525 research outputs found

    Route-based transportation network design

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    Given shipment demand and driving regulations, a consolidation carrier has to make decisions on how to route both shipments and drivers at minimal cost. The traditional way to formulate and solve these problems is through the use of two-step models. This thesis presents a heuristic algorithm to solve an integrated model that can provide superior solutions. The algorithm combines a slope scaling initialization phase and tabu search to find high-quality solutions. The performance of the proposed heuristic is benchmarked against a commercial solver and these results indicate that the proposed method is able to produce better quality solutions for the similar solution time

    An oil pipeline design problem

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    Copyright @ 2003 INFORMSWe consider a given set of offshore platforms and onshore wells producing known (or estimated) amounts of oil to be connected to a port. Connections may take place directly between platforms, well sites, and the port, or may go through connection points at given locations. The configuration of the network and sizes of pipes used must be chosen to minimize construction costs. This problem is expressed as a mixed-integer program, and solved both heuristically by Tabu Search and Variable Neighborhood Search methods and exactly by a branch-and-bound method. Two new types of valid inequalities are introduced. Tests are made with data from the South Gabon oil field and randomly generated problems.The work of the first author was supported by NSERC grant #OGP205041. The work of the second author was supported by FCAR (Fonds pour la Formation des Chercheurs et l’Aide à la Recherche) grant #95-ER-1048, and NSERC grant #GP0105574

    Optimal staffing under an annualized hours regime using Cross-Entropy optimization

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    This paper discusses staffing under annualized hours. Staffing is the selection of the most cost-efficient workforce to cover workforce demand. Annualized hours measure working time per year instead of per week, relaxing the restriction for employees to work the same number of hours every week. To solve the underlying combinatorial optimization problem this paper develops a Cross-Entropy optimization implementation that includes a penalty function and a repair function to guarantee feasible solutions. Our experimental results show Cross-Entropy optimization is efficient across a broad range of instances, where real-life sized instances are solved in seconds, which significantly outperforms an MILP formulation solved with CPLEX. In addition, the solution quality of Cross-Entropy closely approaches the optimal solutions obtained by CPLEX. Our Cross-Entropy implementation offers an outstanding method for real-time decision making, for example in response to unexpected staff illnesses, and scenario analysis

    Lagrangian-based methods for single and multi-layer multicommodity capacitated network design

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    Le problĂšme de conception de rĂ©seau avec coĂ»ts fixes et capacitĂ©s (MCFND) et le problĂšme de conception de rĂ©seau multicouches (MLND) sont parmi les problĂšmes de conception de rĂ©seau les plus importants. Dans le problĂšme MCFND monocouche, plusieurs produits doivent ĂȘtre acheminĂ©s entre des paires origine-destination diffĂ©rentes d’un rĂ©seau potentiel donnĂ©. Des liaisons doivent ĂȘtre ouvertes pour acheminer les produits, chaque liaison ayant une capacitĂ© donnĂ©e. Le problĂšme est de trouver la conception du rĂ©seau Ă  coĂ»t minimum de sorte que les demandes soient satisfaites et que les capacitĂ©s soient respectĂ©es. Dans le problĂšme MLND, il existe plusieurs rĂ©seaux potentiels, chacun correspondant Ă  une couche donnĂ©e. Dans chaque couche, les demandes pour un ensemble de produits doivent ĂȘtre satisfaites. Pour ouvrir un lien dans une couche particuliĂšre, une chaĂźne de liens de support dans une autre couche doit ĂȘtre ouverte. Nous abordons le problĂšme de conception de rĂ©seau multiproduits multicouches Ă  flot unique avec coĂ»ts fixes et capacitĂ©s (MSMCFND), oĂč les produits doivent ĂȘtre acheminĂ©s uniquement dans l’une des couches. Les algorithmes basĂ©s sur la relaxation lagrangienne sont l’une des mĂ©thodes de rĂ©solution les plus efficaces pour rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes de conception de rĂ©seau. Nous prĂ©sentons de nouvelles relaxations Ă  base de noeuds, oĂč le sous-problĂšme rĂ©sultant se dĂ©compose par noeud. Nous montrons que la dĂ©composition lagrangienne amĂ©liore significativement les limites des relaxations traditionnelles. Les problĂšmes de conception du rĂ©seau ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature. Cependant, ces derniĂšres annĂ©es, des applications intĂ©ressantes des problĂšmes MLND sont apparues, qui ne sont pas couvertes dans ces Ă©tudes. Nous prĂ©sentons un examen des problĂšmes de MLND et proposons une formulation gĂ©nĂ©rale pour le MLND. Nous proposons Ă©galement une formulation gĂ©nĂ©rale et une mĂ©thodologie de relaxation lagrangienne efficace pour le problĂšme MMCFND. La mĂ©thode est compĂ©titive avec un logiciel commercial de programmation en nombres entiers, et donne gĂ©nĂ©ralement de meilleurs rĂ©sultats.The multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MCFND) and the multilayer network design problem (MLND) are among the most important network design problems. In the single-layer MCFND problem, several commodities have to be routed between different origin-destination pairs of a given potential network. Appropriate capacitated links have to be opened to route the commodities. The problem is to find the minimum cost design and routing such that the demands are satisfied and the capacities are respected. In the MLND, there are several potential networks, each at a given layer. In each network, the flow requirements for a set of commodities must be satisfied. However, the selection of the links is interdependent. To open a link in a particular layer, a chain of supporting links in another layer has to be opened. We address the multilayer single flow-type multicommodity capacitated fixed-charge network design problem (MSMCFND), where commodities are routed only in one of the layers. Lagrangian-based algorithms are one of the most effective solution methods to solve network design problems. The traditional Lagrangian relaxations for the MCFND problem are the flow and knapsack relaxations, where the resulting Lagrangian subproblems decompose by commodity and by arc, respectively. We present new node-based relaxations, where the resulting subproblem decomposes by node. We show that the Lagrangian dual bound improves significantly upon the bounds of the traditional relaxations. We also propose a Lagrangian-based algorithm to obtain upper bounds. Network design problems have been the object of extensive literature reviews. However, in recent years, interesting applications of multilayer problems have appeared that are not covered in these surveys. We present a review of multilayer problems and propose a general formulation for the MLND. We also propose a general formulation and an efficient Lagrangian-based solution methodology for the MMCFND problem. The method is competitive with (and often significantly better than) a state-of-the-art mixedinteger programming solver on a large set of randomly generated instances

    Multicommodity capacitated network design

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    Network design models have wide applications in telecommunications and transportation planning; see, for example, the survey articles by Magnanti and Wong (1984), Minoux (1989), Chapter 16 of the book by Ahuja, Magnanti and Orlin (1993), Section 13 of Ahuja et al. (1995). In particular, Gavish (1991) and Balakrishnan et al. (1991) present reviews of important applications in telecommunications. In many of these applications, it is required to send flows (which may be fractional) to satisfy demands given arcs with existing capacities, or to install, in discrete amounts, additional facilities with fixed capacities. In doing so, one pays a price not only for routing flows, but also for using an arc or installing additional facilities. The objective is then to determine the optimal amounts of flows to be routed and the facilities to be installed. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    Tabu Search: A Comparative Study

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