34,198 research outputs found

    Training Recurrent Neural Networks by Diffusion

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    This work presents a new algorithm for training recurrent neural networks (although ideas are applicable to feedforward networks as well). The algorithm is derived from a theory in nonconvex optimization related to the diffusion equation. The contributions made in this work are two fold. First, we show how some seemingly disconnected mechanisms used in deep learning such as smart initialization, annealed learning rate, layerwise pretraining, and noise injection (as done in dropout and SGD) arise naturally and automatically from this framework, without manually crafting them into the algorithms. Second, we present some preliminary results on comparing the proposed method against SGD. It turns out that the new algorithm can achieve similar level of generalization accuracy of SGD in much fewer number of epochs

    A stochastic variational framework for fitting and diagnosing generalized linear mixed models

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    In stochastic variational inference, the variational Bayes objective function is optimized using stochastic gradient approximation, where gradients computed on small random subsets of data are used to approximate the true gradient over the whole data set. This enables complex models to be fit to large data sets as data can be processed in mini-batches. In this article, we extend stochastic variational inference for conjugate-exponential models to nonconjugate models and present a stochastic nonconjugate variational message passing algorithm for fitting generalized linear mixed models that is scalable to large data sets. In addition, we show that diagnostics for prior-likelihood conflict, which are useful for Bayesian model criticism, can be obtained from nonconjugate variational message passing automatically, as an alternative to simulation-based Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Finally, we demonstrate that for moderate-sized data sets, convergence can be accelerated by using the stochastic version of nonconjugate variational message passing in the initial stage of optimization before switching to the standard version.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figures, 9 table

    An Off-policy Policy Gradient Theorem Using Emphatic Weightings

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    Policy gradient methods are widely used for control in reinforcement learning, particularly for the continuous action setting. There have been a host of theoretically sound algorithms proposed for the on-policy setting, due to the existence of the policy gradient theorem which provides a simplified form for the gradient. In off-policy learning, however, where the behaviour policy is not necessarily attempting to learn and follow the optimal policy for the given task, the existence of such a theorem has been elusive. In this work, we solve this open problem by providing the first off-policy policy gradient theorem. The key to the derivation is the use of emphaticemphatic weightingsweightings. We develop a new actor-critic algorithm\unicode{x2014}called Actor Critic with Emphatic weightings (ACE)\unicode{x2014}that approximates the simplified gradients provided by the theorem. We demonstrate in a simple counterexample that previous off-policy policy gradient methods\unicode{x2014}particularly OffPAC and DPG\unicode{x2014}converge to the wrong solution whereas ACE finds the optimal solution.Comment: Updated to final NeurIPS versio

    Iterative Residual Image Deconvolution

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    Image deblurring, a.k.a. image deconvolution, recovers a clear image from pixel superposition caused by blur degradation. Few deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) succeed in addressing this task. In this paper, we first demonstrate that the minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) solution to image deblurring can be interestingly unfolded into a series of residual components. Based on this analysis, we propose a novel iterative residual deconvolution (IRD) algorithm. Further, IRD motivates us to take one step forward to design an explicable and effective CNN architecture for image deconvolution. Specifically, a sequence of residual CNN units are deployed, whose intermediate outputs are then concatenated and integrated, resulting in concatenated residual convolutional network (CRCNet). The experimental results demonstrate that proposed CRCNet not only achieves better quantitative metrics but also recovers more visually plausible texture details compared with state-of-the-art methods.Comment: rejected by AAAI 201

    Few-shot Autoregressive Density Estimation: Towards Learning to Learn Distributions

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    Deep autoregressive models have shown state-of-the-art performance in density estimation for natural images on large-scale datasets such as ImageNet. However, such models require many thousands of gradient-based weight updates and unique image examples for training. Ideally, the models would rapidly learn visual concepts from only a handful of examples, similar to the manner in which humans learns across many vision tasks. In this paper, we show how 1) neural attention and 2) meta learning techniques can be used in combination with autoregressive models to enable effective few-shot density estimation. Our proposed modifications to PixelCNN result in state-of-the art few-shot density estimation on the Omniglot dataset. Furthermore, we visualize the learned attention policy and find that it learns intuitive algorithms for simple tasks such as image mirroring on ImageNet and handwriting on Omniglot without supervision. Finally, we extend the model to natural images and demonstrate few-shot image generation on the Stanford Online Products dataset

