33 research outputs found

    Secure Inter-domain Routing and Forwarding via Verifiable Forwarding Commitments

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    The Internet inter-domain routing system is vulnerable. On the control plane, the de facto Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) does not have built-in mechanisms to authenticate routing announcements, so an adversary can announce virtually arbitrary paths to hijack network traffic; on the data plane, it is difficult to ensure that actual forwarding path complies with the control plane decisions. The community has proposed significant research to secure the routing system. Yet, existing secure BGP protocols (e.g., BGPsec) are not incrementally deployable, and existing path authorization protocols are not compatible with the current Internet routing infrastructure. In this paper, we propose FC-BGP, the first secure Internet inter-domain routing system that can simultaneously authenticate BGP announcements and validate data plane forwarding in an efficient and incrementally-deployable manner. FC-BGP is built upon a novel primitive, name Forwarding Commitment, to certify an AS's routing intent on its directly connected hops. We analyze the security benefits of FC-BGP in the Internet at different deployment rates. Further, we implement a prototype of FC-BGP and extensively evaluate it over a large-scale overlay network with 100 virtual machines deployed globally. The results demonstrate that FC-BGP saves roughly 55% of the overhead required to validate BGP announcements compared with BGPsec, and meanwhile FC-BGP introduces a small overhead for building a globally-consistent view on the desirable forwarding paths.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figure

    Evaluating IP security and mobility on lightweight hardware

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    This work presents an empirical evaluation of applicability of selected existing IP security and mobility mechanisms to lightweight mobile devices and network components with limited resources and capabilities. In particular, we consider the Host Identity Protocol (HIP), recently specified by the IETF for achieving authentication, secure mobility and multihoming, data protection and prevention of several types of attacks. HIP uses the Diffie-Hellman protocol to establish a shared secret for two hosts, digital signatures to provide integrity of control plane and IPsec ESP encryption to protect user data. These computationally expensive operations might easily stress CPU, memory and battery resources of a lightweight client, as well as negatively affect data throughput and latency.We describe our porting experience with HIP on an embedded Linux PDA, a Symbian-based smartphone and two OpenWrt Wi-Fi access routers, thereby contributing to the protocol deployment. We present a set of measurement results of different HIP operations on these devices and evaluate the impact of public-key cryptography on the processor load, memory usage and battery lifetime, as well as the influence of the IPsec encryption on Round-Trip Time and TCP throughput. In addition, we assess how the lightweight hardware of a mobile handheld or a Wi-Fi access router in turn affects the duration of certain protocol operations including HIP base exchange, HIP mobility update, puzzle solving procedure and generation of an asymmetric key pair. After analyzing the empirical results we make conclusions and recommendations on applicability of unmodified HIP and IPsec to resource-constrained mobile devices. We also survey related work and draw parallels with our own research results


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    Muñoz Sánchez, D. (2010). Passport-pk. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/8608.Archivo delegad

    Evaluating IP security on lightweight hardware

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    TCP/IP communications stack is being increasingly used to interconnect mobile phones, PDAs, sensor motes and other wireless embedded devices. Although the core functionality of communications protocols has been successfully adopted to lightweight hardware from the traditional Internet and desktop computers, suitability of strong security mechanisms on such devices remains questionable. Insufficient processor, memory and battery resources, as well as constraints of wireless communications limit the applicability of many existing security protocols that involve computationally intensive operations. Varying capabilities of devices and application scenarios with different security and operational requirements complicate the situation further and call for agile and flexible security systems. This study does an empirical evaluation of applicability of selected existing IP security mechanisms to lightweight (resource-constrained) devices. In particular, we evaluate various components of the Host Identity Protocol (HIP), standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force for achieving authentication, shared key negotiation, secure mobility and multihoming and, if used with IPsec, integrity and confidentiality of user data. Involving a set of cryptographic operations, HIP might easily stress a lightweight client, while affecting performance of applications running on it and shortening battery lifetime of the device. We present a background and related work on network-layer security, as well as a set of measurement results of various security components obtained on devices representing lightweight hardware: embedded Linux PDAs, Symbian-based smartphones, OpenWrt Wi-Fi access routers and wireless sensor platforms. To improve computational and energy efficiency of HIP, we evaluate several lightweight mechanisms that can substitute standard protocol components and provide a good trade-off between security and performance in particular application scenarios. We describe cases where existing HIP security mechanisms (i) can be used unmodified and (ii) should be tailored or replaced to suit resource-constrained environments. The combination of presented security components and empirical results on their applicability can serve as a reference framework for building adaptable and flexible security services for future lightweight communication systems

