36 research outputs found

    Distributed Detection of DDoS Attacks During the Intermediate Phase Through Mobile Agents

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    A Distributed Denial of Service attack is a large-scale, coordinated attack on the availability of services of a victim system, launched indirectly through many compromised computers on the Internet. Intrusion detection systems are network security tools that process local audit data or monitor network traffic to search for specific patterns or certain deviations from expected behavior, which indicate malicious activities against the protected network. In this study, we propose distributed intrusion detection methods to detect Distributed Denial of Service attacks in a special dataset and test these methods in a simulated-real time environment, in which the mobile agents are synchronized with the timestamp stated in the dataset. All of our methods use the alarms generated by SNORT, a signature-based network intrusion detection system. We use mobile agents in our methods on the Jade platform in order to reduce network bandwidth usage and to decrease the dependency on the central unit for a higher reliability. The methods are compared based on reliability, network load and mean detection time values

    Sistema multi-agente deliberativo para la obtención y análisis de datos de Honeynets

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    Los sistemas de detección de intrusos (IDS – Intrusion Detection System) se basan en la utilización de firmas para la identificación de posibles intrusiones a áreas restringidas de organizaciones, las firmas que estos utilizan son generadas a partir del estudio de patrones de los atacantes. Dentro de los proyectos que aportan a la identificación de firmas se encuentra el proyecto Honeynet1 en el cual se plantea una arquitectura orientada al análisis de atacantes en un único punto, es decir, solo existe un objeto que permite esta función y solamente ofrece una retroalimentación plana de los datos recolectados. Dentro de las modificaciones a la arquitectura original de la Honeynet, se plantea el proyecto DH - Global Distributed Honeynet en donde su arquitectura está ligada a la implementación de un cluster2 de nodos, a través de una modificación específica sobre el sistema operativo Red Hat. La anterior propuesta implica una solución compleja a nivel de topología de Red. Debido a la arquitectura original del proyecto Honeynet, los sistemas multi-agente nacen como una solución óptima para la mejora de esta, permitiendo el trabajo distribuido en pro de la recolección de datos para soportar la base de datos de firmas; adicional a esto, utilizando agentes deliberativos se aporta a la toma de decisiones con base a los datos capturados sin depender exclusivamente de una persona. La propuesta del desarrollo de un sistema-multiagente deliberativo basado en la estructura estándar del proyecto Honeynet ofrece una mejora general a su arquitectura stand-alone3 en la forma como los datos son extraídos y analizados, permitiendo la extracción de diferentes puntos (sin adiciones significativas a su núcleo) y la generación de conclusiones con base a esa recolección. Con respecto al proyecto GDH, ofrece una solución menos acoplada e independiente de la implementación de cada Honeynet, ya que no es intrusiva en su topología y su arquitectura.The intrusion detection systems (IDS - Intrusion Detection System) is based on the use of signatures to identify possible intrusions into restricted areas of organizations, firms that they use are generated from the study of patterns of attackers. Among projects that contribute to the identification of signatures is the Honeynet project, which proposes an architecture oriented analysis for attackers in a single point, ie there is only one object that enables this feature and only provides feedback flat data collected. Among the modifications to the original architecture of the Honeynet Project raises the GDH - Global Distributed Honeynet where architecture is linked to the implementation of a cluster of nodes through a specific modification of the Red Hat operating system. The previous proposal involves complex solution at Network Topology level. Because the original architecture Honeynet Project, multi-agent systems are born as an optimal solution for the improvement of this, allowing the distributed work towards collecting data to support the database of signatures, in addition to this, using deliberative agents is provided to decision-making, based on the captured data without relying solely on a person. The proposed development of a multi-agent system-based deliberative standard structure Honeynet Project provides an overall improvement to the architecture stand-alone in how the data is extracted and analyzed, allowing the extraction of different points (no additions Significant to the core) and generating conclusions based on this collection. With regard to project GDH, this proposal provides an independent and less coupled implementation of the Honeynet, since it is not intrusive in its topology and architecture

    Assessing and augmenting SCADA cyber security: a survey of techniques

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    SCADA systems monitor and control critical infrastructures of national importance such as power generation and distribution, water supply, transportation networks, and manufacturing facilities. The pervasiveness, miniaturisations and declining costs of internet connectivity have transformed these systems from strictly isolated to highly interconnected networks. The connectivity provides immense benefits such as reliability, scalability and remote connectivity, but at the same time exposes an otherwise isolated and secure system, to global cyber security threats. This inevitable transformation to highly connected systems thus necessitates effective security safeguards to be in place as any compromise or downtime of SCADA systems can have severe economic, safety and security ramifications. One way to ensure vital asset protection is to adopt a viewpoint similar to an attacker to determine weaknesses and loopholes in defences. Such mind sets help to identify and fix potential breaches before their exploitation. This paper surveys tools and techniques to uncover SCADA system vulnerabilities. A comprehensive review of the selected approaches is provided along with their applicability

