267 research outputs found

    Secure Identification in Social Wireless Networks

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    The applications based on social networking have brought revolution towards social life and are continuously gaining popularity among the Internet users. Due to the advanced computational resources offered by the innovative hardware and nominal subscriber charges of network operators, most of the online social networks are transforming into the mobile domain by offering exciting applications and games exclusively designed for users on the go. Moreover, the mobile devices are considered more personal as compared to their desktop rivals, so there is a tendency among the mobile users to store sensitive data like contacts, passwords, bank account details, updated calendar entries with key dates and personal notes on their devices. The Project Social Wireless Network Secure Identification (SWIN) is carried out at Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) to explore the practicality of providing the secure mobile social networking portal with advanced security features to tackle potential security threats by extending the existing methods with more innovative security technologies. In addition to the extensive background study and the determination of marketable use-cases with their corresponding security requirements, this thesis proposes a secure identification design to satisfy the security dimensions for both online and offline peers. We have implemented an initial prototype using PHP Socket and OpenSSL library to simulate the secure identification procedure based on the proposed design. The design is in compliance with 3GPP‟s Generic Authentication Architecture (GAA) and our implementation has demonstrated the flexibility of the solution to be applied independently for the applications requiring secure identification. Finally, the thesis provides strong foundation for the advanced implementation on mobile platform in future

    A Practical Framework for Storing and Searching Encrypted Data on Cloud Storage

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    Security has become a significant concern with the increased popularity of cloud storage services. It comes with the vulnerability of being accessed by third parties. Security is one of the major hurdles in the cloud server for the user when the user data that reside in local storage is outsourced to the cloud. It has given rise to security concerns involved in data confidentiality even after the deletion of data from cloud storage. Though, it raises a serious problem when the encrypted data needs to be shared with more people than the data owner initially designated. However, searching on encrypted data is a fundamental issue in cloud storage. The method of searching over encrypted data represents a significant challenge in the cloud. Searchable encryption allows a cloud server to conduct a search over encrypted data on behalf of the data users without learning the underlying plaintexts. While many academic SE schemes show provable security, they usually expose some query information, making them less practical, weak in usability, and challenging to deploy. Also, sharing encrypted data with other authorized users must provide each document's secret key. However, this way has many limitations due to the difficulty of key management and distribution. We have designed the system using the existing cryptographic approaches, ensuring the search on encrypted data over the cloud. The primary focus of our proposed model is to ensure user privacy and security through a less computationally intensive, user-friendly system with a trusted third party entity. To demonstrate our proposed model, we have implemented a web application called CryptoSearch as an overlay system on top of a well-known cloud storage domain. It exhibits secure search on encrypted data with no compromise to the user-friendliness and the scheme's functional performance in real-world applications.Comment: 146 Pages, Master's Thesis, 6 Chapters, 96 Figures, 11 Table