    Advanced information processing system: The Army fault tolerant architecture conceptual study. Volume 1: Army fault tolerant architecture overview

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    Digital computing systems needed for Army programs such as the Computer-Aided Low Altitude Helicopter Flight Program and the Armored Systems Modernization (ASM) vehicles may be characterized by high computational throughput and input/output bandwidth, hard real-time response, high reliability and availability, and maintainability, testability, and producibility requirements. In addition, such a system should be affordable to produce, procure, maintain, and upgrade. To address these needs, the Army Fault Tolerant Architecture (AFTA) is being designed and constructed under a three-year program comprised of a conceptual study, detailed design and fabrication, and demonstration and validation phases. Described here are the results of the conceptual study phase of the AFTA development. Given here is an introduction to the AFTA program, its objectives, and key elements of its technical approach. A format is designed for representing mission requirements in a manner suitable for first order AFTA sizing and analysis, followed by a discussion of the current state of mission requirements acquisition for the targeted Army missions. An overview is given of AFTA's architectural theory of operation

    Improving Dependability of Networks with Penalty and Revocation Mechanisms

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    Both malicious and non-malicious faults can dismantle computer networks. Thus, mitigating faults at various layers is essential in ensuring efficient and fair network resource utilization. In this thesis we take a step in this direction and study several ways to deal with faults by means of penalties and revocation mechanisms in networks that are lacking a centralized coordination point, either because of their scale or design. Compromised nodes can pose a serious threat to infrastructure, end-hosts and services. Such malicious elements can undermine the availability and fairness of networked systems. To deal with such nodes, we design and analyze protocols enabling their removal from the network in a fast and a secure way. We design these protocols for two different environments. In the former setting, we assume that there are multiple, but independent trusted points in the network which coordinate other nodes in the network. In the latter, we assume that all nodes play equal roles in the network and thus need to cooperate to carry out common functionality. We analyze these solutions and discuss possible deployment scenarios. Next we turn our attention to wireless edge networks. In this context, some nodes, without being malicious, can still behave in an unfair manner. To deal with the situation, we propose several self-penalty mechanisms. We implement the proposed protocols employing a commodity hardware and conduct experiments in real-world environments. The analysis of data collected in several measurement rounds revealed improvements in terms of higher fairness and throughput. We corroborate the results with simulations and an analytic model. And finally, we discuss how to measure fairness in dynamic settings, where nodes can have heterogeneous resource demands