    Modélisation formelle des systèmes de détection d'intrusions

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    L’écosystème de la cybersécurité évolue en permanence en termes du nombre, de la diversité, et de la complexité des attaques. De ce fait, les outils de détection deviennent inefficaces face à certaines attaques. On distingue généralement trois types de systèmes de détection d’intrusions : détection par anomalies, détection par signatures et détection hybride. La détection par anomalies est fondée sur la caractérisation du comportement habituel du système, typiquement de manière statistique. Elle permet de détecter des attaques connues ou inconnues, mais génère aussi un très grand nombre de faux positifs. La détection par signatures permet de détecter des attaques connues en définissant des règles qui décrivent le comportement connu d’un attaquant. Cela demande une bonne connaissance du comportement de l’attaquant. La détection hybride repose sur plusieurs méthodes de détection incluant celles sus-citées. Elle présente l’avantage d’être plus précise pendant la détection. Des outils tels que Snort et Zeek offrent des langages de bas niveau pour l’expression de règles de reconnaissance d’attaques. Le nombre d’attaques potentielles étant très grand, ces bases de règles deviennent rapidement difficiles à gérer et à maintenir. De plus, l’expression de règles avec état dit stateful est particulièrement ardue pour reconnaître une séquence d’événements. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une approche stateful basée sur les diagrammes d’état-transition algébriques (ASTDs) afin d’identifier des attaques complexes. Les ASTDs permettent de représenter de façon graphique et modulaire une spécification, ce qui facilite la maintenance et la compréhension des règles. Nous étendons la notation ASTD avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités pour représenter des attaques complexes. Ensuite, nous spécifions plusieurs attaques avec la notation étendue et exécutons les spécifications obtenues sur des flots d’événements à l’aide d’un interpréteur pour identifier des attaques. Nous évaluons aussi les performances de l’interpréteur avec des outils industriels tels que Snort et Zeek. Puis, nous réalisons un compilateur afin de générer du code exécutable à partir d’une spécification ASTD, capable d’identifier de façon efficiente les séquences d’événements.Abstract : The cybersecurity ecosystem continuously evolves with the number, the diversity, and the complexity of cyber attacks. Generally, we have three types of Intrusion Detection System (IDS) : anomaly-based detection, signature-based detection, and hybrid detection. Anomaly detection is based on the usual behavior description of the system, typically in a static manner. It enables detecting known or unknown attacks but also generating a large number of false positives. Signature based detection enables detecting known attacks by defining rules that describe known attacker’s behavior. It needs a good knowledge of attacker behavior. Hybrid detection relies on several detection methods including the previous ones. It has the advantage of being more precise during detection. Tools like Snort and Zeek offer low level languages to represent rules for detecting attacks. The number of potential attacks being large, these rule bases become quickly hard to manage and maintain. Moreover, the representation of stateful rules to recognize a sequence of events is particularly arduous. In this thesis, we propose a stateful approach based on algebraic state-transition diagrams (ASTDs) to identify complex attacks. ASTDs allow a graphical and modular representation of a specification, that facilitates maintenance and understanding of rules. We extend the ASTD notation with new features to represent complex attacks. Next, we specify several attacks with the extended notation and run the resulting specifications on event streams using an interpreter to identify attacks. We also evaluate the performance of the interpreter with industrial tools such as Snort and Zeek. Then, we build a compiler in order to generate executable code from an ASTD specification, able to efficiently identify sequences of events

    SANA - Network Protection through artificial Immunity

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    Current network protection systems use a collection of intelligent components - e.g. classifiers or rule-based firewall systems to detect intrusions and anomalies and to secure a network against viruses, worms, or trojans. However, these network systems rely on individuality and support an architecture with less collaborative work of the protection components. They give less administration support for maintenance, but offer a large number of individual single points of failures - an ideal situation for network attacks to succeed. In this work, we discuss the required features, the performance, and the problems of a distributed protection system called SANA. It consists of a cooperative architecture, it is motivated by the human immune system, where the components correspond to artificial immune cells that are connected for their collaborative work. SANA promises a better protection against intruders than common known protection systems through an adaptive self-management while keeping the resources efficiently by an intelligent reduction of redundant tasks. We introduce a library of several novel and common used protection components and evaluate the performance of SANA by a proof-of-concept implementation.Comment: 5 page

    Advanced predictive quality control strategy involving different facilities

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    There are many industries that use highly technological solutions to improve quality in all of their products. The steel industry is one example. Several automatic surface-inspection systems are used in the steel industry to identify various types of defects and to help operators decide whether to accept, reroute, or downgrade the material, subject to the assessment process. This paper focuses on promoting a strategy that considers all defects in an integrated fashion. It does this by managing the uncertainty about the exact position of a defect due to different process conditions by means of Gaussian additive influence functions. The relevance of the approach is in making possible consistency and reliability between surface inspection systems. The results obtained are an increase in confidence in the automatic inspection system and an ability to introduce improved prediction and advanced routing models. The prediction is provided to technical operators to help them in their decision-making process. It shows the increase in improvement gained by reducing the 40 % of coils that are downgraded at the hot strip mill because of specific defects. In addition, this technology facilitates an increase of 50 % in the accuracy of the estimate of defect survival after the cleaning facility in comparison to the former approach. The proposed technology is implemented by means of software-based, multi-agent solutions. It makes possible the independent treatment of information, presentation, quality analysis, and other relevant functions

