353 research outputs found

    A Schur complement approach to preconditioning sparse linear least-squares problems with some dense rows

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    The effectiveness of sparse matrix techniques for directly solving large-scale linear least-squares problems is severely limited if the system matrix A has one or more nearly dense rows. In this paper, we partition the rows of A into sparse rows and dense rows (A s and A d ) and apply the Schur complement approach. A potential difficulty is that the reduced normal matrix AsTA s is often rank-deficient, even if A is of full rank. To overcome this, we propose explicitly removing null columns of A s and then employing a regularization parameter and using the resulting Cholesky factors as a preconditioner for an iterative solver applied to the symmetric indefinite reduced augmented system. We consider complete factorizations as well as incomplete Cholesky factorizations of the shifted reduced normal matrix. Numerical experiments are performed on a range of large least-squares problems arising from practical applications. These demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach when combined with either a sparse parallel direct solver or a robust incomplete Cholesky factorization algorithm

    Solving mixed sparse-dense linear least-squares problems by preconditioned iterative methods

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    The efficient solution of large linear least-squares problems in which the system matrix A contains rows with very different densities is challenging. Previous work has focused on direct methods for problems in which A has a few relatively dense rows. These rows are initially ignored, a factorization of the sparse part is computed using a sparse direct solver, and then the solution is updated to take account of the omitted dense rows. In some practical applications the number of dense rows can be significant and for very large problems, using a direct solver may not be feasible. We propose processing rows that are identified as dense separately within a conjugate gradient method using an incomplete factorization preconditioner combined with the factorization of a dense matrix of size equal to the number of dense rows. Numerical experiments on large-scale problems from real applications are used to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach. The results demonstrate that we can efficiently solve problems that could not be solved by a preconditioned conjugate gradient method without exploiting the dense rows

    On Updating Preconditioners for the Iterative Solution of Linear Systems

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    El tema principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de técnicas de actualización de precondicionadores para resolver sistemas lineales de gran tamaño y dispersos Ax=b mediante el uso de métodos iterativos de Krylov. Se consideran dos tipos interesantes de problemas. En el primero se estudia la solución iterativa de sistemas lineales no singulares y antisimétricos, donde la matriz de coeficientes A tiene parte antisimétrica de rango bajo o puede aproximarse bien con una matriz antisimétrica de rango bajo. Sistemas como este surgen de la discretización de PDEs con ciertas condiciones de frontera de Neumann, la discretización de ecuaciones integrales y métodos de puntos interiores, por ejemplo, el problema de Bratu y la ecuación integral de Love. El segundo tipo de sistemas lineales considerados son problemas de mínimos cuadrados (LS) que se resuelven considerando la solución del sistema equivalente de ecuaciones normales. Concretamente, consideramos la solución de problemas LS modificados y de rango incompleto. Por problema LS modificado se entiende que el conjunto de ecuaciones lineales se actualiza con alguna información nueva, se agrega una nueva variable o, por el contrario, se elimina alguna información o variable del conjunto. En los problemas LS de rango deficiente, la matriz de coeficientes no tiene rango completo, lo que dificulta el cálculo de una factorización incompleta de las ecuaciones normales. Los problemas LS surgen en muchas aplicaciones a gran escala de la ciencia y la ingeniería como, por ejemplo, redes neuronales, programación lineal, sismología de exploración o procesamiento de imágenes. Los precondicionadores directos para métodos iterativos usados habitualmente son las factorizaciones incompletas LU, o de Cholesky cuando la matriz es simétrica definida positiva. La principal contribución de esta tesis es el desarrollo de técnicas de actualización de precondicionadores. Básicamente, el método consiste en el cálculo de una descomposición incompleta para un sistema lineal aumentado equivalente, que se utiliza como precondicionador para el problema original. El estudio teórico y los resultados numéricos presentados en esta tesis muestran el rendimiento de la técnica de precondicionamiento propuesta y su competitividad en comparación con otros métodos disponibles en la literatura para calcular precondicionadores para los problemas estudiados.The main topic of this thesis is updating preconditioners for solving large sparse linear systems Ax=b by using Krylov iterative methods. Two interesting types of problems are considered. In the first one is studied the iterative solution of non-singular, non-symmetric linear systems where the coefficient matrix A has a skew-symmetric part of low-rank or can be well approximated with a skew-symmetric low-rank matrix. Systems like this arise from the discretization of PDEs with certain Neumann boundary conditions, the discretization of integral equations as well as path following methods, for example, the Bratu problem and the Love's integral equation. The second type of linear systems considered are least squares (LS) problems that are solved by considering the solution of the equivalent normal equations system. More precisely, we consider the solution of modified and rank deficient LS problems. By modified LS problem, it is understood that the set of linear relations is updated with some new information, a new variable is added or, contrarily, some information or variable is removed from the set. Rank deficient LS problems are characterized by a coefficient matrix that has not full rank, which makes difficult the computation of an incomplete factorization of the normal equations. LS problems arise in many large-scale applications of the science and engineering as for instance neural networks, linear programming, exploration seismology or image processing. Usually, incomplete LU or incomplete Cholesky factorization are used as preconditioners for iterative methods. The main contribution of this thesis is the development of a technique for updating preconditioners by bordering. It consists in the computation of an approximate decomposition for an equivalent augmented linear system, that is used as preconditioner for the original problem. The theoretical study and the results of the numerical experiments presented in this thesis show the performance of the preconditioner technique proposed and its competitiveness compared with other methods available in the literature for computing preconditioners for the problems studied.El tema principal d'esta tesi és actualitzar precondicionadors per a resoldre sistemes lineals grans i buits Ax=b per mitjà de l'ús de mètodes iteratius de Krylov. Es consideren dos tipus interessants de problemes. En el primer s'estudia la solució iterativa de sistemes lineals no singulars i antisimètrics, on la matriu de coeficients A té una part antisimètrica de baix rang, o bé pot aproximar-se amb una matriu antisimètrica de baix rang. Sistemes com este sorgixen de la discretització de PDEs amb certes condicions de frontera de Neumann, la discretització d'equacions integrals i mètodes de punts interiors, per exemple, el problema de Bratu i l'equació integral de Love. El segon tipus de sistemes lineals considerats, són problemes de mínims quadrats (LS) que es resolen considerant la solució del sistema equivalent d'equacions normals. Concretament, considerem la solució de problemes de LS modificats i de rang incomplet. Per problema LS modificat, s'entén que el conjunt d'equacions lineals s'actualitza amb alguna informació nova, s'agrega una nova variable o, al contrari, s'elimina alguna informació o variable del conjunt. En els problemes LS de rang deficient, la matriu de coeficients no té rang complet, la qual cosa dificultata el calcul d'una factorització incompleta de les equacions normals. Els problemes LS sorgixen en moltes aplicacions a gran escala de la ciència i l'enginyeria com, per exemple, xarxes neuronals, programació lineal, sismologia d'exploració o processament d'imatges. Els precondicionadors directes per a mètodes iteratius utilitzats més a sovint són les factoritzacions incompletes tipus ILU, o la factorització incompleta de Cholesky quan la matriu és simètrica definida positiva. La principal contribució d'esta tesi és el desenvolupament de tècniques d'actualització de precondicionadors. Bàsicament, el mètode consistix en el càlcul d'una descomposició incompleta per a un sistema lineal augmentat equivalent, que s'utilitza com a precondicionador pel problema original. L'estudi teòric i els resultats numèrics presentats en esta tesi mostren el rendiment de la tècnica de precondicionament proposta i la seua competitivitat en comparació amb altres mètodes disponibles en la literatura per a calcular precondicionadors per als problemes considerats.Guerrero Flores, DJ. (2018). On Updating Preconditioners for the Iterative Solution of Linear Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10492