    Blockchain-Coordinated Frameworks for Scalable and Secure Supply Chain Networks

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    Supply chains have progressed through time from being limited to a few regional traders to becoming complicated business networks. As a result, supply chain management systems now rely significantly on the digital revolution for the privacy and security of data. Due to key qualities of blockchain, such as transparency, immutability and decentralization, it has recently gained a lot of interest as a way to solve security, privacy and scalability problems in supply chains. However conventional blockchains are not appropriate for supply chain ecosystems because they are computationally costly, have a limited potential to scale and fail to provide trust. Consequently, due to limitations with a lack of trust and coordination, supply chains tend to fail to foster trust among the network’s participants. Assuring data privacy in a supply chain ecosystem is another challenge. If information is being shared with a large number of participants without establishing data privacy, access control risks arise in the network. Protecting data privacy is a concern when sending corporate data, including locations, manufacturing supplies and demand information. The third challenge in supply chain management is scalability, which continues to be a significant barrier to adoption. As the amount of transactions in a supply chain tends to increase along with the number of nodes in a network. So scalability is essential for blockchain adoption in supply chain networks. This thesis seeks to address the challenges of privacy, scalability and trust by providing frameworks for how to effectively combine blockchains with supply chains. This thesis makes four novel contributions. It first develops a blockchain-based framework with Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) model to assure data privacy by adopting a distributed framework to enable fine grained, dynamic access control management for supply chain management. To solve the data privacy challenge, AccessChain is developed. This proposed AccessChain model has two types of ledgers in the system: local and global. Local ledgers are used to store business contracts between stakeholders and the ABAC model management, whereas the global ledger is used to record transaction data. AccessChain can enable decentralized, fine-grained and dynamic access control management in SCM when combined with the ABAC model and blockchain technology (BCT). The framework enables a systematic approach that advantages the supply chain, and the experiments yield convincing results. Furthermore, the results of performance monitoring shows that AccessChain’s response time with four local ledgers is acceptable, and therefore it provides significantly greater scalability. Next, a framework for reducing the bullwhip effect (BWE) in SCM is proposed. The framework also focuses on combining data visibility with trust. BWE is first observed in SC and then a blockchain architecture design is used to minimize it. Full sharing of demand data has been shown to help improve the robustness of overall performance in a multiechelon SC environment, especially for BWE mitigation and cumulative cost reduction. It is observed that when it comes to providing access to data, information sharing using a blockchain has some obvious benefits in a supply chain. Furthermore, when data sharing is distributed, parties in the supply chain will have fair access to other parties’ data, even though they are farther downstream. Sharing customer demand is important in a supply chain to enhance decision-making, reduce costs and promote the final end product. This work also explores the ability of BCT as a solution in a distributed ledger approach to create a trust-enhanced environment where trust is established so that stakeholders can share their information effectively. To provide visibility and coordination along with a blockchain consensus process, a new consensus algorithm, namely Reputation-based proof-of cooperation (RPoC), is proposed for blockchain-based SCM, which does not involve validators to solve any mathematical puzzle before storing a new block. The RPoC algorithm is an efficient and scalable consensus algorithm that selects the consensus node dynamically and permits a large number of nodes to participate in the consensus process. The algorithm decreases the workload on individual nodes while increasing consensus performance by allocating the transaction verification process to specific nodes. Through extensive theoretical analyses and experimentation, the suitability of the proposed algorithm is well grounded in terms of scalability and efficiency. The thesis concludes with a blockchain-enabled framework that addresses the issue of preserving privacy and security for an open-bid auction system. This work implements a bid management system in a private BC environment to provide a secure bidding scheme. The novelty of this framework derives from an enhanced approach for integrating BC structures by replacing the original chain structure with a tree structure. Throughout the online world, user privacy is a primary concern, because the electronic environment enables the collection of personal data. Hence a suitable cryptographic protocol for an open-bid auction atop BC is proposed. Here the primary aim is to achieve security and privacy with greater efficiency, which largely depends on the effectiveness of the encryption algorithms used by BC. Essentially this work considers Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and a dynamic cryptographic accumulator encryption algorithm to enhance security between auctioneer and bidder. The proposed e-bidding scheme and the findings from this study should foster the further growth of BC strategies

    Study and development of a remote biometric authentication protocol

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    This paper reports the phases of study and implementation of a remote biometric authentication protocol developed during my internship at the I.i.t. of the C.n.r. in Pisa. Starting from the study of authentication history we had a look from the first system used since the 60ies to the latest technology; this helped us understand how we could realize a demonstration working protocol that could achieve a web remote authentication granting good reliability: to do this we choosed to modify the SSL handshake with biometric tests and we decided to use smart-cards a secure vault for the sensible biometric data involved. In the first chapter you will find a brief definition of authentication and an introduction on how we can achieve it, with a particular focus on new biometric techniques. In the second chapter there\u27s the history of authentication from the very first password system to actual ones: new token and smart card technolgies are longer stressed in order to introduce the reader to the last chapter. In the third chapter you will find the project framework, the development of our implementation choiches and the source code of the demo project