    Convolutional neural networks with fractional order gradient method

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    This paper proposes a fractional order gradient method for the backward propagation of convolutional neural networks. To overcome the problem that fractional order gradient method cannot converge to real extreme point, a simplified fractional order gradient method is designed based on Caputo's definition. The parameters within layers are updated by the designed gradient method, but the propagations between layers still use integer order gradients, and thus the complicated derivatives of composite functions are avoided and the chain rule will be kept. By connecting every layers in series and adding loss functions, the proposed convolutional neural networks can be trained smoothly according to various tasks. Some practical experiments are carried out in order to demonstrate fast convergence, high accuracy and ability to escape local optimal point at last

    Reinforcement Learning for Batch Bioprocess Optimization

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    Bioprocesses have received a lot of attention to produce clean and sustainable alternatives to fossil-based materials. However, they are generally difficult to optimize due to their unsteady-state operation modes and stochastic behaviours. Furthermore, biological systems are highly complex, therefore plant-model mismatch is often present. To address the aforementioned challenges we propose a Reinforcement learning based optimization strategy for batch processes. In this work, we applied the Policy Gradient method from batch-to-batch to update a control policy parametrized by a recurrent neural network. We assume that a preliminary process model is available, which is exploited to obtain a preliminary optimal control policy. Subsequently, this policy is updatedbased on measurements from thetrueplant. The capabilities of our proposed approach were tested on three case studies (one of which is nonsmooth) using a more complex process model for thetruesystemembedded with adequate process disturbance. Lastly, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of this strategy compared against current existing approaches such as nonlinear model predictive control

    How to iron out rough landscapes and get optimal performances: Averaged Gradient Descent and its application to tensor PCA

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    In many high-dimensional estimation problems the main task consists in minimizing a cost function, which is often strongly non-convex when scanned in the space of parameters to be estimated. A standard solution to flatten the corresponding rough landscape consists in summing the losses associated to different data points and obtain a smoother empirical risk. Here we propose a complementary method that works for a single data point. The main idea is that a large amount of the roughness is uncorrelated in different parts of the landscape. One can then substantially reduce the noise by evaluating an empirical average of the gradient obtained as a sum over many random independent positions in the space of parameters to be optimized. We present an algorithm, called Averaged Gradient Descent, based on this idea and we apply it to tensor PCA, which is a very hard estimation problem. We show that Averaged Gradient Descent over-performs physical algorithms such as gradient descent and approximate message passing and matches the best algorithmic thresholds known so far, obtained by tensor unfolding and methods based on sum-of-squares.Comment: 23 pages, 16 figures, including Supplementary Materia

    SGD on Neural Networks Learns Functions of Increasing Complexity

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    We perform an experimental study of the dynamics of Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) in learning deep neural networks for several real and synthetic classification tasks. We show that in the initial epochs, almost all of the performance improvement of the classifier obtained by SGD can be explained by a linear classifier. More generally, we give evidence for the hypothesis that, as iterations progress, SGD learns functions of increasing complexity. This hypothesis can be helpful in explaining why SGD-learned classifiers tend to generalize well even in the over-parameterized regime. We also show that the linear classifier learned in the initial stages is "retained" throughout the execution even if training is continued to the point of zero training error, and complement this with a theoretical result in a simplified model. Key to our work is a new measure of how well one classifier explains the performance of another, based on conditional mutual information.Comment: Submitted to NeurIPS 201

    On First-Order Meta-Learning Algorithms

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    This paper considers meta-learning problems, where there is a distribution of tasks, and we would like to obtain an agent that performs well (i.e., learns quickly) when presented with a previously unseen task sampled from this distribution. We analyze a family of algorithms for learning a parameter initialization that can be fine-tuned quickly on a new task, using only first-order derivatives for the meta-learning updates. This family includes and generalizes first-order MAML, an approximation to MAML obtained by ignoring second-order derivatives. It also includes Reptile, a new algorithm that we introduce here, which works by repeatedly sampling a task, training on it, and moving the initialization towards the trained weights on that task. We expand on the results from Finn et al. showing that first-order meta-learning algorithms perform well on some well-established benchmarks for few-shot classification, and we provide theoretical analysis aimed at understanding why these algorithms work
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