25,763 research outputs found

    Technical Tool Surveys and Comparative Studies: A Systematical Approach

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    Comparative studies and surveys on different technologies are common practices in research environments, not only when planning a new research line, but also in enterprise environment, for example, when a new project is going to be developed and the suitable technology must be selected. In the research context, an ordinary and formal method frequently followed to analyse the situation is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR). However, SLR is not enough, if the study is oriented towards comparing technologies or tools solutions. This paper presents a mechanism to be applied systematically in surveys and comparative studies of tools and technological solutions. It is based on general concepts defined in SLR, but it extends them in order to cover other necessities. The paper illustrates how this mechanism is applied to a real project named THOT and it offers conclusions and learned lessons from the last trends

    Technical Tool Surveys and Comparative Studies: A Systematical Approach

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    Comparative studies and surveys on different technologies are common practices in research environments, not only when planning a new research line, but also in enterprise environment, for example, when a new project is going to be developed and the suitable technology must be selected. In the research context, an ordinary and formal method frequently followed to analyse the situation is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR). However, SLR is not enough, if the study is oriented towards comparing technologies or tools solutions. This paper presents a mechanism to be applied systematically in surveys and comparative studies of tools and technological solutions. It is based on general concepts defined in SLR, but it extends them in order to cover other necessities. The paper illustrates how this mechanism is applied to a real project named THOT and it offers conclusions and learned lessons from the last trends.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013- 46928-C3-3-

    Exploring Maintainability Assurance Research for Service- and Microservice-Based Systems: Directions and Differences

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    To ensure sustainable software maintenance and evolution, a diverse set of activities and concepts like metrics, change impact analysis, or antipattern detection can be used. Special maintainability assurance techniques have been proposed for service- and microservice-based systems, but it is difficult to get a comprehensive overview of this publication landscape. We therefore conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) to collect and categorize maintainability assurance approaches for service-oriented architecture (SOA) and microservices. Our search strategy led to the selection of 223 primary studies from 2007 to 2018 which we categorized with a threefold taxonomy: a) architectural (SOA, microservices, both), b) methodical (method or contribution of the study), and c) thematic (maintainability assurance subfield). We discuss the distribution among these categories and present different research directions as well as exemplary studies per thematic category. The primary finding of our SLR is that, while very few approaches have been suggested for microservices so far (24 of 223, ?11%), we identified several thematic categories where existing SOA techniques could be adapted for the maintainability assurance of microservices

    Reply With: Proactive Recommendation of Email Attachments

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    Email responses often contain items-such as a file or a hyperlink to an external document-that are attached to or included inline in the body of the message. Analysis of an enterprise email corpus reveals that 35% of the time when users include these items as part of their response, the attachable item is already present in their inbox or sent folder. A modern email client can proactively retrieve relevant attachable items from the user's past emails based on the context of the current conversation, and recommend them for inclusion, to reduce the time and effort involved in composing the response. In this paper, we propose a weakly supervised learning framework for recommending attachable items to the user. As email search systems are commonly available, we constrain the recommendation task to formulating effective search queries from the context of the conversations. The query is submitted to an existing IR system to retrieve relevant items for attachment. We also present a novel strategy for generating labels from an email corpus---without the need for manual annotations---that can be used to train and evaluate the query formulation model. In addition, we describe a deep convolutional neural network that demonstrates satisfactory performance on this query formulation task when evaluated on the publicly available Avocado dataset and a proprietary dataset of internal emails obtained through an employee participation program.Comment: CIKM2017. Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 201

    Comparing Enterprise Architecture Frameworks – A Case Study at the Estonian Rescue Board