    Ensuring Data Security and Individual Privacy in Health Care Systems

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    Biometric Cryptosystems : Authentication, Encryption and Signature for Biometric Identities

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    Biometrics have been used for secure identification and authentication for more than two decades since biometric data is unique, non-transferable, unforgettable, and always with us. Recently, biometrics has pervaded other aspects of security applications that can be listed under the topic of ``Biometric Cryptosystems''. Although the security of some of these systems is questionable when they are utilized alone, integration with other technologies such as digital signatures or Identity Based Encryption (IBE) schemes results in cryptographically secure applications of biometrics. It is exactly this field of biometric cryptosystems that we focused in this thesis. In particular, our goal is to design cryptographic protocols for biometrics in the framework of a realistic security model with a security reduction. Our protocols are designed for biometric based encryption, signature and remote authentication. We first analyze the recently introduced biometric remote authentication schemes designed according to the security model of Bringer et al.. In this model, we show that one can improve the database storage cost significantly by designing a new architecture, which is a two-factor authentication protocol. This construction is also secure against the new attacks we present, which disprove the claimed security of remote authentication schemes, in particular the ones requiring a secure sketch. Thus, we introduce a new notion called ``Weak-identity Privacy'' and propose a new construction by combining cancelable biometrics and distributed remote authentication in order to obtain a highly secure biometric authentication system. We continue our research on biometric remote authentication by analyzing the security issues of multi-factor biometric authentication (MFBA). We formally describe the security model for MFBA that captures simultaneous attacks against these systems and define the notion of user privacy, where the goal of the adversary is to impersonate a client to the server. We design a new protocol by combining bipartite biotokens, homomorphic encryption and zero-knowledge proofs and provide a security reduction to achieve user privacy. The main difference of this MFBA protocol is that the server-side computations are performed in the encrypted domain but without requiring a decryption key for the authentication decision of the server. Thus, leakage of the secret key of any system component does not affect the security of the scheme as opposed to the current biometric systems involving cryptographic techniques. We also show that there is a tradeoff between the security level the scheme achieves and the requirement for making the authentication decision without using any secret key. In the second part of the thesis, we delve into biometric-based signature and encryption schemes. We start by designing a new biometric IBS system that is based on the currently most efficient pairing based signature scheme in the literature. We prove the security of our new scheme in the framework of a stronger model compared to existing adversarial models for fuzzy IBS, which basically simulates the leakage of partial secret key components of the challenge identity. In accordance with the novel features of this scheme, we describe a new biometric IBE system called as BIO-IBE. BIO-IBE differs from the current fuzzy systems with its key generation method that not only allows for a larger set of encryption systems to function for biometric identities, but also provides a better accuracy/identification of the users in the system. In this context, BIO-IBE is the first scheme that allows for the use of multi-modal biometrics to avoid collision attacks. Finally, BIO-IBE outperforms the current schemes and for small-universe of attributes, it is secure in the standard model with a better efficiency compared to its counterpart. Another contribution of this thesis is the design of biometric IBE systems without using pairings. In fact, current fuzzy IBE schemes are secure under (stronger) bilinear assumptions and the decryption of each message requires pairing computations almost equal to the number of attributes defining the user. Thus, fuzzy IBE makes error-tolerant encryption possible at the expense of efficiency and security. Hence, we design a completely new construction for biometric IBE based on error-correcting codes, generic conversion schemes and weakly secure anonymous IBE schemes that encrypt a message bit by bit. The resulting scheme is anonymous, highly secure and more efficient compared to pairing-based biometric IBE, especially for the decryption phase. The security of our generic construction is reduced to the security of the anonymous IBE scheme, which is based on the Quadratic Residuosity assumption. The binding of biometric features to the user's identity is achieved similar to BIO-IBE, thus, preserving the advantages of its key generation procedure

