124,337 research outputs found

    A Self-Organizing Algorithm for Modeling Protein Loops

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    Protein loops, the flexible short segments connecting two stable secondary structural units in proteins, play a critical role in protein structure and function. Constructing chemically sensible conformations of protein loops that seamlessly bridge the gap between the anchor points without introducing any steric collisions remains an open challenge. A variety of algorithms have been developed to tackle the loop closure problem, ranging from inverse kinematics to knowledge-based approaches that utilize pre-existing fragments extracted from known protein structures. However, many of these approaches focus on the generation of conformations that mainly satisfy the fixed end point condition, leaving the steric constraints to be resolved in subsequent post-processing steps. In the present work, we describe a simple solution that simultaneously satisfies not only the end point and steric conditions, but also chirality and planarity constraints. Starting from random initial atomic coordinates, each individual conformation is generated independently by using a simple alternating scheme of pairwise distance adjustments of randomly chosen atoms, followed by fast geometric matching of the conformationally rigid components of the constituent amino acids. The method is conceptually simple, numerically stable and computationally efficient. Very importantly, additional constraints, such as those derived from NMR experiments, hydrogen bonds or salt bridges, can be incorporated into the algorithm in a straightforward and inexpensive way, making the method ideal for solving more complex multi-loop problems. The remarkable performance and robustness of the algorithm are demonstrated on a set of protein loops of length 4, 8, and 12 that have been used in previous studies

    Performance and Optimization Abstractions for Large Scale Heterogeneous Systems in the Cactus/Chemora Framework

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    We describe a set of lower-level abstractions to improve performance on modern large scale heterogeneous systems. These provide portable access to system- and hardware-dependent features, automatically apply dynamic optimizations at run time, and target stencil-based codes used in finite differencing, finite volume, or block-structured adaptive mesh refinement codes. These abstractions include a novel data structure to manage refinement information for block-structured adaptive mesh refinement, an iterator mechanism to efficiently traverse multi-dimensional arrays in stencil-based codes, and a portable API and implementation for explicit SIMD vectorization. These abstractions can either be employed manually, or be targeted by automated code generation, or be used via support libraries by compilers during code generation. The implementations described below are available in the Cactus framework, and are used e.g. in the Einstein Toolkit for relativistic astrophysics simulations

    Optimal Discrete Uniform Generation from Coin Flips, and Applications

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    This article introduces an algorithm to draw random discrete uniform variables within a given range of size n from a source of random bits. The algorithm aims to be simple to implement and optimal both with regards to the amount of random bits consumed, and from a computational perspective---allowing for faster and more efficient Monte-Carlo simulations in computational physics and biology. I also provide a detailed analysis of the number of bits that are spent per variate, and offer some extensions and applications, in particular to the optimal random generation of permutations.Comment: first draft, 22 pages, 5 figures, C code implementation of algorith

    Probing the Space of Toric Quiver Theories

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    We demonstrate a practical and efficient method for generating toric Calabi-Yau quiver theories, applicable to both D3 and M2 brane world-volume physics. A new analytic method is presented at low order parametres and an algorithm for the general case is developed which has polynomial complexity in the number of edges in the quiver. Using this algorithm, carefully implemented, we classify the quiver diagram and assign possible superpotentials for various small values of the number of edges and nodes. We examine some preliminary statistics on this space of toric quiver theories

    TT2NE: A novel algorithm to predict RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots

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    We present TT2NE, a new algorithm to predict RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots. The method is based on a classification of RNA structures according to their topological genus. TT2NE guarantees to find the minimum free energy structure irrespectively of pseudoknot topology. This unique proficiency is obtained at the expense of the maximum length of sequence that can be treated but comparison with state-of-the-art algorithms shows that TT2NE is a very powerful tool within its limits. Analysis of TT2NE's wrong predictions sheds light on the need to study how sterical constraints limit the range of pseudoknotted structures that can be formed from a given sequence. An implementation of TT2NE on a public server can be found at http://ipht.cea.fr/rna/tt2ne.php

    Controlled non uniform random generation of decomposable structures

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    Consider a class of decomposable combinatorial structures, using different types of atoms \Atoms = \{\At_1,\ldots ,\At_{|{\Atoms}|}\}. We address the random generation of such structures with respect to a size nn and a targeted distribution in kk of its \emph{distinguished} atoms. We consider two variations on this problem. In the first alternative, the targeted distribution is given by kk real numbers \TargFreq_1, \ldots, \TargFreq_k such that 0 < \TargFreq_i < 1 for all ii and \TargFreq_1+\cdots+\TargFreq_k \leq 1. We aim to generate random structures among the whole set of structures of a given size nn, in such a way that the {\em expected} frequency of any distinguished atom \At_i equals \TargFreq_i. We address this problem by weighting the atoms with a kk-tuple \Weights of real-valued weights, inducing a weighted distribution over the set of structures of size nn. We first adapt the classical recursive random generation scheme into an algorithm taking \bigO{n^{1+o(1)}+mn\log{n}} arithmetic operations to draw mm structures from the \Weights-weighted distribution. Secondly, we address the analytical computation of weights such that the targeted frequencies are achieved asymptotically, i. e. for large values of nn. We derive systems of functional equations whose resolution gives an explicit relationship between \Weights and \TargFreq_1, \ldots, \TargFreq_k. Lastly, we give an algorithm in \bigO{k n^4} for the inverse problem, {\it i.e.} computing the frequencies associated with a given kk-tuple \Weights of weights, and an optimized version in \bigO{k n^2} in the case of context-free languages. This allows for a heuristic resolution of the weights/frequencies relationship suitable for complex specifications. In the second alternative, the targeted distribution is given by a kk natural numbers n1,…,nkn_1, \ldots, n_k such that n1+⋯+nk+r=nn_1+\cdots+n_k+r=n where r≥0r \geq 0 is the number of undistinguished atoms. The structures must be generated uniformly among the set of structures of size nn that contain {\em exactly} nin_i atoms \At_i (1≤i≤k1 \leq i \leq k). We give a \bigO{r^2\prod_{i=1}^k n_i^2 +m n k \log n} algorithm for generating mm structures, which simplifies into a \bigO{r\prod_{i=1}^k n_i +m n} for regular specifications

    A Simple and Scalable Static Analysis for Bound Analysis and Amortized Complexity Analysis

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    We present the first scalable bound analysis that achieves amortized complexity analysis. In contrast to earlier work, our bound analysis is not based on general purpose reasoners such as abstract interpreters, software model checkers or computer algebra tools. Rather, we derive bounds directly from abstract program models, which we obtain from programs by comparatively simple invariant generation and symbolic execution techniques. As a result, we obtain an analysis that is more predictable and more scalable than earlier approaches. Our experiments demonstrate that our analysis is fast and at the same time able to compute bounds for challenging loops in a large real-world benchmark. Technically, our approach is based on lossy vector addition systems (VASS). Our bound analysis first computes a lexicographic ranking function that proves the termination of a VASS, and then derives a bound from this ranking function. Our methodology achieves amortized analysis based on a new insight how lexicographic ranking functions can be used for bound analysis
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