    A matrix-free preconditioner for sparse symmetric positive definite systems and least-squares problems

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    General-purpose preconditioning for regularized interior point methods

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    In this paper we present general-purpose preconditioners for regularized augmented systems, and their corresponding normal equations, arising from optimization problems. We discuss positive definite preconditioners, suitable for CG and MINRES. We consider “sparsifications" which avoid situations in which eigenvalues of the preconditioned matrix may become complex. Special attention is given to systems arising from the application of regularized interior point methods to linear or nonlinear convex programming problems.</p

    A class of linear solvers based on multilevel and supernodal factorization

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    A class of linear solvers based on multilevel and supernodal factorization

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    De oplossing van grote en schaarse lineaire systemen is een kritieke component van moderne wetenschap en technische simulaties. Iteratieve methoden, namelijk de klasse van moderne Krylov-subruimtemethoden, worden vaak gebruikt om grootschalige lineaire systemen op te lossen. Om de robuustheid en de convergentiesnelheid van de iteratieve methoden te verbeteren, worden preconditioneringstechnieken vaak beschouwd als cruciale componenten van de lineaire systeemoplossing. In dit proefschrift wordt een klasse van algebraïsche multilevel oplossers gepresenteerd voor het conditioneren van algemene lineaire systeemvergelijkingen die voortkomen uit computationele wetenschap en technische toepassingen. Ze kunnen spaarzame patronen produceren en geheugenkosten besparen door recursieve combinatorische algoritmen toe te passen. Robuustheid wordt verbeterd door de factorisatie te combineren met recent ontwikkelde overlappende en compressiestrategieën en door efficiënte lokale oplossers te gebruiken. We hebben de goede prestaties van de voorgestelde strategieën aangetoond met numerieke experimenten op realistische matrixproblemen, ook in vergelijking met enkele van de meest populaire algebraïsche preconditioners die tegenwoordig worden gebruikt

    Preconditioning for Sparse Linear Systems at the Dawn of the 21st Century: History, Current Developments, and Future Perspectives

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    Iterative methods are currently the solvers of choice for large sparse linear systems of equations. However, it is well known that the key factor for accelerating, or even allowing for, convergence is the preconditioner. The research on preconditioning techniques has characterized the last two decades. Nowadays, there are a number of different options to be considered when choosing the most appropriate preconditioner for the specific problem at hand. The present work provides an overview of the most popular algorithms available today, emphasizing the respective merits and limitations. The overview is restricted to algebraic preconditioners, that is, general-purpose algorithms requiring the knowledge of the system matrix only, independently of the specific problem it arises from. Along with the traditional distinction between incomplete factorizations and approximate inverses, the most recent developments are considered, including the scalable multigrid and parallel approaches which represent the current frontier of research. A separate section devoted to saddle-point problems, which arise in many different applications, closes the paper

    Adapting the interior point method for the solution of LPs on serial, coarse grain parallel and massively parallel computers

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    In this paper we describe a unified scheme for implementing an interior point algorithm (IPM) over a range of computer architectures. In the inner iteration of the IPM a search direction is computed using Newton's method. Computationally this involves solving a sparse symmetric positive definite (SSPD) system of equations. The choice of direct and indirect methods for the solution of this system, and the design of data structures to take advantage of serial, coarse grain parallel and massively parallel computer architectures, are considered in detail. We put forward arguments as to why integration of the system within a sparse simplex solver is important and outline how the system is designed to achieve this integration
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