    Uma arquitectura segura e colaborativa para registos de saúde electrónicos com suporte a mobilidade

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    Doutoramento em InformáticaDurante as ultimas décadas, os registos de saúde eletrónicos (EHR) têm evoluído para se adaptar a novos requisitos. O cidadão tem-se envolvido cada vez mais na prestação dos cuidados médicos, sendo mais pró ativo e desejando potenciar a utilização do seu registo. A mobilidade do cidadão trouxe mais desafios, a existência de dados dispersos, heterogeneidade de sistemas e formatos e grande dificuldade de partilha e comunicação entre os prestadores de serviços. Para responder a estes requisitos, diversas soluções apareceram, maioritariamente baseadas em acordos entre instituições, regiões e países. Estas abordagens são usualmente assentes em cenários federativos muito complexos e fora do controlo do paciente. Abordagens mais recentes, como os registos pessoais de saúde (PHR), permitem o controlo do paciente, mas levantam duvidas da integridade clinica da informação aos profissionais clínicos. Neste cenário os dados saem de redes e sistemas controlados, aumentando o risco de segurança da informação. Assim sendo, são necessárias novas soluções que permitam uma colaboração confiável entre os diversos atores e sistemas. Esta tese apresenta uma solução que permite a colaboração aberta e segura entre todos os atores envolvidos nos cuidados de saúde. Baseia-se numa arquitetura orientada ao serviço, que lida com a informação clínica usando o conceito de envelope fechado. Foi modelada recorrendo aos princípios de funcionalidade e privilégios mínimos, com o propósito de fornecer proteção dos dados durante a transmissão, processamento e armazenamento. O controlo de acesso _e estabelecido por políticas definidas pelo paciente. Cartões de identificação eletrónicos, ou certificados similares são utilizados para a autenticação, permitindo uma inscrição automática. Todos os componentes requerem autenticação mútua e fazem uso de algoritmos de cifragem para garantir a privacidade dos dados. Apresenta-se também um modelo de ameaça para a arquitetura, por forma a analisar se as ameaças possíveis foram mitigadas ou se são necessários mais refinamentos. A solução proposta resolve o problema da mobilidade do paciente e a dispersão de dados, capacitando o cidadão a gerir e a colaborar na criação e manutenção da sua informação de saúde. A arquitetura permite uma colaboração aberta e segura, possibilitando que o paciente tenha registos mais ricos, atualizados e permitindo o surgimento de novas formas de criar e usar informação clínica ou complementar.Since their early adoption Electronic Health Records (EHR) have been evolving to cope with increasing requirements from institutions, professionals and, more recently, from patients. Citizens became more involved demanding successively more control over their records and an active role on their content. Mobility brought also new requirements, data become scattered over heterogeneous systems and formats, with increasing di culties on data sharing between distinct providers. To cope with these challenges several solutions appeared, mostly based on service level agreements between entities, regions and countries. They usually required de ning complex federated scenarios and left the patient outside the process. More recent approaches, such as personal health records (PHR), enable patient control although raises clinical integrity doubts to other actors, such as physicians. Also, information security risk increase as data travels outside controlled networks and systems. To overcome this, new solutions are needed to facilitate trustable collaboration between the diverse actors and systems. In this thesis we present a solution that enables a secure and open collaboration between all healthcare actors. It is based on a service-oriented architecture that deals with the clinical data using a closed envelope concept. The architecture was modeled with minimal functionality and privileges bearing in mind strong protection of data during transmission, processing and storing. The access control is made through patient policies and authentication uses electronic identi cation cards or similar certi cates, enabling auto-enrollment. All the components require mutual authentication and uses cyphering mechanisms to assure privacy. We also present a threat model to verify, through our solution, if possible threats were mitigated or if further re nement is needed. The proposed solution solves the problem of patient mobility and data dispersion, and empowers citizens to manage and collaborate in their personal healthcare information. It also permits open and secure collaboration, enabling the patient to have richer and up to date records that can foster new ways to generate and use clinical or complementary information