    BloomCasting for publish/subscribe networks

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    Publish/subscribe has been proposed as a way of addressing information as the primary named entity in the network. In this thesis, we develop and explore a network architecture based on publish/subscribe primitives, based on our work on PSIRP project. Our work is divided into two areas: rendezvous and Bloomcasting, i.e. fast Bloom filter-based forwarding architecture for source-specific multicast. Taken together these are combined as a publish/subscribe architecture, where publisher and subscriber matching is done by the rendezvous and Bloom filter-based forwarding fabric is used for multicasting the published content. Our work on the inter-domain rendezvous shows that a combination of policy routing at edges and an overlay based on hierarchical distributed hash tables can overcome problems related to incremental deployment while keeping the stretch of queries small and that it can solve some policy related problems that arise from using distributed hash tables in inter-domain setting. Bloom filters can cause false positives. We show that false positives can cause network anomalies, when Bloom filters are used for packet forwarding. We found three such anomalies: packet storms, packet loops, and flow duplication. They can severely disrupt the network infrastructure and be used for denial-of-service attacks against the network or target services. These security and reliability problems can be solved by using the combination of three techniques. Cryptographically computed edge pair-labels ensure that an attacker cannot construct Bloom filter-based path identifiers for chosen path. Varying the Bloom filter parameters locally at each router prevents packet storms and using bit permutations on the Bloom filter locally at each router prevent accidental and malicious loops and flow duplications.Yksi Internetin puutteista on se, ettei ole mitään kaikille sovelluksille yhteistä tapaa nimetä informaatiota. Julkaisija/tilaaja-malli on yksi ehdotus, jolla Internet-arkkitehtuuria voisi muuttaa tämän puutteen korvaamiseksi. Väitöskirjassani kehitän julkaisija/tilaaja-malliin pohjautuvan verkkoarkkitehtuurin, joka pohjautuu työlleni PSRIP-projektissa. Arkkitehtuuri koostuu kohtaamisjärjestelmästä, joka yhdistää julkaisijat ja tilaajat, ja Bloom-suodattimiin pohjautuvasta monen vastaanottajan viestintäkanavasta, jolla julkaistu sisältö toimitetaan tilaajille. Internetin kattavalla kohtaamisjärjestelmällä on korkeat vaatimukset. Tutkin kahta erilaista menetelmää: paikallisiin reitityspolitiikoihin pohjautuvaa järjestelmää ja toinen hajautettuihin hajautustauluihin pohjautuvaa järjestelmää. Ensimmäisen haasteena on skaalautuvuus erityisesti silloin, kun kaikki Internetin verkot eivät osallistu järjestelmän ylläpitoon. Jälkimmäinen on ongelmallinen, sillä siihen pohjautuvat järjestelmät eivät voi taata, mitä reittiä julkaisu ja tilaus -viestit kulkevat järjestelmässä. Näin viesti saattaa kulkea myös julkaisijan tai tilaajan kilpailijan verkon kautta. Ehdotan väitöskirjassani menetelmää, joka yhdistää reunoilla politiikkaan pohjautuvan julkaisu/tilaaja reitityksen ja verkon keskellä yhdistää nämä erilliset saarekkeet hierarkista hajautettua hajautustaulua hyödyntäen. Julkaisujen toimittamiseen tilaajille käytän Bloom-suodattimiin pohjautuvaa järjestelmää. Osoitan väitöskirjassani, että Bloom-suodattimien käyttö pakettien reitittämiseen voi aiheuttaa verkossa merkittäviä vikatilanteita, esimerkiksi pakettiräjähdyksen, silmukan, tai samaan vuohon kuuluvien pakettien moninkertaistumisen. Nämä ongelmat aiheuttavat verkolle turvallisuus- ja luotettavuusongelmia, jotka voidaan ratkaista kolmen tekniikan yhdistelmällä. Ensinnäkin, Bloom-suodattimiin laitettavat polun osia merkitsevät nimet lasketaan kryptografiaa hyödyntäen, ettei hyökkääjä kykene laskemaan Bloom-suodatinta haluamalleen polulle ilman verkon apua. Toisekseen, reitittimet määrittävät Bloom suodatinparametrit paikallisesti siten, ettei pakkettiräjähdyksiä tapahdu. Kolmannekseen, kukin reititin uudelleen järjestelee Bloom-suodattimen bitit varmistaen, ettei suodatin ole enää sama, jos paketti kulkee esimerkiksi silmukan läpi ja palaa samalle takaisin samalle reitittimelle.

    Succeeding with Smart People Initiatives: Difficulties and Preconditions for Smart City Initiatives that Target Citizens

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    Smart City is a paradigm for the development of urban spaces through the implementation of state-of-the-art ICT. There are two main approaches when developing Smart Cities: top-down and bottom-up. Based on the bottom-up approach, the concepts of Smart People and Smart Communities have emerged as dimensions of the Smart City, advocating for the engagement of citizens in Smart People initiatives. The aim of this research is both to find the types of Smart People initiatives and to identify their difficulties and preconditions for success. However, such initiatives that aim to (1) leverage the citizens intellectually and (2) use citizens as a source of input for ideas and innovation, are understudied. Therefore, this research proposes a concentrated framework of Smart People initiatives from an extensive literature review. On one hand, this framework contributes with a common ground and vocabulary that facilitates the dialogue within and between practitioners and academia. On the other hand, the identification of difficulties and preconditions guides the academia and practitioners in how to successfully account for citizens in the Smart City. From the literature review and the conduct of case studies of five European cities, participation came out as the key difficulty across both types of Smart People initiatives and cases, closely followed by awareness, motivation and complexity

    The Law of Attribution: Rules for Attribution the Source of a Cyber-Attack

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    State-sponsored cyber-attacks are on the rise and show no signs of abating. Despite the threats posed by these attacks, the states responsible frequently escape with impunity because of the difficulty in attributing cyber-attacks to their source. As a result, current scholarship has focused almost exclusively on overcoming the technological barriers to attribution

    Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS 1994), volume 1

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    The AIAA/NASA Conference on Intelligent Robotics in Field, Factory, Service, and Space (CIRFFSS '94) was originally proposed because of the strong belief that America's problems of global economic competitiveness and job creation and preservation can partly be solved by the use of intelligent robotics, which are also required for human space exploration missions. Individual sessions addressed nuclear industry, agile manufacturing, security/building monitoring, on-orbit applications, vision and sensing technologies, situated control and low-level control, robotic systems architecture, environmental restoration and waste management, robotic remanufacturing, and healthcare applications