30 research outputs found

    The Equivalence of Sampling and Searching

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    In a sampling problem, we are given an input x, and asked to sample approximately from a probability distribution D_x. In a search problem, we are given an input x, and asked to find a member of a nonempty set A_x with high probability. (An example is finding a Nash equilibrium.) In this paper, we use tools from Kolmogorov complexity and algorithmic information theory to show that sampling and search problems are essentially equivalent. More precisely, for any sampling problem S, there exists a search problem R_S such that, if C is any "reasonable" complexity class, then R_S is in the search version of C if and only if S is in the sampling version. As one application, we show that SampP=SampBQP if and only if FBPP=FBQP: in other words, classical computers can efficiently sample the output distribution of every quantum circuit, if and only if they can efficiently solve every search problem that quantum computers can solve. A second application is that, assuming a plausible conjecture, there exists a search problem R that can be solved using a simple linear-optics experiment, but that cannot be solved efficiently by a classical computer unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses. That application will be described in a forthcoming paper with Alex Arkhipov on the computational complexity of linear optics.Comment: 16 page

    A single-shot measurement of the energy of product states in a translation invariant spin chain can replace any quantum computation

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    In measurement-based quantum computation, quantum algorithms are implemented via sequences of measurements. We describe a translationally invariant finite-range interaction on a one-dimensional qudit chain and prove that a single-shot measurement of the energy of an appropriate computational basis state with respect to this Hamiltonian provides the output of any quantum circuit. The required measurement accuracy scales inverse polynomially with the size of the simulated quantum circuit. This shows that the implementation of energy measurements on generic qudit chains is as hard as the realization of quantum computation. Here a ''measurement'' is any procedure that samples from the spectral measure induced by the observable and the state under consideration. As opposed to measurement-based quantum computation, the post-measurement state is irrelevant.Comment: 19 pages, transition rules for the CA correcte

    Classical simulation of Yang-Baxter gates

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    A unitary operator that satisfies the constant Yang-Baxter equation immediately yields a unitary representation of the braid group B n for every n2n \ge 2. If we view such an operator as a quantum-computational gate, then topological braiding corresponds to a quantum circuit. A basic question is when such a representation affords universal quantum computation. In this work, we show how to classically simulate these circuits when the gate in question belongs to certain families of solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation. These include all of the qubit (i.e., d=2d = 2) solutions, and some simple families that include solutions for arbitrary d2d \ge 2. Our main tool is a probabilistic classical algorithm for efficient simulation of a more general class of quantum circuits. This algorithm may be of use outside the present setting.Comment: 17 pages. Corrected error in proof of Theorem

    Hybrid quantum-classical and quantum-inspired classical algorithms for solving banded circulant linear systems

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    Solving linear systems is of great importance in numerous fields. In particular, circulant systems are especially valuable for efficiently finding numerical solutions to physics-related differential equations. Current quantum algorithms like HHL or variational methods are either resource-intensive or may fail to find a solution. We present an efficient algorithm based on convex optimization of combinations of quantum states to solve for banded circulant linear systems whose non-zero terms are within distance KK of the main diagonal. By decomposing banded circulant matrices into cyclic permutations, our approach produces approximate solutions to such systems with a combination of quantum states linear to KK, significantly improving over previous convergence guarantees, which require quantum states exponential to KK. We propose a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm using the Hadamard test and the quantum Fourier transform as subroutines and show its PromiseBQP-hardness. Additionally, we introduce a quantum-inspired algorithm with similar performance given sample and query access. We validate our methods with classical simulations and actual IBM quantum computer implementation, showcasing their applicability for solving physical problems such as heat transfer.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    The power of fixing a few qubits in proofs

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    What could happen if we pinned a single qubit of a system and fixed it in a particular state? First, we show that this leads to difficult static questions about the ground-state properties of local Hamiltonian problems with restricted types of terms. In particular, we show that the pinned commuting and pinned stoquastic Local Hamiltonian problems are quantum-Merlin-Arthur–complete. Second, we investigate pinned dynamics and demonstrate that fixing a single qubit via often repeated measurements results in universal quantum computation with commuting Hamiltonians. Finally, we discuss variants of the ground-state connectivity (GSCON) problem in light of pinning, and show that stoquastic GSCON is quantum-classical Merlin-Arthur–complete