    Authentication enhancement in command and control networks: (a study in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks)

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    Intelligent transportation systems contribute to improved traffic safety by facilitating real time communication between vehicles. By using wireless channels for communication, vehicular networks are susceptible to a wide range of attacks, such as impersonation, modification, and replay. In this context, securing data exchange between intercommunicating terminals, e.g., vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, constitutes a technological challenge that needs to be addressed. Hence, message authentication is crucial to safeguard vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) from malicious attacks. The current state-of-the-art for authentication in VANETs relies on conventional cryptographic primitives, introducing significant computation and communication overheads. In this challenging scenario, physical (PHY)-layer authentication has gained popularity, which involves leveraging the inherent characteristics of wireless channels and the hardware imperfections to discriminate between wireless devices. However, PHY-layerbased authentication cannot be an alternative to crypto-based methods as the initial legitimacy detection must be conducted using cryptographic methods to extract the communicating terminal secret features. Nevertheless, it can be a promising complementary solution for the reauthentication problem in VANETs, introducing what is known as “cross-layer authentication.” This thesis focuses on designing efficient cross-layer authentication schemes for VANETs, reducing the communication and computation overheads associated with transmitting and verifying a crypto-based signature for each transmission. The following provides an overview of the proposed methodologies employed in various contributions presented in this thesis. 1. The first cross-layer authentication scheme: A four-step process represents this approach: initial crypto-based authentication, shared key extraction, re-authentication via a PHY challenge-response algorithm, and adaptive adjustments based on channel conditions. Simulation results validate its efficacy, especially in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) scenarios while proving its resilience against active and passive attacks. 2. The second cross-layer authentication scheme: Leveraging the spatially and temporally correlated wireless channel features, this scheme extracts high entropy shared keys that can be used to create dynamic PHY-layer signatures for authentication. A 3-Dimensional (3D) scattering Doppler emulator is designed to investigate the scheme’s performance at different speeds of a moving vehicle and SNRs. Theoretical and hardware implementation analyses prove the scheme’s capability to support high detection probability for an acceptable false alarm value ≤ 0.1 at SNR ≥ 0 dB and speed ≤ 45 m/s. 3. The third proposal: Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) integration for improved authentication: Focusing on enhancing PHY-layer re-authentication, this proposal explores integrating RIS technology to improve SNR directed at designated vehicles. Theoretical analysis and practical implementation of the proposed scheme are conducted using a 1-bit RIS, consisting of 64 × 64 reflective units. Experimental results show a significant improvement in the Pd, increasing from 0.82 to 0.96 at SNR = − 6 dB for multicarrier communications. 4. The fourth proposal: RIS-enhanced vehicular communication security: Tailored for challenging SNR in non-line-of-sight (NLoS) scenarios, this proposal optimises key extraction and defends against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks through selective signal strengthening. Hardware implementation studies prove its effectiveness, showcasing improved key extraction performance and resilience against potential threats. 5. The fifth cross-layer authentication scheme: Integrating PKI-based initial legitimacy detection and blockchain-based reconciliation techniques, this scheme ensures secure data exchange. Rigorous security analyses and performance evaluations using network simulators and computation metrics showcase its effectiveness, ensuring its resistance against common attacks and time efficiency in message verification. 6. The final proposal: Group key distribution: Employing smart contract-based blockchain technology alongside PKI-based authentication, this proposal distributes group session keys securely. Its lightweight symmetric key cryptography-based method maintains privacy in VANETs, validated via Ethereum’s main network (MainNet) and comprehensive computation and communication evaluations. The analysis shows that the proposed methods yield a noteworthy reduction, approximately ranging from 70% to 99%, in both computation and communication overheads, as compared to the conventional approaches. This reduction pertains to the verification and transmission of 1000 messages in total