    Performance Metrics for Network Intrusion Systems

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    Intrusion systems have been the subject of considerable research during the past 33 years, since the original work of Anderson. Much has been published attempting to improve their performance using advanced data processing techniques including neural nets, statistical pattern recognition and genetic algorithms. Whilst some significant improvements have been achieved they are often the result of assumptions that are difficult to justify and comparing performance between different research groups is difficult. The thesis develops a new approach to defining performance focussed on comparing intrusion systems and technologies. A new taxonomy is proposed in which the type of output and the data scale over which an intrusion system operates is used for classification. The inconsistencies and inadequacies of existing definitions of detection are examined and five new intrusion levels are proposed from analogy with other detection-based technologies. These levels are known as detection, recognition, identification, confirmation and prosecution, each representing an increase in the information output from, and functionality of, the intrusion system. These levels are contrasted over four physical data scales, from application/host through to enterprise networks, introducing and developing the concept of a footprint as a pictorial representation of the scope of an intrusion system. An intrusion is now defined as “an activity that leads to the violation of the security policy of a computer system”. Five different intrusion technologies are illustrated using the footprint with current challenges also shown to stimulate further research. Integrity in the presence of mixed trust data streams at the highest intrusion level is identified as particularly challenging. Two metrics new to intrusion systems are defined to quantify performance and further aid comparison. Sensitivity is introduced to define basic detectability of an attack in terms of a single parameter, rather than the usual four currently in use. Selectivity is used to describe the ability of an intrusion system to discriminate between attack types. These metrics are quantified experimentally for network intrusion using the DARPA 1999 dataset and SNORT. Only nine of the 58 attack types present were detected with sensitivities in excess of 12dB indicating that detection performance of the attack types present in this dataset remains a challenge. The measured selectivity was also poor indicting that only three of the attack types could be confidently distinguished. The highest value of selectivity was 3.52, significantly lower than the theoretical limit of 5.83 for the evaluated system. Options for improving selectivity and sensitivity through additional measurements are examined.Stochastic Systems Lt

    Security Audit Compliance for Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing has grown largely over the past three years and is widely popular amongst today's IT landscape. In a comparative study between 250 IT decision makers of UK companies they said, that they already use cloud services for 61% of their systems. Cloud vendors promise "infinite scalability and resources" combined with on-demand access from everywhere. This lets cloud users quickly forget, that there is still a real IT infrastructure behind a cloud. Due to virtualization and multi-tenancy the complexity of these infrastructures is even increased compared to traditional data centers, while it is hidden from the user and outside of his control. This makes management of service provisioning, monitoring, backup, disaster recovery and especially security more complicated. Due to this, and a number of severe security incidents at commercial providers in recent years there is a growing lack of trust in cloud infrastructures. This thesis presents research on cloud security challenges and how they can be addressed by cloud security audits. Security requirements of an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud are identified and it is shown how they differ from traditional data centres. To address cloud specific security challenges, a new cloud audit criteria catalogue is developed. Subsequently, a novel cloud security audit system gets developed, which provides a flexible audit architecture for frequently changing cloud infrastructures. It is based on lightweight software agents, which monitor key events in a cloud and trigger specific targeted security audits on demand - on a customer and a cloud provider perspective. To enable these concurrent cloud audits, a Cloud Audit Policy Language is developed and integrated into the audit architecture. Furthermore, to address advanced cloud specific security challenges, an anomaly detection system based on machine learning technology is developed. By creating cloud usage profiles, a continuous evaluation of events - customer specific as well as customer overspanning - helps to detect anomalies within an IaaS cloud. The feasibility of the research is presented as a prototype and its functionality is presented in three demonstrations. Results prove, that the developed cloud audit architecture is able to mitigate cloud specific security challenges

    A Multi Agent System for Flow-Based Intrusion Detection

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    The detection and elimination of threats to cyber security is essential for system functionality, protection of valuable information, and preventing costly destruction of assets. This thesis presents a Mobile Multi-Agent Flow-Based IDS called MFIREv3 that provides network anomaly detection of intrusions and automated defense. This version of the MFIRE system includes the development and testing of a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) for feature selection that provides agents with the optimal set of features for classifying the state of the network. Feature selection provides separable data points for the selected attacks: Worm, Distributed Denial of Service, Man-in-the-Middle, Scan, and Trojan. This investigation develops three techniques of self-organization for multiple distributed agents in an intrusion detection system: Reputation, Stochastic, and Maximum Cover. These three movement models are tested for effectiveness in locating good agent vantage points within the network to classify the state of the network. MFIREv3 also introduces the design of defensive measures to limit the effects of network attacks. Defensive measures included in this research are rate-limiting and elimination of infected nodes. The results of this research provide an optimistic outlook for flow-based multi-agent systems for cyber security. The impact of this research illustrates how feature selection in cooperation with movement models for multi agent systems provides excellent attack detection and classification