\ue9s del medio auiovisual. El modelo de percepci\uf3n gest\ue1ltica adoptado est\ue1 formado por voz-s\uedlaba-prosodia-sentido-contexto-conocimiento (ling\u3cb\uedstico) del mundo, propuesto en \u201cIl volto fonico delle parole\u201d (Albano Leoni 2009), que es una reelaboraci\uf3n del modelo basado en melod\ueda-ritmo-palabras-oraciones, propuesto por Karl B\u3cbhler en su \u201cTeor\ueda del lenguaje\u201d (1934). Se construy\uf3 un corpus tem\ue1tico formado por las interpretaciones en italiano (2) y en espa\uf1ol (2 \u2013 Espa\uf1a y Estados Unidos) de los Debates Presidenciales de Estados Unidos de 2012: el corpus ORenesit (Obama-Romney English espa\uf1ol italiano) se incluye en el corpus de referencia CorIT (Corpus Italiano de Interpretaci\uf3n Televisiva). El modelo de evaluaci\uf3n fue ensayado en una encuesta piloto basada en cuestionario, que incluye 3 extractos v\ueddeo de la interpretaci\uf3n en italiano del Tercer Debate Presidencial de EE.UU. de 2008, entre Obama y McCain, debido a que el corpus ORenesit todav\ueda no se hab\ueda terminado. Uno de los tres v\ueddeos fue modificado por fines experimentales: la voz del int\ue9rprete original se sustituy\uf3 por la de un actor doblador profesional que imit\uf3 en estudio la interpretaci\uf3n original leyendo la transcripci\uf3n y escuchando al orador. Esta decisi\uf3n respond\ueda a dos necesidades, relacionadas sobre todo a la validez ecol\uf3gica del experimento: a) ensayar el efecto de una voz teleg\ue9nica; b) utilizar la expresi\uf3n natural y personal del sujeto. El cuestionario se construy\uf3 sobre categor\uedas extra\ueddas de \u201cLa vive voix\u201d (F\uf3nagy 1983) e \u201cL\u2019Audio-Vision\u201d (Chion 1990). Los datos obtenidos del cuestionario se trataron estad\uedsticamente. Los resultados del estudio cuali-cuantitativo parecen confirmar una percepci\uf3n gest\ue1ltica de la interpretaci\uf3n simult\ue1nea percibida a trav\ue9s del medio audio-visual formada por las componentes: sonido-imagen, s\uedlaba-melod\ueda(-voz-personalidad), palabras-oraciones. Lor resultados parecen poner en duda la efectividad del enfoque cuantitativo para el an\ue1lisis de la percepci\uf3n del habla.ABSTRACT. The present thesis is a corpus-based Interpreting study consisting of a proposal for a gestaltic subjective evaluation of quality in television broadcast simultaneous interpreting. The main objective of the research was to build and test a model of quality assessment based on the gestaltic perception both of speech and the sound-image perceived through the audiovisual medium. The model of gestaltic perception adopted is the one formed by voice-syllable-prosody-sense-context-(linguistic) knowledge of the world, proposed in \u201cIl volto fonico delle parole\u201d (Albano Leoni 2009), which is a re-elaborated version of the model based on melody-rhythm-words-sentences, proposed by Karl B\u3cbhler in his \u201cTheory of Language\u201d (1934). A thematic corpus was built consisting of 2 Italian and 2 Spanish (Spain and United States) interpretations of the 2012 US Presidential Debates: the corpus ORenesit (Obama-Romney English espa\uf1ol italiano) is included in the reference corpus CorIT (Italian Television Interpreting Corpus). The assessment model was tested in a questionnaire-based pilot survey including 3 video excerpts from the Italian interpretations of the 2008 Third Presidential Debate (Obama vs. McCain), since the corpus ORenesit had not been completed yet. One of the 3 video excerpts was modified for experimental purpose: the interpreter\u2019s voice was replaced with the voice of a professional actor and dubber, who imitated in studio the original interpretation while reading the transcript and listening to the speaker. This choice was made to fulfill two needs, mainly related to the ecological validity of the experiment: i) to test the effect of a telegenic voice; and ii) to use a natural and personal expression of the subject. The questionnaire was built on categories extracted from the \u201cLa vive voix\u201d (F\uf3nagy 1983) and \u201cL\u2019Audio-Vision\u201d (Chion 1990). The data obtained were treated statistically. Results of the qualitative and quantitative research seem to confirm a gestaltic perception of interpreting speech received through audio-vision and formed by the following components: sound-image; syllable-melody(-voice-personality), words-sentences. Results seem to raise doubts on the effectiveness of the quantitative approach to the analysis of speech perception