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    Igal organisatsioonil on strateegilised eesmärgid, mida ta soovib saavutada. Ilma tervikliku arhitektuurita, mis kombineerib kõik erinevad elemendid - äriprotsessid, infosüsteemid, andmevood ja platvormid -, ei saa olla kindel, kas või kuidas viivad investeeringud eemärkide täitmisele. Kuna ühegi Eesti riigiasutuse kohta ei ole teadaolevalt selleteemalist uurimust tehtud, valiti selles magistritöös juhtumiuuringu näiteks Päästeamet. Magistritöös antakse esmalt süstemaatiline ülevaade erialasest kirjandusest eesmärgiga leida sobivad organisatsiooni arhitektuuri raamistikud ning kriteeriumid raamistike võrdleva analüüsi läbiviimiseks ja edasiseks hindamiseks Päästeameti näitel. Valitud allikate põhjal vastatakse uurimisküsimustele. See aitas tuvastada seitse ettevõtte arhitektuuri raamistikku, mida hinnati ja jättis alles kolm raamistikku edasiseks rakendamiseks: The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), The Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF), Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). Seejärel modelleeritakse juhtumiuuringus erinevaid raamistikke kasutades detailselt 2-3 teenust ning viiakse kirjanduse ülevaates kirjeldatud kriteeriumite abil läbi hindamine ja arutelu Päästeameti töötajatega. Juhtumiuuring ja kohapealne kohtumine päästeametis seadsid ettevõtte organisatsioonide arendamiseks organisatsiooni arhitektuuri raamistikud jaoks kõige olulisemad kaks peamist asjaolu: organiseerida arhitektuur seisukohtadesse, mis on organisatsiooni infoküsimuste struktuuri alamhulk ja mõista, kuidas organisatsiooni eesmärgid on toetatud. Töö tulemus on heaks aluseks organisatsiooni arhitektuuri edasisele arendamisele Päästeametis ja teistes Eesti riigiasutustes.Every organisation has strategic goals it wants to achieve, and if it does not have an architecture combining all different elements such as business processes, enabling information systems, data flows and platforms, it will not be sure which investments will lead to achieving which objectives. Since there has not been any research like this performed for Estonian Government Organisations, the Estonian Rescue Board is taken as an example for conducting a case study. A systematic literature review is performed, for identifying Enterprise Architecture Frameworks, criteria for performing a comparative analysis of the framework as well as for the further evaluation at the Estonian Rescue Board. The identified final papers are analysed in order to answer the Research Questions (RQ). This helped to identify seven Enterprise Architecture Frameworks, which were evaluated and left only three frameworks for further implementation: The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF), The Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF), Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). In the case study, the selected frameworks are modelled, showing 2 or 3 services in details, with further evaluation and discussion of them during the meeting at the Rescue Board, following the criteria, which are described in the literature review. Case study and on-site meeting at the Rescue Board set two main things to be the most vital while developing Enterprise Architecture Framework in the organisation: organising architecture into views that are subsets of the organisation information architecture and understanding how the goals in the organisation are supported. This can be a good backbone for further developing Enterprise Architecture in the Rescue Board, and other Estonian Government Organisations in general

    Architecture-based Qualitative Risk Analysis for Availability of IT Infrastructures

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    An IT risk assessment must deliver the best possible quality of results in a time-effective way. Organisations are used to customise the general-purpose standard risk assessment methods in a way that can satisfy their requirements. In this paper we present the QualTD Model and method, which is meant to be employed together with standard risk assessment methods for the qualitative assessment of availability risks of IT architectures, or parts of them. The QualTD Model is based on our previous quantitative model, but geared to industrial practice since it does not require quantitative data which is often too costly to acquire. We validate the model and method in a real-world case by performing a risk assessment on the authentication and authorisation system of a large multinational company and by evaluating the results w.r.t. the goals of the stakeholders of the system. We also perform a review of the most popular standard risk assessment methods and an analysis of which one can be actually integrated with our QualTD Model

    Analisis Model Enterprise Architecture Pada Sebuah Stasiun Televisi

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    Pada era modern ini suatu sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi semakin pesat dan diharapkan adanya proses pengolahan data dan arsitektur yang mendukung hal ini, salah satunya adalah model enterprise architecture (EA) yang dapat memberikan hasil yang maksimal bagi perusahaan ataupun organisasi. Dalam memenuhi kebutuhan bisnis dan mengembangkan proses bisnisnya, maka sebuah stasiun lembaga pertelevisian memerlukan suatu model enterprise architecture (EA) yang terstruktur serta dapat membantu memodelkan data, teknologi dan arsitektur sistem serta proses bisnis secara keseluruhan. Adapun hasil yang akan dicapai adalah implementasi enterprise architecture (EA) sehingga nantinya dapat bermanfaat bagi proses bisnis stasiun televisi untuk mencapai tujuan strategisnya