2,343 research outputs found

    Wing and body motion during flight initiation in Drosophila revealed by automated visual tracking

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    The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a widely used model organism in studies of genetics, developmental biology and biomechanics. One limitation for exploiting Drosophila as a model system for behavioral neurobiology is that measuring body kinematics during behavior is labor intensive and subjective. In order to quantify flight kinematics during different types of maneuvers, we have developed a visual tracking system that estimates the posture of the fly from multiple calibrated cameras. An accurate geometric fly model is designed using unit quaternions to capture complex body and wing rotations, which are automatically fitted to the images in each time frame. Our approach works across a range of flight behaviors, while also being robust to common environmental clutter. The tracking system is used in this paper to compare wing and body motion during both voluntary and escape take-offs. Using our automated algorithms, we are able to measure stroke amplitude, geometric angle of attack and other parameters important to a mechanistic understanding of flapping flight. When compared with manual tracking methods, the algorithm estimates body position within 4.4±1.3% of the body length, while body orientation is measured within 6.5±1.9 deg. (roll), 3.2±1.3 deg. (pitch) and 3.4±1.6 deg. (yaw) on average across six videos. Similarly, stroke amplitude and deviation are estimated within 3.3 deg. and 2.1 deg., while angle of attack is typically measured within 8.8 deg. comparing against a human digitizer. Using our automated tracker, we analyzed a total of eight voluntary and two escape take-offs. These sequences show that Drosophila melanogaster do not utilize clap and fling during take-off and are able to modify their wing kinematics from one wingstroke to the next. Our approach should enable biomechanists and ethologists to process much larger datasets than possible at present and, therefore, accelerate insight into the mechanisms of free-flight maneuvers of flying insects

    Towards High Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction with Rich Reflectance using Self-supervised Learning and Ray Tracing

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    Towards High Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction with Rich Reflectance using Self-supervised Learning and Ray Tracing

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    Robust face reconstruction from monocular image in general lighting conditions is challenging. Methods combining deep neural network encoders with differentiable rendering have opened up the path for very fast monocular reconstruction of geometry, lighting and reflectance. They can also be trained in self-supervised manner for increased robustness and better generalization. However, their differentiable rasterization based image formation models, as well as underlying scene parameterization, limit them to Lambertian face reflectance and to poor shape details. More recently, ray tracing was introduced for monocular face reconstruction within a classic optimization-based framework and enables state-of-the art results. However optimization-based approaches are inherently slow and lack robustness. In this paper, we build our work on the aforementioned approaches and propose a new method that greatly improves reconstruction quality and robustness in general scenes. We achieve this by combining a CNN encoder with a differentiable ray tracer, which enables us to base the reconstruction on much more advanced personalized diffuse and specular albedos, a more sophisticated illumination model and a plausible representation of self-shadows. This enables to take a big leap forward in reconstruction quality of shape, appearance and lighting even in scenes with difficult illumination. With consistent face attributes reconstruction, our method leads to practical applications such as relighting and self-shadows removal. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, our results show improved accuracy and validity of the approach

    Deep representations of structures in the 3D-world

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    This thesis demonstrates a collection of neural network tools that leverage the structures and symmetries of the 3D-world. We have explored various aspects of a vision system ranging from relative pose estimation to 3D-part decomposition from 2D images. For any vision system, it is crucially important to understand and to resolve visual ambiguities in 3D arising from imaging methods. This thesis has shown that leveraging prior knowledge about the structures and the symmetries of the 3D-world in neural network architectures brings about better representations for ambiguous situations. It helps solve problems which are inherently ill-posed
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